ref: f354673281df5b4e4aa397e7d914ea10f12223a7
dir: /domino-lib/MouseEvent.js/
"use strict"; var UIEvent = require('./UIEvent'); module.exports = MouseEvent; function MouseEvent() { // Just use the superclass constructor to initialize; this.screenX = this.screenY = this.clientX = this.clientY = 0; this.ctrlKey = this.altKey = this.shiftKey = this.metaKey = false; this.button = 0; this.buttons = 1; this.relatedTarget = null; } MouseEvent.prototype = Object.create(UIEvent.prototype, { constructor: { value: MouseEvent }, initMouseEvent: { value: function(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget) { this.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail); this.screenX = screenX; this.screenY = screenY; this.clientX = clientX; this.clientY = clientY; this.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; this.altKey = altKey; this.shiftKey = shiftKey; this.metaKey = metaKey; this.button = button; switch(button) { case 0: this.buttons = 1; break; case 1: this.buttons = 4; break; case 2: this.buttons = 2; break; default: this.buttons = 0; break; } this.relatedTarget = relatedTarget; }}, getModifierState: { value: function(key) { switch(key) { case "Alt": return this.altKey; case "Control": return this.ctrlKey; case "Shift": return this.shiftKey; case "Meta": return this.metaKey; default: return false; } }} });