ref: 780d55cb042d7d8e892b25c1368355e0358b1969
dir: /domino/domino-lib/NodeUtils.js/
"use strict"; module.exports = { // NOTE: The `serializeOne()` function used to live on the `Node.prototype` // as a private method `Node#_serializeOne(child)`, however that requires // a megamorphic property access `this._serializeOne` just to get to the // method, and this is being done on lots of different `Node` subclasses, // which puts a lot of pressure on V8's megamorphic stub cache. So by // moving the helper off of the `Node.prototype` and into a separate // function in this helper module, we get a monomorphic property access // `NodeUtils.serializeOne` to get to the function and reduce pressure // on the megamorphic stub cache. // See for more information. serializeOne: serializeOne }; var utils = require('./utils'); var NAMESPACE = utils.NAMESPACE; var hasRawContent = { STYLE: true, SCRIPT: true, XMP: true, IFRAME: true, NOEMBED: true, NOFRAMES: true, PLAINTEXT: true }; var emptyElements = { area: true, base: true, basefont: true, bgsound: true, br: true, col: true, embed: true, frame: true, hr: true, img: true, input: true, keygen: true, link: true, meta: true, param: true, source: true, track: true, wbr: true }; var extraNewLine = { /* Removed in pre: true, textarea: true, listing: true */ }; function escape(s) { return s.replace(/[&<>\u00A0]/g, function(c) { switch(c) { case '&': return '&'; case '<': return '<'; case '>': return '>'; case '\u00A0': return ' '; } }); } function escapeAttr(s) { var toEscape = /[&"\u00A0]/g; if (!toEscape.test(s)) { // nothing to do, fast path return s; } else { return s.replace(toEscape, function(c) { switch(c) { case '&': return '&'; case '"': return '"'; case '\u00A0': return ' '; } }); } } function attrname(a) { var ns = a.namespaceURI; if (!ns) return a.localName; if (ns === NAMESPACE.XML) return 'xml:' + a.localName; if (ns === NAMESPACE.XLINK) return 'xlink:' + a.localName; if (ns === NAMESPACE.XMLNS) { if (a.localName === 'xmlns') return 'xmlns'; else return 'xmlns:' + a.localName; } return; } function serializeOne(kid, parent) { var s = ''; switch(kid.nodeType) { case 1: //ELEMENT_NODE var ns = kid.namespaceURI; var html = ns === NAMESPACE.HTML; var tagname = (html || ns === NAMESPACE.SVG || ns === NAMESPACE.MATHML) ? kid.localName : kid.tagName; s += '<' + tagname; for(var j = 0, k = kid._numattrs; j < k; j++) { var a = kid._attr(j); s += ' ' + attrname(a); if (a.value !== undefined) s += '="' + escapeAttr(a.value) + '"'; } s += '>'; if (!(html && emptyElements[tagname])) { var ss = kid.serialize(); if (html && extraNewLine[tagname] && ss.charAt(0)==='\n') s += '\n'; // Serialize children and add end tag for all others s += ss; s += '</' + tagname + '>'; } break; case 3: //TEXT_NODE case 4: //CDATA_SECTION_NODE var parenttag; if (parent.nodeType === 1 /*ELEMENT_NODE*/ && parent.namespaceURI === NAMESPACE.HTML) parenttag = parent.tagName; else parenttag = ''; if (hasRawContent[parenttag] || (parenttag==='NOSCRIPT' && parent.ownerDocument._scripting_enabled)) { s +=; } else { s += escape(; } break; case 8: //COMMENT_NODE s += '<!--' + + '-->'; break; case 7: //PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE s += '<?' + + ' ' + + '?>'; break; case 10: //DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE s += '<!DOCTYPE ' +; if (false) { // Latest HTML serialization spec omits the public/system ID if (kid.publicID) { s += ' PUBLIC "' + kid.publicId + '"'; } if (kid.systemId) { s += ' "' + kid.systemId + '"'; } } s += '>'; break; default: utils.InvalidStateError(); } return s; }