ref: 0663fb8286dfe7d76770dc0d27e7d41e0ab0670c
dir: /testdir/
Tests for spell checking with 'encoding' set to "utf-8". vim: set ft=vim : STARTTEST :so small.vim :so mbyte.vim :" :" Don't want to depend on the locale from the environment. The .aff and .dic :" text is in latin1, the test text is utf-8. :set enc=latin1 :e! :set enc=utf-8 :set fenc= :" :" Function to test .aff/.dic with list of good and bad words. :func TestOne(aff, dic) set spellfile= $put ='' $put ='test '. a:aff . '-' . a:dic " Generate a .spl file from a .dic and .aff file. exe '1;/^' . a:aff . 'affstart/+1,/^' . a:aff . 'affend/-1w! Xtest.aff' exe '1;/^' . a:dic . 'dicstart/+1,/^' . a:dic . 'dicend/-1w! Xtest.dic' mkspell! Xtest Xtest " use that spell file set spl=Xtest.utf-8.spl spell " list all valid words spelldump %yank quit $put $put ='-------' " find all bad words and suggestions for them exe '1;/^' . a:aff . 'good:' normal 0f:]s let prevbad = '' while 1 let [bad, a] = spellbadword() if bad == '' || bad == prevbad || bad == 'badend' break endif let prevbad = bad let lst = spellsuggest(bad, 3) normal mm $put =bad $put =string(lst) normal `m]s endwhile endfunc :" :call TestOne('1', '1') :$put =soundfold('goobledygoook') :$put =soundfold('kóopërÿnôven') :$put =soundfold('oeverloos gezwets edale') :" :" :" and now with SAL instead of SOFO items; test automatic reloading gg:/^affstart_sal/+1,/^affend_sal/-1w! Xtest.aff :mkspell! Xtest Xtest :$put =soundfold('goobledygoook') :$put =soundfold('kóopërÿnôven') :$put =soundfold('oeverloos gezwets edale') :" :" also use an addition file gg:/^addstart/+1,/^addend/-1w! Xtest.utf-8.add :mkspell! Xtest.utf-8.add.spl Xtest.utf-8.add :set spellfile=Xtest.utf-8.add /^test2: ]s:let [str, a] = spellbadword() :$put =str :set spl=Xtest_us.utf-8.spl /^test2: ]smm:let [str, a] = spellbadword() :$put =str `m]s:let [str, a] = spellbadword() :$put =str :set spl=Xtest_gb.utf-8.spl /^test2: ]smm:let [str, a] = spellbadword() :$put =str `m]s:let [str, a] = spellbadword() :$put =str :set spl=Xtest_nz.utf-8.spl /^test2: ]smm:let [str, a] = spellbadword() :$put =str `m]s:let [str, a] = spellbadword() :$put =str :set spl=Xtest_ca.utf-8.spl /^test2: ]smm:let [str, a] = spellbadword() :$put =str `m]s:let [str, a] = spellbadword() :$put =str :" :" Postponed prefixes :call TestOne('2', '1') :" :" Compound words :call TestOne('3', '3') :call TestOne('4', '4') :call TestOne('5', '5') :call TestOne('6', '6') :call TestOne('7', '7') :" gg:/^test output:/,$wq! test.out ENDTEST 1affstart SET ISO8859-1 TRY esianrtolcdugmphbyfvkwjkqxz-������������'ESIANRTOLCDUGMPHBYFVKWJKQXZ FOL �������������������������������� LOW �������������������������������� UPP �������������������������������� SOFOFROM abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ������������������������������������������������������������� SOFOTO ebctefghejklnnepkrstevvkesebctefghejklnnepkrstevvkeseeeeeeeceeeeeeeedneeeeeeeeeeepseeeeeeeeceeeeeeeedneeeeeeeeeeep? MIDWORD '- KEP = RAR ? BAD ! #NOSPLITSUGS PFX I N 1 PFX I 0 in . PFX O Y 1 PFX O 0 out . SFX S Y 2 SFX S 0 s [^s] SFX S 0 es s SFX N N 3 SFX N 0 en [^n] SFX N 0 nen n SFX N 0 n . REP 3 REP g ch REP ch g REP svp s.v.p. MAP 9 MAP a������ MAP e���� MAP i���� MAP o����� MAP u���� MAP n� MAP c� MAP y�� MAP s� 1affend affstart_sal SET ISO8859-1 TRY esianrtolcdugmphbyfvkwjkqxz-������������'ESIANRTOLCDUGMPHBYFVKWJKQXZ FOL �������������������������������� LOW �������������������������������� UPP �������������������������������� MIDWORD '- KEP = RAR ? BAD ! #NOSPLITSUGS PFX I N 1 PFX I 0 in . PFX O Y 1 PFX O 0 out . SFX S Y 2 SFX S 0 s [^s] SFX S 0 es s SFX N N 3 SFX N 0 en [^n] SFX N 0 nen n SFX N 0 n . REP 3 REP g ch REP ch g REP svp s.v.p. MAP 9 MAP a������ MAP e���� MAP i���� MAP o����� MAP u���� MAP n� MAP c� MAP y�� MAP s� SAL AH(AEIOUY)-^ *H SAL AR(AEIOUY)-^ *R SAL A(HR)^ * SAL A^ * SAL AH(AEIOUY)- H SAL AR(AEIOUY)- R SAL A(HR) _ SAL �^ * SAL �^ * SAL BB- _ SAL B B SAL CQ- _ SAL CIA X SAL CH X SAL C(EIY)- S SAL CK K SAL COUGH^ KF SAL CC< C SAL C K SAL DG(EIY) K SAL DD- _ SAL D T SAL �< E SAL EH(AEIOUY)-^ *H SAL ER(AEIOUY)-^ *R SAL E(HR)^ * SAL ENOUGH^$ *NF SAL E^ * SAL EH(AEIOUY)- H SAL ER(AEIOUY)- R SAL E(HR) _ SAL FF- _ SAL F F SAL GN^ N SAL GN$ N SAL GNS$ NS SAL GNED$ N SAL GH(AEIOUY)- K SAL GH _ SAL GG9 K SAL G K SAL H H SAL IH(AEIOUY)-^ *H SAL IR(AEIOUY)-^ *R SAL I(HR)^ * SAL I^ * SAL ING6 N SAL IH(AEIOUY)- H SAL IR(AEIOUY)- R SAL I(HR) _ SAL J K SAL KN^ N SAL KK- _ SAL K K SAL LAUGH^ LF SAL LL- _ SAL L L SAL MB$ M SAL MM M SAL M M SAL NN- _ SAL N N SAL OH(AEIOUY)-^ *H SAL OR(AEIOUY)-^ *R SAL O(HR)^ * SAL O^ * SAL OH(AEIOUY)- H SAL OR(AEIOUY)- R SAL O(HR) _ SAL PH F SAL PN^ N SAL PP- _ SAL P P SAL Q K SAL RH^ R SAL ROUGH^ RF SAL RR- _ SAL R R SAL SCH(EOU)- SK SAL SC(IEY)- S SAL SH X SAL SI(AO)- X SAL SS- _ SAL S S SAL TI(AO)- X SAL TH @ SAL TCH-- _ SAL TOUGH^ TF SAL TT- _ SAL T T SAL UH(AEIOUY)-^ *H SAL UR(AEIOUY)-^ *R SAL U(HR)^ * SAL U^ * SAL UH(AEIOUY)- H SAL UR(AEIOUY)- R SAL U(HR) _ SAL V^ W SAL V F SAL WR^ R SAL WH^ W SAL W(AEIOU)- W SAL X^ S SAL X KS SAL Y(AEIOU)- Y SAL ZZ- _ SAL Z S affend_sal 2affstart SET ISO8859-1 FOL �������������������������������� LOW �������������������������������� UPP �������������������������������� PFXPOSTPONE MIDWORD '- KEP = RAR ? BAD ! #NOSPLITSUGS PFX I N 1 PFX I 0 in . PFX O Y 1 PFX O 0 out [a-z] SFX S Y 2 SFX S 0 s [^s] SFX S 0 es s SFX N N 3 SFX N 0 en [^n] SFX N 0 nen n SFX N 0 n . REP 3 REP g ch REP ch g REP svp s.v.p. MAP 9 MAP a������ MAP e���� MAP i���� MAP o����� MAP u���� MAP n� MAP c� MAP y�� MAP s� 2affend 1dicstart 123456 test/NO # comment wrong Comment OK uk put/ISO the end deol d��r 1dicend addstart /regions=usgbnz elequint/2 elekwint/3 addend 1good: wrong OK puts. Test the end bad: inputs comment ok Ok. test déôl end the badend 2good: puts bad: inputs comment ok Ok end the. test déôl badend Test rules for compounding. 3affstart SET ISO8859-1 COMPOUNDMIN 3 COMPOUNDRULE m* NEEDCOMPOUND x 3affend 3dicstart 1234 foo/m bar/mx m�/m la/mx 3dicend 3good: foo mï foobar foofoobar barfoo barbarfoo bad: bar la foomï barmï mïfoo mïbar mïmï lala mïla lamï foola labar badend Tests for compounding. 4affstart SET ISO8859-1 FOL �������������������������������� LOW �������������������������������� UPP �������������������������������� COMPOUNDRULE m+ COMPOUNDRULE sm*e COMPOUNDRULE sm+ COMPOUNDMIN 3 COMPOUNDWORDMAX 3 COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG t COMPOUNDSYLMAX 5 SYLLABLE a�e�i�o���u���y/aa/au/ea/ee/ei/ie/oa/oe/oo/ou/uu/ui MAP 9 MAP a������ MAP e���� MAP i���� MAP o����� MAP u���� MAP n� MAP c� MAP y�� MAP s� NEEDAFFIX x PFXPOSTPONE MIDWORD '- SFX q N 1 SFX q 0 -ok . SFX a Y 2 SFX a 0 s . SFX a 0 ize/t . PFX p N 1 PFX p 0 pre . PFX P N 1 PFX P 0 nou . 4affend 4dicstart 1234 word/mP util/am pro/xq tomato/m bork/mp start/s end/e 4dicend 4good: word util bork prebork start end wordutil wordutils pro-ok bork borkbork borkborkbork borkborkborkbork borkborkborkborkbork tomato tomatotomato startend startword startwordword startwordend startwordwordend startwordwordwordend prebork preborkbork preborkborkbork nouword bad: wordutilize pro borkborkborkborkborkbork tomatotomatotomato endstart endend startstart wordend wordstart preborkprebork preborkpreborkbork startwordwordwordwordend borkpreborkpreborkbork utilsbork startnouword badend test2: elequint test elekwint test elekwent asdf Test affix flags with two characters 5affstart SET ISO8859-1 FLAG long NEEDAFFIX !! COMPOUNDRULE ssmm*ee NEEDCOMPOUND xx COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG pp SFX 13 Y 1 SFX 13 0 bork . SFX a1 Y 1 SFX a1 0 a1 . SFX a� Y 1 SFX a� 0 a� . PFX zz Y 1 PFX zz 0 pre/pp . PFX yy Y 1 PFX yy 0 nou . 5affend 5dicstart 1234 foo/a1a�!! bar/zz13ee start/ss end/eeyy middle/mmxx 5dicend 5good: fooa1 fooaé bar prebar barbork prebarbork startprebar start end startend startmiddleend nouend bad: foo fooa2 prabar probarbirk middle startmiddle middleend endstart startprobar startnouend badend 6affstart SET ISO8859-1 FLAG caplong NEEDAFFIX A! COMPOUNDRULE sMm*Ee NEEDCOMPOUND Xx COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG p SFX N3 Y 1 SFX N3 0 bork . SFX A1 Y 1 SFX A1 0 a1 . SFX A� Y 1 SFX A� 0 a� . PFX Zz Y 1 PFX Zz 0 pre/p . 6affend 6dicstart 1234 mee/A1A�A! bar/ZzN3Ee lead/s end/Ee middle/MmXx 6dicend 6good: meea1 meeaé bar prebar barbork prebarbork leadprebar lead end leadend leadmiddleend bad: mee meea2 prabar probarbirk middle leadmiddle middleend endlead leadprobar badend 7affstart SET ISO8859-1 FOL �������������������������������� LOW �������������������������������� UPP �������������������������������� FLAG num NEEDAFFIX 9999 COMPOUNDRULE 2,77*123 NEEDCOMPOUND 1 COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG 432 SFX 61003 Y 1 SFX 61003 0 meat . SFX 391 Y 1 SFX 391 0 a1 . SFX 111 Y 1 SFX 111 0 a� . PFX 17 Y 1 PFX 17 0 pre/432 . 7affend 7dicstart 1234 mee/391,111,9999 bar/17,61003,123 lead/2 tail/123 middle/77,1 7dicend 7good: meea1 meeaé bar prebar barmeat prebarmeat leadprebar lead tail leadtail leadmiddletail bad: mee meea2 prabar probarmaat middle leadmiddle middletail taillead leadprobar badend test output: