ref: a4dde595e4f6690b90cf5c08ccd1882424f00ed8
dir: /view.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include <thread.h> #include <mouse.h> #include <keyboard.h> #include <cursor.h> #include <plumb.h> #include "a.h" enum { Emouse, Eresize, Ekeyboard, Eplumb, }; Cursor cross = { {-8, -8}, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x80, 0x07, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x11, 0x10, 0x31, 0x18, 0x7f, 0xfc, 0x31, 0x18, 0x11, 0x10, 0x01, 0x00, 0x07, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }, }; int mainstacksize=16384; Mousectl *mctl; Keyboardctl *kctl; Image *bg; Image *orig; Image *img; Point pos; int zoomlevel; const char* zoomlevels[] = { "25%", "33%", "50%", "75%", "100%", "150%", "200%", "300%", "400%", }; enum { Defaultzoomlevel = 4, Nzoomlevels = nelem(zoomlevels), }; enum { Mzcat, Mzoomin, Mzoomout, Morigsize, Mrcat, Mrotcw, Mrotccw, Mflip, Mflop, Mmcat, Mpipeto, }; char *menu2str[] = { "_Zoom", "in", "out", "reinit.", "_Rotate", "cw", "ccw", "flip", "flop", "_Misc", "pipe", nil, }; Menu menu2 = { menu2str }; enum { Mopen, Msave, Mexport, Mexit, }; char *menu3str[] = { "open", "save", "export", "exit", nil, }; Menu menu3 = { menu3str }; void redraw(void); void zoom(void); void setimage(Image *i, int move) { if(img != nil && img != orig){ freeimage(img); img = nil; } freeimage(orig); orig = i; if(zoomlevel != Defaultzoomlevel) zoom(); else img = orig; if(move) pos = subpt(ZP, img->r.min); redraw(); } int loadfromfile(char *filename) { Image *i; i = load(filename); if(i == nil) return -1; zoomlevel = Defaultzoomlevel; setimage(i, 1); return 0; } void initbg(void) { Image *gray; gray = eallocimage(1, 1, screen->chan, 1, 0xefefefff); bg = eallocimage(16, 16, screen->chan, 1, DWhite); draw(bg, bg->r, display->white, nil, ZP); draw(bg, Rect(0,0,8,8), gray, nil, ZP); draw(bg, Rect(8,8,16,16), gray, nil, ZP); } void redraw(void) { lockdisplay(display); draw(screen, screen->r, bg, nil, ZP); if(img != nil) draw(screen, rectaddpt(img->r, addpt(pos, screen->r.min)), img, nil, img->r.min); flushimage(display, 1); unlockdisplay(display); } void pan(Point Δ) { Rectangle r, ir; if(img == nil) return; if(Δ.x == 0 && Δ.y == 0) return; r = rectaddpt(img->r, addpt(pos, screen->r.min)); pos = addpt(pos, Δ); ir = rectaddpt(r, Δ); lockdisplay(display); draw(screen, screen->r, bg, nil, ZP); draw(screen, ir, img, nil, img->r.min); unlockdisplay(display); } void plumbproc(void *v) { Plumbmsg *m; Channel *c; int fd; c = v; threadsetname("plumbproc"); fd = plumbopen("image", OREAD); if(fd < 0) sysfatal("plumbopen: %r"); for(;;){ m = plumbrecv(fd); if(m == nil) sysfatal("plumbrecv: %r"); sendp(c, m); } } /* FIXME: the whole temp file logic is bad and we risk never deleting the file */ void evtplumb(Plumbmsg *m) { int rm; char *a, *f; rm = 0; a = plumblookup(m->attr, "action"); if(a != nil && strncmp(a, "showdata", 8) == 0){ f = smprint("/tmp/view.%ld.%d", time(nil), getpid()); if(writefile(f, m->data, m->ndata) < 0){ fprint(2, "cannot write showdata: %r\n"); goto Err; } rm = 1; }else{ f = strdup(m->data); } if(loadfromfile(f) < 0) fprint(2, "cannot load plumbed image: %r"); /* XXX: visual report */ Err: plumbfree(m); if(rm) remove(f); free(f); } void evtresize(int new) { if(new && getwindow(display, Refnone)<0) sysfatal("getwindow: %r"); redraw(); } Image* rotate(int op) { const char *cmd; switch(op){ case Mflop: cmd = "rotate -l"; break; case Mflip: cmd = "rotate -u"; break; case Mrotccw: cmd = "rotate -r 270"; break; case Mrotcw: cmd = "rotate -r 90"; break; default: werrstr("invalid rotate op"); return nil; } return ipipeto(orig, cmd); } void zoom(void) { Image *i; char cmd[255]; if(zoomlevel == Defaultzoomlevel){ img = orig; redraw(); return; } if(snprint(cmd, sizeof cmd, "resize -x %s", zoomlevels[zoomlevel]) <= 0){ fprint(2, "error creating zoom command: %r\n"); /* XXX */ return; } i = ipipeto(orig, cmd); if(i == nil){ fprint(2, "unable to zoom image: %r\n"); /* XXX */ return; } img = i; redraw(); } void dozoom(int zop) { switch(zop){ case Mzoomin: if(zoomlevel + 1 >= Nzoomlevels) return; ++zoomlevel; break; case Mzoomout: if(zoomlevel == 0) return; --zoomlevel; break; case Morigsize: if(zoomlevel == Defaultzoomlevel) return; zoomlevel = Defaultzoomlevel; break; } if(img != nil && img != orig) freeimage(img); zoom(); } void menu2hit(void) { Image *i; int n; char buf[255] = {0}; n = sepmenuhit(2, mctl, &menu2, nil); if(img == nil) return; switch(n){ case Mzoomin: case Mzoomout: case Morigsize: dozoom(n); return; case Mflip: case Mflop: case Mrotccw: case Mrotcw: i = rotate(n); if(i == nil){ fprint(2, "unable to rotate image: %r\n"); return; } setimage(i, 0); break; case Mpipeto: if(enter("command:", buf, sizeof buf, mctl, kctl, nil) <= 0) return; i = ipipeto(orig, buf); if(i == nil){ fprint(2, "unable to pipe image: %r\n"); return; } setimage(i, 0); break; default: return; } } void menu3hit(void) { char buf[255] = {0}; int n; n = menuhit(3, mctl, &menu3, nil); switch(n){ case Mopen: if(enter("open:", buf, sizeof buf, mctl, kctl, nil) > 0){ if(loadfromfile(buf) < 0) fprint(2, "cannot open file '%s': %r\n", buf); } break; case Msave: if(enter("save:", buf, sizeof buf, mctl, kctl, nil) > 0){ if(save(orig, buf) < 0) fprint(2, "cannot save file '%s': %r\n", buf); } break; case Mexport: if(enter("export:", buf, sizeof buf, mctl, kctl, nil) > 0){ if(export(orig, buf) < 0) fprint(2, "cannot export file '%s': %r\n", buf); } break; case Mexit: threadexitsall(nil); break; } } void evtmouse(Mouse m) { Point o; if(m.buttons == 1){ setcursor(mctl, &cross); for(;;){ o = mctl->xy; if(readmouse(mctl) < 0) break; if((mctl->buttons & 1) == 0) break; pan(subpt(mctl->xy, o)); } setcursor(mctl, nil); }else if(m.buttons == 2){ menu2hit(); }else if(m.buttons == 4){ menu3hit(); } } void evtkey(Rune k) { switch(k){ case 'q': case Kdel: threadexitsall(nil); break; } } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [<filename>]\n", argv0); threadexitsall("usage"); } void threadmain(int argc, char **argv) { Mouse m; Rune k; Plumbmsg *pm; Channel *plumbc; Alt alts[] = { { nil, &m, CHANRCV }, { nil, nil, CHANRCV }, { nil, &k, CHANRCV }, { nil, &pm, CHANRCV }, { nil, nil, CHANEND }, }; img = nil; zoomlevel = Defaultzoomlevel; ARGBEGIN{ default: usage(); break; }ARGEND; if(argc > 1) usage(); if(initdraw(nil, nil, argv0) < 0) sysfatal("initdraw: %r"); unlockdisplay(display); display->locking = 1; if((mctl=initmouse(nil, screen)) == nil) sysfatal("initmouse: %r"); if((kctl=initkeyboard(nil)) == nil) sysfatal("initkeyboard: %r"); if((plumbc = chancreate(sizeof(Plumbmsg*), 0)) == nil) sysfatal("chancreate: %r"); alts[Emouse].c = mctl->c; alts[Eresize].c = mctl->resizec; alts[Ekeyboard].c = kctl->c; alts[Eplumb].c = plumbc; initbg(); proccreate(plumbproc, plumbc, 8192); if(*argv != nil) loadfromfile(*argv); else evtresize(0); for(;;){ switch(alt(alts)){ case Emouse: evtmouse(m); break; case Eresize: evtresize(1); break; case Ekeyboard: evtkey(k); break; case Eplumb: evtplumb(pm); break; } } }