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                Structure of the Myrddin Compiler
                            Aug 2012
                          Ori Bernstein


        1.1. Tree Structure
    2. PARSING
        2.1. Lexing
        2.2. AST Creation
        2.3. Type checking
        2.4. Generic Specialization
        2.5. Serialization
        2.6. Usefiles
        3.1. Control Flow
        3.2. Complex Expressions
        4.1. Constant Folding
        5.1. Instruction Selection
        5.2. Register Allocation
        6.1. Stubbing in the node types
        6.2. Parsing
        6.3. Flattening
        6.4. Optimization
        6.5. Instruction Selection


    The Myrddin compiler suite consists of a set of binaries, written in C,
    which translate Myrddin source code to the assembly most appropriate for
    the target platform, and subsequently invoke the native assembler on it.
    The linker is not invoked by the compiler, and the final output is an
    object file for the target platform.

    The compilers are named with a single character for the target platform,
    with a single character for the language being compiled. A table of the
    compilers and their names is below:

        Compiler        Platform
        6m              x86-64

    The compilation is divided into a small number of phases. The first phase
    is parsing, where the source code is first tokenized, the abstract syntax
    tree (AST) is generated, and semantically checked. The second phase is the
    machine-dependent tree flattening. In this phase, the tree is decomposed
    function by function into simple operations that are relatively close to
    the machine. Sizes are fixed, and all loops, if statements, etc. are
    replaced with gotos. The next phase is a machine-independent optimizer,
    which currenty does nothing other than simply folding trees. In the final
    phase, the instructions are selected and the registers are allocated.

    So, to recap, the phases are as follows:

        parse           Tokenize, parse, and analyze the source
        flatten         Rewrite the complex nodes into simpe ones
        opt             Optimize the flattened source trees
        gen             Generate the assembly code

    1.1. Tree Structure:

        File nodes (n->type == Nfile) represent the files being compiled. The current
        node is held in a global variable called, unsurprisingly, 'file'. The
        global symbol table, export table, uses, and other compilation-specific
        information is stored in this node. This implies that the compiler can
        only process one file at a time.

        Name nodes (n->type == Nname) are simply names, possibly with a namespace
        attached. They are left as leaf nodes in the tree, specifying variable
        names, union tags, and just about anything else with a name.

        Use nodes (n->type == Nuse) simply tell the compiler that a usefile by the
        name stored in this node will be loaded.

        Expression nodes (n->type == Nexpr) represent expressions. They consist of
        an operator, a type, a few flags, possibly a declaration ID, and a list of
        Operators are defined in parse/ops.def, and start with an 'O' by
        convention; eg: Oadd, Osub, etc.
        The declaration id (n->expr.did) is only valid on expressions representing
        a single variable (n->expr.op == Ovar). The DID is a unique identifier
        representing the declaration node that the variable refers to. This is used
        for a variety of things, from fast comparisons to allowing us to put the
        node into a bit set easily.

        Literal nodes (n->type == Nlit) hold a literal value. The type held is
        stored in littype, which are defined in parse/lits.def.

        The various statement nodes (Nloopstmt, Nifstmt, Nmatchstmt, Nblock,
        Nlbl) are all statements that may appear within a block node (Nblock).

        Declaration nodes declare a name in a symbol table. TODO: MORE DETAIL.

        Uelt nodes declare a union element. TODO: MORE DETAIL.

        Func nodes declare a function. TODO: MORE DETAIL.


    This phase takes in a source file, and outputs a tree that is guaranteed
    to be valid. The tree nodes are defined in parse/parse.h in struct Node,
    and have one of the types defined in parse/nodetypes.def. Node types
    start with 'N' by convention; eg: Nfile, Nifstmt, etc.

    2.1. Lexing:
        Lexing occurs in parse/tok.c. Because we want to use this lexer from
        within yacc, the entry point to this code is in 'yylex()'. As required
        by yacc, 'yylex()' returns an integer defining the token type, and
        sets the 'tok' member of yylval to the token that was taken from the
        input stream. In addition, to allow for better error messages, the
        global variable 'curtok' is set to the value of 'yylval.tok'. This
        allows yyerror to print the last token that was seen.

        The tokens that are allowable are generated by Yacc from the '%token'
        definitions in parse/gram.y, and are placed into the file
        'parse/gram.h'. The lexer and parser code is the only code that
        depends on these token constants.

        The lexer is initalized through 'tokinit(char *file)'. This function
        will open the file passed in, read all the data from it in one go
        and set up the internal data for the tokenizer. The tokenizing is then
        done while the whole file is in memory, which means that this code
        will work poorly on files that are larger than the address space
        available to the compiler. If this is a problem, you deserve all the
        pain that is caused.

        The file data is stored in the three global variables 'fidx', 'fbuf',
        and 'fbufsz'. The actual tokenization happens through 'toknext()' and
        its callees, which operate on these data structures character by
        character, matching the values read, and shoving them into the 'Tok'
        data structure.

    2.2. AST Creation:

        The parser used is a traditional Yacc-based parser. It is generated
        from the source in parse/gram.y. The starting production is 'file',
        which fills in a global 'file' tree node. This 'file' tree node must
        be initialized before yyparse() is called.

    2.3. Type Checking:

        Type checking is done through unification of types. It's implemented
        in parse/infer.c. It proceeds through a simple unification algorithm,
        which is documented in lang.txt. As a result, only the internal
        details of this algorithm will be discussed here.

        The first step done is loading and resolving use files. This is
        deferred to the type checking phase for two reasons. First, we
        do not want to force tools to have all dependencies compiled if they
        use this parser, even though type full type checking is impossible
        until all usefiles are loaded. And second, this is when the
        information is actually needed.

        Next, the types declared in the package section are merged with the
        exported types, allowing us to start off with our type information as
        complete as possible, and making sure that the types of globals
        actually match up with the exported types.
        The next step is the actual type inference. We do a bottom-up walk of
        the tree, unifying types as we go. There are subtleties with the
        member operator, however. Because the '.' operator is used for both
        member lookups and namespace lookups, before we descend into a node
        that has operator Omemb, we need to check if it's a namespaced name,
        or an actual member reference. If it is a namespaced name, we replace
        the expression with an Ovar expression. This check happens in the 
        'checkns()' function. Second, because we need to know the LHS of a
        member expression before we can check if the RHS is valid, and we
        are not guaranteed to know this at the first time that we see it, the
        expression is assumed to be valid, and this asumption is verified in
        a post-processing pass. Casts are validated in a deferred manner

        Generic variables are added to a list of generic callsites to
        specialize when they are seen in as a leaf of an Ovar node.

        The type inference, to this point, has only built up a mapping
        of types. So, for example, if we were to have the inferred types
        for the following set of statements:

            var a
            var b
            var c
            a = b
            c = b + 1

        We would have the mappings:

            $t0 -> $t1
            $t1 -> $t2
            $t2 -> int

        So, in the 'typesub()' function, we iterate over the entire tree,
        replacing every instance of a non-concrete type with the final
        mapped type. If a type does not map to a fully concrete type,
        this is where we flag an error.


    2.4. Generic Specialization:

        After type inference (well, technially, as the final step of it),
        we walk through the list of callsites that need instantiations
        of generics, and create a specialized generic instance for each of
        them. This specialization is done, unsurprisingly, in specialize.c,
        by the simple algorithm of cloning the entire tree that needs to
        be specialized, and walking over all nodes substituting the types
        that are replacing the type parameters.

    2.5. Serialization:

        Trees of all sorts can be serialized and deserialized from files,
        as long as they are fully typed. Trees containing type variables (ie,
        uninferred types) cannot be serialized, as type variables cannot be
        deserialized meaningfully.

        The format for this is only documented in the source, and is a
        straighforward dump of the trees to memory. It is constantly shifting,
        and will not reliably work between compiler versions.

    2.6. Usefiles:

        Usefiles are more or less files that consist of a single character tag
        that tells us what type of tree to deserialize.  Because serialized
        trees are compiler version dependent, so are usefiles.


    This phase is invoked repeatedly on each top-level declaration that we
    want to generate code for. There is a good chance that this flattening
    phase should be made machine-independent, and passed as a parameter
    a machine description describing known integer and pointer sizes, among
    other machine attributes. However, for now, it is machine-dependent,
    and lives in 6/simp.c.

    The goal of flattening a tree is to take semantically involved constructs
    such as looping, and simplify things into something that is easy to
    generate code for, as well as something that is easier to analyze for

    3.1. Control Flow:

        All if statements, loops, and other complex constructs are simplified
        to jumps and conditional jumps. Loops are generally simplified from
        something that would look like this:


        To something that would look like this:

                jmp cond
                cjmp cond .loop .end

        Boolean expressions are simplified to a location to jump to, as
        described in section 8.4 of the Dragon book[1].

    3.2. Complex Expressions:

        Complex expressions such as copying types larger than a single machine
        word, pulling members out of structures, emulating multiplication and
        division for larger integers sizes, and similar operations are reduced
        to trees that are expressible in terms of simple machine operations.

        By the end of the simplification pass, the following operators should
        not be present in the trees:

            Obad Oret Opreinc Opostinc Opredec Opostdec Olor Oland Oaddeq
            Osubeq Omuleq Odiveq Omodeq Oboreq Obandeq Obxoreq Obsleq
            Obsreq Omemb Oslice Oidx Osize Numops Oucon Ouget Otup Oarr
            Oslbase Osllen Ocast


    Currently, there is virtually no optimization done on the trees after
    flattening. The only optimization that is done is constant folding.

    4.1. Constant Folding:

        Expressions with constant values are simplified algebraically. For
        example, the expression 'x*1' is simplified to 'x', '0/n' is
        simplified to '0', and so on.


    5.1. Instruction Selection:

        Instruction selection is done via a simple handwritten bottom-up pass
        over the tree. Common patterns such as scaled or offset indexing are
        recognized by the patterns, but no attempts are made at finding an
        optimal tiling.

    5.2. Register Allocation:

        Register allocation is done via the algorithm described in "Iterated
        Regster Coalescing" by Appel and George. As of the time of this
        writing, the register allocator does not yet implement overlapping
        register classes. This will be done as described in "A generalized
        algorithm for graph-coloring register allocation" by Smith, Ramsey,
        and Holloway.


    6.1. Stubbing in the node types:

    6.2. Parsing:
    6.3. Flattening:

    6.4. Optimization:

    6.5. Instruction Selection:

[1] Aho, Sethi, Ullman: Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, 1988.
        ISBN 0-201-10088-6