ref: 2d19f4eaafafeb881666f9bb7907cc47de32b05c
dir: /lib/vimfiles/syntax/aflex.vim/
" Vim syntax file " Language: AfLex (from Lex syntax file) " Maintainer: Mathieu Clabaut <[email protected]> " LastChange: 02 May 2001 " Original: Lex, maintained by Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. " Comment: Replaced sourcing c.vim file by ada.vim and rename lex* " in aflex* " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Read the Ada syntax to start with if version < 600 so <sfile>:p:h/ada.vim else runtime! syntax/ada.vim unlet b:current_syntax endif " --- AfLex stuff --- "I'd prefer to use aflex.* , but it doesn't handle forward definitions yet syn cluster aflexListGroup contains=aflexAbbrvBlock,aflexAbbrv,aflexAbbrv,aflexAbbrvRegExp,aflexInclude,aflexPatBlock,aflexPat,aflexBrace,aflexPatString,aflexPatTag,aflexPatTag,aflexPatComment,aflexPatCodeLine,aflexMorePat,aflexPatSep,aflexSlashQuote,aflexPatCode,cInParen,cUserLabel,cOctalZero,cCppSkip,cErrInBracket,cErrInParen,cOctalError,cCppOut2 syn cluster aflexListPatCodeGroup contains=aflexAbbrvBlock,aflexAbbrv,aflexAbbrv,aflexAbbrvRegExp,aflexInclude,aflexPatBlock,aflexPat,aflexBrace,aflexPatTag,aflexPatTag,aflexPatComment,aflexPatCodeLine,aflexMorePat,aflexPatSep,aflexSlashQuote,cInParen,cUserLabel,cOctalZero,cCppSkip,cErrInBracket,cErrInParen,cOctalError,cCppOut2 " Abbreviations Section syn region aflexAbbrvBlock start="^\([a-zA-Z_]\+\t\|%{\)" end="^%%$"me=e-2 skipnl nextgroup=aflexPatBlock contains=aflexAbbrv,aflexInclude,aflexAbbrvComment syn match aflexAbbrv "^\I\i*\s"me=e-1 skipwhite contained nextgroup=aflexAbbrvRegExp syn match aflexAbbrv "^%[sx]" contained syn match aflexAbbrvRegExp "\s\S.*$"lc=1 contained nextgroup=aflexAbbrv,aflexInclude syn region aflexInclude matchgroup=aflexSep start="^%{" end="%}" contained contains=ALLBUT,@aflexListGroup syn region aflexAbbrvComment start="^\s\+/\*" end="\*/" "%% : Patterns {Actions} syn region aflexPatBlock matchgroup=Todo start="^%%$" matchgroup=Todo end="^%%$" skipnl skipwhite contains=aflexPat,aflexPatTag,aflexPatComment syn region aflexPat start=+\S+ skip="\\\\\|\\." end="\s"me=e-1 contained nextgroup=aflexMorePat,aflexPatSep contains=aflexPatString,aflexSlashQuote,aflexBrace syn region aflexBrace start="\[" skip=+\\\\\|\\+ end="]" contained syn region aflexPatString matchgroup=String start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ matchgroup=String end=+"+ contained syn match aflexPatTag "^<\I\i*\(,\I\i*\)*>*" contained nextgroup=aflexPat,aflexPatTag,aflexMorePat,aflexPatSep syn match aflexPatTag +^<\I\i*\(,\I\i*\)*>*\(\\\\\)*\\"+ contained nextgroup=aflexPat,aflexPatTag,aflexMorePat,aflexPatSep syn region aflexPatComment start="^\s*/\*" end="\*/" skipnl contained contains=cTodo nextgroup=aflexPatComment,aflexPat,aflexPatString,aflexPatTag syn match aflexPatCodeLine ".*$" contained contains=ALLBUT,@aflexListGroup syn match aflexMorePat "\s*|\s*$" skipnl contained nextgroup=aflexPat,aflexPatTag,aflexPatComment syn match aflexPatSep "\s\+" contained nextgroup=aflexMorePat,aflexPatCode,aflexPatCodeLine syn match aflexSlashQuote +\(\\\\\)*\\"+ contained syn region aflexPatCode matchgroup=Delimiter start="{" matchgroup=Delimiter end="}" skipnl contained contains=ALLBUT,@aflexListPatCodeGroup syn keyword aflexCFunctions BEGIN input unput woutput yyleng yylook yytext syn keyword aflexCFunctions ECHO output winput wunput yyless yymore yywrap " <c.vim> includes several ALLBUTs; these have to be treated so as to exclude aflex* groups syn cluster cParenGroup add=aflex.* syn cluster cDefineGroup add=aflex.* syn cluster cPreProcGroup add=aflex.* syn cluster cMultiGroup add=aflex.* " Synchronization syn sync clear syn sync minlines=300 syn sync match aflexSyncPat grouphere aflexPatBlock "^%[a-zA-Z]" syn sync match aflexSyncPat groupthere aflexPatBlock "^<$" syn sync match aflexSyncPat groupthere aflexPatBlock "^%%$" " Define the default highlighting. " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet if version >= 508 || !exists("did_aflex_syntax_inits") if version < 508 let did_aflex_syntax_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> endif HiLink aflexSlashQuote aflexPat HiLink aflexBrace aflexPat HiLink aflexAbbrvComment aflexPatComment HiLink aflexAbbrv SpecialChar HiLink aflexAbbrvRegExp Macro HiLink aflexCFunctions Function HiLink aflexMorePat SpecialChar HiLink aflexPat Function HiLink aflexPatComment Comment HiLink aflexPatString Function HiLink aflexPatTag Special HiLink aflexSep Delimiter delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "aflex" " vim:ts=10