ref: 50b20d78a383a23f8840bc8f6ae223769638bd42
dir: /src/test_opus.c/
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 CSIRO Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Xiph.Org Foundation Written by Jean-Marc Valin */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of the Foundation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include "opus.h" #include "SKP_debug.h" #define MAX_PACKET 1024 void print_usage( char* argv[] ) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mode (0/1/2)> <sampling rate (Hz)> <channels> <frame size (samples)> " "<bits per second> [options] <input> <output>\n\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "mode: 0 for SILK, 1 for hybrid, 2 for CELT:\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "options:\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "-vbr : enable variable bitrate (recommended for SILK)\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "-bandwidth <NB|MB|WB|SWB|FB> : audio bandwidth (from narrowband to fullband)\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "-max_payload <bytes> : maximum payload size in bytes, default: 1024\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "-complexity <comp> : complexity, 0 (lowest) ... 10 (highest); default: 10\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "-inbandfec : enable SILK inband FEC\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "-dtx : enable SILK DTX\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "-loss <perc> : simulate packet loss, in percent (0-100); default: 0\n" ); } #ifdef _WIN32 # define STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE(x, y) _stricmp(x, y) #else # define STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE(x, y) strcasecmp(x, y) #endif int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int err; char *inFile, *outFile; FILE *fin, *fout; OpusEncoder *enc; OpusDecoder *dec; int args; int len; int frame_size, channels; int bitrate_bps; unsigned char *data; int sampling_rate; int use_vbr; int internal_sampling_rate_Hz; int max_payload_bytes; int complexity; int use_inbandfec; int use_dtx; int packet_loss_perc; int count=0, count_act=0, k; int skip; int stop=0; int tot_read=0, tot_written=0; short *in, *out; int mode; double bits=0.0, bits_act=0.0, bits2=0.0, nrg; int bandwidth=-1; if (argc < 8 ) { print_usage( argv ); return 1; } mode = atoi(argv[1]) + MODE_SILK_ONLY; sampling_rate = atoi(argv[2]); channels = atoi(argv[3]); frame_size = atoi(argv[4]); bitrate_bps = atoi(argv[5]); /* defaults: */ use_vbr = 0; bandwidth=-1; internal_sampling_rate_Hz = sampling_rate; max_payload_bytes = MAX_PACKET; complexity = 10; use_inbandfec = 0; use_dtx = 0; packet_loss_perc = 0; args = 6; while( args < argc - 2 ) { /* process command line options */ if( STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-vbr" ) == 0 ) { use_vbr = 1; args++; } else if( STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-bandwidth" ) == 0 ) { if (strcmp(argv[ args + 1 ], "NB")==0) bandwidth = BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND; else if (strcmp(argv[ args + 1 ], "MB")==0) bandwidth = BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND; else if (strcmp(argv[ args + 1 ], "WB")==0) bandwidth = BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND; else if (strcmp(argv[ args + 1 ], "SWB")==0) bandwidth = BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND; else if (strcmp(argv[ args + 1 ], "FB")==0) bandwidth = BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND; else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown bandwidth %s. Supported are NB, MB, WB, SWB, FB.\n", argv[ args + 1 ]); return 1; } args += 2; } else if( STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-max_payload" ) == 0 ) { max_payload_bytes = atoi( argv[ args + 1 ] ); args += 2; } else if( STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-complexity" ) == 0 ) { complexity = atoi( argv[ args + 1 ] ); args += 2; } else if( STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-inbandfec" ) == 0 ) { use_inbandfec = 1; args++; } else if( STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-dtx") == 0 ) { use_dtx = 1; args++; } else if( STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-loss" ) == 0 ) { packet_loss_perc = atoi( argv[ args + 1 ] ); args += 2; } else { printf( "Error: unrecognized setting: %s\n\n", argv[ args ] ); print_usage( argv ); return 1; } } if( mode < MODE_SILK_ONLY || mode > MODE_CELT_ONLY ) { fprintf (stderr, "mode must be: 0, 1 or 2\n"); return 1; } if (max_payload_bytes < 0 || max_payload_bytes > MAX_PACKET) { fprintf (stderr, "max_payload_bytes must be between 0 and %d\n", MAX_PACKET); return 1; } if (bitrate_bps < 0 || bitrate_bps*frame_size/sampling_rate > max_payload_bytes*8) { fprintf (stderr, "bytes per packet must be between 0 and %d\n", max_payload_bytes); return 1; } inFile = argv[argc-2]; fin = fopen(inFile, "rb"); if (!fin) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not open input file %s\n", argv[argc-2]); return 1; } outFile = argv[argc-1]; fout = fopen(outFile, "wb+"); if (!fout) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not open output file %s\n", argv[argc-1]); return 1; } if (mode==MODE_SILK_ONLY) { if (bandwidth == BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND || bandwidth == BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND) { fprintf (stderr, "Predictive mode only supports up to wideband\n"); return 1; } } if (mode==MODE_HYBRID) { if (bandwidth != BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND && bandwidth != BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND) { fprintf (stderr, "Hybrid mode only supports superwideband and fullband\n"); return 1; } } if (mode==MODE_CELT_ONLY) { if (bandwidth == BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND) { fprintf (stderr, "Transform mode does not support mediumband\n"); return 1; } } enc = opus_encoder_create(sampling_rate, channels); dec = opus_decoder_create(sampling_rate, channels); opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_MODE(mode)); opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(bitrate_bps)); if (bandwidth != -1) opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_BANDWIDTH(bandwidth)); opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_VBR_FLAG(use_vbr)); opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY(complexity)); opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_INBAND_FEC_FLAG(use_inbandfec)); opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_DTX_FLAG(use_dtx)); //skip = 5*sampling_rate/1000 + 18; // 18 is when SILK resamples skip = 5*sampling_rate/1000; in = (short*)malloc(frame_size*channels*sizeof(short)); out = (short*)malloc(frame_size*channels*sizeof(short)); data = (unsigned char*)calloc(max_payload_bytes,sizeof(char)); while (!stop) { int write_samples; int lost; err = fread(in, sizeof(short), frame_size*channels, fin); tot_read += err; if (err < frame_size*channels) { int i; for (i=err;i<frame_size*channels;i++) in[i] = 0; } len = opus_encode(enc, in, frame_size, data, max_payload_bytes); if (len <= 0) { fprintf (stderr, "opus_encode() returned %d\n", len); return 1; } lost = rand()%100<packet_loss_perc; opus_decode(dec, lost ? NULL : data, len, out, frame_size); count++; tot_written += (frame_size-skip)*channels; write_samples = frame_size; if (tot_written > tot_read && skip==0) { write_samples -= (tot_written-tot_read)/channels; stop = 1; } fwrite(out+skip, sizeof(short), (write_samples-skip)*channels, fout); skip = 0; #if OPUS_TEST_RANGE_CODER_STATE /* compare final range encoder rng values of encoder and decoder */ if( !lost && opus_decoder_get_final_range( dec ) != opus_encoder_get_final_range( enc ) ) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: Range coder state mismatch between encoder and decoder.\n"); return 0; } #endif /* count bits */ bits += len*8; nrg = 0.0; for ( k = 0; k < frame_size * channels; k++ ) { nrg += out[ k ] * (double)out[ k ]; } if ( ( nrg / ( frame_size * channels ) ) > 1e5 ) { bits_act += len*8; count_act++; } /* Variance */ bits2 += len*len*64; } fprintf (stderr, "average bitrate: %7.3f kb/s\n", 1e-3*bits*sampling_rate/(frame_size*(double)count)); fprintf (stderr, "active bitrate: %7.3f kb/s\n", 1e-3*bits_act*sampling_rate/(frame_size*(double)count_act)); fprintf (stderr, "bitrate standard deviation: %7.3f kb/s\n", 1e-3*sqrt(bits2/count - bits*bits/(count*(double)count))*sampling_rate/frame_size); DEBUG_STORE_CLOSE_FILES /* Close any files to which intermediate results were stored */ opus_encoder_destroy(enc); opus_decoder_destroy(dec); fclose(fin); fclose(fout); free(in); free(out); return 0; }