page: fix screwed up display when transparency is present
jam: M: don't require a current file to operate (from 9front, thanks umbraticus)
bof: add missing changes from upstream
libdraw: remove unmodified readimage, add missing(??) readtheme
REALLY REALLY sync upas, come on git9
add png(readpng.c): raise memory limit and old wip mTRS chunks for indexed rgb24
nupas: remove extraneous files and update
remove vnc: patch no longer necessary after last update
page: theming, delete and invert commands
troff: inflate maximum size of character set
add aux/statusbar, aux/statusmsg: themeshit
/sys/include: add libdraw themeshit to counterpart ape libs
/lib/font/fixed/unicode.6x10.font: add glyphs