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dir: /src_common/SKP_Silk_NSQ_del_dec.c/

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#include "SKP_Silk_main.h"

typedef struct {
    SKP_int32 RandState[ DECISION_DELAY ];
    SKP_int32 Q_Q10[     DECISION_DELAY ];
    SKP_int32 Xq_Q10[    DECISION_DELAY ];
    SKP_int32 Pred_Q16[  DECISION_DELAY ];
    SKP_int32 Shape_Q10[ DECISION_DELAY ];
    SKP_int32 Gain_Q16[  DECISION_DELAY ];
    SKP_int32 sAR2_Q14[ MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER ];
    SKP_int32 LF_AR_Q12;
    SKP_int32 Seed;
    SKP_int32 SeedInit;
    SKP_int32 RD_Q10;
} NSQ_del_dec_struct;

typedef struct {
    SKP_int32 Q_Q10;
    SKP_int32 RD_Q10;
    SKP_int32 xq_Q14;
    SKP_int32 LF_AR_Q12;
    SKP_int32 sLTP_shp_Q10;
    SKP_int32 LPC_exc_Q16;
} NSQ_sample_struct;

SKP_INLINE void SKP_Silk_copy_del_dec_state(
    NSQ_del_dec_struct  *DD_dst,                /* I    Dst del dec state                   */
    NSQ_del_dec_struct  *DD_src,                /* I    Src del dec state                   */
    SKP_int             LPC_state_idx           /* I    Index to LPC buffer                 */

SKP_INLINE void SKP_Silk_nsq_del_dec_scale_states(
    SKP_Silk_nsq_state  *NSQ,                   /* I/O  NSQ state                           */
    NSQ_del_dec_struct  psDelDec[],             /* I/O  Delayed decision states             */
    const SKP_int16     x[],                    /* I    Input in Q0                         */
    SKP_int32           x_sc_Q10[],             /* O    Input scaled with 1/Gain in Q10     */
    SKP_int             length,                 /* I    Length of input                     */
    SKP_int16           sLTP[],                 /* I    Re-whitened LTP state in Q0         */
    SKP_int32           sLTP_Q16[],             /* O    LTP state matching scaled input     */
    SKP_int             subfr,                  /* I    Subframe number                     */
    SKP_int             nStatesDelayedDecision, /* I    Number of del dec states            */
    SKP_int             smpl_buf_idx,           /* I    Index to newest samples in buffers  */
    const SKP_int       LTP_scale_Q14,          /* I    LTP state scaling                   */
    const SKP_int32     Gains_Q16[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],  /* I                                        */
    const SKP_int       pitchL[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ]      /* I    Pitch lag                           */

/* Noise shape quantizer for one subframe */
SKP_INLINE void SKP_Silk_noise_shape_quantizer_del_dec(
    SKP_Silk_nsq_state  *NSQ,                   /* I/O  NSQ state                           */
    NSQ_del_dec_struct  psDelDec[],             /* I/O  Delayed decision states             */
    SKP_int             sigtype,                /* I    Signal type                         */
    const SKP_int32     x_Q10[],                /* I                                        */
    SKP_int8            q[],                    /* O                                        */
    SKP_int16           xq[],                   /* O                                        */
    SKP_int32           sLTP_Q16[],             /* I/O  LTP filter state                    */
    const SKP_int16     a_Q12[],                /* I    Short term prediction coefs         */
    const SKP_int16     b_Q14[],                /* I    Long term prediction coefs          */
    const SKP_int16     AR_shp_Q13[],           /* I    Noise shaping coefs                 */
    SKP_int             lag,                    /* I    Pitch lag                           */
    SKP_int32           HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14, /* I                                        */
    SKP_int             Tilt_Q14,               /* I    Spectral tilt                       */
    SKP_int32           LF_shp_Q14,             /* I                                        */
    SKP_int32           Gain_Q16,               /* I                                        */
    SKP_int             Lambda_Q10,             /* I                                        */
    SKP_int             offset_Q10,             /* I                                        */
    SKP_int             length,                 /* I    Input length                        */
    SKP_int             subfr,                  /* I    Subframe number                     */
    SKP_int             shapingLPCOrder,        /* I    Shaping LPC filter order            */
    SKP_int             predictLPCOrder,        /* I    Prediction filter order             */
    SKP_int             warping_Q16,            /* I                                        */
    SKP_int             nStatesDelayedDecision, /* I    Number of states in decision tree   */
    SKP_int             *smpl_buf_idx,          /* I    Index to newest samples in buffers  */
    SKP_int             decisionDelay           /* I                                        */

void SKP_Silk_NSQ_del_dec(
    SKP_Silk_encoder_state          *psEncC,                                    /* I/O  Encoder State                       */
    SKP_Silk_encoder_control        *psEncCtrlC,                                /* I    Encoder Control                     */
    SKP_Silk_nsq_state              *NSQ,                                       /* I/O  NSQ state                           */
    const SKP_int16                 x[],                                        /* I    Prefiltered input signal            */
    SKP_int8                        q[],                                        /* O    Quantized pulse signal              */
    const SKP_int                   LSFInterpFactor_Q2,                         /* I    LSF interpolation factor in Q2      */
    const SKP_int16                 PredCoef_Q12[ 2 * MAX_LPC_ORDER ],          /* I    Prediction coefs                    */
    const SKP_int16                 LTPCoef_Q14[ LTP_ORDER * MAX_NB_SUBFR ],        /* I    LT prediction coefs                 */
    const SKP_int16                 AR2_Q13[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER ],  /* I                                        */
    const SKP_int                   HarmShapeGain_Q14[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],              /* I                                        */
    const SKP_int                   Tilt_Q14[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],                       /* I    Spectral tilt                       */
    const SKP_int32                 LF_shp_Q14[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],                     /* I                                        */
    const SKP_int32                 Gains_Q16[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],                      /* I                                        */
    const SKP_int                   Lambda_Q10,                                 /* I                                        */
    const SKP_int                   LTP_scale_Q14                               /* I    LTP state scaling                   */
    SKP_int     i, k, lag, start_idx, LSF_interpolation_flag, Winner_ind, subfr;
    SKP_int     last_smple_idx, smpl_buf_idx, decisionDelay, subfr_length;
    const SKP_int16 *A_Q12, *B_Q14, *AR_shp_Q13;
    SKP_int16   *pxq;
    SKP_int32   sLTP_Q16[ 2 * MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
    SKP_int16   sLTP[     2 * MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
    SKP_int32   HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14;
    SKP_int     offset_Q10;
    SKP_int32   FiltState[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ], RDmin_Q10;
    SKP_int32   x_sc_Q10[ MAX_SUB_FRAME_LENGTH ];
    NSQ_del_dec_struct psDelDec[ MAX_DEL_DEC_STATES ];
    NSQ_del_dec_struct *psDD;

    subfr_length = psEncC->subfr_length;

    /* Set unvoiced lag to the previous one, overwrite later for voiced */
    lag = NSQ->lagPrev;

    SKP_assert( NSQ->prev_inv_gain_Q16 != 0 );

    /* Initialize delayed decision states */
    SKP_memset( psDelDec, 0, psEncC->nStatesDelayedDecision * sizeof( NSQ_del_dec_struct ) );
    for( k = 0; k < psEncC->nStatesDelayedDecision; k++ ) {
        psDD                 = &psDelDec[ k ];
        psDD->Seed           = ( k + psEncCtrlC->Seed ) & 3;
        psDD->SeedInit       = psDD->Seed;
        psDD->RD_Q10         = 0;
        psDD->LF_AR_Q12      = NSQ->sLF_AR_shp_Q12;
        psDD->Shape_Q10[ 0 ] = NSQ->sLTP_shp_Q10[ psEncC->ltp_mem_length - 1 ];
        SKP_memcpy( psDD->sLPC_Q14, NSQ->sLPC_Q14, NSQ_LPC_BUF_LENGTH * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );
        SKP_memcpy( psDD->sAR2_Q14, NSQ->sAR2_Q14, sizeof( NSQ->sAR2_Q14 ) );

    offset_Q10   = SKP_Silk_Quantization_Offsets_Q10[ psEncCtrlC->sigtype ][ psEncCtrlC->QuantOffsetType ];
    smpl_buf_idx = 0; /* index of oldest samples */

    decisionDelay = SKP_min_int( DECISION_DELAY, subfr_length );
    /* For voiced frames limit the decision delay to lower than the pitch lag */
    if( psEncCtrlC->sigtype == SIG_TYPE_VOICED ) {
        for( k = 0; k < psEncC->nb_subfr; k++ ) {
            decisionDelay = SKP_min_int( decisionDelay, psEncCtrlC->pitchL[ k ] - LTP_ORDER / 2 - 1 );

    if( LSFInterpFactor_Q2 == ( 1 << 2 ) ) {
        LSF_interpolation_flag = 0;
    } else {
        LSF_interpolation_flag = 1;

    /* Setup pointers to start of sub frame */
    pxq                   = &NSQ->xq[ psEncC->ltp_mem_length ];
    NSQ->sLTP_shp_buf_idx = psEncC->ltp_mem_length;
    NSQ->sLTP_buf_idx     = psEncC->ltp_mem_length;
    subfr = 0;
    for( k = 0; k < psEncC->nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        A_Q12      = &PredCoef_Q12[ ( ( k >> 1 ) | ( 1 - LSF_interpolation_flag ) ) * MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
        B_Q14      = &LTPCoef_Q14[ k * LTP_ORDER           ];
        AR_shp_Q13 = &AR2_Q13[     k * MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER ];

        NSQ->rewhite_flag = 0;
        if( psEncCtrlC->sigtype == SIG_TYPE_VOICED ) {
            /* Voiced */
            lag = psEncCtrlC->pitchL[ k ];

            /* Re-whitening */
            if( ( k & ( 3 - SKP_LSHIFT( LSF_interpolation_flag, 1 ) ) ) == 0 ) {
                if( k == 2 ) {
                    /* RESET DELAYED DECISIONS */
                    /* Find winner */
                    RDmin_Q10 = psDelDec[ 0 ].RD_Q10;
                    Winner_ind = 0;
                    for( i = 1; i < psEncC->nStatesDelayedDecision; i++ ) {
                        if( psDelDec[ i ].RD_Q10 < RDmin_Q10 ) {
                            RDmin_Q10 = psDelDec[ i ].RD_Q10;
                            Winner_ind = i;
                    for( i = 0; i < psEncC->nStatesDelayedDecision; i++ ) {
                        if( i != Winner_ind ) {
                            psDelDec[ i ].RD_Q10 += ( SKP_int32_MAX >> 4 );
                            SKP_assert( psDelDec[ i ].RD_Q10 >= 0 );
                    /* Copy final part of signals from winner state to output and long-term filter states */
                    psDD = &psDelDec[ Winner_ind ];
                    last_smple_idx = smpl_buf_idx + decisionDelay;
                    for( i = 0; i < decisionDelay; i++ ) {
                        last_smple_idx = ( last_smple_idx - 1 ) & DECISION_DELAY_MASK;
                        q[   i - decisionDelay ] = ( SKP_int )SKP_RSHIFT( psDD->Q_Q10[ last_smple_idx ], 10 );
                        pxq[ i - decisionDelay ] = ( SKP_int16 )SKP_SAT16( SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( 
                            SKP_SMULWW( psDD->Xq_Q10[ last_smple_idx ], 
                            psDD->Gain_Q16[ last_smple_idx ] ), 10 ) );
                        NSQ->sLTP_shp_Q10[ NSQ->sLTP_shp_buf_idx - decisionDelay + i ] = psDD->Shape_Q10[ last_smple_idx ];

                    subfr = 0;

                /* Rewhiten with new A coefs */
                start_idx = psEncC->ltp_mem_length - lag - psEncC->predictLPCOrder - LTP_ORDER / 2;
                start_idx = SKP_LIMIT_int( start_idx, 0, psEncC->ltp_mem_length - psEncC->predictLPCOrder );
                SKP_memset( FiltState, 0, psEncC->predictLPCOrder * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );
                SKP_Silk_MA_Prediction( &NSQ->xq[ start_idx + k * psEncC->subfr_length ], 
                    A_Q12, FiltState, sLTP + start_idx, psEncC->ltp_mem_length - start_idx, psEncC->predictLPCOrder );

                NSQ->sLTP_buf_idx = psEncC->ltp_mem_length;
                NSQ->rewhite_flag = 1;

        /* Noise shape parameters */
        SKP_assert( HarmShapeGain_Q14[ k ] >= 0 );
        HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14  =                          SKP_RSHIFT( HarmShapeGain_Q14[ k ], 2 );
        HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14 |= SKP_LSHIFT( ( SKP_int32 )SKP_RSHIFT( HarmShapeGain_Q14[ k ], 1 ), 16 );

        SKP_Silk_nsq_del_dec_scale_states( NSQ, psDelDec, x, x_sc_Q10, 
            subfr_length, sLTP, sLTP_Q16, k, psEncC->nStatesDelayedDecision, smpl_buf_idx,
            LTP_scale_Q14, Gains_Q16, psEncCtrlC->pitchL );

        SKP_Silk_noise_shape_quantizer_del_dec( NSQ, psDelDec, psEncCtrlC->sigtype, x_sc_Q10, q, pxq, sLTP_Q16,
            A_Q12, B_Q14, AR_shp_Q13, lag, HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14, Tilt_Q14[ k ], LF_shp_Q14[ k ], Gains_Q16[ k ], 
            Lambda_Q10, offset_Q10, psEncC->subfr_length, subfr++, psEncC->shapingLPCOrder, psEncC->predictLPCOrder, 
            psEncCtrlC->warping_Q16, psEncC->nStatesDelayedDecision, &smpl_buf_idx, decisionDelay );
        x   += psEncC->subfr_length;
        q   += psEncC->subfr_length;
        pxq += psEncC->subfr_length;

    /* Find winner */
    RDmin_Q10 = psDelDec[ 0 ].RD_Q10;
    Winner_ind = 0;
    for( k = 1; k < psEncC->nStatesDelayedDecision; k++ ) {
        if( psDelDec[ k ].RD_Q10 < RDmin_Q10 ) {
            RDmin_Q10 = psDelDec[ k ].RD_Q10;
            Winner_ind = k;
    /* Copy final part of signals from winner state to output and long-term filter states */
    psDD = &psDelDec[ Winner_ind ];
    psEncCtrlC->Seed = psDD->SeedInit;
    last_smple_idx = smpl_buf_idx + decisionDelay;
    for( i = 0; i < decisionDelay; i++ ) {
        last_smple_idx = ( last_smple_idx - 1 ) & DECISION_DELAY_MASK;
        q[   i - decisionDelay ] = ( SKP_int8 )SKP_RSHIFT( psDD->Q_Q10[ last_smple_idx ], 10 );
        pxq[ i - decisionDelay ] = ( SKP_int16 )SKP_SAT16( SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( 
            SKP_SMULWW( psDD->Xq_Q10[ last_smple_idx ], psDD->Gain_Q16[ last_smple_idx ] ), 10 ) );
        NSQ->sLTP_shp_Q10[ NSQ->sLTP_shp_buf_idx - decisionDelay + i ] = psDD->Shape_Q10[ last_smple_idx ];
        sLTP_Q16[          NSQ->sLTP_buf_idx     - decisionDelay + i ] = psDD->Pred_Q16[  last_smple_idx ];
    SKP_memcpy( NSQ->sLPC_Q14, &psDD->sLPC_Q14[ psEncC->subfr_length ], NSQ_LPC_BUF_LENGTH * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );
    SKP_memcpy( NSQ->sAR2_Q14, psDD->sAR2_Q14, sizeof( psDD->sAR2_Q14 ) );

    /* Update states */
    NSQ->sLF_AR_shp_Q12    = psDD->LF_AR_Q12;
    NSQ->lagPrev           = psEncCtrlC->pitchL[ psEncC->nb_subfr - 1 ];

    /* Save quantized speech and noise shaping signals */
    SKP_memmove( NSQ->xq,           &NSQ->xq[           psEncC->frame_length ], psEncC->ltp_mem_length * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );
    SKP_memmove( NSQ->sLTP_shp_Q10, &NSQ->sLTP_shp_Q10[ psEncC->frame_length ], psEncC->ltp_mem_length * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );

    DEBUG_STORE_DATA( sLTP_Q16, &sLTP_Q16[ psEncC->frame_length ], psEncC->frame_length * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );
    DEBUG_STORE_DATA( xq.dat, &NSQ->xq[ psEncC->ltp_mem_length - psEncC->frame_length], psEncC->frame_length * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );

/* Noise shape quantizer for one subframe */
SKP_INLINE void SKP_Silk_noise_shape_quantizer_del_dec(
    SKP_Silk_nsq_state  *NSQ,                   /* I/O  NSQ state                           */
    NSQ_del_dec_struct  psDelDec[],             /* I/O  Delayed decision states             */
    SKP_int             sigtype,                /* I    Signal type                         */
    const SKP_int32     x_Q10[],                /* I                                        */
    SKP_int8            q[],                    /* O                                        */
    SKP_int16           xq[],                   /* O                                        */
    SKP_int32           sLTP_Q16[],             /* I/O  LTP filter state                    */
    const SKP_int16     a_Q12[],                /* I    Short term prediction coefs         */
    const SKP_int16     b_Q14[],                /* I    Long term prediction coefs          */
    const SKP_int16     AR_shp_Q13[],           /* I    Noise shaping coefs                 */
    SKP_int             lag,                    /* I    Pitch lag                           */
    SKP_int32           HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14, /* I                                        */
    SKP_int             Tilt_Q14,               /* I    Spectral tilt                       */
    SKP_int32           LF_shp_Q14,             /* I                                        */
    SKP_int32           Gain_Q16,               /* I                                        */
    SKP_int             Lambda_Q10,             /* I                                        */
    SKP_int             offset_Q10,             /* I                                        */
    SKP_int             length,                 /* I    Input length                        */
    SKP_int             subfr,                  /* I    Subframe number                     */
    SKP_int             shapingLPCOrder,        /* I    Shaping LPC filter order            */
    SKP_int             predictLPCOrder,        /* I    Prediction filter order             */
    SKP_int             warping_Q16,            /* I                                        */
    SKP_int             nStatesDelayedDecision, /* I    Number of states in decision tree   */
    SKP_int             *smpl_buf_idx,          /* I    Index to newest samples in buffers  */
    SKP_int             decisionDelay           /* I                                        */
    SKP_int     i, j, k, Winner_ind, RDmin_ind, RDmax_ind, last_smple_idx;
    SKP_int32   Winner_rand_state;
    SKP_int32   LTP_pred_Q14, LPC_pred_Q10, n_AR_Q10, n_LTP_Q14;
    SKP_int32   n_LF_Q10, r_Q10, rr_Q20, rd1_Q10, rd2_Q10, RDmin_Q10, RDmax_Q10;
    SKP_int32   q1_Q10, q2_Q10, dither, exc_Q10, LPC_exc_Q10, xq_Q10;
    SKP_int32   tmp1, tmp2, sLF_AR_shp_Q10;
    SKP_int32   *pred_lag_ptr, *shp_lag_ptr, *psLPC_Q14;
    NSQ_sample_struct  psSampleState[ MAX_DEL_DEC_STATES ][ 2 ];
    NSQ_del_dec_struct *psDD;
    NSQ_sample_struct  *psSS;

    shp_lag_ptr  = &NSQ->sLTP_shp_Q10[ NSQ->sLTP_shp_buf_idx - lag + HARM_SHAPE_FIR_TAPS / 2 ];
    pred_lag_ptr = &sLTP_Q16[ NSQ->sLTP_buf_idx - lag + LTP_ORDER / 2 ];

    for( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
        /* Perform common calculations used in all states */

        /* Long-term prediction */
        if( sigtype == SIG_TYPE_VOICED ) {
            /* Unrolled loop */
            LTP_pred_Q14 = SKP_SMULWB(               pred_lag_ptr[  0 ], b_Q14[ 0 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q14 = SKP_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q14, pred_lag_ptr[ -1 ], b_Q14[ 1 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q14 = SKP_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q14, pred_lag_ptr[ -2 ], b_Q14[ 2 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q14 = SKP_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q14, pred_lag_ptr[ -3 ], b_Q14[ 3 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q14 = SKP_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q14, pred_lag_ptr[ -4 ], b_Q14[ 4 ] );
        } else {
            LTP_pred_Q14 = 0;

        /* Long-term shaping */
        if( lag > 0 ) {
            /* Symmetric, packed FIR coefficients */
            n_LTP_Q14 = SKP_SMULWB( SKP_ADD32( shp_lag_ptr[ 0 ], shp_lag_ptr[ -2 ] ), HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14 );
            n_LTP_Q14 = SKP_SMLAWT( n_LTP_Q14, shp_lag_ptr[ -1 ],                     HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14 );
            n_LTP_Q14 = SKP_LSHIFT( n_LTP_Q14, 6 );
        } else {
            n_LTP_Q14 = 0;

        for( k = 0; k < nStatesDelayedDecision; k++ ) {
            /* Delayed decision state */
            psDD = &psDelDec[ k ];

            /* Sample state */
            psSS = psSampleState[ k ];

            /* Generate dither */
            psDD->Seed = SKP_RAND( psDD->Seed );

            /* dither = rand_seed < 0 ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0; */
            dither = SKP_RSHIFT( psDD->Seed, 31 );
            /* Pointer used in short term prediction and shaping */
            psLPC_Q14 = &psDD->sLPC_Q14[ NSQ_LPC_BUF_LENGTH - 1 + i ];
            /* Short-term prediction */
            SKP_assert( predictLPCOrder >= 10 );            /* check that unrolling works */
            SKP_assert( ( predictLPCOrder  & 1 ) == 0 );    /* check that order is even */
            SKP_assert( ( (SKP_int64)a_Q12 & 3 ) == 0 );    /* check that array starts at 4-byte aligned address */
            /* Partially unrolled */
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMULWB(               psLPC_Q14[  0 ], a_Q12[ 0 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psLPC_Q14[ -1 ], a_Q12[ 1 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psLPC_Q14[ -2 ], a_Q12[ 2 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psLPC_Q14[ -3 ], a_Q12[ 3 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psLPC_Q14[ -4 ], a_Q12[ 4 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psLPC_Q14[ -5 ], a_Q12[ 5 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psLPC_Q14[ -6 ], a_Q12[ 6 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psLPC_Q14[ -7 ], a_Q12[ 7 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psLPC_Q14[ -8 ], a_Q12[ 8 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psLPC_Q14[ -9 ], a_Q12[ 9 ] );
            for( j = 10; j < predictLPCOrder; j ++ ) {
                LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psLPC_Q14[ -j ], a_Q12[ j ] );

            /* Noise shape feedback */
            SKP_assert( ( shapingLPCOrder & 1 ) == 0 );   /* check that order is even */
            /* Output of lowpass section */
            tmp2 = SKP_SMLAWB( psLPC_Q14[ 0 ], psDD->sAR2_Q14[ 0 ], warping_Q16 );
            /* Output of allpass section */
            tmp1 = SKP_SMLAWB( psDD->sAR2_Q14[ 0 ], psDD->sAR2_Q14[ 1 ] - tmp2, warping_Q16 );
            psDD->sAR2_Q14[ 0 ] = tmp2;
            n_AR_Q10 = SKP_SMULWB( tmp2, AR_shp_Q13[ 0 ] );
            /* Loop over allpass sections */
            for( j = 2; j < shapingLPCOrder; j += 2 ) {
                /* Output of allpass section */
                tmp2 = SKP_SMLAWB( psDD->sAR2_Q14[ j - 1 ], psDD->sAR2_Q14[ j + 0 ] - tmp1, warping_Q16 );
                psDD->sAR2_Q14[ j - 1 ] = tmp1;
                n_AR_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( n_AR_Q10, tmp1, AR_shp_Q13[ j - 1 ] );
                /* Output of allpass section */
                tmp1 = SKP_SMLAWB( psDD->sAR2_Q14[ j + 0 ], psDD->sAR2_Q14[ j + 1 ] - tmp2, warping_Q16 );
                psDD->sAR2_Q14[ j + 0 ] = tmp2;
                n_AR_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( n_AR_Q10, tmp2, AR_shp_Q13[ j ] );
            psDD->sAR2_Q14[ shapingLPCOrder - 1 ] = tmp1;
            n_AR_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( n_AR_Q10, tmp1, AR_shp_Q13[ shapingLPCOrder - 1 ] );

            n_AR_Q10 = SKP_RSHIFT( n_AR_Q10, 1 );           /* Q11 -> Q10 */
            n_AR_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( n_AR_Q10, psDD->LF_AR_Q12, Tilt_Q14 );

            n_LF_Q10 = SKP_LSHIFT( SKP_SMULWB( psDD->Shape_Q10[ *smpl_buf_idx ], LF_shp_Q14 ), 2 ); 
            n_LF_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWT( n_LF_Q10, psDD->LF_AR_Q12, LF_shp_Q14 );       

            /* Input minus prediction plus noise feedback                       */
            /* r = x[ i ] - LTP_pred - LPC_pred + n_AR + n_Tilt + n_LF + n_LTP  */
            tmp1  = SKP_SUB32( LTP_pred_Q14, n_LTP_Q14 );                       /* Add Q14 stuff */
            tmp1  = SKP_RSHIFT( tmp1, 4 );                                      /* convert to Q10 */
            tmp1  = SKP_ADD32( tmp1, LPC_pred_Q10 );                            /* add Q10 stuff */ 
            tmp1  = SKP_SUB32( tmp1, n_AR_Q10 );                                /* subtract Q10 stuff */ 
            tmp1  = SKP_SUB32( tmp1, n_LF_Q10 );                                /* subtract Q10 stuff */ 
            r_Q10 = SKP_SUB32( x_Q10[ i ], tmp1 );                              /* residual error Q10 */
            /* Flip sign depending on dither */
            r_Q10 = ( r_Q10 ^ dither ) - dither;
            r_Q10 = SKP_SUB32( r_Q10, offset_Q10 );
            r_Q10 = SKP_LIMIT_32( r_Q10, -64 << 10, 64 << 10 );

            /* Find two quantization level candidates and measure their rate-distortion */
            if( r_Q10 < -1536 ) {
                q1_Q10  = SKP_LSHIFT( SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( r_Q10, 10 ), 10 );
                r_Q10   = SKP_SUB32( r_Q10, q1_Q10 );
                rd1_Q10 = SKP_RSHIFT( SKP_SMLABB( SKP_MUL( -SKP_ADD32( q1_Q10, offset_Q10 ), Lambda_Q10 ), r_Q10, r_Q10 ), 10 );
                rd2_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( rd1_Q10, 1024 );
                rd2_Q10 = SKP_SUB32( rd2_Q10, SKP_ADD_LSHIFT32( Lambda_Q10, r_Q10, 1 ) );
                q2_Q10  = SKP_ADD32( q1_Q10, 1024 );
            } else if( r_Q10 > 512 ) {
                q1_Q10  = SKP_LSHIFT( SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( r_Q10, 10 ), 10 );
                r_Q10   = SKP_SUB32( r_Q10, q1_Q10 );
                rd1_Q10 = SKP_RSHIFT( SKP_SMLABB( SKP_MUL( SKP_ADD32( q1_Q10, offset_Q10 ), Lambda_Q10 ), r_Q10, r_Q10 ), 10 );
                rd2_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( rd1_Q10, 1024 );
                rd2_Q10 = SKP_SUB32( rd2_Q10, SKP_SUB_LSHIFT32( Lambda_Q10, r_Q10, 1 ) );
                q2_Q10  = SKP_SUB32( q1_Q10, 1024 );
            } else {            /* r_Q10 >= -1536 && q1_Q10 <= 512 */
                rr_Q20  = SKP_SMULBB( offset_Q10, Lambda_Q10 );
                rd2_Q10 = SKP_RSHIFT( SKP_SMLABB( rr_Q20, r_Q10, r_Q10 ), 10 );
                rd1_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( rd2_Q10, 1024 );
                rd1_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( rd1_Q10, SKP_SUB_RSHIFT32( SKP_ADD_LSHIFT32( Lambda_Q10, r_Q10, 1 ), rr_Q20, 9 ) );
                q1_Q10  = -1024;
                q2_Q10  = 0;

            if( rd1_Q10 < rd2_Q10 ) {
                psSS[ 0 ].RD_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( psDD->RD_Q10, rd1_Q10 ); 
                psSS[ 1 ].RD_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( psDD->RD_Q10, rd2_Q10 );
                psSS[ 0 ].Q_Q10 = q1_Q10;
                psSS[ 1 ].Q_Q10 = q2_Q10;
            } else {
                psSS[ 0 ].RD_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( psDD->RD_Q10, rd2_Q10 );
                psSS[ 1 ].RD_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( psDD->RD_Q10, rd1_Q10 );
                psSS[ 0 ].Q_Q10 = q2_Q10;
                psSS[ 1 ].Q_Q10 = q1_Q10;

            /* Update states for best quantization */

            /* Quantized excitation */
            exc_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( offset_Q10, psSS[ 0 ].Q_Q10 );
            exc_Q10 = ( exc_Q10 ^ dither ) - dither;

            /* Add predictions */
            LPC_exc_Q10 = exc_Q10 + SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( LTP_pred_Q14, 4 );
            xq_Q10      = SKP_ADD32( LPC_exc_Q10, LPC_pred_Q10 );

            /* Update states */
            sLF_AR_shp_Q10         = SKP_SUB32(  xq_Q10, n_AR_Q10 );
            psSS[ 0 ].sLTP_shp_Q10 = SKP_SUB32(  sLF_AR_shp_Q10, n_LF_Q10 );
            psSS[ 0 ].LF_AR_Q12    = SKP_LSHIFT( sLF_AR_shp_Q10, 2 );
            psSS[ 0 ].xq_Q14       = SKP_LSHIFT( xq_Q10,         4 );
            psSS[ 0 ].LPC_exc_Q16  = SKP_LSHIFT( LPC_exc_Q10,    6 );

            /* Update states for second best quantization */

            /* Quantized excitation */
            exc_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( offset_Q10, psSS[ 1 ].Q_Q10 );
            exc_Q10 = ( exc_Q10 ^ dither ) - dither;

            /* Add predictions */
            LPC_exc_Q10 = exc_Q10 + SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( LTP_pred_Q14, 4 );
            xq_Q10      = SKP_ADD32( LPC_exc_Q10, LPC_pred_Q10 );

            /* Update states */
            sLF_AR_shp_Q10         = SKP_SUB32(  xq_Q10, n_AR_Q10 );
            psSS[ 1 ].sLTP_shp_Q10 = SKP_SUB32(  sLF_AR_shp_Q10, n_LF_Q10 );
            psSS[ 1 ].LF_AR_Q12    = SKP_LSHIFT( sLF_AR_shp_Q10, 2 );
            psSS[ 1 ].xq_Q14       = SKP_LSHIFT( xq_Q10,         4 );
            psSS[ 1 ].LPC_exc_Q16  = SKP_LSHIFT( LPC_exc_Q10,    6 );

        *smpl_buf_idx  = ( *smpl_buf_idx - 1 ) & DECISION_DELAY_MASK;                   /* Index to newest samples              */
        last_smple_idx = ( *smpl_buf_idx + decisionDelay ) & DECISION_DELAY_MASK;       /* Index to decisionDelay old samples   */

        /* Find winner */
        RDmin_Q10 = psSampleState[ 0 ][ 0 ].RD_Q10;
        Winner_ind = 0;
        for( k = 1; k < nStatesDelayedDecision; k++ ) {
            if( psSampleState[ k ][ 0 ].RD_Q10 < RDmin_Q10 ) {
                RDmin_Q10   = psSampleState[ k ][ 0 ].RD_Q10;
                Winner_ind = k;

        /* Increase RD values of expired states */
        Winner_rand_state = psDelDec[ Winner_ind ].RandState[ last_smple_idx ];
        for( k = 0; k < nStatesDelayedDecision; k++ ) {
            if( psDelDec[ k ].RandState[ last_smple_idx ] != Winner_rand_state ) {
                psSampleState[ k ][ 0 ].RD_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( psSampleState[ k ][ 0 ].RD_Q10, ( SKP_int32_MAX >> 4 ) );
                psSampleState[ k ][ 1 ].RD_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( psSampleState[ k ][ 1 ].RD_Q10, ( SKP_int32_MAX >> 4 ) );
                SKP_assert( psSampleState[ k ][ 0 ].RD_Q10 >= 0 );

        /* Find worst in first set and best in second set */
        RDmax_Q10  = psSampleState[ 0 ][ 0 ].RD_Q10;
        RDmin_Q10  = psSampleState[ 0 ][ 1 ].RD_Q10;
        RDmax_ind = 0;
        RDmin_ind = 0;
        for( k = 1; k < nStatesDelayedDecision; k++ ) {
            /* find worst in first set */
            if( psSampleState[ k ][ 0 ].RD_Q10 > RDmax_Q10 ) {
                RDmax_Q10  = psSampleState[ k ][ 0 ].RD_Q10;
                RDmax_ind = k;
            /* find best in second set */
            if( psSampleState[ k ][ 1 ].RD_Q10 < RDmin_Q10 ) {
                RDmin_Q10  = psSampleState[ k ][ 1 ].RD_Q10;
                RDmin_ind = k;

        /* Replace a state if best from second set outperforms worst in first set */
        if( RDmin_Q10 < RDmax_Q10 ) {
            SKP_Silk_copy_del_dec_state( &psDelDec[ RDmax_ind ], &psDelDec[ RDmin_ind ], i ); 
            SKP_memcpy( &psSampleState[ RDmax_ind ][ 0 ], &psSampleState[ RDmin_ind ][ 1 ], sizeof( NSQ_sample_struct ) );

        /* Write samples from winner to output and long-term filter states */
        psDD = &psDelDec[ Winner_ind ];
        if( subfr > 0 || i >= decisionDelay ) {
            q[  i - decisionDelay ] = ( SKP_int8 )SKP_RSHIFT( psDD->Q_Q10[ last_smple_idx ], 10 );
            xq[ i - decisionDelay ] = ( SKP_int16 )SKP_SAT16( SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( 
                SKP_SMULWW( psDD->Xq_Q10[ last_smple_idx ], psDD->Gain_Q16[ last_smple_idx ] ), 10 ) );
            NSQ->sLTP_shp_Q10[ NSQ->sLTP_shp_buf_idx - decisionDelay ] = psDD->Shape_Q10[ last_smple_idx ];
            sLTP_Q16[          NSQ->sLTP_buf_idx     - decisionDelay ] = psDD->Pred_Q16[  last_smple_idx ];

        /* Update states */
        for( k = 0; k < nStatesDelayedDecision; k++ ) {
            psDD                                     = &psDelDec[ k ];
            psSS                                     = &psSampleState[ k ][ 0 ];
            psDD->LF_AR_Q12                          = psSS->LF_AR_Q12;
            psDD->sLPC_Q14[ NSQ_LPC_BUF_LENGTH + i ] = psSS->xq_Q14;
            psDD->Xq_Q10[    *smpl_buf_idx ]         = SKP_RSHIFT( psSS->xq_Q14, 4 );
            psDD->Q_Q10[     *smpl_buf_idx ]         = psSS->Q_Q10;
            psDD->Pred_Q16[  *smpl_buf_idx ]         = psSS->LPC_exc_Q16;
            psDD->Shape_Q10[ *smpl_buf_idx ]         = psSS->sLTP_shp_Q10;
            psDD->Seed                               = SKP_ADD_RSHIFT32( psDD->Seed, psSS->Q_Q10, 10 );
            psDD->RandState[ *smpl_buf_idx ]         = psDD->Seed;
            psDD->RD_Q10                             = psSS->RD_Q10;
            psDD->Gain_Q16[  *smpl_buf_idx ]         = Gain_Q16;
    /* Update LPC states */
    for( k = 0; k < nStatesDelayedDecision; k++ ) {
        psDD = &psDelDec[ k ];
        SKP_memcpy( psDD->sLPC_Q14, &psDD->sLPC_Q14[ length ], NSQ_LPC_BUF_LENGTH * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );

SKP_INLINE void SKP_Silk_nsq_del_dec_scale_states(
    SKP_Silk_nsq_state  *NSQ,                   /* I/O  NSQ state                           */
    NSQ_del_dec_struct  psDelDec[],             /* I/O  Delayed decision states             */
    const SKP_int16     x[],                    /* I    Input in Q0                         */
    SKP_int32           x_sc_Q10[],             /* O    Input scaled with 1/Gain in Q10     */
    SKP_int             length,                 /* I    Length of input                     */
    SKP_int16           sLTP[],                 /* I    Re-whitened LTP state in Q0         */
    SKP_int32           sLTP_Q16[],             /* O    LTP state matching scaled input     */
    SKP_int             subfr,                  /* I    Subframe number                     */
    SKP_int             nStatesDelayedDecision, /* I    Number of del dec states            */
    SKP_int             smpl_buf_idx,           /* I    Index to newest samples in buffers  */
    const SKP_int       LTP_scale_Q14,          /* I    LTP state scaling                   */
    const SKP_int32     Gains_Q16[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],  /* I                                        */
    const SKP_int       pitchL[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ]      /* I    Pitch lag                           */
    SKP_int            i, k, scale_length, lag;
    SKP_int32          inv_gain_Q16, gain_adj_Q16, inv_gain_Q32;
    NSQ_del_dec_struct *psDD;

    inv_gain_Q16 = SKP_INVERSE32_varQ( SKP_max( Gains_Q16[ subfr ], 1 ), 32 );
    inv_gain_Q16 = SKP_min( inv_gain_Q16, SKP_int16_MAX );
    lag          = pitchL[ subfr ];
    /* After rewhitening the LTP state is un-scaled. So scale with inv_gain_Q16 */
    if( NSQ->rewhite_flag ) {
        inv_gain_Q32 = SKP_LSHIFT( inv_gain_Q16, 16 );
        if( subfr == 0 ) {
            /* Do LTP downscaling */
            inv_gain_Q32 = SKP_LSHIFT( SKP_SMULWB( inv_gain_Q32, LTP_scale_Q14 ), 2 );
        for( i = NSQ->sLTP_buf_idx - lag - LTP_ORDER / 2; i < NSQ->sLTP_buf_idx; i++ ) {
            SKP_assert( i < MAX_FRAME_LENGTH );
            sLTP_Q16[ i ] = SKP_SMULWB( inv_gain_Q32, sLTP[ i ] );

    /* Adjust for changing gain */
    if( inv_gain_Q16 != NSQ->prev_inv_gain_Q16 ) {
        gain_adj_Q16 = SKP_DIV32_varQ( inv_gain_Q16, NSQ->prev_inv_gain_Q16, 16 );

        for( k = 0; k < nStatesDelayedDecision; k++ ) {
            psDD = &psDelDec[ k ];
            /* Scale scalar states */
            psDD->LF_AR_Q12 = SKP_SMULWW( gain_adj_Q16, psDD->LF_AR_Q12 );
            /* scale short term state */
            for( i = 0; i < NSQ_LPC_BUF_LENGTH; i++ ) {
                psDD->sLPC_Q14[ NSQ_LPC_BUF_LENGTH - i - 1 ] = SKP_SMULWW( gain_adj_Q16, psDD->sLPC_Q14[ NSQ_LPC_BUF_LENGTH - i - 1 ] );
            for( i = 0; i < MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER; i++ ) {
                psDD->sAR2_Q14[ i ] = SKP_SMULWW( gain_adj_Q16, psDD->sAR2_Q14[ i ] );
            for( i = 0; i < DECISION_DELAY; i++ ) {
                psDD->Pred_Q16[  i ] = SKP_SMULWW( gain_adj_Q16, psDD->Pred_Q16[  i ] );
                psDD->Shape_Q10[ i ] = SKP_SMULWW( gain_adj_Q16, psDD->Shape_Q10[ i ] );

        /* Scale long term shaping state */

        /* Calculate length to be scaled, Worst case: Next frame is voiced with max lag */
        scale_length = length * MAX_NB_SUBFR;                                               /* aprox max lag */
        scale_length = scale_length - SKP_SMULBB( MAX_NB_SUBFR - ( subfr + 1 ), length );   /* subtract samples that will be too old in next frame */
        scale_length = SKP_max_int( scale_length, lag + LTP_ORDER );                    /* make sure to scale whole pitch period if voiced */

        for( i = NSQ->sLTP_shp_buf_idx - scale_length; i < NSQ->sLTP_shp_buf_idx; i++ ) {
            NSQ->sLTP_shp_Q10[ i ] = SKP_SMULWW( gain_adj_Q16, NSQ->sLTP_shp_Q10[ i ] );

        /* Scale LTP predict state */
        if( NSQ->rewhite_flag == 0 ) {
            for( i = NSQ->sLTP_buf_idx - lag - LTP_ORDER / 2; i < NSQ->sLTP_buf_idx; i++ ) {
                sLTP_Q16[ i ] = SKP_SMULWW( gain_adj_Q16, sLTP_Q16[ i ] );

    /* Scale input */
    for( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
        x_sc_Q10[ i ] = SKP_RSHIFT( SKP_SMULBB( x[ i ], ( SKP_int16 )inv_gain_Q16 ), 6 );

    /* save inv_gain */
    SKP_assert( inv_gain_Q16 != 0 );
    NSQ->prev_inv_gain_Q16 = inv_gain_Q16;

SKP_INLINE void SKP_Silk_copy_del_dec_state(
    NSQ_del_dec_struct  *DD_dst,                /* I    Dst del dec state                   */
    NSQ_del_dec_struct  *DD_src,                /* I    Src del dec state                   */
    SKP_int             LPC_state_idx           /* I    Index to LPC buffer                 */
    SKP_memcpy( DD_dst->RandState, DD_src->RandState, sizeof( DD_src->RandState ) );
    SKP_memcpy( DD_dst->Q_Q10,     DD_src->Q_Q10,     sizeof( DD_src->Q_Q10     ) );
    SKP_memcpy( DD_dst->Pred_Q16,  DD_src->Pred_Q16,  sizeof( DD_src->Pred_Q16  ) );
    SKP_memcpy( DD_dst->Shape_Q10, DD_src->Shape_Q10, sizeof( DD_src->Shape_Q10 ) );
    SKP_memcpy( DD_dst->Xq_Q10,    DD_src->Xq_Q10,    sizeof( DD_src->Xq_Q10    ) );
    SKP_memcpy( DD_dst->sAR2_Q14,  DD_src->sAR2_Q14,  sizeof( DD_src->sAR2_Q14  ) );
    SKP_memcpy( &DD_dst->sLPC_Q14[ LPC_state_idx ], &DD_src->sLPC_Q14[ LPC_state_idx ], NSQ_LPC_BUF_LENGTH * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );
    DD_dst->LF_AR_Q12 = DD_src->LF_AR_Q12;
    DD_dst->Seed      = DD_src->Seed;
    DD_dst->SeedInit  = DD_src->SeedInit;
    DD_dst->RD_Q10    = DD_src->RD_Q10;