ref: e28220f13a086e7283dd4b5285a8c49f5c650399
dir: /testdir/test58.ok/
test output: test 1-1 # file: Xtest.latin1.spl Comment deol d��r input OK output outputs outtest put puts test testen testn the end uk wrong ------- bad ['put', 'uk', 'OK'] inputs ['input', 'puts', 'outputs'] comment ['Comment', 'outtest', 'the end'] ok ['OK', 'uk', 'put'] Ok ['OK', 'Uk', 'Put'] test ['Test', 'testn', 'testen'] d��l ['deol', 'd��r', 'test'] end ['put', 'uk', 'test'] the ['put', 'uk', 'test'] gebletegek kepereneven everles gesvets etele kbltykk kprnfn *fls kswts tl elekwent elequint elekwint elekwint elekwent elequint elekwent elequint elekwint test 2-1 # file: Xtest.latin1.spl Comment deol d��r OK put input output puts outputs test outtest testen testn the end uk wrong ------- bad ['put', 'uk', 'OK'] inputs ['input', 'puts', 'outputs'] comment ['Comment'] ok ['OK', 'uk', 'put'] Ok ['OK', 'Uk', 'Put'] end ['put', 'uk', 'deol'] the ['put', 'uk', 'test'] test ['Test', 'testn', 'testen'] d��l ['deol', 'd��r', 'test'] test 3-3 # file: Xtest.latin1.spl foo m� ------- bad ['foo', 'm�'] bar ['barfoo', 'foobar', 'foo'] la ['m�', 'foo'] foom� ['foo m�', 'foo', 'foofoo'] barm� ['barfoo', 'm�', 'barbar'] m�foo ['m� foo', 'foo', 'foofoo'] m�bar ['foobar', 'barbar', 'm�'] m�m� ['m� m�', 'm�'] lala [] m�la ['m�', 'm� m�'] lam� ['m�', 'm� m�'] foola ['foo', 'foobar', 'foofoo'] labar ['barbar', 'foobar'] test 4-4 # file: Xtest.latin1.spl bork prebork end pro-ok start tomato util utilize utils word nouword ------- bad ['end', 'bork', 'word'] wordutilize ['word utilize', 'wordutils', 'wordutil'] pro ['bork', 'word', 'end'] borkborkborkborkborkbork ['bork borkborkborkborkbork', 'borkbork borkborkborkbork', 'borkborkbork borkborkbork'] tomatotomatotomato ['tomato tomatotomato', 'tomatotomato tomato', 'tomato tomato tomato'] endstart ['end start', 'start'] endend ['end end', 'end'] startstart ['start start'] wordend ['word end', 'word', 'wordword'] wordstart ['word start', 'bork start'] preborkprebork ['prebork prebork', 'preborkbork', 'preborkborkbork'] preborkpreborkbork ['prebork preborkbork', 'preborkborkbork', 'preborkborkborkbork'] startwordwordwordwordend ['startwordwordwordword end', 'startwordwordwordword', 'start wordwordwordword end'] borkpreborkpreborkbork ['bork preborkpreborkbork', 'bork prebork preborkbork', 'bork preborkprebork bork'] utilsbork ['utilbork', 'utils bork', 'util bork'] startnouword ['start nouword', 'startword', 'startborkword'] test 5-5 # file: Xtest.latin1.spl bar barbork end fooa1 fooa� nouend prebar prebarbork start ------- bad ['bar', 'end', 'fooa1'] foo ['fooa1', 'fooa�', 'bar'] fooa2 ['fooa1', 'fooa�', 'bar'] prabar ['prebar', 'bar', 'bar bar'] probarbirk ['prebarbork'] middle [] startmiddle ['startmiddleend', 'startmiddlebar'] middleend [] endstart ['end start', 'start'] startprobar ['startprebar', 'start prebar', 'startbar'] startnouend ['start nouend', 'startend'] test 6-6 # file: Xtest.latin1.spl bar barbork end lead meea1 meea� prebar prebarbork ------- bad ['bar', 'end', 'lead'] mee ['meea1', 'meea�', 'bar'] meea2 ['meea1', 'meea�', 'lead'] prabar ['prebar', 'bar', 'leadbar'] probarbirk ['prebarbork'] middle [] leadmiddle ['leadmiddleend', 'leadmiddlebar'] middleend [] endlead ['end lead', 'lead', 'end end'] leadprobar ['leadprebar', 'lead prebar', 'leadbar'] test 7-7 # file: Xtest.latin1.spl bar barmeat lead meea1 meea� prebar prebarmeat tail ------- bad ['bar', 'lead', 'tail'] mee ['meea1', 'meea�', 'bar'] meea2 ['meea1', 'meea�', 'lead'] prabar ['prebar', 'bar', 'leadbar'] probarmaat ['prebarmeat'] middle [] leadmiddle ['leadmiddlebar'] middletail [] taillead ['tail lead', 'tail'] leadprobar ['leadprebar', 'lead prebar', 'leadbar'] test 8-8 # file: Xtest.latin1.spl bar faabar foo ------- bad ['bar', 'foo'] foobar ['faabar', 'foo bar', 'bar'] barfoo ['bar foo', 'bar', 'foo']