ref: 3dfe00dc2f63fe2d93dc977a1973ab03a74b93bc
dir: /domino-lib/Node.js/
"use strict"; module.exports = Node; var EventTarget = require('./EventTarget'); var LinkedList = require('./LinkedList'); var NodeUtils = require('./NodeUtils'); var utils = require('./utils'); // All nodes have a nodeType and an ownerDocument. // Once inserted, they also have a parentNode. // This is an abstract class; all nodes in a document are instances // of a subtype, so all the properties are defined by more specific // constructors. function Node() {; this.parentNode = null; this._nextSibling = this._previousSibling = this; this._index = undefined; } var ELEMENT_NODE = Node.ELEMENT_NODE = 1; var ATTRIBUTE_NODE = Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2; var TEXT_NODE = Node.TEXT_NODE = 3; var CDATA_SECTION_NODE = Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4; var ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5; var ENTITY_NODE = Node.ENTITY_NODE = 6; var PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7; var COMMENT_NODE = Node.COMMENT_NODE = 8; var DOCUMENT_NODE = Node.DOCUMENT_NODE = 9; var DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10; var DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11; var NOTATION_NODE = Node.NOTATION_NODE = 12; var DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED = Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED = 0x01; var DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING = Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING = 0x02; var DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING = Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING = 0x04; var DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08; var DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY = Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY = 0x10; var DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC = Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC = 0x20; Node.prototype = Object.create(EventTarget.prototype, { // Node that are not inserted into the tree inherit a null parent // XXX: the baseURI attribute is defined by dom core, but // a correct implementation of it requires HTML features, so // we'll come back to this later. baseURI: { get: utils.nyi }, parentElement: { get: function() { return (this.parentNode && this.parentNode.nodeType===ELEMENT_NODE) ? this.parentNode : null; }}, hasChildNodes: { value: utils.shouldOverride }, firstChild: { get: utils.shouldOverride }, lastChild: { get: utils.shouldOverride }, previousSibling: { get: function() { var parent = this.parentNode; if (!parent) return null; if (this === parent.firstChild) return null; return this._previousSibling; }}, nextSibling: { get: function() { var parent = this.parentNode, next = this._nextSibling; if (!parent) return null; if (next === parent.firstChild) return null; return next; }}, textContent: { // Should override for DocumentFragment/Element/Attr/Text/PI/Comment get: function() { return null; }, set: function(v) { /* do nothing */ }, }, _countChildrenOfType: { value: function(type) { var sum = 0; for (var kid = this.firstChild; kid !== null; kid = kid.nextSibling) { if (kid.nodeType === type) sum++; } return sum; }}, _ensureInsertValid: { value: function _ensureInsertValid(node, child, isPreinsert) { var parent = this, i, kid; if (!node.nodeType) throw new TypeError('not a node'); // 1. If parent is not a Document, DocumentFragment, or Element // node, throw a HierarchyRequestError. switch (parent.nodeType) { case DOCUMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case ELEMENT_NODE: break; default: utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } // 2. If node is a host-including inclusive ancestor of parent, // throw a HierarchyRequestError. if (node.isAncestor(parent)) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); // 3. If child is not null and its parent is not parent, then // throw a NotFoundError. (replaceChild omits the 'child is not null' // and throws a TypeError here if child is null.) if (child !== null || !isPreinsert) { if (child.parentNode !== parent) utils.NotFoundError(); } // 4. If node is not a DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Element, // Text, ProcessingInstruction, or Comment node, throw a // HierarchyRequestError. switch (node.nodeType) { case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case ELEMENT_NODE: case TEXT_NODE: case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: case COMMENT_NODE: break; default: utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } // 5. If either node is a Text node and parent is a document, or // node is a doctype and parent is not a document, throw a // HierarchyRequestError. // 6. If parent is a document, and any of the statements below, switched // on node, are true, throw a HierarchyRequestError. if (parent.nodeType === DOCUMENT_NODE) { switch (node.nodeType) { case TEXT_NODE: utils.HierarchyRequestError(); break; case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: // 6a1. If node has more than one element child or has a Text // node child. if (node._countChildrenOfType(TEXT_NODE) > 0) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); switch (node._countChildrenOfType(ELEMENT_NODE)) { case 0: break; case 1: // 6a2. Otherwise, if node has one element child and either // parent has an element child, child is a doctype, or child // is not null and a doctype is following child. [preinsert] // 6a2. Otherwise, if node has one element child and either // parent has an element child that is not child or a // doctype is following child. [replaceWith] if (child !== null /* always true here for replaceWith */) { if (isPreinsert && child.nodeType === DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); for (kid = child.nextSibling; kid !== null; kid = kid.nextSibling) { if (kid.nodeType === DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } } i = parent._countChildrenOfType(ELEMENT_NODE); if (isPreinsert) { // "parent has an element child" if (i > 0) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } else { // "parent has an element child that is not child" if (i > 1 || (i === 1 && child.nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE)) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } break; default: // 6a1, continued. (more than one Element child) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } break; case ELEMENT_NODE: // 6b. parent has an element child, child is a doctype, or // child is not null and a doctype is following child. [preinsert] // 6b. parent has an element child that is not child or a // doctype is following child. [replaceWith] if (child !== null /* always true here for replaceWith */) { if (isPreinsert && child.nodeType === DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); for (kid = child.nextSibling; kid !== null; kid = kid.nextSibling) { if (kid.nodeType === DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } } i = parent._countChildrenOfType(ELEMENT_NODE); if (isPreinsert) { // "parent has an element child" if (i > 0) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } else { // "parent has an element child that is not child" if (i > 1 || (i === 1 && child.nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE)) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } break; case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: // 6c. parent has a doctype child, child is non-null and an // element is preceding child, or child is null and parent has // an element child. [preinsert] // 6c. parent has a doctype child that is not child, or an // element is preceding child. [replaceWith] if (child === null) { if (parent._countChildrenOfType(ELEMENT_NODE)) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } else { // child is always non-null for [replaceWith] case for (kid = parent.firstChild; kid !== null; kid = kid.nextSibling) { if (kid === child) break; if (kid.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } } i = parent._countChildrenOfType(DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE); if (isPreinsert) { // "parent has an doctype child" if (i > 0) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } else { // "parent has an doctype child that is not child" if (i > 1 || (i === 1 && child.nodeType !== DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } break; } } else { // 5, continued: (parent is not a document) if (node.nodeType === DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } }}, insertBefore: { value: function insertBefore(node, child) { var parent = this; // 1. Ensure pre-insertion validity parent._ensureInsertValid(node, child, true); // 2. Let reference child be child. var refChild = child; // 3. If reference child is node, set it to node's next sibling if (refChild === node) { refChild = node.nextSibling; } // 4. Adopt node into parent's node document. parent.doc.adoptNode(node); // 5. Insert node into parent before reference child. node._insertOrReplace(parent, refChild, false); // 6. Return node return node; }}, appendChild: { value: function(child) { // This invokes _appendChild after doing validity checks. return this.insertBefore(child, null); }}, _appendChild: { value: function(child) { child._insertOrReplace(this, null, false); }}, removeChild: { value: function removeChild(child) { var parent = this; if (!child.nodeType) throw new TypeError('not a node'); if (child.parentNode !== parent) utils.NotFoundError(); child.remove(); return child; }}, // To replace a `child` with `node` within a `parent` (this) replaceChild: { value: function replaceChild(node, child) { var parent = this; // Ensure validity (slight differences from pre-insertion check) parent._ensureInsertValid(node, child, false); // Adopt node into parent's node document. if (node.doc !== parent.doc) { // XXX adoptNode has side-effect of removing node from its parent // and generating a mutation event, thus causing the _insertOrReplace // to generate two deletes and an insert instead of a 'move' // event. It looks like the new MutationObserver stuff avoids // this problem, but for now let's only adopt (ie, remove `node` // from its parent) here if we need to. parent.doc.adoptNode(node); } // Do the replace. node._insertOrReplace(parent, child, true); return child; }}, // See: contains: { value: function contains(node) { if (node === null) { return false; } if (this === node) { return true; /* inclusive descendant */ } /* jshint bitwise: false */ return (this.compareDocumentPosition(node) & DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY) !== 0; }}, compareDocumentPosition: { value: function compareDocumentPosition(that){ // Basic algorithm for finding the relative position of two nodes. // Make a list the ancestors of each node, starting with the // document element and proceeding down to the nodes themselves. // Then, loop through the lists, looking for the first element // that differs. The order of those two elements give the // order of their descendant nodes. Or, if one list is a prefix // of the other one, then that node contains the other. if (this === that) return 0; // If they're not owned by the same document or if one is rooted // and one is not, then they're disconnected. if (this.doc !== that.doc || this.rooted !== that.rooted) return (DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED + DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC); // Get arrays of ancestors for this and that var these = [], those = []; for(var n = this; n !== null; n = n.parentNode) these.push(n); for(n = that; n !== null; n = n.parentNode) those.push(n); these.reverse(); // So we start with the outermost those.reverse(); if (these[0] !== those[0]) // No common ancestor return (DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED + DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC); n = Math.min(these.length, those.length); for(var i = 1; i < n; i++) { if (these[i] !== those[i]) { // We found two different ancestors, so compare // their positions if (these[i].index < those[i].index) return DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; else return DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } } // If we get to here, then one of the nodes (the one with the // shorter list of ancestors) contains the other one. if (these.length < those.length) return (DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING + DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY); else return (DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING + DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS); }}, isSameNode: {value : function isSameNode(node) { return this === node; }}, // This method implements the generic parts of node equality testing // and defers to the (non-recursive) type-specific isEqual() method // defined by subclasses isEqualNode: { value: function isEqualNode(node) { if (!node) return false; if (node.nodeType !== this.nodeType) return false; // Check type-specific properties for equality if (!this.isEqual(node)) return false; // Now check children for number and equality for (var c1 = this.firstChild, c2 = node.firstChild; c1 && c2; c1 = c1.nextSibling, c2 = c2.nextSibling) { if (!c1.isEqualNode(c2)) return false; } return c1 === null && c2 === null; }}, // This method delegates shallow cloning to a clone() method // that each concrete subclass must implement cloneNode: { value: function(deep) { // Clone this node var clone = this.clone(); // Handle the recursive case if necessary if (deep) { for (var kid = this.firstChild; kid !== null; kid = kid.nextSibling) { clone._appendChild(kid.cloneNode(true)); } } return clone; }}, lookupPrefix: { value: function lookupPrefix(ns) { var e; if (ns === '' || ns === null || ns === undefined) return null; switch(this.nodeType) { case ELEMENT_NODE: return this._lookupNamespacePrefix(ns, this); case DOCUMENT_NODE: e = this.documentElement; return e ? e.lookupPrefix(ns) : null; case ENTITY_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: return null; case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: e = this.ownerElement; return e ? e.lookupPrefix(ns) : null; default: e = this.parentElement; return e ? e.lookupPrefix(ns) : null; } }}, lookupNamespaceURI: {value: function lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) { if (prefix === '' || prefix === undefined) { prefix = null; } var e; switch(this.nodeType) { case ELEMENT_NODE: return utils.shouldOverride(); case DOCUMENT_NODE: e = this.documentElement; return e ? e.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) : null; case ENTITY_NODE: case NOTATION_NODE: case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: return null; case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: e = this.ownerElement; return e ? e.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) : null; default: e = this.parentElement; return e ? e.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) : null; } }}, isDefaultNamespace: { value: function isDefaultNamespace(ns) { if (ns === '' || ns === undefined) { ns = null; } var defaultNamespace = this.lookupNamespaceURI(null); return (defaultNamespace === ns); }}, // Utility methods for nodes. Not part of the DOM // Return the index of this node in its parent. // Throw if no parent, or if this node is not a child of its parent index: { get: function() { var parent = this.parentNode; if (this === parent.firstChild) return 0; // fast case var kids = parent.childNodes; if (this._index === undefined || kids[this._index] !== this) { // Ensure that we don't have an O(N^2) blowup if none of the // kids have defined indices yet and we're traversing via // nextSibling or previousSibling for (var i=0; i<kids.length; i++) { kids[i]._index = i; } utils.assert(kids[this._index] === this); } return this._index; }}, // Return true if this node is equal to or is an ancestor of that node // Note that nodes are considered to be ancestors of themselves isAncestor: { value: function(that) { // If they belong to different documents, then they're unrelated. if (this.doc !== that.doc) return false; // If one is rooted and one isn't then they're not related if (this.rooted !== that.rooted) return false; // Otherwise check by traversing the parentNode chain for(var e = that; e; e = e.parentNode) { if (e === this) return true; } return false; }}, // DOMINO Changed the behavior to conform with the specs. See: // ensureSameDoc: { value: function(that) { if (that.ownerDocument === null) { that.ownerDocument = this.doc; } else if(that.ownerDocument !== this.doc) { utils.WrongDocumentError(); } }}, removeChildren: { value: utils.shouldOverride }, // Insert this node as a child of parent before the specified child, // or insert as the last child of parent if specified child is null, // or replace the specified child with this node, firing mutation events as // necessary _insertOrReplace: { value: function _insertOrReplace(parent, before, isReplace) { var child = this, before_index, i; if (child.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE && child.rooted) { utils.HierarchyRequestError(); } /* Ensure index of `before` is cached before we (possibly) remove it. */ if (parent._childNodes) { before_index = (before === null) ? parent._childNodes.length : before.index; /* ensure _index is cached */ // If we are already a child of the specified parent, then // the index may have to be adjusted. if (child.parentNode === parent) { var child_index = child.index; // If the child is before the spot it is to be inserted at, // then when it is removed, the index of that spot will be // reduced. if (child_index < before_index) { before_index--; } } } // Delete the old child if (isReplace) { if (before.rooted) before.doc.mutateRemove(before); before.parentNode = null; } var n = before; if (n === null) { n = parent.firstChild; } // If both the child and the parent are rooted, then we want to // transplant the child without uprooting and rerooting it. var bothRooted = child.rooted && parent.rooted; if (child.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { var spliceArgs = [0, isReplace ? 1 : 0], next; for (var kid = child.firstChild; kid !== null; kid = next) { next = kid.nextSibling; spliceArgs.push(kid); kid.parentNode = parent; } var len = spliceArgs.length; // Add all nodes to the new parent, overwriting the old child if (isReplace) { LinkedList.replace(n, len > 2 ? spliceArgs[2] : null); } else if (len > 2 && n !== null) { LinkedList.insertBefore(spliceArgs[2], n); } if (parent._childNodes) { spliceArgs[0] = (before === null) ? parent._childNodes.length : before._index; parent._childNodes.splice.apply(parent._childNodes, spliceArgs); for (i=2; i<len; i++) { spliceArgs[i]._index = spliceArgs[0] + (i - 2); } } else if (parent._firstChild === before) { if (len > 2) { parent._firstChild = spliceArgs[2]; } else if (isReplace) { parent._firstChild = null; } } // Remove all nodes from the document fragment if (child._childNodes) { child._childNodes.length = 0; } else { child._firstChild = null; } // Call the mutation handlers // Use spliceArgs since the original array has been destroyed. The // liveness guarantee requires us to clone the array so that // references to the childNodes of the DocumentFragment will be empty // when the insertion handlers are called. if (parent.rooted) { parent.modify(); for (i = 2; i < len; i++) { parent.doc.mutateInsert(spliceArgs[i]); } } } else { if (before === child) { return; } if (bothRooted) { // Remove the child from its current position in the tree // without calling remove(), since we don't want to uproot it. child._remove(); } else if (child.parentNode) { child.remove(); } // Insert it as a child of its new parent child.parentNode = parent; if (isReplace) { LinkedList.replace(n, child); if (parent._childNodes) { child._index = before_index; parent._childNodes[before_index] = child; } else if (parent._firstChild === before) { parent._firstChild = child; } } else { if (n !== null) { LinkedList.insertBefore(child, n); } if (parent._childNodes) { child._index = before_index; parent._childNodes.splice(before_index, 0, child); } else if (parent._firstChild === before) { parent._firstChild = child; } } if (bothRooted) { parent.modify(); // Generate a move mutation event parent.doc.mutateMove(child); } else if (parent.rooted) { parent.modify(); parent.doc.mutateInsert(child); } } }}, // Return the lastModTime value for this node. (For use as a // cache invalidation mechanism. If the node does not already // have one, initialize it from the owner document's modclock // property. (Note that modclock does not return the actual // time; it is simply a counter incremented on each document // modification) lastModTime: { get: function() { if (!this._lastModTime) { this._lastModTime = this.doc.modclock; } return this._lastModTime; }}, // Increment the owner document's modclock and use the new // value to update the lastModTime value for this node and // all of its ancestors. Nodes that have never had their // lastModTime value queried do not need to have a // lastModTime property set on them since there is no // previously queried value to ever compare the new value // against, so only update nodes that already have a // _lastModTime property. modify: { value: function() { if (this.doc.modclock) { // Skip while doc.modclock == 0 var time = ++this.doc.modclock; for(var n = this; n; n = n.parentElement) { if (n._lastModTime) { n._lastModTime = time; } } } }}, // This attribute is not part of the DOM but is quite helpful. // It returns the document with which a node is associated. Usually // this is the ownerDocument. But ownerDocument is null for the // document object itself, so this is a handy way to get the document // regardless of the node type doc: { get: function() { return this.ownerDocument || this; }}, // If the node has a nid (node id), then it is rooted in a document rooted: { get: function() { return !!this._nid; }}, normalize: { value: function() { var next; for (var child=this.firstChild; child !== null; child=next) { next = child.nextSibling; if (child.normalize) { child.normalize(); } if (child.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) { continue; } if (child.nodeValue === "") { this.removeChild(child); continue; } var prevChild = child.previousSibling; if (prevChild === null) { continue; } else if (prevChild.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { // merge this with previous and remove the child prevChild.appendData(child.nodeValue); this.removeChild(child); } } }}, // Convert the children of a node to an HTML string. // This is used by the innerHTML getter // The serialization spec is at: // // // The serialization logic is intentionally implemented in a separate // `NodeUtils` helper instead of the more obvious choice of a private // `_serializeOne()` method on the `Node.prototype` in order to avoid // the megamorphic `this._serializeOne` property access, which reduces // performance unnecessarily. If you need specialized behavior for a // certain subclass, you'll need to implement that in `NodeUtils`. // See for more information. serialize: { value: function() { var s = ''; for (var kid = this.firstChild; kid !== null; kid = kid.nextSibling) { s += NodeUtils.serializeOne(kid, this); } return s; }}, // Non-standard, but often useful for debugging. outerHTML: { get: function() { return NodeUtils.serializeOne(this, { nodeType: 0 }); }, set: utils.nyi, }, // mirror node type properties in the prototype, so they are present // in instances of Node (and subclasses) ELEMENT_NODE: { value: ELEMENT_NODE }, ATTRIBUTE_NODE: { value: ATTRIBUTE_NODE }, TEXT_NODE: { value: TEXT_NODE }, CDATA_SECTION_NODE: { value: CDATA_SECTION_NODE }, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: { value: ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE }, ENTITY_NODE: { value: ENTITY_NODE }, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: { value: PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE }, COMMENT_NODE: { value: COMMENT_NODE }, DOCUMENT_NODE: { value: DOCUMENT_NODE }, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: { value: DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE }, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: { value: DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE }, NOTATION_NODE: { value: NOTATION_NODE }, DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED: { value: DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED }, DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING: { value: DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING }, DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING: { value: DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING }, DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS: { value: DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS }, DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY: { value: DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY }, DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC: { value: DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC }, });