ref: a0f5762d967c3c09e6d7303e238976c6c9835ed5
dir: /app/path/map.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include "asif.h" #include "graph.h" #include "path.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" int movemode; int curscen; static int (*pathfn)(Node*, Node*); Vertex n2s(Node *n) { Vertex v; v = n2p(n); v.x = v.x * nodesz + 1; v.y = v.y * nodesz + 1; return v; } int trypath(Node *a, Node *b) { if(a == nil || b == nil) return -1; dprint(Logdebug, "path::trypath: from %N to %N: ", start, goal); if(pathfn(a, b) < 0){ dprint(Logdebug, "failed: %r\n"); return -1; } dprint(Logdebug, "success\n"); return 0; } int showscen(int id) { Sim *sp; assert(id >= 0 && id < sims->n); curscen = id; sp = sims->p; sp += id; start = p2n(sp->start); goal = p2n(sp->goal); if(trypath(start, goal) < 0){ errmsg("failed: %r"); return -1; } return 0; } int reloadscen(void) { cleargrid(); if(mapfile == nil) return 0; if(readmap(mapfile) < 0) return -1; return showscen(curscen); } void savepath(Sim *sp) { Node *n; Vertex v; if(sp->path == nil) sp->path = valloc(sp->steps, sizeof(Vertex)); else vnuke(sp->path); for(n=start; n!=nil; n=n->to){ v = n->Vertex; vinsert(sp->path, (char*)&v); if(n == goal) return; } /* FIXME: dumpcore function? */ fprint(2, "savepath: malformed path\n"); abort(); } void runallscens(void) { Sim *sp, *se; for(sp=sims->p, se=sp+sims->n; sp<se; sp++){ if(showscen(sp - (Sim *)sims->p) < 0) continue; sp->Prof = stats; savepath(sp); } } static int setparm(Vertex *dim, int move, int alg, int dist) { switch(move){ case Move8: /* wet floor */ case Move4: movemode = move; break; case -1: movemode = Move8; dprint(Logdebug, "set by default: 8-direction movement\n"); break; default: sysfatal("setparm: unknown move mode %d", move); } switch(alg){ case Pa∗: pathfn = a∗findpath; break; case Pbfs: pathfn = bfsfindpath; break; case Pdijkstra: pathfn = dijkstrafindpath; break; case -1: pathfn = a∗findpath; dprint(Logdebug, "set by default: unmodified A∗ algorithm\n"); break; default: sysfatal("setparm: unknown algo type %d", alg); } switch(dist){ case Deuclid: distfn = eucdist; break; case Dmanhattan: distfn = manhdist; break; case Doctile: distfn = octdist; break; case Dchebyshev: distfn = chebdist; break; case -1: distfn = chebdist; dprint(Logdebug, "set by default: chebyshev distance\n"); break; default: sysfatal("setparm: unknown distance function %d", dist); } if(dim->x == -1) dim->x = 64; if(dim->y == -1) dim->y = 64; if(dim->x <= 0 || dim->x >= 512 || dim->y <= 0 || dim->y >= 512) sysfatal("setparm: invalid map size, must be in ]0,512]"); return 0; } int initmap(char *map, Vertex dim, int move, int alg, int dist) { mapfile = map; setparm(&dim, move, alg, dist); if(map != nil && readmaphdr(map, &dim) < 0) sysfatal("initmap: %r"); initgrid(dim.x, dim.y); if(map != nil && readmap(map) < 0) sysfatal("initmap: %r"); return 0; }