ref: ea391fd0eead3ce2ccbfe6594dfc9cf1c6e02b92
dir: /domino/domintf.js/
global = {}; //global.__domino_frozen__ = true; // Must precede any require('domino') var domino = require('domino-lib/index'); Object.assign(this, domino.createWindow(opossum.html, '')); window = this; window.self = window; window.parent = window; = window; window.history = { replaceState: function() {} }; window.location.href = ''; window.screen = { width: 1280, height: 1024 }; window.screenX = 0; window.screenY = 25; window.getComputedStyle = function(el, pseudo) { this.el = el; this.getPropertyValue = function(prop) { return'', el), pseudo, prop, arguments[2]); }; return this; }; (function() { var utils = require('domino-lib/utils'); utils.merge(window, domino.impl); })() location = window.location; navigator = { platform: 'plan9(port)', userAgent: 'opossum' }; Element.prototype.getClientRects = function() { /* I'm a stub */ return []; } document._setMutationHandler(function(a) { // a provides attributes type, target and node or attr // (cf Object.keys(a)) opossum.mutated(a.type, ___fq('yolo',; }); addEventListener = function() {}; removeEventListener = function() {}; function XMLHttpRequest() { var _method, _uri; var h = {}; var ls = {}; this.readyState = 0; var cb = function(data, err) { if (data !== '') { this.responseText = data; this.readyState = 4; this.state = 200; this.status = 200; if (ls['load']) ls['load'].bind(this)(); if (this.onload) this.onload.bind(this)(); if (this.onreadystatechange) this.onreadystatechange.bind(this)(); } }.bind(this); this.addEventListener = function(k, fn) { ls[k] = fn; }; = function(method, uri) { _method = method; _uri = uri; }; this.setRequestHeader = function(k, v) { h[k] = v; }; this.send = function(data) { opossum.xhr(_method, _uri, h, data, cb); this.readyState = 2; }; this.getAllResponseHeaders = function() { return ''; }; } var ___fq; ___fq = function(pre, el) { var i, p; if (!el) { return undefined; } p = el.parentElement; if (p) { for (i = 0; i < p.children.length; i++) { if (p.children[i] === el) { return ___fq('', p) + ' > :nth-child(' + (i+1) + ')'; } } } else { return el.tagName; } }; // // CC0 if (typeof TextEncoder === "undefined") { TextEncoder=function TextEncoder(){}; TextEncoder.prototype.encode = function encode(str) { "use strict"; var Len = str.length, resPos = -1; // The Uint8Array's length must be at least 3x the length of the string because an invalid UTF-16 // takes up the equivelent space of 3 UTF-8 characters to encode it properly. However, Array's // have an auto expanding length and 1.5x should be just the right balance for most uses. var resArr = typeof Uint8Array === "undefined" ? new Array(Len * 1.5) : new Uint8Array(Len * 3); for (var point=0, nextcode=0, i = 0; i !== Len; ) { point = str.charCodeAt(i), i += 1; if (point >= 0xD800 && point <= 0xDBFF) { if (i === Len) { resArr[resPos += 1] = 0xef/*0b11101111*/; resArr[resPos += 1] = 0xbf/*0b10111111*/; resArr[resPos += 1] = 0xbd/*0b10111101*/; break; } // nextcode = str.charCodeAt(i); if (nextcode >= 0xDC00 && nextcode <= 0xDFFF) { point = (point - 0xD800) * 0x400 + nextcode - 0xDC00 + 0x10000; i += 1; if (point > 0xffff) { resArr[resPos += 1] = (0x1e/*0b11110*/<<3) | (point>>>18); resArr[resPos += 1] = (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | ((point>>>12)&0x3f/*0b00111111*/); resArr[resPos += 1] = (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | ((point>>>6)&0x3f/*0b00111111*/); resArr[resPos += 1] = (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | (point&0x3f/*0b00111111*/); continue; } } else { resArr[resPos += 1] = 0xef/*0b11101111*/; resArr[resPos += 1] = 0xbf/*0b10111111*/; resArr[resPos += 1] = 0xbd/*0b10111101*/; continue; } } if (point <= 0x007f) { resArr[resPos += 1] = (0x0/*0b0*/<<7) | point; } else if (point <= 0x07ff) { resArr[resPos += 1] = (0x6/*0b110*/<<5) | (point>>>6); resArr[resPos += 1] = (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | (point&0x3f/*0b00111111*/); } else { resArr[resPos += 1] = (0xe/*0b1110*/<<4) | (point>>>12); resArr[resPos += 1] = (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | ((point>>>6)&0x3f/*0b00111111*/); resArr[resPos += 1] = (0x2/*0b10*/<<6) | (point&0x3f/*0b00111111*/); } } if (typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined") return resArr.subarray(0, resPos + 1); // else // IE 6-9 resArr.length = resPos + 1; // trim off extra weight return resArr; }; TextEncoder.prototype.toString = function(){return "[object TextEncoder]"}; try { // Object.defineProperty only works on DOM prototypes in IE8 Object.defineProperty(TextEncoder.prototype,"encoding",{ get:function(){if(TextEncoder.prototype.isPrototypeOf(this)) return"utf-8"; else throw TypeError("Illegal invocation");} }); } catch(e) { /*IE6-8 fallback*/ TextEncoder.prototype.encoding = "utf-8"; } if(typeof Symbol!=="undefined")TextEncoder.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag]="TextEncoder"; } function LocalStorage() { var data = {}; this.setItem = function(id, val) { return data[id] = String(val); }; this.getItem = function(id) { return data.hasOwnProperty(id) ? data[id] : undefined; }; this.removeItem = function(id) { return delete data[id]; }; this.clear = function() { return data = {}; }; } window.localStorage = new LocalStorage(); const imageHandler = { construct(target, args) { var el = document.createElement('img'); if (args.length >= 1) el.width = args[0]; if (args.length >= 2) el.height = args[1]; return el; } }; const Image = new Proxy(HTMLImageElement, imageHandler);