ref: 905263542c6f19b3d66f94e323995af7880c9355
dir: /browser/scroll.go/
package browser // Original code from // // Copyright 2018 Mechiel Lukkien [email protected] // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE // SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import ( "fmt" "image" "math" "" "" ) // Scroll shows a part of its single child, typically a box, and lets you scroll the content. type Scroll struct { Kid duit.Kid Height int // < 0 means full height, 0 means as much as necessary, >0 means exactly that many lowdpi pixels r image.Rectangle // entire ui barR image.Rectangle barActiveR image.Rectangle childR image.Rectangle Offset int // current scroll offset in pixels img *draw.Image // for child to draw on scrollbarSize int lastMouseUI duit.UI drawOffset int } var _ duit.UI = &Scroll{} // NewScroll returns a full-height scroll bar containing ui. func NewScroll(ui duit.UI) *Scroll { return &Scroll{Height: -1, Kid: duit.Kid{UI: ui}} } func (ui *Scroll) Layout(dui *duit.DUI, self *duit.Kid, sizeAvail image.Point, force bool) { debugLayout(dui, self) if self.Layout == duit.Clean && !force { return } self.Layout = duit.Clean self.Draw = duit.Dirty // todo: be smarter about DirtyKid ui.scrollbarSize = dui.Scale(duit.ScrollbarSize) scaledHeight := dui.Scale(ui.Height) if scaledHeight > 0 && scaledHeight < sizeAvail.Y { sizeAvail.Y = scaledHeight } ui.r = rect(sizeAvail) ui.barR = ui.r ui.barR.Max.X = ui.barR.Min.X + ui.scrollbarSize ui.childR = ui.r ui.childR.Min.X = ui.barR.Max.X // todo: only force when sizeAvail or childR changed? ui.Kid.UI.Layout(dui, &ui.Kid, image.Pt(ui.r.Dx()-ui.barR.Dx(), ui.r.Dy()), force) ui.Kid.Layout = duit.Clean ui.Kid.Draw = duit.Dirty kY := ui.Kid.R.Dy() if ui.r.Dy() > kY && ui.Height == 0 { ui.barR.Max.Y = kY ui.r.Max.Y = kY ui.childR.Max.Y = kY } self.R = rect(ui.r.Size()) } func (ui *Scroll) Draw(dui *duit.DUI, self *duit.Kid, img *draw.Image, orig image.Point, m draw.Mouse, force bool) { debugDraw(dui, self) if self.Draw == duit.Clean { return } self.Draw = duit.Clean if ui.r.Empty() { return } ui.scroll(0) barHover := m.In(ui.barR) bg := dui.ScrollBGNormal vis := dui.ScrollVisibleNormal if barHover { bg = dui.ScrollBGHover vis = dui.ScrollVisibleHover } h := ui.r.Dy() uih := ui.Kid.R.Dy() if uih > h { barR := ui.barR.Add(orig) img.Draw(barR, bg, nil, image.ZP) barH := h * h / uih barY := ui.Offset * h / uih ui.barActiveR = ui.barR ui.barActiveR.Min.Y += barY ui.barActiveR.Max.Y = ui.barActiveR.Min.Y + barH barActiveR := ui.barActiveR.Add(orig) barActiveR.Max.X -= 1 // unscaled img.Draw(barActiveR, vis, nil, image.ZP) } // draw child ui if ui.childR.Empty() { return } d := math.Abs(float64(ui.drawOffset - ui.Offset)) if d > float64(ui.r.Max.Y) { ui.Kid.Draw = duit.Dirty } if ui.img == nil || ui.drawRect().Size() != ui.img.R.Size() || ui.Kid.Draw == duit.Dirty { var err error if ui.img != nil { ui.img.Free() ui.img = nil } ui.Kid.Draw = duit.Dirty if ui.Kid.R.Dx() == 0 || ui.Kid.R.Dy() == 0 { return } ui.img, err = dui.Display.AllocImage(ui.drawRect(), draw.ARGB32, false, dui.BackgroundColor) if duitError(dui, err, "allocimage") { return } ui.drawOffset = ui.Offset } else if ui.Kid.Draw == duit.Dirty { ui.img.Draw(ui.img.R, dui.Background, nil, image.ZP) } m.Point = m.Point.Add(image.Pt(-ui.childR.Min.X, ui.Offset)) if ui.Kid.Draw != duit.Clean { if force { ui.Kid.Draw = duit.Dirty } ui.Kid.UI.Draw(dui, &ui.Kid, ui.img, image.ZP, m, ui.Kid.Draw == duit.Dirty) ui.Kid.Draw = duit.Clean } img.Draw(ui.childR.Add(orig), ui.img, nil, image.Pt(0, ui.Offset)) } // Allocate only an image buffer of view size ui.r // - which is translated by scroll offset ui.Offset - instead // of whole Kid view size ui.Kid.R which leads to much // faster render times for large pages. Add same size rectangles // above/below to decrease flickering. func (ui *Scroll) drawRect() image.Rectangle { if 2*ui.r.Dy() > ui.Kid.R.Dy() { return ui.Kid.R } r := image.Rectangle{ Min: ui.r.Min, Max: image.Point{ ui.r.Max.X, 3*ui.r.Max.Y, }, } r = r.Add(image.Point{X:0, Y:ui.Offset-ui.r.Max.Y}) if r.Min.Y > ui.Offset { r.Min.Y -= ui.Offset } return r } func (ui *Scroll) scroll(delta int) bool { o := ui.Offset ui.Offset += delta ui.Offset = maximum(0, ui.Offset) ui.Offset = minimum(ui.Offset, maximum(0, ui.Kid.R.Dy()-ui.childR.Dy())) return o != ui.Offset } func (ui *Scroll) scrollKey(k rune) (consumed bool) { switch k { case draw.KeyUp: return ui.scroll(-50) case draw.KeyDown: return ui.scroll(50) case draw.KeyPageUp: return ui.scroll(-200) case draw.KeyPageDown: return ui.scroll(200) } return false } func (ui *Scroll) scrollMouse(m draw.Mouse, scrollOnly bool) (consumed bool) { switch m.Buttons { case duit.Button4: return ui.scroll(-m.Y / 4) case duit.Button5: return ui.scroll(m.Y / 4) } if scrollOnly { return false } switch m.Buttons { case duit.Button1: return ui.scroll(-m.Y) case duit.Button2: Offset := m.Y * ui.Kid.R.Dy() / ui.barR.Dy() OffsetMax := ui.Kid.R.Dy() - ui.childR.Dy() Offset = maximum(0, minimum(Offset, OffsetMax)) o := ui.Offset ui.Offset = Offset return o != ui.Offset case duit.Button3: return ui.scroll(m.Y) } return false } func (ui *Scroll) result(dui *duit.DUI, self *duit.Kid, r *duit.Result, scrolled bool) { if ui.Kid.Layout != duit.Clean { ui.Kid.UI.Layout(dui, &ui.Kid, ui.childR.Size(), false) ui.Kid.Layout = duit.Clean ui.Kid.Draw = duit.Dirty self.Draw = duit.Dirty } else if ui.Kid.Draw != duit.Clean || scrolled { self.Draw = duit.Dirty } } func (ui *Scroll) Mouse(dui *duit.DUI, self *duit.Kid, m draw.Mouse, origM draw.Mouse, orig image.Point) (r duit.Result) { if m.Point.In(ui.barR) { r.Hit = ui r.Consumed = ui.scrollMouse(m, false) self.Draw = duit.Dirty return } if m.Point.In(ui.childR) { nOrigM := origM nOrigM.Point = nOrigM.Point.Add(image.Pt(-ui.scrollbarSize, ui.Offset)) nm := m nm.Point = nm.Point.Add(image.Pt(-ui.scrollbarSize, ui.Offset)) r = ui.Kid.UI.Mouse(dui, &ui.Kid, nm, nOrigM, image.ZP) ui.warpScroll(dui, self, r.Warp, orig) scrolled := false if !r.Consumed { scrolled = ui.scrollMouse(m, true) r.Consumed = scrolled } ui.result(dui, self, &r, scrolled) if r.Hit != ui.lastMouseUI { if r.Hit != nil { ui.Mark(self, r.Hit, false) } if ui.lastMouseUI != nil { ui.Mark(self, ui.lastMouseUI, false) } } ui.lastMouseUI = r.Hit } return } func (ui *Scroll) Key(dui *duit.DUI, self *duit.Kid, k rune, m draw.Mouse, orig image.Point) (r duit.Result) { if m.Point.In(ui.barR) { r.Hit = ui r.Consumed = ui.scrollKey(k) if r.Consumed { self.Draw = duit.Dirty } } if m.Point.In(ui.childR) { m.Point = m.Point.Add(image.Pt(-ui.scrollbarSize, ui.Offset)) r = ui.Kid.UI.Key(dui, &ui.Kid, k, m, image.ZP) ui.warpScroll(dui, self, r.Warp, orig) scrolled := false if !r.Consumed { scrolled = ui.scrollKey(k) r.Consumed = scrolled } ui.result(dui, self, &r, scrolled) } return } func (ui *Scroll) warpScroll(dui *duit.DUI, self *duit.Kid, warp *image.Point, orig image.Point) { if warp == nil { return } Offset := ui.Offset if warp.Y < ui.Offset { ui.Offset = maximum(0, warp.Y-dui.Scale(40)) } else if warp.Y > ui.Offset+ui.r.Dy() { ui.Offset = minimum(ui.Kid.R.Dy()-ui.r.Dy(), warp.Y+dui.Scale(40)-ui.r.Dy()) } if Offset != ui.Offset { if self != nil { self.Draw = duit.Dirty } else { dui.MarkDraw(ui) } } warp.Y -= ui.Offset warp.X += orig.X + ui.scrollbarSize warp.Y += orig.Y } func (ui *Scroll) _focus(dui *duit.DUI, p *image.Point) *image.Point { if p == nil { return nil } pp := p.Add(ui.childR.Min) p = &pp ui.warpScroll(dui, nil, p, image.ZP) return p } func (ui *Scroll) FirstFocus(dui *duit.DUI, self *duit.Kid) *image.Point { p := ui.Kid.UI.FirstFocus(dui, &ui.Kid) return ui._focus(dui, p) } func (ui *Scroll) Focus(dui *duit.DUI, self *duit.Kid, o duit.UI) *image.Point { if o == ui { p := image.Pt(minimum(ui.scrollbarSize/2, ui.r.Dx()), minimum(ui.scrollbarSize/2, ui.r.Dy())) return &p } p := ui.Kid.UI.Focus(dui, &ui.Kid, o) return ui._focus(dui, p) } func (ui *Scroll) Mark(self *duit.Kid, o duit.UI, forLayout bool) (marked bool) { if self.Mark(o, forLayout) { return true } marked = ui.Kid.UI.Mark(&ui.Kid, o, forLayout) if marked { if forLayout { if self.Layout == duit.Clean { self.Layout = duit.DirtyKid } } else { if self.Layout == duit.Clean { self.Draw = duit.DirtyKid } } } return } func (ui *Scroll) Print(self *duit.Kid, indent int) { what := fmt.Sprintf("Scroll Offset=%d childR=%v", ui.Offset, ui.childR) duit.PrintUI(what, self, indent) ui.Kid.UI.Print(&ui.Kid, indent+1) } ////////////////////// // // // helper functions // // // ////////////////////// func pt(v int) image.Point { return image.Point{v, v} } func rect(p image.Point) image.Rectangle { return image.Rectangle{image.ZP, p} } func extendY(r image.Rectangle, dy int) image.Rectangle { r.Max.Y += dy return r } func insetPt(r image.Rectangle, pad image.Point) image.Rectangle { r.Min = r.Min.Add(pad) r.Max = r.Max.Sub(pad) return r } func outsetPt(r image.Rectangle, pad image.Point) image.Rectangle { r.Min = r.Min.Sub(pad) r.Max = r.Max.Add(pad) return r } func minimum64(a, b int64) int64 { if a < b { return a } return b } func maximum64(a, b int64) int64 { if a > b { return a } return b } func minimum(a, b int) int { if a < b { return a } return b } func maximum(a, b int) int { if a > b { return a } return b } func debugLayout(d *duit.DUI, self *duit.Kid) { if d.DebugLayout > 0 { log.Printf("duit: Layout %T %s layout=%d draw=%d\n", self.UI, self.R, self.Layout, self.Draw) } } func debugDraw(d *duit.DUI, self *duit.Kid) { if d.DebugDraw > 0 { log.Printf("duit: Draw %T %s layout=%d draw=%d\n", self.UI, self.R, self.Layout, self.Draw) } } func duitError(d *duit.DUI, err error, msg string) bool { if err == nil { return false } go func() { d.Error <- fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", msg, err) }() return true }