shithub: vim

ref: 2d19f4eaafafeb881666f9bb7907cc47de32b05c
dir: /lib/vimfiles/syntax/erlang.vim/

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" Vim syntax file
" Language:    erlang (ERicsson LANGuage)
" Maintainer:  Kre�imir Mar�i� (Kresimir Marzic) <[email protected]>
" Last update: Fri, 15-Feb-2002
" Filenames:   .erl
" URL:

" There are three sets of highlighting in here:
" One is "erlang_characters", second is "erlang_functions" and third
" is "erlang_keywords".
" If you want to disable keywords highlighting, put in your .vimrc:
"       let erlang_keywords=1
" If you want to disable erlang BIF highlighting, put in your .vimrc
" this:
"       let erlang_functions=1
" If you want to disable special characters highlighting, put in
" your .vimrc:
"       let erlang_characters=1

" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
	syntax clear
elseif exists ("b:current_syntax")

" Case sensitive
syn case match

if ! exists ("erlang_characters")
	" Basic elements
	syn match   erlangComment	   +%.*$+
	syn match   erlangModifier	   "\~\a\|\\\a" contained
	syn match   erlangSpecialCharacter ":\|_\|@\|\\\|\"\|\."
	syn match   erlangSeparator	   "(\|)\|{\|}\|\[\|]\||\|||\|;\|,\|?\|->\|#" contained
	syn region  erlangString	   start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contains=erlangModifier
	syn region  erlangAtom		   start=+'+ skip=+\\'+ end=+'+

	" Operators
	syn match   erlangOperator	   "+\|-\|\*\|\/"
	syn keyword erlangOperator	   div rem or xor bor bxor bsl bsr
	syn keyword erlangOperator	   and band not bnot
	syn match   erlangOperator	   "==\|/=\|=:=\|=/=\|<\|=<\|>\|>="
	syn match   erlangOperator	   "++\|--\|=\|!\|<-"

	" Numbers
	syn match   erlangNumberInteger    "[+-]\=\d\+" contains=erlangSeparator
	syn match   erlangNumberFloat1	   "[+-]\=\d\+.\d\+" contains=erlangSeparator
	syn match   erlangNumberFloat2	   "[+-]\=\d\+\(.\d\+\)\=[eE][+-]\=\d\+\(.\d\+\)\=" contains=erlangSeparator
	syn match   erlangNumberFloat3	   "[+-]\=\d\+[#]\x\+" contains=erlangSeparator
	syn match   erlangNumberFloat4	   "[+-]\=[eE][+-]\=\d\+" contains=erlangSeparator
	syn match   erlangNumberHex	   "$\x\+" contains=erlangSeparator

	" Ignore '_' and '-' in words
	syn match   erlangWord		   "\w\+[_-]\+\w\+"

	" Ignore numbers in words
	syn match   erlangWord		   "\w\+\d\+\(\(.\d\+\)\=\(\w\+\)\=\)\="

if ! exists ("erlang_functions")
	" Functions call
	syn match   erlangFCall      "\w\+\(\s\+\)\=[:@]\(\s\+\)\=\w\+" contains=ALLBUT,erlangFunction,erlangBIF,erlangWord

	" build-in-functions (BIFs)
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     abs alive apply atom_to_list
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     binary_to_list binary_to_term
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     concat_binary
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     date disconnect_node
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     element erase exit
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     float float_to_list
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     get get_keys group_leader
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     halt hd
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     integer_to_list is_alive
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     length link list_to_atom list_to_binary
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     list_to_float list_to_integer list_to_pid
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     list_to_tuple load_module
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     make_ref monitor_node
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     node nodes now
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     open_port
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     pid_to_list process_flag
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     process_info process put
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     register registered round
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     self setelement size spawn
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     spawn_link split_binary statistics
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     term_to_binary throw time tl trunc
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     tuple_to_list
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     unlink unregister
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     whereis

	" Other BIFs
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     atom binary constant function integer
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     list number pid ports port_close port_info
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     reference record

	" erlang:BIFs
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     check_process_code delete_module
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     get_cookie hash math module_loaded
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     preloaded processes purge_module set_cookie
	syn keyword erlangBIF	     set_node

	" functions of math library
	syn keyword erlangFunction   acos asin atan atan2 cos cosh exp
	syn keyword erlangFunction   log log10 pi pow power sin sinh sqrt
	syn keyword erlangFunction   tan tanh

	" Other functions
	syn keyword erlangFunction   call module_info parse_transform
	syn keyword erlangFunction   undefined_function

	" Modules
	syn keyword erlangModule     error_handler

if ! exists ("erlang_keywords")
	" Constants and Directives
	syn match   erlangDirective  "-compile\|-define\|-else\|-endif\|-export\|-file"
	syn match   erlangDirective  "-ifdef\|-ifndef\|-import\|-include\|-include_lib"
	syn match   erlangDirective  "-module\|-record\|-undef"

	syn match   erlangConstant   "-author\|-copyright\|-doc"

	" Keywords
	syn keyword erlangKeyword    after begin case catch
	syn keyword erlangKeyword    cond end fun if
	syn keyword erlangKeyword    let of query receive
	syn keyword erlangKeyword    when

	" Processes
	syn keyword erlangProcess    creation current_function dictionary
	syn keyword erlangProcess    group_leader heap_size high initial_call
	syn keyword erlangProcess    linked low memory_in_use message_queue
	syn keyword erlangProcess    net_kernel node normal priority
	syn keyword erlangProcess    reductions registered_name runnable
	syn keyword erlangProcess    running stack_trace status timer
	syn keyword erlangProcess    trap_exit waiting

	" Ports
	syn keyword erlangPort       command count_in count_out creation in
	syn keyword erlangPort       in_format linked node out owner packeting

	" Nodes
	syn keyword erlangNode       atom_tables communicating creation
	syn keyword erlangNode       current_gc current_reductions current_runtime
	syn keyword erlangNode       current_wall_clock distribution_port
	syn keyword erlangNode       entry_points error_handler friends
	syn keyword erlangNode       garbage_collection magic_cookie magic_cookies
	syn keyword erlangNode       module_table monitored_nodes name next_ref
	syn keyword erlangNode       ports preloaded processes reductions
	syn keyword erlangNode       ref_state registry runtime wall_clock

	" Reserved
	syn keyword erlangReserved   apply_lambda module_info module_lambdas
	syn keyword erlangReserved   record record_index record_info

	" Extras
	syn keyword erlangExtra      badarg nocookie false fun true

	" Signals
	syn keyword erlangSignal     badsig kill killed exit normal

" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists ("did_erlang_inits")
	if version < 508
		let did_erlang_inits = 1
		command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
		command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>

	" erlang_characters
	HiLink erlangComment Comment
	HiLink erlangSpecialCharacter Special
	HiLink erlangSeparator Normal
	HiLink erlangModifier Special
	HiLink erlangOperator Operator
	HiLink erlangString String
	HiLink erlangAtom Type

	HiLink erlangNumberInteger Number
	HiLink erlangNumberFloat1 Float
	HiLink erlangNumberFloat2 Float
	HiLink erlangNumberFloat3 Float
	HiLink erlangNumberFloat4 Float
	HiLink erlangNumberHex Number

	HiLink erlangWord Normal

	" erlang_functions
	HiLink erlangFCall Function
	HiLink erlangBIF Function
	HiLink erlangFunction Function
	HiLink erlangModuleFunction Function

	" erlang_keywords
	HiLink erlangDirective Type
	HiLink erlangConstant Type
	HiLink erlangKeyword Keyword
	HiLink erlangProcess Special
	HiLink erlangPort Special
	HiLink erlangNode Special
	HiLink erlangReserved Statement
	HiLink erlangExtra Statement
	HiLink erlangSignal Statement

	delcommand HiLink

let b:current_syntax = "erlang"

" eof