ref: 37ee82550c127b30ed48ef95cd2a072cfaaf80c3
dir: /sys/src/cmd/jamterm/main.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include <thread.h> #include <cursor.h> #include <mouse.h> #include <keyboard.h> #include <frame.h> #include "flayer.h" #include "samterm.h" int mainstacksize = 16*1024; Text cmd; Rune *scratch; long nscralloc; Cursor *cursor; Flayer *which = 0; Flayer *work = 0; Flayer flru; long snarflen; long typestart = -1; long typeend = -1; long typeesc = -1; long modified = 0; /* strange lookahead for menus */ char hostlock = 1; char hasunlocked = 0; int maxtab = 8; int autoindent = 1; int spacesindent; void threadmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, got, nclick, chord; Text *t; Rectangle r; Flayer *nwhich; ulong p; getscreen(argc, argv); iconinit(); initio(); flru.lprev = &flru; flru.lnext = &flru; scratch = alloc(100*RUNESIZE); nscralloc = 100; r = defaultcmdrect(); rinit(&cmd.rasp); flnew(&cmd.l[0], gettext, 1, &cmd); flinit(&cmd.l[0], r, font, cmdcols); cmd.nwin = 1; which = &cmd.l[0]; cmd.tag = Untagged; outTs(Tversion, VERSION); startnewfile(Tstartcmdfile, &cmd); fmtinstall('P', Pfmt); got = 0; chord = 0; for(;;got = waitforio()){ if(hasunlocked && RESIZED()) resize(); if(got&(1<<RHost)) rcv(); if(got&(1<<RPlumb)){ for(i=0; cmd.l[i].textfn==0; i++) ; nwhich = which; current(&cmd.l[i], 0, 0); flsetselect(which, cmd.rasp.nrunes, cmd.rasp.nrunes); type(which, RPlumb); current(nwhich, 0, 0); } if(got&(1<<RKeyboard)) if(which) type(which, RKeyboard); else kbdblock(); if(got&(1<<RMouse)){ if(hostlock==2 || !ptinrect(mousep->xy, screen->r)){ mouseunblock(); continue; } nwhich = flwhich(mousep->xy); if(mousep->buttons) flushtyping(1); if((mousep->buttons&1)==0) chord = 0; if(chord && which && which==nwhich){ chord |= mousep->buttons; t = (Text *)which->user1; if(!t->lock){ int w = which-t->l; if(chord&2){ cut(t, w, 1, 1); chord &= ~2; } if(chord&4){ paste(t, w); chord &= ~4; } } }else if(mousep->buttons&(1|8)){ if(nwhich && nwhich!=which) current(nwhich, 1, 1); if(ptinrect(mousep->xy, which->scroll) || mousep->buttons & 8) scroll(which, (mousep->buttons&8) ? 4 : 1); else{ t=(Text *)which->user1; nclick = flselect(which, &p); if(nclick > 0){ if(nclick > 1) outTsl(Ttclick, t->tag, p); else outTsl(Tdclick, t->tag, p); t->lock++; }else if(t!=&cmd) outcmd(); if(mousep->buttons&1) chord = mousep->buttons; } }else if((mousep->buttons&2) && which){ if(nwhich && nwhich!=which) current(nwhich, 1, 1); if(ptinrect(mousep->xy, which->scroll)) scroll(which, 2); else menu2hit(); }else if(mousep->buttons&(4|16)){ if(nwhich && nwhich!=which) current(nwhich, 1, 1); if(ptinrect(mousep->xy, which->scroll) || mousep->buttons & 16) scroll(which, (mousep->buttons&16) ? 5 : 3); else menu3hit(); } mouseunblock(); } } } void resize(void) { int i; flresize(screen->clipr); for(i = 0; i<nname; i++) if(text[i]) hcheck(text[i]->tag); } static void flunlink(Flayer *fl) { if(fl->lnext == nil || fl->lnext == fl) return; fl->lnext->lprev = fl->lprev; fl->lprev->lnext = fl->lnext; fl->lnext = nil; fl->lprev = nil; } static void fllinkhead(Flayer *fl) { flunlink(fl); fl->lnext = flru.lnext; fl->lprev = &flru; fl->lnext->lprev = fl; fl->lprev->lnext = fl; } void warpmouse(Flayer *l) { Point p; if(l == nil || ptinrect(mousectl->xy, l->entire)) return; p = addpt(screen->r.min, l->warpto); if(eqpt(p, ZP) || !ptinrect(p, l->entire)){ p = addpt(l->entire.min, divpt(subpt(l->entire.max, l->entire.min), 2)); l->warpto = subpt(p, screen->r.min); } moveto(mousectl, p); } void current(Flayer *nw, int warp, int up) { Text *t; if(which){ flborder(which, 0); if(warp && ptinrect(mousectl->xy, insetrect(which->entire, 4))) which->warpto = subpt(mousectl->xy, screen->r.min); flushtyping(1); } if(nw){ flupfront(nw); flborder(nw, 1); //buttons(Up); t = (Text *)nw->user1; t->front = nw-&t->l[0]; //i = whichmenu(t->tag); //ign = i >= 0 && strstr((char *)name[i], "jam.err") != nil; if(t != &cmd){ // work = ign ? nil : nw; // if(up && !ign) work = nw; if(up) fllinkhead(nw); } if(warp) warpmouse(nw); } which = nw; } Flayer * cycle(int fw) { int i; Flayer *l; if(flru.lnext == &flru){ for(i=0; cmd.l[i].textfn==0; i++) ; return &cmd.l[i]; } if(fw) l = work != nil && work->lnext != nil ? work->lnext : flru.lnext; else l = work != nil && work->lprev != nil ? work->lprev : flru.lprev; for(; l==&flru; l=fw ? l->lnext : l->lprev) ; return l; } void closeup(Flayer *l) { Text *t=(Text *)l->user1; int m; m = whichmenu(t->tag); if(m < 0) return; flunlink(l); flclose(l); if(l == work) work = 0; if(--t->nwin == 0){ rclear(&t->rasp); free((uchar *)t); text[m] = 0; if(l == which){ which = nil; current(cycle(1), 1, 0); } }else if(l == &t->l[t->front]){ for(m=0; m<NL; m++) /* find one; any one will do */ if(t->l[m].textfn){ t->front = m; if(l == which){ which = nil; current(&t->l[m], 1, 0); } return; } panic("close"); } } Flayer * findl(Text *t) { int i; for(i = 0; i<NL; i++) if(t->l[i].textfn==0) return &t->l[i]; return 0; } void duplicate(Flayer *l, Rectangle r, Font *f, int close) { Text *t=(Text *)l->user1; Flayer *nl = findl(t); Rune *rp; ulong n; if(nl){ flnew(nl, gettext, l->user0, (char *)t); flinit(nl, r, f, l->f.cols); nl->origin = l->origin; rp = (*l->textfn)(l, l->f.nchars, &n); flinsert(nl, rp, rp+n, l->origin); flsetselect(nl, l->p0, l->p1); if(close){ flclose(l); flunlink(l); if(l==which) which = 0; }else t->nwin++; current(nl, 1, 1); hcheck(t->tag); } setcursor(mousectl, cursor); } void buttons(int updown) { while(((mousep->buttons&7)!=0) != updown) getmouse(); } void snarf(Text *t, int w) { Flayer *l = &t->l[w]; if(l->p1>l->p0){ snarflen = l->p1-l->p0; outTsll(Tsnarf, t->tag, l->p0, l->p1); } } void cut(Text *t, int w, int save, int check) { long p0, p1; Flayer *l; l = &t->l[w]; p0 = l->p0; p1 = l->p1; if(p0 == p1) return; if(p0 < 0) panic("cut"); if(save) snarf(t, w); outTsll(Tcut, t->tag, p0, p1); flsetselect(l, p0, p0); t->lock++; hcut(t->tag, p0, p1-p0); if(check) hcheck(t->tag); } void paste(Text *t, int w) { cut(t, w, 0, 0); t->lock++; outTsl(Tpaste, t->tag, t->l[w].p0); } void scrorigin(Flayer *l, int but, long p0) { Text *t=(Text *)l->user1; if(t->tag == Untagged) return; switch(but){ case 1: outTsll(Torigin, t->tag, l->origin, p0); break; case 2: outTsll(Torigin, t->tag, p0, 1L); break; case 3: horigin(t->tag,p0); } } int alnum(int c) { /* * Hard to get absolutely right. Use what we know about ASCII * and assume anything above the Latin control characters is * potentially an alphanumeric. */ if(c<=' ') return 0; if(0x7F<=c && c<=0xA0) return 0; if(utfrune("!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~", c)) return 0; return 1; } int raspc(Rasp *r, long p) { ulong n; rload(r, p, p+1, &n); if(n) return scratch[0]; return 0; } int getcol(Rasp *r, long p) { int col; for(col = 0; p > 0 && raspc(r, p-1)!='\n'; p--, col++) ; return col; } long del(Rasp *r, long o, long p) { int i, col, n; if(--p < o) return o; if(!spacesindent || raspc(r, p)!=' ') return p; col = getcol(r, p) + 1; if((n = col % maxtab) == 0) n = maxtab; for(i = 0; p-1>=o && raspc(r, p-1)==' ' && i<n-1; --p, i++) ; return p>=o? p : o; } long ctlw(Rasp *r, long o, long p) { int c; if(--p < o) return o; if(raspc(r, p)=='\n') return p; for(; p>=o && !alnum(c=raspc(r, p)); --p) if(c=='\n') return p+1; for(; p>o && alnum(raspc(r, p-1)); --p) ; return p>=o? p : o; } long ctlu(Rasp *r, long o, long p) { if(--p < o) return o; if(raspc(r, p)=='\n') return p; for(; p-1>=o && raspc(r, p-1)!='\n'; --p) ; return p>=o? p : o; } int center(Flayer *l, long a) { Text *t; t = l->user1; if(!t->lock && (a<l->origin || l->origin+l->f.nchars<a)){ if(a > t->rasp.nrunes) a = t->rasp.nrunes; outTsll(Torigin, t->tag, a, 2L); return 1; } return 0; } int onethird(Flayer *l, long a) { Text *t; Rectangle s; long lines; t = l->user1; if(!t->lock && (a<l->origin || l->origin+l->f.nchars<a)){ if(a > t->rasp.nrunes) a = t->rasp.nrunes; s = insetrect(l->scroll, 1); lines = ((s.max.y-s.min.y)/l->f.font->height+1)/3; if (lines < 2) lines = 2; outTsll(Torigin, t->tag, a, lines); return 1; } return 0; } void flushtyping(int clearesc) { Text *t; ulong n; if(clearesc) typeesc = -1; if(typestart == typeend) { modified = 0; return; } t = which->user1; if(t != &cmd) modified = 1; rload(&t->rasp, typestart, typeend, &n); scratch[n] = 0; if(t==&cmd && typeend==t->rasp.nrunes && scratch[typeend-typestart-1]=='\n'){ setlock(); outcmd(); } outTslS(Ttype, t->tag, typestart, scratch); typestart = -1; typeend = -1; } int nontypingkey(int c) { switch(c){ case Kup: case Kdown: case Khome: case Kend: case Kpgdown: case Kpgup: case Kleft: case Kright: case Ksoh: case Kenq: case Kstx: case Kbel: case Ksyn: return 1; } return 0; } void type(Flayer *l, int res) /* what a bloody mess this is */ { Text *t = (Text *)l->user1; Rune buf[100]; Rune *p = buf; int c, backspacing; long a, a0; int scrollkey; scrollkey = 0; if(res == RKeyboard) scrollkey = nontypingkey(qpeekc()); /* ICK */ if(hostlock || t->lock){ kbdblock(); return; } a = l->p0; if(a!=l->p1 && !scrollkey){ flushtyping(1); cut(t, t->front, 1, 1); return; /* it may now be locked */ } backspacing = 0; while((c = kbdchar())>0){ if(res == RKeyboard){ if(nontypingkey(c) || c==Kesc) break; /* backspace, ctrl-u, ctrl-w, del */ if(c==Kbs || c==Knack || c==Ketb || c==Kdel){ backspacing = 1; break; } } if(spacesindent && c == '\t'){ int i, col, n; col = getcol(&t->rasp, a); n = maxtab - col % maxtab; for(i = 0; i < n && p < buf+nelem(buf); i++) *p++ = ' '; } else *p++ = c; if(c == '\n' && autoindent && t != &cmd){ /* autoindent */ int cursor, ch; cursor = ctlu(&t->rasp, 0, a+(p-buf)-1); while(p < buf+nelem(buf)){ ch = raspc(&t->rasp, cursor++); if(ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') *p++ = ch; else break; } } if(c == '\n' || p >= buf+sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0])) break; } if(p > buf){ if(typestart < 0) typestart = a; if(typeesc < 0) typeesc = a; hgrow(t->tag, a, p-buf, 0); t->lock++; /* pretend we Trequest'ed for hdatarune*/ hdatarune(t->tag, a, buf, p-buf); a += p-buf; l->p0 = a; l->p1 = a; typeend = a; if(c=='\n' || typeend-typestart>100) flushtyping(0); onethird(l, a); } if(c==Kdown){ flushtyping(0); scrorigin(l, 3, l->origin+frcharofpt(&l->f, Pt(l->scroll.max.x, l->scroll.min.y + l->f.font->height))); }else if(c==Kup){ flushtyping(0); scrorigin(l, 1, 2); }else if(c==Kpgdown){ flushtyping(0); scrorigin(l, 3, l->origin+frcharofpt(&l->f, Pt(l->scroll.max.x, l->scroll.max.y - l->f.font->height))); /* backspacing immediately after outcmd(): sorry */ }else if(c==Kpgup){ flushtyping(0); scrorigin(l, 1, Dy(l->scroll)/l->f.font->height); }else if(c == Kright){ flushtyping(0); a0 = l->p0; if(a0 < t->rasp.nrunes) a0++; flsetselect(l, a0, a0); center(l, a0); }else if(c == Kleft){ flushtyping(0); a0 = l->p0; if(a0 > 0) a0--; flsetselect(l, a0, a0); center(l, a0); }else if(c == Khome){ flushtyping(0); center(l, 0); }else if(c == Kend){ flushtyping(0); center(l, t->rasp.nrunes); }else if(c == Ksoh || c == Kenq){ flushtyping(1); if(c == Ksoh) while(a > 0 && raspc(&t->rasp, a-1)!='\n') a--; else while(a < t->rasp.nrunes && raspc(&t->rasp, a)!='\n') a++; l->p0 = l->p1 = a; for(l=t->l; l<&t->l[NL]; l++) if(l->textfn) flsetselect(l, l->p0, l->p1); }else if(backspacing && !hostlock){ /* backspacing immediately after outcmd(): sorry */ if(l->f.p0>0 && a>0){ switch(c){ case Kbs: case Kdel: /* del */ l->p0 = del(&t->rasp, l->origin, a); break; case Knack: /* ctrl-u */ l->p0 = ctlu(&t->rasp, l->origin, a); break; case Ketb: /* ctrl-w */ l->p0 = ctlw(&t->rasp, l->origin, a); break; } l->p1 = a; if(l->p1 != l->p0){ /* cut locally if possible */ if(typestart<=l->p0 && l->p1<=typeend){ t->lock++; /* to call hcut */ hcut(t->tag, l->p0, l->p1-l->p0); /* hcheck is local because we know rasp is contiguous */ hcheck(t->tag); }else{ flushtyping(0); cut(t, t->front, 0, 1); } } if(typeesc >= l->p0) typeesc = l->p0; if(typestart >= 0){ if(typestart >= l->p0) typestart = l->p0; typeend = l->p0; if(typestart == typeend){ typestart = -1; typeend = -1; modified = 0; } } } }else if(c == Kstx){ t = &cmd; for(l=t->l; l->textfn==0; l++) ; current(l, 1, 1); flushtyping(0); a = t->rasp.nrunes; flsetselect(l, a, a); center(l, a); }else if(c == Ksyn || c == Kbel){ int up = 1; t = &cmd; if(work != nil){ if(which != work){ current(work, 1, up); return; } t = (Text*)work->user1; l = &t->l[t->front]; } if(t == &cmd || t->nwin == 1 && nname > 1){ if(flru.lnext == &flru) return; l = cycle(c == Kbel); up = 0; }else{ for(int i=t->front; (i = (i+1)%NL) != t->front; ) if(t->l[i].textfn != 0){ l = &t->l[i]; break; } } current(l, 1, up); }else{ if(c==Kesc && typeesc>=0){ l->p0 = typeesc; l->p1 = a; flushtyping(1); } for(l=t->l; l<&t->l[NL]; l++) if(l->textfn) flsetselect(l, l->p0, l->p1); } } void outcmd(void){ if(work) outTsll(Tworkfile, ((Text *)work->user1)->tag, work->p0, work->p1); } void panic(char *s) { panic1(display, s); } void panic1(Display*, char *s) { fprint(2, "jamterm: panic: "); perror(s); abort(); } Rune* gettext(Flayer *l, long n, ulong *np) { Text *t; t = l->user1; rload(&t->rasp, l->origin, l->origin+n, np); return scratch; } long scrtotal(Flayer *l) { return ((Text *)l->user1)->rasp.nrunes; } void* alloc(ulong n) { void *p; p = malloc(n); if(p == 0) panic("alloc"); memset(p, 0, n); return p; }