ref: 9d48deb89985d6e88895fe6596850f9287da35b8
dir: /silk/silk_debug.h/
/*********************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2006-2011, Skype Limited. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of Skype Limited, nor the names of specific contributors, may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ***********************************************************************/ #ifndef _SILK_DEBUG_H_ #define _SILK_DEBUG_H_ #ifdef _WIN32 #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE 1 #endif #include "silk_typedef.h" #include <stdio.h> /* file writing */ #include <string.h> /* strcpy, strcmp */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif unsigned long GetHighResolutionTime(void); /* O: time in usec*/ /* make SILK_DEBUG dependent on compiler's _DEBUG */ #if defined _WIN32 #ifdef _DEBUG #define SILK_DEBUG 1 #else #define SILK_DEBUG 0 #endif /* overrule the above */ #if 0 /* #define NO_ASSERTS*/ #undef SILK_DEBUG #define SILK_DEBUG 1 #endif #else #define SILK_DEBUG 0 #endif /* Flag for using timers */ #define SILK_TIC_TOC 0 #if SILK_TIC_TOC #if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WINCE)) #include <windows.h> /* timer */ #pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) /* stop bitching about strcpy in TIC()*/ #else /* Linux or Mac*/ #include <sys/time.h> #endif /*********************************/ /* timer functions for profiling */ /*********************************/ /* example: */ /* */ /* TIC(LPC) */ /* do_LPC(in_vec, order, acoef); // do LPC analysis */ /* TOC(LPC) */ /* */ /* and call the following just before exiting (from main) */ /* */ /* silk_TimerSave("SKP_TimingData.txt"); */ /* */ /* results are now in SKP_TimingData.txt */ void silk_TimerSave(char *file_name); /* max number of timers (in different locations) */ #define SKP_NUM_TIMERS_MAX 50 /* max length of name tags in TIC(..), TOC(..) */ #define SKP_NUM_TIMERS_MAX_TAG_LEN 30 extern int silk_Timer_nTimers; extern int silk_Timer_depth_ctr; extern char silk_Timer_tags[SKP_NUM_TIMERS_MAX][SKP_NUM_TIMERS_MAX_TAG_LEN]; #ifdef _WIN32 extern LARGE_INTEGER silk_Timer_start[SKP_NUM_TIMERS_MAX]; #else extern unsigned long silk_Timer_start[SKP_NUM_TIMERS_MAX]; #endif extern unsigned int silk_Timer_cnt[SKP_NUM_TIMERS_MAX]; extern opus_int64 silk_Timer_sum[SKP_NUM_TIMERS_MAX]; extern opus_int64 silk_Timer_max[SKP_NUM_TIMERS_MAX]; extern opus_int64 silk_Timer_min[SKP_NUM_TIMERS_MAX]; extern opus_int64 silk_Timer_depth[SKP_NUM_TIMERS_MAX]; /* WARNING: TIC()/TOC can measure only up to 0.1 seconds at a time */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define TIC(TAG_NAME) { \ static int init = 0; \ static int ID = -1; \ if( init == 0 ) \ { \ int k; \ init = 1; \ for( k = 0; k < silk_Timer_nTimers; k++ ) { \ if( strcmp(silk_Timer_tags[k], #TAG_NAME) == 0 ) { \ ID = k; \ break; \ } \ } \ if (ID == -1) { \ ID = silk_Timer_nTimers; \ silk_Timer_nTimers++; \ silk_Timer_depth[ID] = silk_Timer_depth_ctr; \ strcpy(silk_Timer_tags[ID], #TAG_NAME); \ silk_Timer_cnt[ID] = 0; \ silk_Timer_sum[ID] = 0; \ silk_Timer_min[ID] = 0xFFFFFFFF; \ silk_Timer_max[ID] = 0; \ } \ } \ silk_Timer_depth_ctr++; \ QueryPerformanceCounter(&silk_Timer_start[ID]); \ } #else #define TIC(TAG_NAME) { \ static int init = 0; \ static int ID = -1; \ if( init == 0 ) \ { \ int k; \ init = 1; \ for( k = 0; k < silk_Timer_nTimers; k++ ) { \ if( strcmp(silk_Timer_tags[k], #TAG_NAME) == 0 ) { \ ID = k; \ break; \ } \ } \ if (ID == -1) { \ ID = silk_Timer_nTimers; \ silk_Timer_nTimers++; \ silk_Timer_depth[ID] = silk_Timer_depth_ctr; \ strcpy(silk_Timer_tags[ID], #TAG_NAME); \ silk_Timer_cnt[ID] = 0; \ silk_Timer_sum[ID] = 0; \ silk_Timer_min[ID] = 0xFFFFFFFF; \ silk_Timer_max[ID] = 0; \ } \ } \ silk_Timer_depth_ctr++; \ silk_Timer_start[ID] = GetHighResolutionTime(); \ } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define TOC(TAG_NAME) { \ LARGE_INTEGER lpPerformanceCount; \ static int init = 0; \ static int ID = 0; \ if( init == 0 ) \ { \ int k; \ init = 1; \ for( k = 0; k < silk_Timer_nTimers; k++ ) { \ if( strcmp(silk_Timer_tags[k], #TAG_NAME) == 0 ) { \ ID = k; \ break; \ } \ } \ } \ QueryPerformanceCounter(&lpPerformanceCount); \ lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart -= silk_Timer_start[ID].QuadPart; \ if((lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart < 100000000) && \ (lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart >= 0)) { \ silk_Timer_cnt[ID]++; \ silk_Timer_sum[ID] += lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart; \ if( lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart > silk_Timer_max[ID] ) \ silk_Timer_max[ID] = lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart; \ if( lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart < silk_Timer_min[ID] ) \ silk_Timer_min[ID] = lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart; \ } \ silk_Timer_depth_ctr--; \ } #else #define TOC(TAG_NAME) { \ unsigned long endTime; \ static int init = 0; \ static int ID = 0; \ if( init == 0 ) \ { \ int k; \ init = 1; \ for( k = 0; k < silk_Timer_nTimers; k++ ) { \ if( strcmp(silk_Timer_tags[k], #TAG_NAME) == 0 ) { \ ID = k; \ break; \ } \ } \ } \ endTime = GetHighResolutionTime(); \ endTime -= silk_Timer_start[ID]; \ if((endTime < 100000000) && \ (endTime >= 0)) { \ silk_Timer_cnt[ID]++; \ silk_Timer_sum[ID] += endTime; \ if( endTime > silk_Timer_max[ID] ) \ silk_Timer_max[ID] = endTime; \ if( endTime < silk_Timer_min[ID] ) \ silk_Timer_min[ID] = endTime; \ } \ silk_Timer_depth_ctr--; \ } #endif #else /* SILK_TIC_TOC */ /* define macros as empty strings */ #define TIC(TAG_NAME) #define TOC(TAG_NAME) #define silk_TimerSave(FILE_NAME) #endif /* SILK_TIC_TOC */ #if SILK_DEBUG /************************************/ /* write data to file for debugging */ /************************************/ /* opens an empty file if this file has not yet been open, then writes to the file and closes it */ /* if file has been open previously it is opened again and the fwrite is appending, finally it is closed */ #define SAVE_DATA( FILE_NAME, DATA_PTR, N_BYTES ) { \ static opus_int32 init = 0; \ FILE *fp; \ if (init == 0) { \ init = 1; \ fp = fopen(#FILE_NAME, "wb"); \ } else { \ fp = fopen(#FILE_NAME, "ab+"); \ } \ fwrite((DATA_PTR), (N_BYTES), 1, fp); \ fclose(fp); \ } /* Example: DEBUG_STORE_DATA(testfile.pcm, &RIN[0], 160*sizeof(opus_int16)); */ #if 0 /* Ensure that everything is written to files when an assert breaks */ #define DEBUG_STORE_DATA(FILE_NAME, DATA_PTR, N_BYTES) SAVE_DATA(FILE_NAME, DATA_PTR, N_BYTES) #define SILK_DEBUG_STORE_CLOSE_FILES #else #define SKP_NUM_STORES_MAX 100 extern FILE *silk_debug_store_fp[ SKP_NUM_STORES_MAX ]; extern int silk_debug_store_count; /* Faster way of storing the data */ #define DEBUG_STORE_DATA( FILE_NAME, DATA_PTR, N_BYTES ) { \ static opus_int init = 0, cnt = 0; \ static FILE **fp; \ if (init == 0) { \ init = 1; \ cnt = silk_debug_store_count++; \ silk_debug_store_fp[ cnt ] = fopen(#FILE_NAME, "wb"); \ } \ fwrite((DATA_PTR), (N_BYTES), 1, silk_debug_store_fp[ cnt ]); \ } /* Call this at the end of main() */ #define SILK_DEBUG_STORE_CLOSE_FILES { \ opus_int i; \ for( i = 0; i < silk_debug_store_count; i++ ) { \ fclose( silk_debug_store_fp[ i ] ); \ } \ } #endif /* micro sec */ #define SKP_GETTIME(void) time = (opus_int64) silk_GetHighResolutionTime(); #else /* SILK_DEBUG */ /* define macros as empty strings */ #define DEBUG_STORE_DATA(FILE_NAME, DATA_PTR, N_BYTES) #define SAVE_DATA(FILE_NAME, DATA_PTR, N_BYTES) #define SILK_DEBUG_STORE_CLOSE_FILES #endif /* SILK_DEBUG */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _SILK_DEBUG_H_ */