Add support for intra-coding of the coarse energy.
Apparently the 0b notation used for the flags isn't standard C.
fix testcelt to use loss simulation
New code for encoding the flags
Making it easier to Torben to develop his new PLC code
Addressing some of Randell Jesup's comments
Fix (unexploitable) buffer overrun when _m=1 during the cwrs table init, as
Making the "data" argument to celt_decode() const as pointed out by Bjoern
Cleanup: getting rid of some old bits of stereo code that are no longer useful
Squashed commit of the following:
Allow --without-ogg to address issue raised by Ian Davidson.
Cleanup, acknowledgments
Mention the possibility of increasing the packetization interval in response to congestion.
Removed a few more inconsistancies
Using b=AS: for the bandwidth. Moved the example to the end of the SDP section
Took Greg Maxwell's channel mapping and simplified it
RTP Draft updates; merge new security boiler-plate from draft-ietf-avt-rtp-howto-06.txt
misc changes to rtp draft
Removed a few dozen warnings from the RTP XML draft.
Add version info to celtenc/celtdec output as suggested on the
API documentation updates.
Miscellaneous comment, copyright notice, readme updates.
Preparing for version 0.5.2
Fixed an overflow in the bit allocation table for large frame stereo
Better allocation rounding as suggested by derf
Simple check that application supplied packet length is not negative.
Changed the allocator to be smarter about the way it allocates
Update comment in celt.h to reflect that frame sizes up to 512 are supported.
License for the kiss-fft headers
Some additional documentaion in the celtenc UI.
Additional copyright notices.
Include missing copyright information in various files, for signoff.
Minor enhancements to celtenc to avoid silently capping bitrate and allow an
Enlarge CELT pseudo-stack for floating point unless an architecture specific value
This fixes a budget overrun and segfault for unreasonably low bitrates.
This fixes a couple of issues with celtclient.c and makes it easier to
Pitch now quantised at the band level, got rid of all the VQ code.
Moved the application of the pitch gain to (un)quant_bands(). This doesn't
Spec file
mode parameters in ietf draft
cross-referencing the source code
Details on the reference implementation
Added all the source files to the draft
More text in the IETF draft
Some details on the MDCT, fixed a bunch of warnings
Test whether the compiler supports -fvisibility=hidden
Unit tests now #include the relevant source files to prevent symbol visibility
Miscellaneous compiler warning cleanups.
IETF draft for CELT itself
Fix ectest to not check a case which isn't guaranteed to work, and which we don't use.
Ensure that log2_frac() is _really_ an upper bound.
Fix log2_frac() to return an upper bound, not a lower bound.
Compute the real maximum required bits for a split.
Add a SET_LTP call to allow on the fly activation/deactivation of the long term
Minor pitch handling cleanups.
New VQ search is now enabled by default after fixing the last remaining issues:
Fix optional synthesis bug in fixed point mode.
Fixes two bugs in get_required_bits() for the split cwrs case.
Fix a case where the new search can leave us with no pulse left
Cleaned up some junk left from the last allocator change
New VQ search nearly fixed-point ready
New VQ search works in fixed-point even though there's still some float ops left
Experimental code to improve both the speed and accuracy of the VQ search
alg_quant() now handles the sign of X[] separately from the quantisation
Support for 96kHz.
Getting rid of more stuff left from the Speex draft
Fixes a denormalisation issue occuring when multiple packets are lost and the
Celtclient improvements: A usable usage message and correct usage of the jitter buffer.
fixed test for cases where M_PI isn't defined
Bit of cleaning up and comments
The fold bit can now be used by the encoder and decoder (encoder still needs
Disabling the folding sign bit
experimental code for choosing whether to apply folding for the high bands
In some conditions the allocation could run out of bits and attempt to allocate a negative number of pulses.
Fixed use of the jitter buffer in celtclient.
Latest psychoacoustics work -- still highly experimental
Fixes some issues in the MF range coder on systems were ints are 16 bits.
re-enable support for resizable buffers in the range coder
Encoder now writes data directly in the user buffer
Multiply-free version of the range coder. Haven't yet decided which version to
Tonality estimation code
Add support for a complexity argument to both testcelt and celtenc.
fix STATIC_MODES for stereo (with a few fixes by JMV)