ref: 937634c293c7101505746f537bd165b6a57bebdd
dir: /sys/src/cmd/audio/zuke/zuke.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <thread.h> #include <draw.h> #include <mouse.h> #include <keyboard.h> #include <plumb.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "plist.h" #include "icy.h" #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>=(b)?(a):(b)) #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<=(b)?(a):(b)) #define CLAMP(x,min,max) MAX(min, MIN(max, x)) typedef struct Color Color; typedef struct Player Player; typedef struct Playlist Playlist; enum { Cstart = 1, Cstop, Ctoggle, Cseekrel, Rgdisabled = 0, Rgtrack, Rgalbum, Numrg, Everror = 1, Evready, Seek = 10, /* 10 seconds */ Seekfast = 60, /* a minute */ Bps = 44100*2*2, /* 44100KHz, stereo, s16 for a sample */ Relbufsz = Bps/2, /* 0.5s */ Dback = 0, Dfhigh, Dfmed, Dflow, Dfinv, Dbmed, Dblow, Dbinv, Numcolors, Ncol = 10, }; struct Color { u32int rgb; Image *im; }; struct Player { Channel *ctl; Channel *ev; Channel *img; Channel *icytitlec; char *icytitle; double seek; double gain; int pcur; }; struct Playlist { Meta *m; int n; char *raw; int rawsz; }; static int debug; static int audio = -1; static int volume, rg; static int pnotifies; static Playlist *pl; static Player *playernext; static Player *playercurr; static vlong byteswritten; static int pcur, pcurplaying; static int scroll, scrollsz; static Font *f; static Image *cover; static Channel *playc; static Channel *redrawc; static Mousectl *mctl; static Keyboardctl kctl; static int shiftdown; static int colwidth[Ncol]; static int mincolwidth[Ncol]; static char *cols = "AatD"; static int colspath; static int *shuffle; static int repeatone; static Rectangle seekbar; static int seekmx, newseekmx = -1; static double seekoff; /* ms */ static Lock audiolock; static int audioerr = 0; static Biobuf out; static char *covers[] = { "art", "folder", "cover", "Cover", "scans/CD", "Scans/Front", "Covers/Front" }; static Color colors[Numcolors] = { [Dback] = {0xf0f0f0}, [Dfhigh] = {0xffffff}, [Dfmed] = {0x343434}, [Dflow] = {0xa5a5a5}, [Dfinv] = {0x323232}, [Dbmed] = {0x72dec2}, [Dblow] = {0x404040}, [Dbinv] = {0xffb545}, }; static int Scrollwidth; static int Scrollheight; static int Seekthicc; static int Coversz; static char * matchvname(char **s) { char *names[] = {"mix", "master", "pcm out"}; int i, l; for(i = 0; i < nelem(names); i++){ l = strlen(names[i]); if(strncmp(*s, names[i], l) == 0){ *s += l; return names[i]; } } return nil; } static void chvolume(int d) { int f, x, ox, want, try; char *s, *e; Biobufhdr b; uchar buf[1024]; char *n; if((f = open("/dev/volume", ORDWR|OCEXEC)) < 0) return; Binits(&b, f, OREAD, buf, sizeof(buf)); want = x = -1; ox = 0; for(try = 0; try < 10; try++){ for(n = nil; (s = Brdline(&b, '\n')) != nil;){ if((n = matchvname(&s)) != nil && (ox = strtol(s, &e, 10)) >= 0 && s != e) break; n = nil; } if(want < 0){ want = CLAMP(ox+d, 0, 100); x = ox; } if(n == nil || (d > 0 && ox >= want) || (d < 0 && ox <= want)) break; x = CLAMP(x+d, 0, 100); if(fprint(f, "%s %d\n", n, x) < 0) break; /* go to eof and back */ while(Brdline(&b, '\n') != nil); Bseek(&b, 0, 0); } volume = CLAMP(ox, 0, 100); Bterm(&b); close(f); } static void audioon(void) { lock(&audiolock); if(audio < 0){ if((audio = open("/dev/audio", OWRITE|OCEXEC)) < 0 && audioerr == 0){ fprint(2, "%r\n"); audioerr = 1; }else{ chvolume(0); } } unlock(&audiolock); } static void audiooff(void) { lock(&audiolock); close(audio); audio = -1; audioerr = 0; unlock(&audiolock); } #pragma varargck type "P" uvlong static int positionfmt(Fmt *f) { char *s, tmp[16]; u64int sec; s = tmp; sec = va_arg(f->args, uvlong); if(sec >= 3600){ s = seprint(s, tmp+sizeof(tmp), "%02lld:", sec/3600); sec %= 3600; } s = seprint(s, tmp+sizeof(tmp), "%02lld:", sec/60); sec %= 60; seprint(s, tmp+sizeof(tmp), "%02lld", sec); return fmtstrcpy(f, tmp); } static char * getcol(Meta *m, int c) { static char tmp[32]; char *s; switch(c){ case Palbum: s = m->album; break; case Partist: s = m->artist[0]; break; case Pcomposer: s = m->composer; break; case Pdate: s = m->date; break; case Ptitle: s = (!colspath && (m->title == nil || *m->title == 0)) ? m->basename : m->title; break; case Ptrack: snprint(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%4s", m->track); s = m->track ? tmp : nil; break; case Ppath: s = m->path; break; case Pduration: tmp[0] = 0; if(m->duration > 0) snprint(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%8P", m->duration/1000); s = tmp; break; default: sysfatal("invalid column '%c'", c); } return s ? s : ""; } static Meta * getmeta(int i) { return &pl->m[shuffle != nil ? shuffle[i] : i]; } static void updatescrollsz(void) { scrollsz = Dy(screen->r)/f->height - 2; } static void redraw_(int full) { static Image *back, *ocover; static int oscrollcenter, opcur, opcurplaying; int x, i, j, scrollcenter, w; uvlong dur, msec; Rectangle sel, r; char tmp[32], *s; Point p, sp, p₀, p₁; Image *col; /* seekbar playback/duration text */ i = snprint(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s%s%s%s", rg ? (rg == Rgalbum ? "ᴬ" : "ᵀ") : "", repeatone ? "¹" : "", shuffle != nil ? "∫" : "", (rg || repeatone || shuffle != nil) ? " " : "" ); msec = 0; dur = 0; w = stringwidth(f, tmp); if(pcurplaying >= 0){ msec = byteswritten*1000/Bps; dur = getmeta(pcurplaying)->duration; if(dur > 0){ snprint(tmp+i, sizeof(tmp)-i, "%P/%P ", dur/1000, dur/1000); w += stringwidth(f, tmp+i); msec = MIN(msec, dur); i += snprint(tmp+i, sizeof(tmp)-i, "%P/%P ", (uvlong)(newseekmx >= 0 ? seekoff : msec)/1000, dur/1000 ); }else{ j = snprint(tmp+i, sizeof(tmp)-i, "%P ", msec/1000); w += stringwidth(f, tmp+i); i += j; } } snprint(tmp+i, sizeof(tmp)-i, "%d%%", 100); w += stringwidth(f, tmp+i); snprint(tmp+i, sizeof(tmp)-i, "%d%%", volume); lockdisplay(display); if(back == nil || Dx(screen->r) != Dx(back->r) || Dy(screen->r) != Dy(back->r)){ freeimage(back); back = allocimage(display, Rpt(ZP,subpt(screen->r.max, screen->r.min)), XRGB32, 0, DNofill); full = 1; } r = screen->r; /* scrollbar */ p₀ = Pt(r.min.x, r.min.y); p₁ = Pt(r.min.x+Scrollwidth, r.max.y-Seekthicc); if(scroll < 1) scrollcenter = 0; else scrollcenter = (p₁.y-p₀.y-Scrollheight/2 - Seekthicc)*scroll / (pl->n - scrollsz); if(full || oscrollcenter != scrollcenter){ draw(screen, Rpt(p₀, Pt(p₁.x, p₁.y)), colors[Dback].im, nil, ZP); line(screen, Pt(p₁.x, p₀.y), p₁, Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, colors[Dflow].im, ZP); r = Rpt( Pt(p₀.x+1, p₀.y + scrollcenter + Scrollheight/4), Pt(p₁.x-1, p₀.y + scrollcenter + Scrollheight/4 + Scrollheight) ); /* scrollbar handle */ draw(screen, r, colors[Dblow].im, nil, ZP); } /* seek bar rectangle */ r = Rpt(Pt(p₀.x, p₁.y), Pt(screen->r.max.x-w-4, screen->r.max.y)); /* playback/duration text */ draw(screen, Rpt(Pt(r.max.x, p₁.y), screen->r.max), colors[Dblow].im, nil, ZP); p = addpt(Pt(screen->r.max.x - stringwidth(f, tmp) - 4, p₁.y), Pt(2, 2)); string(screen, p, colors[Dfhigh].im, ZP, f, tmp); /* seek control */ if(pcurplaying >= 0 && dur > 0){ border(screen, r, 3, colors[Dblow].im, ZP); r = insetrect(r, 3); seekbar = r; p = r.min; x = p.x + Dx(r) * (double)msec / (double)dur; r.min.x = x; draw(screen, r, colors[Dback].im, nil, ZP); r.min.x = p.x; r.max.x = x; draw(screen, r, colors[Dbmed].im, nil, ZP); }else draw(screen, r, colors[Dblow].im, nil, ZP); Rectangle bp[2] = { Rpt(addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(Scrollwidth+1, 0)), subpt(screen->r.max, Pt(0, Seekthicc))), ZR, }; if(cover != nil){ r.min.x = screen->r.max.x - Dx(cover->r) - 8; r.min.y = p₁.y - Dy(cover->r) - 6; r.max.x = screen->r.max.x; r.max.y = p₁.y + 2; if(full || cover != ocover){ border(screen, r, 4, colors[Dblow].im, ZP); draw(screen, insetrect(r, 4), cover, nil, ZP); } bp[1] = bp[0]; bp[0].max.y = r.min.y; bp[1].max.x = r.min.x; bp[1].min.y = r.min.y; }else if(ocover != nil) full = 1; /* playlist */ if(full || oscrollcenter != scrollcenter || pcur != opcur || pcurplaying != opcurplaying){ draw(back, back->r, colors[Dback].im, nil, ZP); p.x = sp.x = Scrollwidth; p.y = 0; sp.y = back->r.max.y; for(i = 0; cols[i+1] != 0; i++){ p.x += colwidth[i] + 4; sp.x = p.x; line(back, p, sp, Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, colors[Dflow].im, ZP); p.x += 4; } sp.x = sp.y = 0; p.x = Scrollwidth + 2; p.y = back->r.min.y + 2; for(i = scroll; i < pl->n; i++, p.y += f->height){ if(i < 0) continue; if(p.y > back->r.max.y) break; if(pcur == i){ sel.min.x = Scrollwidth; sel.min.y = p.y; sel.max.x = back->r.max.x; sel.max.y = p.y + f->height; replclipr(back, 0, back->r); draw(back, sel, colors[Dbinv].im, nil, ZP); col = colors[Dfinv].im; }else{ col = colors[Dfmed].im; } sel = back->r; p.x = Scrollwidth + 2 + 3; for(j = 0; cols[j] != 0; j++){ sel.max.x = cols[j+1] ? (p.x + colwidth[j] - 1) : back->r.max.x; replclipr(back, 0, sel); if(playercurr != nil && playercurr->icytitle != nil && pcurplaying == i && cols[j] == Ptitle) s = playercurr->icytitle; else s = getcol(getmeta(i), cols[j]); string(back, p, col, sp, f, s); p.x += colwidth[j] + 8; } if(pcurplaying == i){ Point rightp, leftp; leftp.y = rightp.y = p.y - 1; leftp.x = Scrollwidth; rightp.x = back->r.max.x; replclipr(back, 0, back->r); line(back, leftp, rightp, 0, 0, 0, colors[Dflow].im, sp); leftp.y = rightp.y = p.y + f->height; line(back, leftp, rightp, 0, 0, 0, colors[Dflow].im, sp); } } for(i = 0; bp[i].max.x ; i++) draw(screen, bp[i], back, nil, subpt(bp[i].min, screen->r.min)); } oscrollcenter = scrollcenter; opcurplaying = pcurplaying; ocover = cover; opcur = pcur; flushimage(display, 1); unlockdisplay(display); } static void redrawproc(void *) { ulong full, nbfull, another; threadsetname("redraw"); while(recv(redrawc, &full) == 1){ Again: redraw_(full); another = 0; full = 0; while(nbrecv(redrawc, &nbfull) > 0){ full |= nbfull; another = 1; } if(another) goto Again; } threadexits(nil); } static void redraw(int full) { sendul(redrawc, full); } static void coverload(void *player_) { int p[2], pid, fd, i; char *prog, *path, *s, tmp[64]; Meta *m; Channel *ch; Player *player; Image *newcover; threadsetname("cover"); player = player_; m = getmeta(player->pcur); pid = -1; ch = player->img; fd = -1; prog = nil; if(m->imagefmt != nil) prog = "audio/readtags -i"; else{ path = strdup(m->path); if(path != nil && (s = utfrrune(path, '/')) != nil){ *s = 0; for(i = 0; i < nelem(covers) && prog == nil; i++){ if((s = smprint("%s/%s.jpg", path, covers[i])) != nil && (fd = open(s, OREAD|OCEXEC)) >= 0) prog = "jpg -9t"; free(s); s = nil; if(fd < 0 && (s = smprint("%s/%s.png", path, covers[i])) != nil && (fd = open(s, OREAD|OCEXEC)) >= 0) prog = "png -9t"; free(s); } } free(path); } if(prog == nil) goto done; if(fd < 0) fd = open(m->path, OREAD|OCEXEC); snprint(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s | resample -x%d", prog, Coversz); pipe(p); if((pid = rfork(RFPROC|RFFDG|RFNOTEG|RFCENVG|RFNOWAIT)) == 0){ dup(fd, 0); close(fd); dup(p[1], 1); close(p[1]); if(!debug){ dup(fd = open("/dev/null", OWRITE), 2); close(fd); } execl("/bin/rc", "rc", "-c", tmp, nil); sysfatal("execl: %r"); } close(fd); close(p[1]); if(pid > 0){ newcover = readimage(display, p[0], 1); /* if readtags fails, readimage will also fail, and we send nil over ch */ sendp(ch, newcover); } close(p[0]); done: if(pid < 0) sendp(ch, nil); chanclose(ch); chanfree(ch); postnote(PNGROUP, pid, "die"); threadexits(nil); } static int playerret(Player *player) { return recvul(player->ev) == Everror ? -1 : 0; } static void pnotify(Player *p) { Meta *m; int i; if(!pnotifies) return; if(p != nil){ m = getmeta(p->pcur); for(i = 0; cols[i] != 0; i++) Bprint(&out, "%s\t", getcol(m, cols[i])); } Bprint(&out, "\n"); Bflush(&out); } static void stop(Player *player) { if(player == nil) return; if(player == playernext) playernext = nil; if(!getmeta(player->pcur)->filefmt[0]) playerret(player); if(player == playercurr) pnotify(nil); sendul(player->ctl, Cstop); } static void start(Player *player) { if(player == nil) return; if(!getmeta(player->pcur)->filefmt[0]) playerret(player); pnotify(player); sendul(player->ctl, Cstart); } static void playerthread(void *player_); static void setgain(Player *player) { if(player == nil) return; if(rg == Rgdisabled) player->gain = 0.0; if(rg == Rgtrack) player->gain = getmeta(player->pcur)->rgtrack; else if(rg == Rgalbum) player->gain = getmeta(player->pcur)->rgalbum; player->gain = pow(10.0, player->gain/20.0); } static Player * newplayer(int pcur, int loadnext) { Player *player; if(playernext != nil && loadnext){ if(pcur == playernext->pcur){ player = playernext; playernext = nil; goto done; } stop(playernext); playernext = nil; } player = mallocz(sizeof(*player), 1); player->ctl = chancreate(sizeof(ulong), 0); player->ev = chancreate(sizeof(ulong), 0); player->pcur = pcur; setgain(player); threadcreate(playerthread, player, 32768); if(getmeta(pcur)->filefmt[0] && playerret(player) < 0) return nil; done: if(pcur < pl->n-1 && playernext == nil && loadnext) playernext = newplayer(pcur+1, 0); return player; } static long iosetname(va_list *) { procsetname("player/io"); return 0; } static int clip16(int v) { if(v > 0x7fff) return 0x7fff; if(v < -0x8000) return -0x8000; return v; } static void gain(double g, char *buf, long n) { s16int *f; if(g != 1.0) for(f = (s16int*)buf; n >= 4; n -= 4){ *f++ = clip16(*f * g); *f++ = clip16(*f * g); } } static void playerthread(void *player_) { char *buf, cmd[64], seekpos[12], *fmt, *path, *icytitle; Player *player; Ioproc *io; Image *thiscover; ulong c; int p[2], q[2], fd, pid, noinit, trycoverload; long n, r; vlong boffset, boffsetlast; Meta *cur; threadsetname("player"); player = player_; noinit = 0; boffset = 0; buf = nil; trycoverload = 1; io = nil; restart: cur = getmeta(player->pcur); fmt = cur->filefmt; path = cur->path; fd = -1; q[0] = -1; pid = -1; if(*fmt){ if((fd = open(cur->path, OREAD)) < 0){ fprint(2, "%r\n"); sendul(player->ev, Everror); chanclose(player->ev); goto freeplayer; } }else{ sendul(player->ev, Evready); chanclose(player->ev); if(strncmp(cur->path, "http://", 7) == 0){ /* try icy */ pipe(q); if(icyget(cur, q[0], &player->icytitlec) == 0){ fd = q[1]; path = nil; }else{ close(q[0]); q[0] = -1; close(q[1]); } } } pipe(p); if((pid = rfork(RFPROC|RFFDG|RFNOTEG|RFCENVG|RFNOWAIT)) == 0){ close(q[0]); close(p[1]); if(fd < 0) fd = open("/dev/null", OREAD); dup(fd, 0); close(fd); /* fd == q[1] when it's Icy */ dup(p[0], 1); close(p[0]); if(!debug){ dup(fd = open("/dev/null", OWRITE), 2); close(fd); } if(*fmt){ snprint(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "/bin/audio/%sdec", fmt); snprint(seekpos, sizeof(seekpos), "%g", (double)boffset/Bps); execl(cmd, cmd, boffset ? "-s" : nil, seekpos, nil); }else{ execl("/bin/play", "play", "-o", "/fd/1", path, nil); } exits("%r"); } if(pid < 0) sysfatal("rfork: %r"); /* fd is q[1] when it's Icy */ close(fd); close(p[0]); c = 0; if(!noinit){ if(*fmt){ sendul(player->ev, Evready); chanclose(player->ev); } buf = malloc(Relbufsz); if((io = ioproc()) == nil) sysfatal("player: %r"); iocall(io, iosetname); if((n = ioreadn(io, p[1], buf, Relbufsz)) < 0) fprint(2, "player: %r\n"); if(recv(player->ctl, &c) < 0 || c != Cstart) goto freeplayer; if(n < 1) goto next; audioon(); gain(player->gain, buf, n); boffset = iowrite(io, audio, buf, n); noinit = 1; } boffsetlast = boffset; byteswritten = boffset; pcurplaying = player->pcur; redraw(1); while(1){ n = ioread(io, p[1], buf, Relbufsz); if(n <= 0){ if(repeatone){ c = Cseekrel; boffset = 0; } break; } if(player->icytitlec != nil && nbrecv(player->icytitlec, &icytitle) != 0){ free(player->icytitle); player->icytitle = icytitle; redraw(1); } thiscover = nil; if(player->img != nil && nbrecv(player->img, &thiscover) != 0){ freeimage(cover); cover = thiscover; redraw(0); player->img = nil; } r = nbrecv(player->ctl, &c); if(r < 0){ audiooff(); goto stop; }else if(r != 0){ if(c == Ctoggle){ audiooff(); if(recv(player->ctl, &c) < 0) goto stop; } if(c == Cseekrel && *fmt){ boffset = MAX(0, boffset + player->seek*Bps); n = 0; break; }else if(c == Cstop){ audiooff(); goto stop; } } boffset += n; byteswritten = boffset; audioon(); gain(player->gain, buf, n); iowrite(io, audio, buf, n); if(trycoverload){ trycoverload = 0; player->img = chancreate(sizeof(Image*), 0); proccreate(coverload, player, 4096); } if(labs(boffset/Relbufsz - boffsetlast/Relbufsz) > 0){ boffsetlast = boffset; redraw(0); } } if(n < 1){ /* seeking backwards or end of the song */ close(p[1]); p[1] = -1; postnote(PNGROUP, pid, "die"); if(c != Cseekrel || (getmeta(pcurplaying)->duration && boffset >= getmeta(pcurplaying)->duration/1000*Bps)){ next: playercurr = nil; playercurr = newplayer((player->pcur+1) % pl->n, 1); start(playercurr); goto stop; } goto restart; } stop: if(player->img != nil) freeimage(recvp(player->img)); freeplayer: close(p[1]); closeioproc(io); postnote(PNGROUP, pid, "die"); if(player->icytitlec != nil){ while((icytitle = recvp(player->icytitlec)) != nil) free(icytitle); chanfree(player->icytitlec); } chanfree(player->ctl); chanfree(player->ev); if(player == playercurr) playercurr = nil; if(player == playernext) playernext = nil; free(buf); free(player->icytitle); free(player); threadexits(nil); } static int toggle(Player *player) { return (player != nil && sendul(player->ctl, Ctoggle) == 1) ? 0 : -1; } static void seekrel(Player *player, double off) { if(player != nil){ player->seek = off; sendul(player->ctl, Cseekrel); } } static void freeplist(Playlist *pl) { if(pl != nil){ free(pl->m); free(pl->raw); } free(pl); } static char * readall(int f) { int bufsz, sz, n; char *s; bufsz = 1023; s = nil; for(sz = 0;; sz += n){ if(bufsz-sz < 1024){ bufsz *= 2; s = realloc(s, bufsz); } if((n = readn(f, s+sz, bufsz-sz-1)) < 1) break; } if(n < 0 || sz < 1){ if(n == 0) werrstr("empty"); free(s); return nil; } s[sz] = 0; return s; } static int cmpint(void *a, void *b) { return *(int*)a - *(int*)b; } static Playlist * readplist(int fd, int mincolwidth[Ncol]) { char *raw, *s, *e, *a[5], *b; int plsz, i, *w; Playlist *pl; Meta *m; if((raw = readall(fd)) == nil) return nil; plsz = 0; for(s = raw; (s = strchr(s, '\n')) != nil; s++){ if(*(++s) == '\n') plsz++; } if((pl = calloc(1, sizeof(*pl))) == nil || (pl->m = calloc(plsz+1, sizeof(Meta))) == nil){ freeplist(pl); werrstr("no memory"); return nil; } pl->raw = raw; for(s = pl->raw, m = pl->m, e = s; e != nil; s = e){ if((e = strchr(s, '\n')) == nil) goto addit; s += 2; *e++ = 0; switch(s[-2]){ case 0: addit: if(m->path != nil){ if(m->filefmt == nil) m->filefmt = ""; if(m->numartist == 0 && m->composer != nil) m->artist[m->numartist++] = m->composer; pl->n++; m++; } break; case Pimage: if(tokenize(s, a, nelem(a)) >= 4){ m->imageoffset = atoi(a[0]); m->imagesize = atoi(a[1]); m->imagereader = atoi(a[2]); m->imagefmt = a[3]; } break; case Pduration: m->duration = strtoull(s, nil, 0); break; case Partist: if(m->numartist < Maxartist) m->artist[m->numartist++] = s; break; case Pcomposer: m->composer = s; break; case Pfilefmt: m->filefmt = s; break; case Palbum: m->album = s; break; case Pdate: m->date = s; break; case Ptitle: m->title = s; break; case Ptrack: m->track = s; break; case Prgtrack: m->rgtrack = atof(s); break; case Prgalbum: m->rgalbum = atof(s); break; case Ppath: m->path = s; m->basename = (b = utfrrune(s, '/')) == nil ? s : b+1; break; } } w = malloc(sizeof(int)*pl->n); for(i = 0; cols[i] != 0; i++){ for(m = pl->m; m != pl->m + pl->n; m++) w[m - pl->m] = stringwidth(f, getcol(m, cols[i])); qsort(w, pl->n, sizeof(*w), cmpint); mincolwidth[i] = w[93*(pl->n-1)/100]; } free(w); return pl; } static void recenter(void) { updatescrollsz(); scroll = pcur - scrollsz/2 + 1; } static void seekto(char *s) { vlong p; char *e; for(p = 0; *s; s = e){ p += strtoll(s, &e, 10); if(s == e) break; if(*e == ':'){ p *= 60; e++; } } seekrel(playercurr, p - byteswritten/Bps); } static void search(char d) { Meta *m; static char buf[64]; static int sz; int inc, i, a, cycle; inc = (d == '/' || d == 'n') ? 1 : -1; if(d == '/' || d == '?') sz = enter(inc > 0 ? "forward:" : "backward:", buf, sizeof(buf), mctl, &kctl, screen->screen); if(sz < 1){ redraw(1); return; } cycle = 1; for(i = pcur+inc; i >= 0 && i < pl->n;){ m = getmeta(i); for(a = 0; a < m->numartist; a++){ if(cistrstr(m->artist[a], buf) != nil) break; } if(a < m->numartist) break; if(m->album != nil && cistrstr(m->album, buf) != nil) break; if(m->title != nil && cistrstr(m->title, buf) != nil) break; if(cistrstr(m->path, buf) != nil) break; onemore: i += inc; } if(i >= 0 && i < pl->n){ pcur = i; recenter(); }else if(cycle && i+inc < 0){ cycle = 0; i = pl->n; goto onemore; }else if(cycle && i+inc >= pl->n){ cycle = 0; i = -1; goto onemore; } redraw(1); } static void toggleshuffle(void) { int i, m, xi, a, c, pcurnew, pcurplayingnew; if(shuffle == nil){ if(pl->n < 2) return; m = pl->n; if(pl->n < 4){ a = 1; c = 3; m = 7; }else{ m += 1; m |= m >> 1; m |= m >> 2; m |= m >> 4; m |= m >> 8; m |= m >> 16; a = 1 + nrand(m/4)*4; /* 1 ≤ a < m && a mod 4 = 1 */ c = 3 + nrand((m-2)/2)*2; /* 3 ≤ c < m-1 && c mod 2 = 1 */ } shuffle = malloc(pl->n*sizeof(*shuffle)); xi = pcurplaying < 0 ? pcur : pcurplaying; pcurplayingnew = -1; pcurnew = 0; for(i = 0; i < pl->n;){ if(xi < pl->n){ if(pcur == xi) pcurnew = i; if(pcurplaying == xi) pcurplayingnew = i; shuffle[i++] = xi; } xi = (a*xi + c) & m; } pcur = pcurnew; pcurplaying = pcurplayingnew; }else{ pcur = shuffle[pcur]; if(pcurplaying >= 0) pcurplaying = shuffle[pcurplaying]; free(shuffle); shuffle = nil; } stop(playernext); if(pcur < pl->n-1) playernext = newplayer(pcur+1, 0); } static void adjustcolumns(void) { int i, n, total, width; total = 0; n = 0; width = Dx(screen->r); for(i = 0; cols[i] != 0; i++){ if(cols[i] == Pduration || cols[i] == Pdate || cols[i] == Ptrack) width -= mincolwidth[i] + 8; else{ total += mincolwidth[i]; n++; } } colspath = 0; for(i = 0; cols[i] != 0; i++){ if(cols[i] == Ppath || cols[i] == Pbasename) colspath = 1; if(cols[i] == Pduration || cols[i] == Pdate || cols[i] == Ptrack) colwidth[i] = mincolwidth[i]; else colwidth[i] = (width - Scrollwidth - n*8) * mincolwidth[i] / total; } } static void plumbaudio(void *kbd) { int i, f, pf, mcw[Ncol], playing, shuffled; Playlist *p; Plumbmsg *m; char *s, *e; Rune c; threadsetname("audio/plumb"); if((f = plumbopen("audio", OREAD)) >= 0){ while((m = plumbrecv(f)) != nil){ s = m->data; if(strncmp(s, "key", 3) == 0 && isspace(s[3])){ for(s = s+4; isspace(*s); s++); for(; (i = chartorune(&c, s)) > 0 && c != Runeerror; s += i) sendul(kbd, c); continue; } if(*s != '/' && m->wdir != nil) s = smprint("%s/%.*s", m->wdir, m->ndata, m->data); if((e = strrchr(s, '.')) != nil && strcmp(e, ".plist") == 0 && (pf = open(s, OREAD|OCEXEC)) >= 0){ p = readplist(pf, mcw); close(pf); if(p == nil) continue; playing = pcurplaying; if(shuffled = (shuffle != nil)) sendul(kbd, 's'); /* make sure nothing is playing */ while(pcurplaying >= 0){ sendul(kbd, 'v'); sleep(100); } freeplist(pl); pl = p; memmove(mincolwidth, mcw, sizeof(mincolwidth)); adjustcolumns(); pcur = 0; if(shuffled){ pcur = nrand(pl->n); sendul(kbd, 's'); } redraw(1); if(playing >= 0) sendul(kbd, '\n'); }else{ for(i = 0; i < pl->n; i++){ if(strcmp(pl->m[i].path, s) == 0){ sendul(playc, i); break; } } } if(s != m->data) free(s); plumbfree(m); } } threadexits(nil); } static void kbproc(void *cchan) { char *s, buf[128], buf2[128]; int kbd, n; Rune r; threadsetname("kbproc"); if((kbd = open("/dev/kbd", OREAD|OCEXEC)) < 0) sysfatal("/dev/kbd: %r"); buf2[0] = 0; buf2[1] = 0; buf[0] = 0; for(;;){ if(buf[0] != 0){ n = strlen(buf)+1; memmove(buf, buf+n, sizeof(buf)-n); } if(buf[0] == 0){ n = read(kbd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); if(n <= 0) break; buf[n-1] = 0; buf[n] = 0; } switch(buf[0]){ case 'k': for(s = buf+1; *s;){ s += chartorune(&r, s); if(utfrune(buf2+1, r) == nil){ if(r == Kshift) shiftdown = 1; } } break; case 'K': for(s = buf2+1; *s;){ s += chartorune(&r, s); if(utfrune(buf+1, r) == nil){ if(r == Kshift) shiftdown = 0; } } break; case 'c': if(chartorune(&r, buf+1) > 0 && r != Runeerror) nbsend(cchan, &r); default: continue; } strcpy(buf2, buf); } close(kbd); threadexits(nil); } static void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-s] [-c aAdDtTp]\n", argv0); sysfatal("usage"); } void threadmain(int argc, char **argv) { Rune key; Mouse m; ulong ind; enum { Emouse, Eresize, Ekey, Eplay, }; Alt a[] = { { nil, &m, CHANRCV }, { nil, nil, CHANRCV }, { nil, &key, CHANRCV }, { nil, &ind, CHANRCV }, { nil, nil, CHANEND }, }; int n, scrolling, oldpcur, oldbuttons, pnew, shuffled; int seekmx, full; char buf[64]; shuffled = 0; ARGBEGIN{ case 'd': debug++; break; case 's': shuffled = 1; break; case 'c': cols = EARGF(usage()); if(strlen(cols) >= nelem(colwidth)) sysfatal("max %d columns allowed", nelem(colwidth)); break; default: usage(); break; }ARGEND; Binit(&out, 1, OWRITE); pnotifies = fd2path(1, buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0 && strcmp(buf, "/dev/cons") != 0; if(initdraw(nil, nil, "zuke") < 0) sysfatal("initdraw: %r"); unlockdisplay(display); display->locking = 1; f = display->defaultfont; Scrollwidth = MAX(14, stringwidth(f, "#")); Scrollheight = MAX(16, f->height); Seekthicc = Scrollheight + 2; Coversz = MAX(64, stringwidth(f, "¹∫ 00:00:00/00:00:00 100%")); if((mctl = initmouse(nil, screen)) == nil) sysfatal("initmouse: %r"); kctl.c = chancreate(sizeof(Rune), 20); proccreate(kbproc, kctl.c, 4096); playc = chancreate(sizeof(ind), 0); a[Emouse].c = mctl->c; a[Eresize].c = mctl->resizec; a[Ekey].c = kctl.c; a[Eplay].c = playc; redrawc = chancreate(sizeof(ulong), 8); proccreate(redrawproc, nil, 8192); Theme th[Numcolors] = { [Dback] { "back", 0xf0f0f0 }, [Dfhigh] { "high", 0xffffff }, [Dfmed] { "text", 0x343434 }, [Dflow] { "border", 0xa5a5a5 }, [Dfinv] { "hold", 0x323232 }, [Dbmed] { "menubar", 0x72dec2 }, [Dblow] { "ltitle", 0x404040 }, [Dbinv] { "paletext", 0xffb545 }, }; readtheme(th, nelem(th), nil); for(n = 0; n < Numcolors; n++){ colors[n].rgb = th[n].c >> 8 & ~(0xff<<24); colors[n].im = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), RGB24, 1, th[n].c); } srand(time(0)); pcurplaying = -1; chvolume(0); fmtinstall('P', positionfmt); threadsetname("zuke"); if((pl = readplist(0, mincolwidth)) == nil){ fprint(2, "playlist: %r\n"); sysfatal("playlist error"); } m.buttons = 0; scrolling = 0; seekmx = 0; adjustcolumns(); proccreate(plumbaudio, kctl.c, 4096); if(shuffled){ pcur = nrand(pl->n); toggleshuffle(); } full = 1; for(;;){ updatescrollsz(); scroll = CLAMP(scroll, 0, pl->n - scrollsz); redraw(full); oldpcur = pcur; full = 0; if(seekmx != newseekmx){ seekmx = newseekmx; redraw(0); } oldbuttons = m.buttons; switch(alt(a)){ case Emouse: if(ptinrect(m.xy, seekbar)){ seekoff = getmeta(pcurplaying)->duration * (double)(m.xy.x-1-seekbar.min.x) / (double)Dx(seekbar); if(seekoff < 0) seekoff = 0; newseekmx = m.xy.x; }else{ newseekmx = -1; } if(oldbuttons == m.buttons && m.buttons == 0) continue; if(m.buttons != 2) scrolling = 0; if(m.buttons == 0) break; if(m.buttons == 8){ scroll -= (shiftdown ? 0 : scrollsz/4)+1; break; }else if(m.buttons == 16){ scroll += (shiftdown ? 0 : scrollsz/4)+1; break; } n = (m.xy.y - screen->r.min.y)/f->height; if(m.xy.x <= screen->r.min.x+Scrollwidth && m.xy.y <= screen->r.max.y-Seekthicc){ if(m.buttons == 1){ scroll -= n+1; break; }else if(m.buttons == 4){ scroll += n+1; break; }else if(m.buttons == 2){ scrolling = 1; } } if(!scrolling && ptinrect(m.xy, insetrect(seekbar, -4))){ if(ptinrect(m.xy, seekbar)) seekrel(playercurr, seekoff/1000.0 - byteswritten/Bps); break; } if(scrolling){ if(scrollsz >= pl->n) break; scroll = (m.xy.y - screen->r.min.y)*(pl->n-scrollsz) / (Dy(screen->r)-Seekthicc); }else if(m.buttons == 1 || m.buttons == 2){ n += scroll; if(n < pl->n){ pcur = n; if(m.buttons == 2 && oldbuttons == 0){ stop(playercurr); playercurr = newplayer(pcur, 1); start(playercurr); } } } break; case Eresize: /* resize */ if(getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0) sysfatal("getwindow: %r"); adjustcolumns(); redraw(1); break; case Ekey: switch(key){ default: if(isdigit(key) && pcurplaying >= 0 && getmeta(pcurplaying)->duration > 0){ buf[0] = key; buf[1] = 0; if(enter("seek:", buf, sizeof(buf), mctl, &kctl, screen->screen) < 1) redraw(1); else seekto(buf); } break; case Kleft: seekrel(playercurr, -(double)Seek); break; case Kright: seekrel(playercurr, Seek); break; case ',': seekrel(playercurr, -(double)Seekfast); break; case '.': seekrel(playercurr, Seekfast); break; case Kup: pcur--; break; case Kpgup: pcur -= scrollsz; break; case Kdown: pcur++; break; case Kpgdown: pcur += scrollsz; break; case Kend: pcur = pl->n-1; scroll = pl->n-scrollsz; break; case Khome: pcur = 0; break; case '\n': playcur: stop(playercurr); playercurr = newplayer(pcur, 1); start(playercurr); break; case 'q': case Kdel: stop(playercurr); stop(playernext); threadexitsall(nil); case 'i': case 'o': if(pcur == pcurplaying) oldpcur = -1; pcur = pcurplaying; recenter(); break; case 'b': case '>': if(playercurr == nil) break; pnew = pcurplaying; if(++pnew >= pl->n) pnew = 0; stop(playercurr); playercurr = newplayer(pnew, 1); start(playercurr); break; case 'z': case '<': if(playercurr == nil) break; pnew = pcurplaying; if(--pnew < 0) pnew = pl->n-1; stop(playercurr); playercurr = newplayer(pnew, 1); start(playercurr); break; case '-': chvolume(-1); redraw(0); continue; case '+': case '=': chvolume(+1); redraw(0); continue; case 'v': stop(playercurr); stop(playernext); playercurr = nil; playernext = nil; pcurplaying = -1; freeimage(cover); cover = nil; full = 1; break; case 'g': rg = (rg+1) % Numrg; setgain(playercurr); setgain(playernext); redraw(0); break; case 's': toggleshuffle(); recenter(); full = 1; break; case 'r': repeatone ^= 1; redraw(0); break; case 'c': case 'p': case ' ': if(toggle(playercurr) != 0) goto playcur; break; case '/': case '?': case 'n': case 'N': search(key); break; } break; case Eplay: pcur = ind; recenter(); if(playercurr != nil) goto playcur; break; } if(pcur != oldpcur){ pcur = CLAMP(pcur, 0, pl->n-1); if(pcur < scroll) scroll = pcur; else if(pcur > scroll + scrollsz) scroll = pcur - scrollsz; } } }