ref: fdd488c60450d605e22992104983224a00089877
dir: /8/reduce.c/
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "parse.h" #include "gen.h" #include "asm.h" void breakhere() { volatile int x = 0; x++; } /* takes a list of nodes, and reduces it (and it's subnodes) to a list * following these constraints: * - All nodes are expression nodes * - Nodes with side effects are root nodes * - All nodes operate on machine-primitive types and tuples */ typedef struct Simp Simp; struct Simp { Node **blk; size_t nblk; /* the function that we're reducing the body for */ Fn *fn; /* return handling */ Node *endlbl; Node *retval; /* pre/postinc handling */ Node **incqueue; size_t nqueue; }; Node *simp(Simp *s, Node *n); Node *rval(Simp *s, Node *n); Node *lval(Simp *s, Node *n); void declare(Simp *s, Node *n); void append(Simp *s, Node *n) { lappend(&s->blk, &s->nblk, n); } int isimpure(Node *n) { return 0; } size_t size(Node *n) { Type *t; size_t sz; int i; if (n->type == Nexpr) t = n->expr.type; else t = n->decl.sym->type; sz = 0; switch (t->type) { case Tyvoid: return 1; case Tybool: case Tychar: case Tyint8: case Tybyte: case Tyuint8: return 1; case Tyint16: case Tyuint16: return 2; case Tyint: case Tyint32: case Tyuint: case Tyuint32: case Typtr: case Tyenum: case Tyfunc: return 4; case Tyint64: case Tylong: case Tyuint64: case Tyulong: return 8; /*end integer types*/ case Tyfloat32: return 4; case Tyfloat64: return 8; case Tyvalist: return 4; /* ptr to first element of valist */ case Tyslice: return 8; /* len; ptr */ case Tyarray: case Tytuple: case Tystruct: for (i = 0; i < t->nmemb; i++) sz += size(t->sdecls[i]); return sz; break; case Tyunion: die("Sizes for composite types not implemented yet"); break; case Tybad: case Tyvar: case Typaram: case Tyname: case Tyidxhack: case Ntypes: die("Type %s does not have size; why did it get down to here?", tystr(t)); break; } return -1; } Node *genlbl(void) { char buf[128]; static int nextlbl; snprintf(buf, 128, ".L%d", nextlbl++); return mklbl(-1, buf); } Node *temp(Simp *simp, Node *e) { char buf[128]; static int nexttmp; Node *t, *r, *n; Sym *s; assert(e->type == Nexpr); snprintf(buf, 128, ".t%d", nexttmp++); n = mkname(-1, buf); s = mksym(-1, n, e->expr.type); t = mkdecl(-1, s); declare(simp, t); r = mkexpr(-1, Ovar, t, NULL); r->expr.did = s->id; return r; } void jmp(Simp *s, Node *lbl) { append(s, mkexpr(-1, Ojmp, lbl, NULL)); } Node *store(Node *t, Node *n) { return mkexpr(-1, Ostor, t, n, NULL); } Node *storetmp(Simp *s, Node *n) { return store(temp(s, n), n); } void cjmp(Simp *s, Node *cond, Node *iftrue, Node *iffalse) { Node *jmp; jmp = mkexpr(-1, Ocjmp, cond, iftrue, iffalse, NULL); append(s, jmp); } /* if foo; bar; else baz;; * => cjmp (foo) :bar :baz */ void simpif(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *l1, *l2; Node *c; l1 = genlbl(); l2 = genlbl(); c = simp(s, n->ifstmt.cond); cjmp(s, c, l1, l2); simp(s, l1); simp(s, n->ifstmt.iftrue); simp(s, l2); simp(s, n->ifstmt.iffalse); } /* init; while cond; body;; * => init * jmp :cond * :body * ...body... * :cond * ...cond... * cjmp (cond) :body :end * :end */ void simploop(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *lbody; Node *lend; Node *lcond; Node *t; lbody = genlbl(); lcond = genlbl(); lend = genlbl(); simp(s, n->loopstmt.init); /* init */ jmp(s, lcond); /* goto test */ simp(s, lbody); /* body lbl */ simp(s, n->loopstmt.body); /* body */ simp(s, n->loopstmt.step); /* step */ simp(s, lcond); /* test lbl */ t = rval(s, n->loopstmt.cond); /* test */ cjmp(s, t, lbody, lend); /* repeat? */ simp(s, lend); /* exit */ } void simpblk(Simp *s, Node *n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n->block.nstmts; i++) { simp(s, n->block.stmts[i]); } } static size_t offsetof(Node *aggr, Node *memb) { Type *ty; Node **nl; int nn, i; size_t off; if (aggr->expr.type->type == Typtr) aggr = aggr->expr.args[0]; ty = aggr->expr.type; assert(ty->type == Tystruct); nl = aggrmemb(ty, &nn); off = 0; for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) { if (!strcmp(namestr(memb), declname(nl[i]))) return off; off += size(nl[i]); } die("Could not find member %s in struct", namestr(memb)); return -1; } static Node *one; static Node *membaddr(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *t, *u, *r; Node **args; args = n->expr.args; if (n->expr.type->type != Typtr) t = mkexpr(-1, Oaddr, args[0], NULL); else t = args[0]; u = mkint(-1, offsetof(args[0], args[1])); u = mkexpr(-1, Olit, u, NULL); r = mkexpr(-1, Oadd, t, u, NULL); return r; } Node *lval(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *r; if (!one) one = mkexpr(-1, Olit, mkint(-1, 1), NULL); switch (exprop(n)) { case Ovar: r = n; break; case Omemb: r = membaddr(s, n); break; default: die("%s cannot be an lval", opstr(exprop(n))); break; } return r; } Node *rval(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *r, *t, *u, *v; int i; Node **args; const Op fusedmap[] = { [Oaddeq] = Oadd, [Osubeq] = Osub, [Omuleq] = Omul, [Odiveq] = Odiv, [Omodeq] = Omod, [Oboreq] = Obor, [Obandeq] = Oband, [Obxoreq] = Obxor, [Obsleq] = Obsl, }; if (!one) one = mkexpr(-1, Olit, mkint(-1, 1), NULL); r = NULL; args = n->expr.args; switch (exprop(n)) { case Obad: case Olor: case Oland: case Oslice: case Oidx: case Osize: die("Have not implemented lowering op %s", opstr(exprop(n))); break; case Omemb: t = membaddr(s, n); r = mkexpr(-1, Oload, t, NULL); break; /* fused ops: * foo ?= blah * => * foo = foo ? blah*/ case Oaddeq: case Osubeq: case Omuleq: case Odiveq: case Omodeq: case Oboreq: case Obandeq: case Obxoreq: case Obsleq: case Obsreq: assert(fusedmap[exprop(n)] != Obad); u = rval(s, args[0]); v = rval(s, args[1]); v = mkexpr(-1, fusedmap[exprop(n)], u, v, NULL); r = mkexpr(-1, Ostor, u, v, NULL); break; /* ++expr(x) * => args[0] = args[0] + 1 * expr(x) */ case Opreinc: t = lval(s, args[0]); v = mkexpr(-1, Oadd, one, t, NULL); r = mkexpr(-1, Ostor, t, v, NULL); lappend(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue, t); break; case Opredec: t = lval(s, args[0]); v = mkexpr(-1, Osub, one, t, NULL); r = mkexpr(-1, Ostor, t, v, NULL); lappend(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue, t); break; /* expr(x++) * => * expr * x = x + 1 */ case Opostinc: r = lval(s, args[0]); v = mkexpr(-1, Oadd, one, r, NULL); t = mkexpr(-1, Ostor, r, v, NULL); lappend(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue, t); break; case Opostdec: r = lval(s, args[0]); v = mkexpr(-1, Osub, one, args[0], NULL); t = mkexpr(-1, Ostor, r, v, NULL); lappend(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue, t); break; case Olit: case Ovar: r = n; break; case Oret: if (n->expr.args[0]) { if (s->fn->ret) t = s->fn->ret; else t = s->fn->ret = temp(s, args[0]); t = store(t, rval(s, args[0])); append(s, t); } jmp(s, s->endlbl); break; case Oasn: t = lval(s, args[0]); v = rval(s, args[1]); r = mkexpr(-1, Ostor, t, v, NULL); break; default: if (isimpure(n)) { v = rval(s, n); t = storetmp(s, v); append(s, t); r = t; } else { for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) n->expr.args[i] = rval(s, n->expr.args[i]); r = n; } } return r; } void declare(Simp *s, Node *n) { Fn *f; assert(n->type == Ndecl); f = s->fn; printf("DECLARE %s(%ld) at %zd\n", declname(n), n->decl.sym->id, f->stksz); htput(f->locs, (void*)n->decl.sym->id, (void*)f->stksz); f->stksz += size(n); } Node *simp(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *r; int i; if (!n) return NULL; r = NULL; switch (n->type) { case Nblock: simpblk(s, n); break; case Nifstmt: simpif(s, n); break; case Nloopstmt: simploop(s, n); break; case Nexpr: r = rval(s, n); if (r) append(s, r); /* drain the increment queue for this expr */ for (i = 0; i < s->nqueue; i++) append(s, s->incqueue[i]); lfree(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue); break; case Nlit: r = n; break; case Ndecl: declare(s, n); break; case Nlbl: append(s, n); break; default: die("Bad node passsed to simp()"); break; } return r; } Node **reduce(Fn *fn, Node *n, int *ret_nn) { Simp s = {0,}; s.nblk = 0; s.endlbl = genlbl(); s.retval = NULL; s.fn = fn; if (n->type == Nblock) simp(&s, n); else die("Got a non-block (%s) to reduce", nodestr(n->type)); append(&s, s.endlbl); *ret_nn = s.nblk; return s.blk; }