ref: a0e14e7117fbb05e0ebcfd891188746096531d02
dir: /opus_functions.cmake/
#[[Cmake helper function to parse source files from make files this is to avoid breaking existing make and auto make support but still have the option to use CMake with only lists at one place]] cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1) function(get_library_version OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR) file(STRINGS opus_lt_current_string LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "OPUS_LT_CURRENT=") string(REGEX MATCH "OPUS_LT_CURRENT=([0-9]*)" _ ${opus_lt_current_string}) set(OPUS_LT_CURRENT ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) file(STRINGS opus_lt_revision_string LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "OPUS_LT_REVISION=") string(REGEX MATCH "OPUS_LT_REVISION=([0-9]*)" _ ${opus_lt_revision_string}) set(OPUS_LT_REVISION ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) file(STRINGS opus_lt_age_string LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "OPUS_LT_AGE=") string(REGEX MATCH "OPUS_LT_AGE=([0-9]*)" _ ${opus_lt_age_string}) set(OPUS_LT_AGE ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) math(EXPR OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR "${OPUS_LT_CURRENT} - ${OPUS_LT_AGE}") set(OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR ${OPUS_LT_AGE}) set(OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PATCH ${OPUS_LT_REVISION}) set( OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION "${OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR}.${OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR}.${OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PATCH}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR ${OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(get_package_version PACKAGE_VERSION) find_package(Git) if(Git_FOUND AND EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/.git") execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} describe --tags --match "v*" OUTPUT_VARIABLE OPUS_PACKAGE_VERSION) if(OPUS_PACKAGE_VERSION) string(STRIP ${OPUS_PACKAGE_VERSION}, OPUS_PACKAGE_VERSION) string(REPLACE \n "" OPUS_PACKAGE_VERSION ${OPUS_PACKAGE_VERSION}) string(REPLACE , "" OPUS_PACKAGE_VERSION ${OPUS_PACKAGE_VERSION}) string(SUBSTRING ${OPUS_PACKAGE_VERSION} 1 -1 OPUS_PACKAGE_VERSION) set(PACKAGE_VERSION ${OPUS_PACKAGE_VERSION} PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() endif() if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/package_version") # Not a git repo, lets' try to parse it from package_version file if exists file(STRINGS package_version opus_package_version_string LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "PACKAGE_VERSION=") string(REPLACE "PACKAGE_VERSION=" "" opus_package_version_string ${opus_package_version_string}) string(REPLACE "\"" "" opus_package_version_string ${opus_package_version_string}) # In case we have a unknown dist here we just replace it with 0 string(REPLACE "unknown" "0" opus_package_version_string ${opus_package_version_string}) set(PACKAGE_VERSION ${opus_package_version_string} PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() # if all else fails set to 0 set(PACKAGE_VERSION 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(check_and_set_flag NAME FLAG) include(CheckCCompilerFlag) check_c_compiler_flag(${FLAG} ${NAME}_SUPPORTED) if(${NAME}_SUPPORTED) add_definitions(${FLAG}) endif() endfunction() function(check_flag NAME FLAG) include(CheckCCompilerFlag) check_c_compiler_flag(${FLAG} ${NAME}_SUPPORTED) endfunction() include(CheckIncludeFile) # function to check if compiler supports SSE, SSE2, SSE4.1 and AVX if target # systems may not have SSE support then use OPUS_MAY_HAVE_SSE option if target # system is guaranteed to have SSE support then OPUS_PRESUME_SSE can be used to # skip SSE runtime check function(opus_detect_sse COMPILER_SUPPORT_SIMD) message(STATUS "Check SIMD support by compiler") check_include_file(xmmintrin.h HAVE_XMMINTRIN_H) # SSE1 if(HAVE_XMMINTRIN_H) if(MSVC) # different arch options for 32 and 64 bit target for MSVC if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) check_flag(SSE1 /arch:SSE) else() set(SSE1_SUPPORTED 1 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() else() check_flag(SSE1 -msse) endif() else() set(SSE1_SUPPORTED 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() check_include_file(emmintrin.h HAVE_EMMINTRIN_H) # SSE2 if(HAVE_EMMINTRIN_H) if(MSVC) if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) check_flag(SSE2 /arch:SSE2) else() set(SSE2_SUPPORTED 1 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() else() check_flag(SSE2 -msse2) endif() else() set(SSE2_SUPPORTED 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() check_include_file(smmintrin.h HAVE_SMMINTRIN_H) # SSE4.1 if(HAVE_SMMINTRIN_H) if(MSVC) if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) check_flag(SSE4_1 /arch:SSE2) # SSE2 and above else() set(SSE4_1_SUPPORTED 1 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() else() check_flag(SSE4_1 -msse4.1) endif() else() set(SSE4_1_SUPPORTED 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() check_include_file(immintrin.h HAVE_IMMINTRIN_H) # AVX if(HAVE_IMMINTRIN_H) if(MSVC) check_flag(AVX /arch:AVX) else() check_flag(AVX -mavx) endif() else() set(AVX_SUPPORTED 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() if(SSE1_SUPPORTED OR SSE2_SUPPORTED OR SSE4_1_SUPPORTED OR AVX_SUPPORTED) set(COMPILER_SUPPORT_SIMD 1 PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(STATUS "No SIMD support in compiler") endif() endfunction() function(opus_detect_neon COMPILER_SUPPORT_NEON) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "(arm|aarch64)") message(STATUS "Check NEON support by compiler") check_include_file(arm_neon.h HAVE_ARM_NEON_H) if(HAVE_ARM_NEON_H) set(COMPILER_SUPPORT_NEON ${HAVE_ARM_NEON_H} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction() function(opus_supports_cpu_detection RUNTIME_CPU_CAPABILITY_DETECTION) if(MSVC) check_include_file(intrin.h HAVE_INTRIN_H) else() check_include_file(cpuid.h HAVE_CPUID_H) endif() if(HAVE_INTRIN_H OR HAVE_CPUID_H) set(RUNTIME_CPU_CAPABILITY_DETECTION 1 PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "(arm|aarch64)") # ARM cpu detection is implemented for Windows and anything # using a Linux kernel (such as Android). if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "(Windows|Linux|Android)") set(RUNTIME_CPU_CAPABILITY_DETECTION 1 PARENT_SCOPE) endif () else() set(RUNTIME_CPU_CAPABILITY_DETECTION 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(add_sources_group target group) target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${ARGN}) source_group(${group} FILES ${ARGN}) endfunction() function(get_opus_sources SOURCE_GROUP MAKE_FILE SOURCES) # read file, each item in list is one group file(STRINGS ${MAKE_FILE} opus_sources) # add wildcard for regex match string(CONCAT SOURCE_GROUP ${SOURCE_GROUP} ".*$") # find group foreach(val IN LISTS opus_sources) if(val MATCHES ${SOURCE_GROUP}) list(LENGTH val list_length) if(${list_length} EQUAL 1) # for tests split by '=' and clean up the rest into a list string(FIND ${val} "=" index) math(EXPR index "${index} + 1") string(SUBSTRING ${val} ${index} -1 sources) string(REPLACE " " ";" sources ${sources}) else() # discard the group list(REMOVE_AT val 0) set(sources ${val}) endif() break() endif() endforeach() list(LENGTH sources list_length) if(${list_length} LESS 1) message( FATAL_ERROR "No files parsed succesfully from ${SOURCE_GROUP} in ${MAKE_FILE}") endif() # remove trailing whitespaces set(list_var "") foreach(source ${sources}) string(STRIP "${source}" source) list(APPEND list_var "${source}") endforeach() set(${SOURCES} ${list_var} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()