path(1): fix not redrawing map on different scenario
replace octile distance with chebyshev distance for default movement cost
fix panning performance, drawing, reseting
path(1): overlay reference path from loaded results + fix typos
path(1): store existing results per scenario, output paths, and misc improvements
path/*: actually save distance to goal in stats
path(1): implement panning and show more information on HUD
disallow corner cutting, refactor grid to remove redundancies
add pheap test simulating a∗ activity
path: visualize loaded benchmark maps
path/dijkstra: generate lofi profiling informwation, fix assert with fp, clean up after run
hash/knr: fix value traversal and add long integer only functions
zalloc: keep track of used nodes and add reaping them all at once
varray: maybe avoid exponential memory usage eh, how's that sound
path(1): parse gppc pathfinding maps/scenarios for benchmarking
fix up dijkstra search code and add to path
app/path: add bfs to algos; lower node size and don't draw .from pointer
vec, zalloc: dramatically raise increment size
make path algos more amenable to drop in usage; move path(1) to its own dir
zalloc: hide implementation and add checks
add zalloc: general free lists; field tests pending
test/pheap: fix, make faster and more useful
add hash/knr: simplest string hashing, from k&r 2e
varray: fix memory corruption, sanity check and add a nuker
pheap: fix another problem in cutting pairs from the graph + debugging
pheap: fix decreasekey dropping entire branch
add pairing heap test script from execution logs in path
grid: further tweak paths by penalizing diagonal movement slightly
mouse: don't switch between clearing and setting blocks
prevent pathfinding on blocked nodes
vec: fix reordering and look for space from head, not tail
map: add node to screen coordinates conversion
path/bfs: update for new vec api and same improvements
path/a∗,dijkstra: prefer cardinal directions and swap goal/start mouse button
vec: fix memory corruption and legibility improvements
client: print errors from mouseinput
asif: better vectors implementation using linked lists of bins
option for 4-directional pathfinding
add 4-directional pathfinding functions
a∗: fix wrong priority queue, costs and successors manipulation
client: allow holding down the mouse to draw obstacles
map: distance and conversion functions, resetting masp
remove useless grid, add path node-sorfof type
drw: color adjustments, pending drawmap changes
client: don't continually flip the same node while holding the mouse
move string matchshit to its own dir
add estrdup and have erealloc zero out new memory
move awk scripts to their own directory
add single file double precision fft for complex and real samples
add bitwise round up to next power of 2
bit: add find first and last set bit
strnaive: fix another stupid mistake
add rabin-karp string search, including optimized variant
declare kmpstrfind and silly statics
fix idiot mistakes preventing compilation and notation in string comparison