ref: 56de780e2aedc6ebde2118cca714577d0bf38db4
dir: /src/opus_decoder.c/
/* Copyright (c) 2010 Xiph.Org Foundation, Skype Limited Written by Jean-Marc Valin and Koen Vos */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of Internet Society, IETF or IETF Trust, nor the names of specific contributors, may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdarg.h> #include "celt.h" #include "opus.h" #include "entdec.h" #include "modes.h" #include "API.h" #include "stack_alloc.h" #include "float_cast.h" #include "opus_private.h" #include "os_support.h" #include "structs.h" #include "define.h" struct OpusDecoder { int celt_dec_offset; int silk_dec_offset; int channels; opus_int32 Fs; /** Sampling rate (at the API level) */ silk_DecControlStruct DecControl; /* Everything beyond this point gets cleared on a reset */ #define OPUS_DECODER_RESET_START stream_channels int stream_channels; int bandwidth; int mode; int prev_mode; int frame_size; int prev_redundancy; opus_uint32 rangeFinal; }; #ifdef FIXED_POINT static inline opus_int16 SAT16(opus_int32 x) { return x > 32767 ? 32767 : x < -32768 ? -32768 : (opus_int16)x; }; #endif int opus_decoder_get_size(int channels) { int silkDecSizeBytes, celtDecSizeBytes; int ret; if (channels<1 || channels > 2) return 0; ret = silk_Get_Decoder_Size( &silkDecSizeBytes ); if(ret) return 0; silkDecSizeBytes = align(silkDecSizeBytes); celtDecSizeBytes = celt_decoder_get_size(channels); return align(sizeof(OpusDecoder))+silkDecSizeBytes+celtDecSizeBytes; } int opus_decoder_init(OpusDecoder *st, opus_int32 Fs, int channels) { void *silk_dec; CELTDecoder *celt_dec; int ret, silkDecSizeBytes; if ((Fs!=48000&&Fs!=24000&&Fs!=16000&&Fs!=12000&&Fs!=8000) || (channels!=1&&channels!=2)) return OPUS_BAD_ARG; OPUS_CLEAR((char*)st, opus_decoder_get_size(channels)); /* Initialize SILK encoder */ ret = silk_Get_Decoder_Size(&silkDecSizeBytes); if (ret) return OPUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; silkDecSizeBytes = align(silkDecSizeBytes); st->silk_dec_offset = align(sizeof(OpusDecoder)); st->celt_dec_offset = st->silk_dec_offset+silkDecSizeBytes; silk_dec = (char*)st+st->silk_dec_offset; celt_dec = (CELTDecoder*)((char*)st+st->celt_dec_offset); st->stream_channels = st->channels = channels; st->Fs = Fs; st->DecControl.API_sampleRate = st->Fs; st->DecControl.nChannelsAPI = st->channels; /* Reset decoder */ ret = silk_InitDecoder( silk_dec ); if(ret)return OPUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; /* Initialize CELT decoder */ ret = celt_decoder_init(celt_dec, Fs, channels); if(ret!=OPUS_OK)return OPUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, CELT_SET_SIGNALLING(0)); st->prev_mode = 0; st->frame_size = Fs/400; return OPUS_OK; } OpusDecoder *opus_decoder_create(opus_int32 Fs, int channels, int *error) { int ret; OpusDecoder *st; if ((Fs!=48000&&Fs!=24000&&Fs!=16000&&Fs!=12000&&Fs!=8000) || (channels!=1&&channels!=2)) { if (error) *error = OPUS_BAD_ARG; return NULL; } st = (OpusDecoder *)opus_alloc(opus_decoder_get_size(channels)); if (st == NULL) { if (error) *error = OPUS_ALLOC_FAIL; return NULL; } ret = opus_decoder_init(st, Fs, channels); if (error) *error = ret; if (ret != OPUS_OK) { opus_free(st); st = NULL; } return st; } static void smooth_fade(const opus_val16 *in1, const opus_val16 *in2, opus_val16 *out, int overlap, int channels, const opus_val16 *window, opus_int32 Fs) { int i, c; int inc = 48000/Fs; for (c=0;c<channels;c++) { for (i=0;i<overlap;i++) { opus_val16 w = MULT16_16_Q15(window[i*inc], window[i*inc]); out[i*channels+c] = SHR32(MAC16_16(MULT16_16(w,in2[i*channels+c]), Q15ONE-w, in1[i*channels+c]), 15); } } } static int opus_packet_get_mode(const unsigned char *data) { int mode; if (data[0]&0x80) { mode = MODE_CELT_ONLY; } else if ((data[0]&0x60) == 0x60) { mode = MODE_HYBRID; } else { mode = MODE_SILK_ONLY; } return mode; } static int opus_decode_frame(OpusDecoder *st, const unsigned char *data, int len, opus_val16 *pcm, int frame_size, int decode_fec) { void *silk_dec; CELTDecoder *celt_dec; int i, silk_ret=0, celt_ret=0; ec_dec dec; opus_int32 silk_frame_size; VARDECL(opus_int16, pcm_silk); VARDECL(opus_val16, pcm_transition); VARDECL(opus_val16, redundant_audio); int audiosize; int mode; int transition=0; int start_band; int redundancy=0; int redundancy_bytes = 0; int celt_to_silk=0; int c; int F2_5, F5, F10, F20; const opus_val16 *window; opus_uint32 redundant_rng = 0; ALLOC_STACK; silk_dec = (char*)st+st->silk_dec_offset; celt_dec = (CELTDecoder*)((char*)st+st->celt_dec_offset); F20 = st->Fs/50; F10 = F20>>1; F5 = F10>>1; F2_5 = F5>>1; if (frame_size < F2_5) return OPUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; /* Payloads of 1 (2 including ToC) or 0 trigger the PLC/DTX */ if (len<=1) { data = NULL; /* In that case, don't conceal more than what the ToC says */ frame_size = IMIN(frame_size, st->frame_size); } if (data != NULL) { audiosize = st->frame_size; mode = st->mode; ec_dec_init(&dec,(unsigned char*)data,len); } else { audiosize = frame_size; if (st->prev_mode == 0) { /* If we haven't got any packet yet, all we can do is return zeros */ for (i=0;i<audiosize*st->channels;i++) pcm[i] = 0; RESTORE_STACK; return audiosize; } else { mode = st->prev_mode; } } /* For CELT/hybrid PLC of more than 20 ms, do multiple calls */ if (data==NULL && frame_size > F20 && mode != MODE_SILK_ONLY) { int nb_samples = 0; do { int ret = opus_decode_frame(st, NULL, 0, pcm, F20, 0); if (ret != F20) return OPUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; pcm += F20*st->channels; nb_samples += F20; } while (nb_samples < frame_size); RESTORE_STACK; return frame_size; } ALLOC(pcm_transition, F5*st->channels, opus_val16); if (data!=NULL && st->prev_mode > 0 && ( (mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY && st->prev_mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY && !st->prev_redundancy) || (mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY && st->prev_mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY) ) ) { transition = 1; if (mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY) opus_decode_frame(st, NULL, 0, pcm_transition, IMIN(F5, audiosize), 0); } if (audiosize > frame_size) { /*fprintf(stderr, "PCM buffer too small: %d vs %d (mode = %d)\n", audiosize, frame_size, mode);*/ RESTORE_STACK; return OPUS_BAD_ARG; } else { frame_size = audiosize; } ALLOC(pcm_silk, IMAX(F10, frame_size)*st->channels, opus_int16); ALLOC(redundant_audio, F5*st->channels, opus_val16); /* SILK processing */ if (mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY) { int lost_flag, decoded_samples; opus_int16 *pcm_ptr = pcm_silk; if (st->prev_mode==MODE_CELT_ONLY) silk_InitDecoder( silk_dec ); /* The SILK PLC cannot produce frames of less than 10 ms */ st->DecControl.payloadSize_ms = IMAX(10, 1000 * audiosize / st->Fs); if (data != NULL) { st->DecControl.nChannelsInternal = st->stream_channels; if( mode == MODE_SILK_ONLY ) { if( st->bandwidth == OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND ) { st->DecControl.internalSampleRate = 8000; } else if( st->bandwidth == OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND ) { st->DecControl.internalSampleRate = 12000; } else if( st->bandwidth == OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND ) { st->DecControl.internalSampleRate = 16000; } else { st->DecControl.internalSampleRate = 16000; silk_assert( 0 ); } } else { /* Hybrid mode */ st->DecControl.internalSampleRate = 16000; } } lost_flag = data == NULL ? 1 : 2 * decode_fec; decoded_samples = 0; do { /* Call SILK decoder */ int first_frame = decoded_samples == 0; silk_ret = silk_Decode( silk_dec, &st->DecControl, lost_flag, first_frame, &dec, pcm_ptr, &silk_frame_size ); if( silk_ret ) { if (lost_flag) { /* PLC failure should not be fatal */ silk_frame_size = frame_size; for (i=0;i<frame_size*st->channels;i++) pcm_ptr[i] = 0; } else { RESTORE_STACK; return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; } } pcm_ptr += silk_frame_size * st->channels; decoded_samples += silk_frame_size; } while( decoded_samples < frame_size ); } start_band = 0; if (!decode_fec && mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY && data != NULL && ec_tell(&dec)+17+20*(st->mode == MODE_HYBRID) <= 8*len) { /* Check if we have a redundant 0-8 kHz band */ if (mode == MODE_HYBRID) redundancy = ec_dec_bit_logp(&dec, 12); else redundancy = 1; if (redundancy) { celt_to_silk = ec_dec_bit_logp(&dec, 1); /* redundancy_bytes will be at least two, in the non-hybrid case due to the ec_tell() check above */ redundancy_bytes = mode==MODE_HYBRID ? (opus_int32)ec_dec_uint(&dec, 256)+2 : len-((ec_tell(&dec)+7)>>3); len -= redundancy_bytes; /* This is a sanity check. It should never happen for a valid packet, so the exact behaviour is not normative. */ if (len*8 < ec_tell(&dec)) { len = 0; redundancy_bytes = 0; redundancy = 0; } /* Shrink decoder because of raw bits */ -= redundancy_bytes; } } if (mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY) start_band = 17; { int endband=21; switch(st->bandwidth) { case OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND: endband = 13; break; case OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND: case OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND: endband = 17; break; case OPUS_BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND: endband = 19; break; case OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND: endband = 21; break; } celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, CELT_SET_END_BAND(endband)); celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, CELT_SET_CHANNELS(st->stream_channels)); } if (redundancy) transition = 0; if (transition && mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY) opus_decode_frame(st, NULL, 0, pcm_transition, IMIN(F5, audiosize), 0); /* 5 ms redundant frame for CELT->SILK*/ if (redundancy && celt_to_silk) { celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, CELT_SET_START_BAND(0)); celt_decode_with_ec(celt_dec, data+len, redundancy_bytes, redundant_audio, F5, NULL); celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, OPUS_GET_FINAL_RANGE(&redundant_rng)); } /* MUST be after PLC */ celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, CELT_SET_START_BAND(start_band)); if (mode != MODE_SILK_ONLY) { int celt_frame_size = IMIN(F20, frame_size); /* Make sure to discard any previous CELT state */ if (mode != st->prev_mode && st->prev_mode > 0 && !st->prev_redundancy) celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, OPUS_RESET_STATE); /* Decode CELT */ celt_ret = celt_decode_with_ec(celt_dec, decode_fec ? NULL : data, len, pcm, celt_frame_size, &dec); } else { unsigned char silence[2] = {0xFF, 0xFF}; for (i=0;i<frame_size*st->channels;i++) pcm[i] = 0; /* For hybrid -> SILK transitions, we let the CELT MDCT do a fade-out by decoding a silence frame */ if (st->prev_mode == MODE_HYBRID && !(redundancy && celt_to_silk && st->prev_redundancy) ) { celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, CELT_SET_START_BAND(0)); celt_decode_with_ec(celt_dec, silence, 2, pcm, F2_5, NULL); } } if (mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY) { #ifdef FIXED_POINT for (i=0;i<frame_size*st->channels;i++) pcm[i] = SAT16(pcm[i] + pcm_silk[i]); #else for (i=0;i<frame_size*st->channels;i++) pcm[i] = pcm[i] + (opus_val16)((1./32768.)*pcm_silk[i]); #endif } { const CELTMode *celt_mode; celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, CELT_GET_MODE(&celt_mode)); window = celt_mode->window; } /* 5 ms redundant frame for SILK->CELT */ if (redundancy && !celt_to_silk) { celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, OPUS_RESET_STATE); celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, CELT_SET_START_BAND(0)); celt_decode_with_ec(celt_dec, data+len, redundancy_bytes, redundant_audio, F5, NULL); celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, OPUS_GET_FINAL_RANGE(&redundant_rng)); smooth_fade(pcm+st->channels*(frame_size-F2_5), redundant_audio+st->channels*F2_5, pcm+st->channels*(frame_size-F2_5), F2_5, st->channels, window, st->Fs); } if (redundancy && celt_to_silk) { for (c=0;c<st->channels;c++) { for (i=0;i<F2_5;i++) pcm[st->channels*i+c] = redundant_audio[st->channels*i+c]; } smooth_fade(redundant_audio+st->channels*F2_5, pcm+st->channels*F2_5, pcm+st->channels*F2_5, F2_5, st->channels, window, st->Fs); } if (transition) { if (audiosize >= F5) { for (i=0;i<st->channels*F2_5;i++) pcm[i] = pcm_transition[i]; smooth_fade(pcm_transition+st->channels*F2_5, pcm+st->channels*F2_5, pcm+st->channels*F2_5, F2_5, st->channels, window, st->Fs); } else { /* Not enough time to do a clean transition, but we do it anyway This will not preserve amplitude perfectly and may introduce a bit of temporal aliasing, but it shouldn't be too bad and that's pretty much the best we can do. In any case, generating this transition it pretty silly in the first place */ smooth_fade(pcm_transition, pcm, pcm, F2_5, st->channels, window, st->Fs); } } if (len <= 1) st->rangeFinal = 0; else st->rangeFinal = dec.rng ^ redundant_rng; st->prev_mode = mode; st->prev_redundancy = redundancy && !celt_to_silk; RESTORE_STACK; return celt_ret < 0 ? celt_ret : audiosize; } static int parse_size(const unsigned char *data, int len, short *size) { if (len<1) { *size = -1; return -1; } else if (data[0]<252) { *size = data[0]; return 1; } else if (len<2) { *size = -1; return -1; } else { *size = 4*data[1] + data[0]; return 2; } } static int opus_packet_parse_impl(const unsigned char *data, int len, int self_delimited, unsigned char *out_toc, const unsigned char *frames[48], short size[48], int *payload_offset) { int i, bytes; int count; int cbr; unsigned char ch, toc; int framesize; int last_size; const unsigned char *data0 = data; if (size==NULL) return OPUS_BAD_ARG; framesize = opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(data, 48000); cbr = 0; toc = *data++; len--; last_size = len; switch (toc&0x3) { /* One frame */ case 0: count=1; break; /* Two CBR frames */ case 1: count=2; cbr = 1; if (!self_delimited) { if (len&0x1) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; size[0] = last_size = len/2; } break; /* Two VBR frames */ case 2: count = 2; bytes = parse_size(data, len, size); len -= bytes; if (size[0]<0 || size[0] > len) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; data += bytes; last_size = len-size[0]; break; /* Multiple CBR/VBR frames (from 0 to 120 ms) */ default: /*case 3:*/ if (len<1) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; /* Number of frames encoded in bits 0 to 5 */ ch = *data++; count = ch&0x3F; if (count <= 0 || framesize*count > 5760) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; len--; /* Padding flag is bit 6 */ if (ch&0x40) { int padding=0; int p; do { if (len<=0) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; p = *data++; len--; padding += p==255 ? 254: p; } while (p==255); len -= padding; } if (len<0) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; /* VBR flag is bit 7 */ cbr = !(ch&0x80); if (!cbr) { /* VBR case */ last_size = len; for (i=0;i<count-1;i++) { bytes = parse_size(data, len, size+i); len -= bytes; if (size[i]<0 || size[i] > len) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; data += bytes; last_size -= bytes+size[i]; } if (last_size<0) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; } else if (!self_delimited) { /* CBR case */ last_size = len/count; if (last_size*count!=len) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; for (i=0;i<count-1;i++) size[i] = last_size; } break; } /* Self-delimited framing has an extra size for the last frame. */ if (self_delimited) { bytes = parse_size(data, len, size+count-1); len -= bytes; if (size[count-1]<0 || size[count-1] > len) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; data += bytes; /* For CBR packets, apply the size to all the frames. */ if (cbr) { if (size[count-1]*count > len) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; for (i=0;i<count-1;i++) size[i] = size[count-1]; } else if(size[count-1] > last_size) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; } else { /* Because it's not encoded explicitly, it's possible the size of the last packet (or all the packets, for the CBR case) is larger than 1275. Reject them here.*/ if (last_size > 1275) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; size[count-1] = last_size; } if (frames) { for (i=0;i<count;i++) { frames[i] = data; data += size[i]; } } if (out_toc) *out_toc = toc; if (payload_offset) *payload_offset = data-data0; return count; } int opus_packet_parse(const unsigned char *data, int len, unsigned char *out_toc, const unsigned char *frames[48], short size[48], int *payload_offset) { return opus_packet_parse_impl(data, len, 0, out_toc, frames, size, payload_offset); } int opus_decode_native(OpusDecoder *st, const unsigned char *data, int len, opus_val16 *pcm, int frame_size, int decode_fec, int self_delimited, int *packet_offset) { int i, nb_samples; int count, offset; unsigned char toc; int tot_offset; /* 48 x 2.5 ms = 120 ms */ short size[48]; if (decode_fec<0 || decode_fec>1) return OPUS_BAD_ARG; if (len==0 || data==NULL) return opus_decode_frame(st, NULL, 0, pcm, frame_size, 0); else if (len<0) return OPUS_BAD_ARG; tot_offset = 0; st->mode = opus_packet_get_mode(data); st->bandwidth = opus_packet_get_bandwidth(data); st->frame_size = opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(data, st->Fs); st->stream_channels = opus_packet_get_nb_channels(data); count = opus_packet_parse_impl(data, len, self_delimited, &toc, NULL, size, &offset); if (count < 0) return count; data += offset; tot_offset += offset; if (count*st->frame_size > frame_size) return OPUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; nb_samples=0; for (i=0;i<count;i++) { int ret; ret = opus_decode_frame(st, data, size[i], pcm, frame_size-nb_samples, decode_fec); if (ret<0) return ret; data += size[i]; tot_offset += size[i]; pcm += ret*st->channels; nb_samples += ret; } if (packet_offset != NULL) *packet_offset = tot_offset; return nb_samples; } #ifdef FIXED_POINT int opus_decode(OpusDecoder *st, const unsigned char *data, int len, opus_val16 *pcm, int frame_size, int decode_fec) { return opus_decode_native(st, data, len, pcm, frame_size, decode_fec, 0, NULL); } #ifndef DISABLE_FLOAT_API int opus_decode_float(OpusDecoder *st, const unsigned char *data, int len, float *pcm, int frame_size, int decode_fec) { VARDECL(opus_int16, out); int ret, i; ALLOC_STACK; ALLOC(out, frame_size*st->channels, opus_int16); ret = opus_decode_native(st, data, len, out, frame_size, decode_fec, 0, NULL); if (ret > 0) { for (i=0;i<ret*st->channels;i++) pcm[i] = (1.f/32768.f)*(out[i]); } RESTORE_STACK; return ret; } #endif #else int opus_decode(OpusDecoder *st, const unsigned char *data, int len, opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size, int decode_fec) { VARDECL(float, out); int ret, i; ALLOC_STACK; if(frame_size<0)return OPUS_BAD_ARG; ALLOC(out, frame_size*st->channels, float); ret = opus_decode_native(st, data, len, out, frame_size, decode_fec, 0, NULL); if (ret > 0) { for (i=0;i<ret*st->channels;i++) pcm[i] = FLOAT2INT16(out[i]); } RESTORE_STACK; return ret; } int opus_decode_float(OpusDecoder *st, const unsigned char *data, int len, opus_val16 *pcm, int frame_size, int decode_fec) { return opus_decode_native(st, data, len, pcm, frame_size, decode_fec, 0, NULL); } #endif int opus_decoder_ctl(OpusDecoder *st, int request, ...) { int ret = OPUS_OK; va_list ap; void *silk_dec; CELTDecoder *celt_dec; silk_dec = (char*)st+st->silk_dec_offset; celt_dec = (CELTDecoder*)((char*)st+st->celt_dec_offset); va_start(ap, request); switch (request) { case OPUS_GET_BANDWIDTH_REQUEST: { opus_int32 *value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32*); *value = st->bandwidth; } break; case OPUS_GET_FINAL_RANGE_REQUEST: { opus_uint32 *value = va_arg(ap, opus_uint32*); *value = st->rangeFinal; } break; case OPUS_RESET_STATE: { OPUS_CLEAR((char*)&st->OPUS_DECODER_RESET_START, sizeof(OpusDecoder)- ((char*)&st->OPUS_DECODER_RESET_START - (char*)st)); celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, OPUS_RESET_STATE); silk_InitDecoder( silk_dec ); st->stream_channels = st->channels; st->frame_size = st->Fs/400; } break; case OPUS_GET_PITCH_REQUEST: { int *value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32*); if (value==NULL) { ret = OPUS_BAD_ARG; break; } if (st->prev_mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY) celt_decoder_ctl(celt_dec, OPUS_GET_PITCH(value)); else *value = st->DecControl.prevPitchLag; } break; default: /*fprintf(stderr, "unknown opus_decoder_ctl() request: %d", request);*/ ret = OPUS_UNIMPLEMENTED; break; } va_end(ap); return ret; } void opus_decoder_destroy(OpusDecoder *st) { opus_free(st); } int opus_packet_get_bandwidth(const unsigned char *data) { int bandwidth; if (data[0]&0x80) { bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND + ((data[0]>>5)&0x3); if (bandwidth == OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND) bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND; } else if ((data[0]&0x60) == 0x60) { bandwidth = (data[0]&0x10) ? OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND : OPUS_BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND; } else { bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND + ((data[0]>>5)&0x3); } return bandwidth; } int opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(const unsigned char *data, opus_int32 Fs) { int audiosize; if (data[0]&0x80) { audiosize = ((data[0]>>3)&0x3); audiosize = (Fs<<audiosize)/400; } else if ((data[0]&0x60) == 0x60) { audiosize = (data[0]&0x08) ? Fs/50 : Fs/100; } else { audiosize = ((data[0]>>3)&0x3); if (audiosize == 3) audiosize = Fs*60/1000; else audiosize = (Fs<<audiosize)/100; } return audiosize; } int opus_packet_get_nb_channels(const unsigned char *data) { return (data[0]&0x4) ? 2 : 1; } int opus_packet_get_nb_frames(const unsigned char packet[], int len) { int count; if (len<1) return OPUS_BAD_ARG; count = packet[0]&0x3; if (count==0) return 1; else if (count!=3) return 2; else if (len<2) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; else return packet[1]&0x3F; } int opus_decoder_get_nb_samples(const OpusDecoder *dec, const unsigned char packet[], int len) { int samples; int count = opus_packet_get_nb_frames(packet, len); if (count<0) return count; samples = count*opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(packet, dec->Fs); /* Can't have more than 120 ms */ if (samples*25 > dec->Fs*3) return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET; else return samples; }