ref: c40d57b389033a42ad526308884e49b39746ecf5
dir: /lib/vimfiles/ftplugin/debchangelog.vim/
" Vim filetype plugin file (GUI menu and folding) " Language: Debian Changelog " Maintainer: Michael Piefel <[email protected]> " Stefano Zacchiroli <[email protected]> " Last Change: $LastChangedDate: 2006-08-24 23:41:26 +0200 (gio, 24 ago 2006) $ " License: GNU GPL, version 2.0 or later " URL: if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif let b:did_ftplugin=1 " {{{1 Local settings (do on every load) setlocal foldmethod=expr setlocal foldexpr=GetDebChangelogFold(v:lnum) setlocal foldtext=DebChangelogFoldText() " Debian changelogs are not supposed to have any other text width, " so the user cannot override this setting setlocal tw=78 setlocal comments=f:* " Clean unloading let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal tw< comments< foldmethod< foldexpr< foldtext<" " }}}1 if exists("g:did_changelog_ftplugin") finish endif " Don't load another plugin (this is global) let g:did_changelog_ftplugin = 1 " {{{1 GUI menu " Helper functions returning various data. " Returns full name, either from $DEBFULLNAME or debianfullname. " TODO Is there a way to determine name from anywhere else? function <SID>FullName() if exists("$DEBFULLNAME") return $DEBFULLNAME elseif exists("g:debianfullname") return g:debianfullname else return "Your Name" endif endfunction " Returns email address, from $DEBEMAIL, $EMAIL or debianemail. function <SID>Email() if exists("$DEBEMAIL") return $DEBEMAIL elseif exists("$EMAIL") return $EMAIL elseif exists("g:debianemail") return g:debianemail else return "[email protected]" endif endfunction " Returns date in RFC822 format. function <SID>Date() let savelang = v:lc_time execute "language time C" let dateandtime = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %X %z") execute "language time " . savelang return dateandtime endfunction function <SID>WarnIfNotUnfinalised() if match(getline("."), " -- [[:alpha:]][[:alnum:].]")!=-1 echohl WarningMsg echo "The entry has not been unfinalised before editing." echohl None return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function <SID>Finalised() let savelinenum = line(".") normal 1G call search("^ -- ") if match(getline("."), " -- [[:alpha:]][[:alnum:].]")!=-1 let returnvalue = 1 else let returnvalue = 0 endif execute savelinenum return returnvalue endfunction " These functions implement the menus function NewVersion() " The new entry is unfinalised and shall be changed amenu disable Changelog.New\ Version amenu enable Changelog.Add\ Entry amenu enable Changelog.Close\ Bug amenu enable Changelog.Set\ Distribution amenu enable Changelog.Set\ Urgency amenu disable Changelog.Unfinalise amenu enable Changelog.Finalise call append(0, substitute(getline(1), '-\([[:digit:]]\+\))', '-$$\1)', '')) call append(1, "") call append(2, "") call append(3, " -- ") call append(4, "") call Distribution("unstable") call Urgency("low") normal 1G call search(")") normal h normal call setline(1, substitute(getline(1), '-\$\$', '-', '')) normal zo call AddEntry() endfunction function AddEntry() normal 1G call search("^ -- ") normal kk call append(".", " * ") normal jjj let warn=<SID>WarnIfNotUnfinalised() normal kk if warn echohl MoreMsg call input("Hit ENTER") echohl None endif startinsert! endfunction function CloseBug() normal 1G call search("^ -- ") let warn=<SID>WarnIfNotUnfinalised() normal kk call append(".", " * (closes: #" . input("Bug number to close: ") . ")") normal j^ll startinsert endfunction function Distribution(dist) call setline(1, substitute(getline(1), ") [[:lower:] ]*;", ") " . a:dist . ";", "")) endfunction function Urgency(urg) call setline(1, substitute(getline(1), "urgency=.*$", "urgency=" . a:urg, "")) endfunction function <SID>UnfinaliseMenu() " This means the entry shall be changed amenu disable Changelog.New\ Version amenu enable Changelog.Add\ Entry amenu enable Changelog.Close\ Bug amenu enable Changelog.Set\ Distribution amenu enable Changelog.Set\ Urgency amenu disable Changelog.Unfinalise amenu enable Changelog.Finalise endfunction function Unfinalise() call <SID>UnfinaliseMenu() normal 1G call search("^ -- ") call setline(".", " -- ") endfunction function <SID>FinaliseMenu() " This means the entry should not be changed anymore amenu enable Changelog.New\ Version amenu disable Changelog.Add\ Entry amenu disable Changelog.Close\ Bug amenu disable Changelog.Set\ Distribution amenu disable Changelog.Set\ Urgency amenu enable Changelog.Unfinalise amenu disable Changelog.Finalise endfunction function Finalise() call <SID>FinaliseMenu() normal 1G call search("^ -- ") call setline(".", " -- " . <SID>FullName() . " <" . <SID>Email() . "> " . <SID>Date()) endfunction function <SID>MakeMenu() amenu &Changelog.&New\ Version :call NewVersion()<CR> amenu Changelog.&Add\ Entry :call AddEntry()<CR> amenu Changelog.&Close\ Bug :call CloseBug()<CR> menu Changelog.-sep- <nul> amenu Changelog.Set\ &Distribution.&unstable :call Distribution("unstable")<CR> amenu Changelog.Set\ Distribution.&frozen :call Distribution("frozen")<CR> amenu Changelog.Set\ Distribution.&stable :call Distribution("stable")<CR> menu Changelog.Set\ Distribution.-sep- <nul> amenu Changelog.Set\ Distribution.frozen\ unstable :call Distribution("frozen unstable")<CR> amenu Changelog.Set\ Distribution.stable\ unstable :call Distribution("stable unstable")<CR> amenu Changelog.Set\ Distribution.stable\ frozen :call Distribution("stable frozen")<CR> amenu Changelog.Set\ Distribution.stable\ frozen\ unstable :call Distribution("stable frozen unstable")<CR> amenu Changelog.Set\ &Urgency.&low :call Urgency("low")<CR> amenu Changelog.Set\ Urgency.&medium :call Urgency("medium")<CR> amenu Changelog.Set\ Urgency.&high :call Urgency("high")<CR> menu Changelog.-sep- <nul> amenu Changelog.U&nfinalise :call Unfinalise()<CR> amenu Changelog.&Finalise :call Finalise()<CR> if <SID>Finalised() call <SID>FinaliseMenu() else call <SID>UnfinaliseMenu() endif endfunction augroup changelogMenu au BufEnter * if &filetype == "debchangelog" | call <SID>MakeMenu() | endif au BufLeave * if &filetype == "debchangelog" | aunmenu Changelog | endif augroup END " }}} " {{{1 folding " look for an author name in the [zonestart zoneend] lines searching backward function! s:getAuthor(zonestart, zoneend) let linepos = a:zoneend while linepos >= a:zonestart let line = getline(linepos) if line =~ '^ --' return substitute(line, '^ --\s*\([^<]\+\)\s*.*', '\1', '') endif let linepos -= 1 endwhile return '[unknown]' endfunction function! DebChangelogFoldText() if v:folddashes == '-' " changelog entry fold return foldtext() . ' -- ' . s:getAuthor(v:foldstart, v:foldend) . ' ' endif return foldtext() endfunction function! GetDebChangelogFold(lnum) let line = getline(a:lnum) if line =~ '^\w\+' return '>1' " beginning of a changelog entry endif if line =~ '^\s\+\[.*\]' return '>2' " beginning of an author-specific chunk endif if line =~ '^ --' return '1' endif return '=' endfunction foldopen! " unfold the entry the cursor is on (usually the first one) " }}} " vim: set foldmethod=marker: