ref: b4e4fc28cbe113df49a10bac4333d064aed989eb
dir: /style/stylesheets.go/
package style import ( "" "fmt" "" "" "" cssSel "" "" "" "" "io/ioutil" "opossum/logger" "os/exec" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" ) var CssFonts = true var fontCache = make(map[string]*draw.Font) // experimentalUseBoxBackgrounds should probably be combined with // setting stashElements to false var ExperimentalUseBoxBackgrounds = false var dui *duit.DUI var availableFontNames []string var log *logger.Logger var rMinWidth = regexp.MustCompile(`min-width: (\d+)px`) var rMaxWidth = regexp.MustCompile(`max-width: (\d+)px`) const AddOnCSS = ` a, span, i, tt, b { display: inline; } button, textarea, input, select { display: inline-block; } h1, h2, h3, h4. h5, h6, div, center, frame, frameset, p, ul, menu, pre, dir { display: block; } a { color: blue; } ` func Init(d *duit.DUI, l *logger.Logger) { dui = d log = l initFontserver() } func initFontserver() { buf, err := exec.Command("fontsrv", "-p", ".").Output() if err == nil { availableFontNames = strings.Split(string(buf), "\n") } else { log.Printf("exec fontsrv: %v", err) } } func Hrefs(doc *html.Node) (hrefs []string) { hrefs = make([]string, 0, 3) var f func(n *html.Node) f = func(n *html.Node) { if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "link" { isStylesheet := false href := "" for _, a := range n.Attr { switch strings.ToLower(a.Key) { case "rel": if a.Val == "stylesheet" { isStylesheet = true } case "href": href = a.Val } } if isStylesheet { hrefs = append(hrefs, href) } } for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling { f(c) } } f(doc) return } func MergeNodeMaps(m, addOn map[*html.Node]Map) { for n, mp := range addOn { // "zero" valued Map if it doesn't exist yet initial := m[n] m[n] = initial.ApplyChildStyle(mp) } } func FetchNodeMap(doc *html.Node, cssText string, windowWidth int) (m map[*html.Node]Map, err error) { mr, err := FetchNodeRules(doc, cssText, windowWidth) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("fetch rules: %w", err) } m = make(map[*html.Node]Map) for n, rs := range mr { ds := make(map[string]css.Declaration) for _, r := range rs { for _, d := range r.Declarations { ds[d.Property] = *d } } m[n] = Map{ds} } return } func FetchNodeRules(doc *html.Node, cssText string, windowWidth int) (m map[*html.Node][]*css.Rule, err error) { m = make(map[*html.Node][]*css.Rule) s, err := parser.Parse(cssText) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("douceur parse: %w", err) } processRule := func(m map[*html.Node][]*css.Rule, r *css.Rule) (err error) { for _, sel := range r.Selectors { cs, err := cssSel.Compile(sel.Value) if err != nil { log.Printf("cssSel compile %v: %v", sel.Value, err) continue } for _, el := range cs.Select(doc) { existing, ok := m[el] if !ok { existing = make([]*css.Rule, 0, 3) } existing = append(existing, r) m[el] = existing } } return } for _, r := range s.Rules { if err := processRule(m, r); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("process rule: %w", err) } // for media queries if rMaxWidth.MatchString(r.Prelude) { maxWidth, err := strconv.Atoi(rMaxWidth.FindStringSubmatch(r.Prelude)[1]) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("atoi: %w", err) } if windowWidth > maxWidth { continue } } if rMinWidth.MatchString(r.Prelude) { minWidth, err := strconv.Atoi(rMinWidth.FindStringSubmatch(r.Prelude)[1]) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("atoi: %w", err) } if windowWidth < minWidth { continue } } for _, rr := range r.Rules { if err := processRule(m, rr); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("process embedded rule: %w", err) } } } return } func Inline(html string, csss ...string) (string, error) { revertCSS, err := ioutil.ReadFile("normalize.css") if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("revert ffox css: %w", err) } csss = append([]string{string(revertCSS), AddOnCSS}, csss...) style := "<style>" + strings.Join(csss, "\n\n") + "</style>" var replaced string if strings.Contains(html, "</head>") { replaced = strings.Replace(html, "</head>", style+"\n</head>", 1) } else if strings.Contains(html, "<body") { replaced = strings.Replace(html, "<body", style+"\n<body", 1) } else { replaced = style + html } if replaced == html { panic("woot") } inlined, err := inliner.Inline(replaced) if err == nil { html = inlined } else { err = fmt.Errorf("inling failed: %w", err) } return html, err } type Map struct { Declarations map[string]css.Declaration } func NewMap(n *html.Node) Map { s := Map{ Declarations: make(map[string]css.Declaration), } for _, a := range n.Attr { if a.Key == "style" { decls, err := parser.ParseDeclarations(a.Val) if err != nil { log.Printf("could not parse '%v'", a.Val) break } for _, d := range decls { s.Declarations[d.Property] = *d } } else if a.Key == "height" || a.Key == "width" { s.Declarations[a.Key] = css.Declaration{ Property: a.Key, Value: a.Val+"px", } } else if a.Key == "bgcolor" { s.Declarations["background-color"] = css.Declaration{ Property: "background-color", Value: a.Val, } } } return s } func (cs Map) ApplyChildStyle(ccs Map) (res Map) { res.Declarations = make(map[string]css.Declaration) for k, v := range cs.Declarations { res.Declarations[k] = v } // overwrite with higher prio child props for k, v := range ccs.Declarations { switch k { /*case "height", "width": parentL, ok := res.Declarations[k] if ok && strings.HasSuffix(v.Value, "%") && strings.HasSuffix(parentL.Value, "px") { parentLNum, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSuffix(parentL.Value, "px")) if err != nil { log.Errorf("atoi: %v", err) continue } percentNum, err := strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSuffix(v.Value, "%"), 64) if err != nil { log.Errorf("atoi: %v", err) continue } prod := int(percentNum * float64(parentLNum) / 100.0) res.Declarations[k] = css.Declaration{ Property: k, Value: fmt.Sprintf("%vpx", prod), } continue } fallthrough*/ default: res.Declarations[k] = v } } return } func (cs Map) Font() *draw.Font { if !CssFonts { return nil } fn := cs.FontFilename() if dui == nil { return nil } font, ok := fontCache[fn] if ok { return font } font, err := dui.Display.OpenFont(fn) if err != nil { log.Printf("%v is not avail", fn) return nil } fontCache[fn] = font return font } func (cs Map) preferedFontName(preferences []string) string { avails := availableFontNames if len(avails) == 0 { return preferences[0] } for len(preferences) > 0 { var pref string pref, preferences = preferences[0], preferences[1:] for _, avail := range avails { if pref == strings.TrimSuffix(avail, "/") { return avail } } } return avails[0] } func (cs Map) FontSize() float64 { fs, ok := cs.Declarations["font-size"] if !ok || fs.Value == "" { return 14 } if len(fs.Value) <= 2 { log.Printf("error parsing font size %v", fs.Value) return 14.0 } numStr := fs.Value[0 : len(fs.Value)-2] f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(numStr, 64) if err != nil { log.Printf("error parsing font size %v", fs.Value) return 14.0 } if strings.HasSuffix(fs.Value, "em") { f *= 14.0 } return f } func (cs Map) Color() draw.Color { h := cs.colorHex("color") c := draw.Color(h) return c } func (cs Map) colorHex(cssPropName string) uint32 { propVal, ok := cs.Declarations[cssPropName] if ok { var r, g, b, a uint32 if strings.HasPrefix(propVal.Value, "rgb") { val := propVal.Value[3:] val = strings.TrimPrefix(val, "(") val = strings.TrimSuffix(val, ")") vals := strings.Split(val, ",") rr, err := strconv.ParseInt(vals[0], 10, 32) if err != nil { goto default_value } gg, err := strconv.ParseInt(vals[1], 10, 32) if err != nil { goto default_value } bb, err := strconv.ParseInt(vals[2], 10, 32) if err != nil { goto default_value } r = uint32(rr) * 256 g = uint32(gg) * 256 b = uint32(bb) * 256 } else if strings.HasPrefix(propVal.Value, "#") { hexColor := propVal.Value[1:] a = 256 * 256 if len(hexColor) == 3 { rr, err := strconv.ParseInt(hexColor[0:1], 16, 32) if err != nil { goto default_value } gg, err := strconv.ParseInt(hexColor[1:2], 16, 32) if err != nil { goto default_value } bb, err := strconv.ParseInt(hexColor[2:3], 16, 32) if err != nil { goto default_value } r = uint32(rr) * 256 * 16 g = uint32(gg) * 256 * 16 b = uint32(bb) * 256 * 16 } else if len(hexColor) == 6 { rr, err := strconv.ParseInt(hexColor[0:2], 16, 32) if err != nil { goto default_value } gg, err := strconv.ParseInt(hexColor[2:4], 16, 32) if err != nil { goto default_value } bb, err := strconv.ParseInt(hexColor[4:6], 16, 32) if err != nil { goto default_value } r = uint32(rr) * 256 g = uint32(gg) * 256 b = uint32(bb) * 256 } else { goto default_value } } else if propVal.Value == "inherit" { // TODO: handle properly goto default_value } else { colorRGBA, ok := colornames.Map[propVal.Value] if !ok { goto default_value } r, g, b, a = colorRGBA.RGBA() } m := uint32(16) downSample := func(a uint32) uint32 { return a return a - (a % m) } x := (downSample(r / 256)) << 24 x = x | (downSample((g / 256)) << 16) x = x | (downSample((b / 256)) << 8) //x = x | (a / 256) _ = a x = x | 0x000000ff if x == 0xffffffff { // TODO: white on white background... return uint32(draw.Black) } return uint32(x) } else { return uint32(draw.Black) } default_value: log.Printf("could not interpret %v", propVal) return uint32(draw.Black) } func (cs Map) IsInline() bool { propVal, ok := cs.Declarations["float"] if ok && propVal.Value == "left" { return true } propVal, ok = cs.Declarations["display"] if ok { return propVal.Value == "inline" || propVal.Value == "inline-block" } return false } func (cs Map) IsDisplayNone() bool { propVal, ok := cs.Declarations["display"] if ok && propVal.Value == "none" { return true } /*propVal, ok = cs.Declarations["position"] if ok && propVal.Value == "fixed" { return true }*/ propVal, ok = cs.Declarations["clip"] if ok && strings.ReplaceAll(propVal.Value, " ", "") == "rect(1px,1px,1px,1px)" { return true } propVal, ok = cs.Declarations["width"] if ok && propVal.Value == "1px" { propVal, ok = cs.Declarations["height"] if ok && propVal.Value == "1px" { return true } } return false } func (cs Map) IsFlex() bool { propVal, ok := cs.Declarations["display"] if ok { return propVal.Value == "flex" } return false } func (cs Map) IsFlexDirectionRow() bool { propVal, ok := cs.Declarations["flex-direction"] if ok { switch propVal.Value { case "row": return true case "column": return false } } return true // TODO: be more specific } func length(l string) (f float64, unit string, err error) { var s string if s == "auto" { return 0, "px", nil } for _, suffix := range []string{"px", "%", "rem", "em"} { if strings.HasSuffix(l, suffix) { s = strings.TrimSuffix(l, suffix) unit = suffix break } } if unit == "" { return f, unit, fmt.Errorf("unknown suffix: %v", l) } if unit == "px" { f, err = strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64) } return } func (cs Map) Height() int { d, ok := cs.Declarations["height"] if ok { f, _, err := length(d.Value) if err != nil { log.Errorf("cannot parse height: %v", err) } return int(f) } return 0 } func (cs Map) Width() int { d, ok := cs.Declarations["width"] if ok { f, _, err := length(d.Value) if err != nil { log.Errorf("cannot parse width: %v", err) } return int(f) } return 0 }