ref: 59fe51f5cbb81a135734c693ab51a5b243534c92
dir: /sys/src/cmd/mothra/libpanel/rtext.c/
/* * Rich text with images. * Should there be an offset field, to do subscripts & kerning? */ #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include <event.h> #include <panel.h> #include "pldefs.h" #include "rtext.h" #define LEAD 4 /* extra space between lines */ #define BORD 2 /* extra border for images */ Rtext *pl_rtnew(Rtext **t, int space, int indent, int voff, Image *b, Panel *p, Font *f, char *s, int flags, void *user){ Rtext *new; new=pl_emalloc(sizeof(Rtext)); new->flags=flags; new->user=user; new->space=space; new->indent=indent; new->voff=voff; new->b=b; new->p=p; new->font=f; new->text=s; new->next=0; new->nextline=0; new->r=Rect(0,0,0,0); if(*t) (*t)->last->next=new; else *t=new; (*t)->last=new; return new; } Rtext *plrtpanel(Rtext **t, int space, int indent, int voff, Panel *p, void *user){ return pl_rtnew(t, space, indent, voff, 0, p, 0, 0, 1, user); } Rtext *plrtstr(Rtext **t, int space, int indent, int voff, Font *f, char *s, int flags, void *user){ return pl_rtnew(t, space, indent, voff, 0, 0, f, s, flags, user); } Rtext *plrtbitmap(Rtext **t, int space, int indent, int voff, Image *b, int flags, void *user){ return pl_rtnew(t, space, indent, voff, b, 0, 0, 0, flags, user); } void plrtfree(Rtext *t){ Rtext *next; while(t){ next=t->next; free(t); t=next; } } int pl_tabmin, pl_tabsize; void pltabsize(int min, int size){ pl_tabmin=min; pl_tabsize=size; } int pl_space(int space, int pos, int indent){ if(space>=0) return space; switch(PL_OP(space)){ default: return 0; case PL_TAB: return ((pos-indent+pl_tabmin)/pl_tabsize+PL_ARG(space))*pl_tabsize+indent-pos; } } /* * initialize rectangles & nextlines of text starting at t, * galley width is wid. Returns the total width/height of the text */ Point pl_rtfmt(Rtext *t, int wid){ Rtext *tp, *eline; int ascent, descent, x, space, a, d, w, topy, indent, maxwid; Point p; p=Pt(0,0); eline=t; maxwid=0; while(t){ ascent=0; descent=0; indent=space=pl_space(t->indent, 0, 0); x=0; tp=t; for(;;){ if(tp->b){ a=tp->b->r.max.y-tp->b->r.min.y+BORD; d=BORD; w=tp->b->repl?wid-x:tp->b->r.max.x-tp->b->r.min.x+BORD*2; } else if(tp->p){ /* what if plpack fails? */ plpack(tp->p, Rect(0,0,wid,wid)); plmove(tp->p, subpt(Pt(0,0), tp->p->r.min)); a=tp->p->r.max.y-tp->p->r.min.y; d=0; w=tp->p->r.max.x-tp->p->r.min.x; } else{ a=tp->font->ascent; d=tp->font->height-a; w=tp->wid=stringwidth(tp->font, tp->text); } a-=tp->voff,d+=tp->voff; if(x+w+space>wid) break; if(a>ascent) ascent=a; if(d>descent) descent=d; x+=w+space; tp=tp->next; if(tp==0){ eline=0; break; } space=pl_space(tp->space, x, indent); if(space) eline=tp; } if(eline==t){ /* No progress! Force fit the first block! */ if(tp==t){ if(a>ascent) ascent=a; if(d>descent) descent=d; eline=tp->next; }else eline=tp; } topy=p.y; p.y+=ascent; p.x=indent=pl_space(t->indent, 0, 0); for(;;){ t->topy=topy; t->r.min.x=p.x; p.y+=t->voff; if(t->b){ t->r.max.y=p.y+BORD; t->r.min.y=p.y-(t->b->r.max.y-t->b->r.min.y)-BORD; p.x+=t->b->repl?wid-p.x:(t->b->r.max.x-t->b->r.min.x)+BORD*2; } else if(t->p){ t->r.max.y=p.y; t->r.min.y=p.y-t->p->r.max.y; p.x+=t->p->r.max.x; } else{ t->r.min.y=p.y-t->font->ascent; t->r.max.y=t->r.min.y+t->font->height; p.x+=t->wid; } p.y-=t->voff; t->r.max.x=p.x; t->nextline=eline; t=t->next; if(t==eline) break; p.x+=pl_space(t->space, p.x, indent); } if(p.x>maxwid) maxwid=p.x; p.y+=descent+LEAD; } return Pt(maxwid, p.y); } /* * If we draw the text in a backup bitmap and copy it onto the screen, * the bitmap pointers in all the subpanels point to the wrong bitmap. * This code fixes them. */ void pl_stuffbitmap(Panel *p, Image *b){ p->b=b; for(p=p->child;p;p=p->next) pl_stuffbitmap(p, b); } void pl_rtdraw(Image *b, Rectangle r, Rtext *t, Point offs){ static Image *backup; Point lp, sp; Rectangle dr; Image *bb; bb = b; if(backup==0 || backup->chan!=b->chan || rectinrect(r, backup->r)==0){ freeimage(backup); backup=allocimage(display, bb->r, bb->chan, 0, DNofill); } if(backup) b=backup; pl_clr(b, r); lp=ZP; sp=ZP; offs=subpt(r.min, offs); for(;t;t=t->next) if(!eqrect(t->r, Rect(0,0,0,0))){ dr=rectaddpt(t->r, offs); if(dr.max.y>r.min.y && dr.min.y<r.max.y && dr.max.x>r.min.x && dr.min.x<r.max.x){ if(t->b){ if(t->flags&PL_HOT) border(b, dr, 1, pl_blue, ZP); draw(b, insetrect(dr, BORD), t->b, 0, t->b->r.min); if(t->flags&PL_STR) { line(b, Pt(dr.min.x, dr.min.y), Pt(dr.max.x, dr.max.y), Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, pl_txt, ZP); line(b, Pt(dr.min.x, dr.max.y), Pt(dr.max.x, dr.min.y), Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, pl_txt, ZP); } if(t->flags&PL_SEL) pl_highlight(b, dr); } else if(t->p){ plmove(t->p, subpt(dr.min, t->p->r.min)); pldraw(t->p, b); if(b!=bb) pl_stuffbitmap(t->p, bb); } else{ if(t->flags&PL_HOT) string(b, dr.min, pl_blue, ZP, t->font, t->text); else string(b, dr.min, pl_txt, ZP, t->font, t->text); if(t->flags&PL_SEL) pl_highlight(b, dr); if(t->flags&PL_STR){ int y = dr.max.y - t->font->height/2; if(sp.y != y) sp = Pt(dr.min.x, y); line(b, sp, Pt(dr.max.x, y), Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, pl_txt, ZP); sp = Pt(dr.max.x, y); } else sp = ZP; if(t->flags&PL_HOT){ int y = dr.max.y - 1; if(lp.y != y) lp = Pt(dr.min.x, y); line(b, lp, Pt(dr.max.x, y), Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, pl_blue, ZP); lp = Pt(dr.max.x, y); } else lp = ZP; continue; } lp = ZP; sp = ZP; } } if(b!=bb) draw(bb, r, b, 0, r.min); } /* * Reposition text already drawn in the window. * We just move the pixels and update the positions of any * enclosed panels */ void pl_reposition(Rtext *t, Image *b, Point p, Rectangle r){ Point offs; pl_cpy(b, p, r); offs=subpt(p, r.min); for(;t;t=t->next) if(!eqrect(t->r, Rect(0,0,0,0)) && !t->b && t->p) plmove(t->p, offs); } /* * Rectangle r of Image b contains an image of Rtext t, offset by oldoffs. * Redraw the text to have offset yoffs. */ void pl_rtredraw(Image *b, Rectangle r, Rtext *t, Point offs, Point oldoffs, int dir){ int d, size; if(dir==VERT){ d=oldoffs.y-offs.y; size=r.max.y-r.min.y; if(d>=size || -d>=size) /* move more than screenful */ pl_rtdraw(b, r, t, offs); else if(d<0){ /* down */ pl_reposition(t, b, r.min, Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y-d, r.max.x, r.max.y)); pl_rtdraw(b, Rect(r.min.x, r.max.y+d, r.max.x, r.max.y), t, Pt(offs.x, offs.y+size+d)); } else if(d>0){ /* up */ pl_reposition(t, b, Pt(r.min.x, r.min.y+d), Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.max.y-d)); pl_rtdraw(b, Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.min.y+d), t, offs); } }else{ /* dir==HORIZ */ d=oldoffs.x-offs.x; size=r.max.x-r.min.x; if(d>=size || -d>=size) /* move more than screenful */ pl_rtdraw(b, r, t, offs); else if(d<0){ /* right */ pl_reposition(t, b, r.min, Rect(r.min.x-d, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.max.y)); pl_rtdraw(b, Rect(r.max.x+d, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.max.y), t, Pt(offs.x+size+d, offs.y)); } else if(d>0){ /* left */ pl_reposition(t, b, Pt(r.min.x+d, r.min.y), Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x-d, r.max.y)); pl_rtdraw(b, Rect(r.min.x, r.min.y, r.min.x+d, r.max.y), t, offs); } } } Rtext *pl_rthit(Rtext *t, Point offs, Point p, Point ul){ Rectangle r; Point lp; if(t==0) return 0; p.x+=offs.x-ul.x; p.y+=offs.y-ul.y; while(t->nextline && t->nextline->topy<=p.y) t=t->nextline; lp=ZP; for(;t!=0;t=t->next){ if(t->topy>p.y) return 0; r = t->r; if((t->flags&PL_HOT) != 0 && t->b == nil && t->p == nil){ if(lp.y == r.max.y && lp.x < r.min.x) r.min.x=lp.x; lp=r.max; } else lp=ZP; if(ptinrect(p, r)) return t; } return 0; } void plrtseltext(Rtext *t, Rtext *s, Rtext *e){ while(t){ t->flags &= ~PL_SEL; t = t->next; } if(s==0 || e==0) return; for(t=s; t!=0 && t!=e; t=t->next) ; if(t==e){ for(t=s; t!=e; t=t->next) t->flags |= PL_SEL; }else{ for(t=e; t!=s; t=t->next) t->flags |= PL_SEL; } t->flags |= PL_SEL; } char *plrtsnarftext(Rtext *w){ char *b, *p, *e, *t; int n; b=p=e=0; for(; w; w = w->next){ if((w->flags&PL_SEL)==0 || w->text==0) continue; n = strlen(w->text)+64; if(p+n >= e){ n = (p+n+64)-b; t = pl_erealloc(b, n); p = t+(p-b); e = t+n; b = t; } if(w->space == 0) p += sprint(p, "%s", w->text); else if(w->space > 0) p += sprint(p, " %s", w->text); else if(PL_OP(w->space) == PL_TAB) p += sprint(p, "\t%s", w->text); if(w->nextline == w->next) p += sprint(p, "\n"); } return b; }