ref: 94389da8017a2bcca3cb29a4f954c928d577a31a
dir: /domino/domino-lib/Text.js/
"use strict"; module.exports = Text; var utils = require('./utils'); var Node = require('./Node'); var CharacterData = require('./CharacterData'); function Text(doc, data) {; this.nodeType = Node.TEXT_NODE; this.ownerDocument = doc; this._data = data; this._index = undefined; } var nodeValue = { get: function() { return this._data; }, set: function(v) { if (v === null || v === undefined) { v = ''; } else { v = String(v); } if (v === this._data) return; this._data = v; if (this.rooted) this.ownerDocument.mutateValue(this); if (this.parentNode && this.parentNode._textchangehook) this.parentNode._textchangehook(this); } }; Text.prototype = Object.create(CharacterData.prototype, { nodeName: { value: "#text" }, // These three attributes are all the same. // The data attribute has a [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] but we'll // implement that at the interface level nodeValue: nodeValue, textContent: nodeValue, data: { get: nodeValue.get, set: function(v) {, v===null ? '' : String(v)); }, }, splitText: { value: function splitText(offset) { if (offset > this._data.length || offset < 0) utils.IndexSizeError(); var newdata = this._data.substring(offset), newnode = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(newdata); =, offset); var parent = this.parentNode; if (parent !== null) parent.insertBefore(newnode, this.nextSibling); return newnode; }}, wholeText: { get: function wholeText() { var result = this.textContent; for (var next = this.nextSibling; next; next = next.nextSibling) { if (next.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) { break; } result += next.textContent; } return result; }}, // Obsolete, removed from spec. replaceWholeText: { value: utils.nyi }, // Utility methods clone: { value: function clone() { return new Text(this.ownerDocument, this._data); }}, });