ref: d626bfc93b1df80a39432a0077cc6febf056fee6
dir: /lib/sys/sys+openbsd-x64.myr/
use "systypes" pkg sys = type pid = int32 /* process id */ type scno = int64 /*syscall*/ type fdopt = int64 /* fd options */ type fd = int32 /* fd */ type whence = uint64 /* seek from whence */ type mprot = int64 /* memory protection */ type mopt = int64 /* memory mapping options */ type socktype = int64 /* socket type */ type sockproto = int64 /* socket protocol */ type sockopt = int32 /* socket option */ type sockfam = uint8 /* socket family */ type filemode = uint32 type filetype = uint8 type fcntlcmd = int64 type signo = int32 type sigflags = int32 type clock = union `Clockrealtime `Clockmonotonic `Clockproccputime `Clockthreadcputime `Clockuptime ;; type waitstatus = union `Waitfail int32 `Waitexit int32 `Waitsig int32 `Waitstop int32 ;; type timespec = struct sec : uint64 nsec : uint64 ;; type timeval = struct sec : uint64 usec : uint64 ;; type sigset = uint32 type sigaction = struct handler : byte# /* code pointer */ mask : sigset flags : sigflags ;; type rusage = struct utime : timeval /* user time */ stime : timeval /* system time */ maxrss : uint64 /* max resident set size*/ ixrss : uint64 /* shared text size */ idrss : uint64 /* unshared data size */ isrss : uint64 /* unshared stack size */ minflt : uint64 /* page reclaims */ majflt : uint64 /* page faults */ nswap : uint64 /* swaps */ inblock : uint64 /* block input ops */ oublock : uint64 /* block output ops */ msgsnd : uint64 /* messages sent */ msgrcv : uint64 /* messages received */ nsignals : uint64 /* signals received */ nvcsw : uint64 /* voluntary context switches */ nivcsw : uint64 /* involuntary context switches */ ;; type tforkparams = struct tcb : void# tid : pid# stk : byte# ;; type statbuf = struct mode : filemode dev : uint32 ino : uint64 nlink : uint32 uid : uint32 gid : uint32 rdev : uint32 atime : timespec mtime : timespec ctime : timespec size : off blocks : int64 blksize : uint32 flags : uint32 gen : uint32 birthtim : timespec ;; type utsname = struct system : byte[32] node : byte[32] release : byte[32] version : byte[32] machine : byte[32] ;; type sockaddr = struct len : byte fam : sockfam data : byte[14] /* what is the *actual* length? */ ;; type sockaddr_in = struct len : byte fam : sockfam port : uint16 addr : byte[4] zero : byte[8] ;; type sockaddr_in6 = struct len : byte fam : sockfam port : uint16 flow : uint32 addr : byte[16] scope : uint32 ;; type sockaddr_un = struct len : uint8 fam : sockfam path : byte[104] ;; type sockaddr_storage = struct len : byte fam : sockfam __pad1 : byte[6] __align : int64 __pad2 : byte[240] ;; type dirent = struct fileno : uint64 off : uint64 reclen : uint16 ftype : uint8 namlen : uint8 __pad : byte[4] name : byte[256] ;; /* open options */ const Ordonly : fdopt = 0x0 const Owronly : fdopt = 0x1 const Ordwr : fdopt = 0x2 const Oappend : fdopt = 0x8 const Ondelay : fdopt = 0x4 const Oshlock : fdopt = 0x10 /* open with shared file lock */ const Oexlock : fdopt = 0x20 /* open with exclusive file lock */ const Oasync : fdopt = 0x40 /* signal pgrp when data ready */ const Osync : fdopt = 0x80 /* backwards compatibility */ const Onofollow : fdopt = 0x100 const Ocreat : fdopt = 0x200 const Otrunc : fdopt = 0x400 const Oexcl : fdopt = 0x800 const Ocloexec : fdopt = 0x10000 const Odsync : fdopt = Osync /* synchronous data writes */ const Orsync : fdopt = Osync /* synchronous reads */ const Odir : fdopt = 0x20000 /* stat modes */ const Sifmt : filemode = 0xf000 const Sififo : filemode = 0x1000 const Sifchr : filemode = 0x2000 const Sifdir : filemode = 0x4000 const Sifblk : filemode = 0x6000 const Sifreg : filemode = 0x8000 const Siflnk : filemode = 0xa000 const Sifsock : filemode = 0xc000 const Sisvtx : filemode = 0x0200 /* mmap protection */ const Mprotnone : mprot = 0x0 const Mprotrd : mprot = 0x1 const Mprotwr : mprot = 0x2 const Mprotexec : mprot = 0x4 const Mprotrw : mprot = 0x3 /* mmap options */ const Mshared : mopt = 0x1 const Mpriv : mopt = 0x2 const Mfixed : mopt = 0x10 const Mfile : mopt = 0x0 const Manon : mopt = 0x1000 const Mnoreplace : mopt = 0x0800 /* file types */ const Dtunknown : filetype = 0 const Dtfifo : filetype = 1 const Dtchr : filetype = 2 const Dtdir : filetype = 4 const Dtblk : filetype = 6 const Dtreg : filetype = 8 const Dtlnk : filetype = 10 const Dtsock : filetype = 12 /* socket families. INCOMPLETE. */ const Afunspec : sockfam = 0 const Afunix : sockfam = 1 const Afinet : sockfam = 2 const Afinet6 : sockfam = 24 /* socket types. */ const Sockstream : socktype = 1 const Sockdgram : socktype = 2 const Sockraw : socktype = 3 const Sockrdm : socktype = 4 const Sockseqpacket : socktype = 5 const Solsock : socktype = 0xffff const Sodebug : sockopt = 0x0001 /* turn on debugging info recording */ const Soacceptconn : sockopt = 0x0002 /* socket has had listen() */ const Soreuseaddr : sockopt = 0x0004 /* allow local address reuse */ const Sokeepalive : sockopt = 0x0008 /* keep connections alive */ const Sodontroute : sockopt = 0x0010 /* just use interface addresses */ const Sobroadcast : sockopt = 0x0020 /* permit sending of broadcast msgs */ const Souseloopback : sockopt = 0x0040 /* bypass hardware when possible */ const Solinger : sockopt = 0x0080 /* linger on close if data present */ const Sooobinline : sockopt = 0x0100 /* leave received OOB data in line */ const Soreuseport : sockopt = 0x0200 /* allow local address & port reuse */ const Sotimestamp : sockopt = 0x0800 /* timestamp received dgram traffic */ const Sobindany : sockopt = 0x1000 /* allow bind to any address */ const Sosndbuf : sockopt = 0x1001 /* send buffer size */ const Sorcvbuf : sockopt = 0x1002 /* receive buffer size */ const Sosndlowat : sockopt = 0x1003 /* send low-water mark */ const Sorcvlowat : sockopt = 0x1004 /* receive low-water mark */ const Sosndtimeo : sockopt = 0x1005 /* send timeout */ const Sorcvtimeo : sockopt = 0x1006 /* receive timeout */ const Soerror : sockopt = 0x1007 /* get error status and clear */ const Sotype : sockopt = 0x1008 /* get socket type */ const Sonetproc : sockopt = 0x1020 /* multiplex; network processing */ const Sortable : sockopt = 0x1021 /* routing table to be used */ const Sopeercred : sockopt = 0x1022 /* get connect-time credentials */ const Sosplice : sockopt = 0x1023 /* splice data to other socket */ /* network protocols */ const Ipproto_ip : sockproto = 0 const Ipproto_icmp : sockproto = 1 const Ipproto_tcp : sockproto = 6 const Ipproto_udp : sockproto = 17 const Ipproto_raw : sockproto = 255 const Seekset : whence = 0 const Seekcur : whence = 1 const Seekend : whence = 2 /* system specific constants */ const Maxpathlen : size = 1024 /* fcntl constants */ const Fdupfd : fcntlcmd = 0 /* duplicate file descriptor */ const Fgetfd : fcntlcmd = 1 /* get file descriptor flags */ const Fsetfd : fcntlcmd = 2 /* set file descriptor flags */ const Fgetfl : fcntlcmd = 3 /* get file status flags */ const Fsetfl : fcntlcmd = 4 /* set file status flags */ const Fgetown : fcntlcmd = 5 /* get SIGIO/SIGURG proc/pgrp */ const Fsetown : fcntlcmd = 6 /* set SIGIO/SIGURG proc/pgrp */ const Fogetlk : fcntlcmd = 7 /* get record locking information */ const Fosetlk : fcntlcmd = 8 /* set record locking information */ /* return value for a failed mapping */ const Mapbad : byte# = (-1 : byte#) /* signal flags */ const Saonstack : sigflags = 0x0001 /* take signal on signal stack */ const Sarestart : sigflags = 0x0002 /* restart system on signal return */ const Saresethand : sigflags = 0x0004 /* reset to SIG_DFL when taking signal */ const Sanodefer : sigflags = 0x0010 /* don't mask the signal we're delivering */ const Sanocldwait : sigflags = 0x0020 /* don't create zombies (assign to pid 1) */ const Sanocldstop : sigflags = 0x0008 /* do not generate SIGCHLD on child stop */ const Sasiginfo : sigflags = 0x0040 /* generate siginfo_t */ /* signals */ const Sighup : signo = 1 /* hangup */ const Sigint : signo = 2 /* interrupt */ const Sigquit : signo = 3 /* quit */ const Sigill : signo = 4 /* illegal instruction (not reset when caught) */ const Sigtrap : signo = 5 /* trace trap (not reset when caught) */ const Sigabrt : signo = 6 /* abort() */ const Sigiot : signo = Sigabrt /* compatibility */ const Sigemt : signo = 7 /* EMT instruction */ const Sigfpe : signo = 8 /* floating point exception */ const Sigkill : signo = 9 /* kill (cannot be caught or ignored) */ const Sigbus : signo = 10 /* bus error */ const Sigsegv : signo = 11 /* segmentation violation */ const Sigsys : signo = 12 /* bad argument to system call */ const Sigpipe : signo = 13 /* write on a pipe with no one to read it */ const Sigalrm : signo = 14 /* alarm clock */ const Sigterm : signo = 15 /* software termination signal from kill */ const Sigurg : signo = 16 /* urgent condition on IO channel */ const Sigstop : signo = 17 /* sendable stop signal not from tty */ const Sigtstp : signo = 18 /* stop signal from tty */ const Sigcont : signo = 19 /* continue a stopped process */ const Sigchld : signo = 20 /* to parent on child stop or exit */ const Sigttin : signo = 21 /* to readers pgrp upon background tty read */ const Sigttou : signo = 22 /* like TTIN for output if (tp->t_local<OSTOP) */ const Sigio : signo = 23 /* input/output possible signal */ const Sigxcpu : signo = 24 /* exceeded CPU time limit */ const Sigxfsz : signo = 25 /* exceeded file size limit */ const Sigvtalrm : signo = 26 /* virtual time alarm */ const Sigprof : signo = 27 /* profiling time alarm */ const Sigwinch : signo = 28 /* window size changes */ const Siginfo : signo = 29 /* information request */ const Sigusr1 : signo = 30 /* user defined signal 1 */ const Sigusr2 : signo = 31 /* user defined signal 2 */ const Sigthr : signo = 32 /* thread library AST */ /* syscalls */ const Syssyscall : scno = 0 const Sysexit : scno = 1 const Sysfork : scno = 2 const Sysread : scno = 3 const Syswrite : scno = 4 const Sysopen : scno = 5 const Sysclose : scno = 6 const Sysgetentropy : scno = 7 const Sys__tfork : scno = 8 const Syslink : scno = 9 const Sysunlink : scno = 10 const Syswait4 : scno = 11 const Syschdir : scno = 12 const Sysfchdir : scno = 13 const Sysmknod : scno = 14 const Syschmod : scno = 15 const Syschown : scno = 16 const Sysbreak : scno = 17 const Sysgetdtablecount : scno = 18 const Sysgetrusage : scno = 19 const Sysgetpid : scno = 20 const Sysmount : scno = 21 const Sysunmount : scno = 22 const Syssetuid : scno = 23 const Sysgetuid : scno = 24 const Sysgeteuid : scno = 25 const Sysptrace : scno = 26 const Sysrecvmsg : scno = 27 const Syssendmsg : scno = 28 const Sysrecvfrom : scno = 29 const Sysaccept : scno = 30 const Sysgetpeername : scno = 31 const Sysgetsockname : scno = 32 const Sysaccess : scno = 33 const Syschflags : scno = 34 const Sysfchflags : scno = 35 const Syssync : scno = 36 const Syskill : scno = 37 const Sysstat : scno = 38 const Sysgetppid : scno = 39 const Syslstat : scno = 40 const Sysdup : scno = 41 const Sysfstatat : scno = 42 const Sysgetegid : scno = 43 const Sysprofil : scno = 44 const Sysktrace : scno = 45 const Syssigaction : scno = 46 const Sysgetgid : scno = 47 const Syssigprocmask : scno = 48 const Sysgetlogin : scno = 49 const Syssetlogin : scno = 50 const Sysacct : scno = 51 const Syssigpending : scno = 52 const Sysfstat : scno = 53 const Sysioctl : scno = 54 const Sysreboot : scno = 55 const Sysrevoke : scno = 56 const Syssymlink : scno = 57 const Sysreadlink : scno = 58 const Sysexecve : scno = 59 const Sysumask : scno = 60 const Syschroot : scno = 61 const Sysgetfsstat : scno = 62 const Sysstatfs : scno = 63 const Sysfstatfs : scno = 64 const Sysfhstatfs : scno = 65 const Sysvfork : scno = 66 const Sysgettimeofday : scno = 67 const Syssettimeofday : scno = 68 const Syssetitimer : scno = 69 const Sysgetitimer : scno = 70 const Sysselect : scno = 71 const Syskevent : scno = 72 const Sysmunmap : scno = 73 const Sysmprotect : scno = 74 const Sysmadvise : scno = 75 const Sysutimes : scno = 76 const Sysfutimes : scno = 77 const Sysmincore : scno = 78 const Sysgetgroups : scno = 79 const Syssetgroups : scno = 80 const Sysgetpgrp : scno = 81 const Syssetpgid : scno = 82 const Syssendsyslog : scno = 83 const Sysutimensat : scno = 84 const Sysfutimens : scno = 85 const Syskbind : scno = 86 const Sysclock_gettime : scno = 87 const Sysclock_settime : scno = 88 const Sysclock_getres : scno = 89 const Sysdup2 : scno = 90 const Sysnanosleep : scno = 91 const Sysfcntl : scno = 92 const Sysaccept4 : scno = 93 const Sys__thrsleep : scno = 94 const Sysfsync : scno = 95 const Syssetpriority : scno = 96 const Syssocket : scno = 97 const Sysconnect : scno = 98 const Sysgetdents : scno = 99 const Sysgetpriority : scno = 100 const Syspipe2 : scno = 101 const Sysdup3 : scno = 102 const Syssigreturn : scno = 103 const Sysbind : scno = 104 const Syssetsockopt : scno = 105 const Syslisten : scno = 106 const Syschflagsat : scno = 107 const Systame : scno = 108 const Sysppoll : scno = 109 const Syspselect : scno = 110 const Syssigsuspend : scno = 111 const Sysgetsockopt : scno = 118 const Sysreadv : scno = 120 const Syswritev : scno = 121 const Sysfchown : scno = 123 const Sysfchmod : scno = 124 const Syssetreuid : scno = 126 const Syssetregid : scno = 127 const Sysrename : scno = 128 const Sysflock : scno = 131 const Sysmkfifo : scno = 132 const Syssendto : scno = 133 const Sysshutdown : scno = 134 const Syssocketpair : scno = 135 const Sysmkdir : scno = 136 const Sysrmdir : scno = 137 const Sysadjtime : scno = 140 const Syssetsid : scno = 147 const Sysquotactl : scno = 148 const Sysnfssvc : scno = 155 const Sysgetfh : scno = 161 const Syssysarch : scno = 165 const Syspread : scno = 173 const Syspwrite : scno = 174 const Syssetgid : scno = 181 const Syssetegid : scno = 182 const Sysseteuid : scno = 183 const Syspathconf : scno = 191 const Sysfpathconf : scno = 192 const Sysswapctl : scno = 193 const Sysgetrlimit : scno = 194 const Syssetrlimit : scno = 195 const Sysmmap : scno = 197 const Sys__syscall : scno = 198 const Syslseek : scno = 199 const Systruncate : scno = 200 const Sysftruncate : scno = 201 const Sys__sysctl : scno = 202 const Sysmlock : scno = 203 const Sysmunlock : scno = 204 const Sysgetpgid : scno = 207 const Sysutrace : scno = 209 const Syssemget : scno = 221 const Sysmsgget : scno = 225 const Sysmsgsnd : scno = 226 const Sysmsgrcv : scno = 227 const Sysshmat : scno = 228 const Sysshmdt : scno = 230 const Sysminherit : scno = 250 const Syspoll : scno = 252 const Sysissetugid : scno = 253 const Syslchown : scno = 254 const Sysgetsid : scno = 255 const Sysmsync : scno = 256 const Syspipe : scno = 263 const Sysfhopen : scno = 264 const Syspreadv : scno = 267 const Syspwritev : scno = 268 const Syskqueue : scno = 269 const Sysmlockall : scno = 271 const Sysmunlockall : scno = 272 const Sysgetresuid : scno = 281 const Syssetresuid : scno = 282 const Sysgetresgid : scno = 283 const Syssetresgid : scno = 284 const Sysmquery : scno = 286 const Sysclosefrom : scno = 287 const Syssigaltstack : scno = 288 const Sysshmget : scno = 289 const Syssemop : scno = 290 const Sysfhstat : scno = 294 const Sys__semctl : scno = 295 const Sysshmctl : scno = 296 const Sysmsgctl : scno = 297 const Syssched_yield : scno = 298 const Sysgetthrid : scno = 299 const Sys__thrwakeup : scno = 301 const Sys__threxit : scno = 302 const Sys__thrsigdivert : scno = 303 const Sys__getcwd : scno = 304 const Sysadjfreq : scno = 305 const Syssetrtable : scno = 310 const Sysgetrtable : scno = 311 const Sysfaccessat : scno = 313 const Sysfchmodat : scno = 314 const Sysfchownat : scno = 315 const Syslinkat : scno = 317 const Sysmkdirat : scno = 318 const Sysmkfifoat : scno = 319 const Sysmknodat : scno = 320 const Sysopenat : scno = 321 const Sysreadlinkat : scno = 322 const Sysrenameat : scno = 323 const Syssymlinkat : scno = 324 const Sysunlinkat : scno = 325 const Sys__set_tcb : scno = 329 const Sys__get_tcb : scno = 330 extern const syscall : (sc:scno, args:... -> int64) /* process control */ const exit : (status:int -> void) const getpid : ( -> pid) const kill : (pid:pid, sig:int64 -> int64) const fork : (-> pid) const wait4 : (pid:pid, loc:int32#, opt : int64, usage:rusage# -> int64) const waitpid : (pid:pid, loc:int32#, opt : int64 -> int64) const execv : (cmd : byte[:], args : byte[:][:] -> int64) const execve : (cmd : byte[:], args : byte[:][:], env : byte[:][:] -> int64) /* wrappers to extract wait status */ const waitstatus : (st : int32 -> waitstatus) extern const __tfork_thread : (tfp : tforkparams#, sz : size, fn : void#, arg : void# -> pid) /* fd manipulation */ const open : (path:byte[:], opts:fdopt -> fd) const openmode : (path:byte[:], opts:fdopt, mode:int64 -> fd) const close : (fd:fd -> int64) const creat : (path:byte[:], mode:int64 -> fd) const unlink : (path:byte[:] -> int) const read : (fd:fd, buf:byte[:] -> size) const write : (fd:fd, buf:byte[:] -> size) const lseek : (fd:fd, off : off, whence : whence -> int64) const stat : (path:byte[:], sb:statbuf# -> int64) const lstat : (path:byte[:], sb:statbuf# -> int64) const fstat : (fd:fd, sb:statbuf# -> int64) const mkdir : (path : byte[:], mode : int64 -> int64) generic ioctl : (fd:fd, req : int64, arg:@a# -> int64) const getdents : (fd : fd, buf : byte[:] -> int64) const chdir : (p : byte[:] -> int64) const __getcwd : (buf : byte[:] -> int64) /* signals */ const sigaction : (sig : signo, act : sigaction#, oact : sigaction# -> int) const sigprocmask : (how : int32, set : sigset#, oset : sigset# -> int) /* fd stuff */ const pipe : (fds : fd[2]# -> int64) const dup : (fd : fd -> fd) const dup2 : (src : fd, dst : fd -> fd) /* NB: the C ABI uses '...' for the args. */ const fcntl : (fd : fd, cmd : fcntlcmd, args : byte# -> int64) /* networking */ const socket : (dom : sockfam, stype : socktype, proto : sockproto -> fd) const connect : (sock : fd, addr : sockaddr#, len : size -> int) const accept : (sock : fd, addr : sockaddr#, len : size# -> fd) const listen : (sock : fd, backlog : int -> int) const bind : (sock : fd, addr : sockaddr#, len : size -> int) const setsockopt : (sock : fd, lev : socktype, opt : sockopt, val : void#, len : size -> int) const getsockopt : (sock : fd, lev : socktype, opt : sockopt, val : void#, len : size# -> int) /* memory mapping */ const munmap : (addr:byte#, len:size -> int64) const mmap : (addr:byte#, len:size, prot:mprot, flags:mopt, fd:fd, off:off -> byte#) /* time - doublecheck if this is right */ const clock_getres : (clk : clock, ts : timespec# -> int32) const clock_gettime : (clk : clock, ts : timespec# -> int32) const clock_settime : (clk : clock, ts : timespec# -> int32) const sleep : (time : uint64 -> int32) const nanosleep : (req : timespec#, rem : timespec# -> int32) /* system information */ const uname : (buf : utsname# -> int) const sysctl : (mib : int[:], \ old : void#, oldsz : size#, \ new : void#, newsz : size# \ -> int) /* filled by start code */ extern var __cenvp : byte## ;; /* wraps a syscall argument, converting it to 64 bits for the syscall function. This is the same as casting, but more concise than writing a cast to uint64 */ generic a = {x : @t; -> (x : uint64)} extern const cstring : (str : byte[:] -> byte#) extern const alloca : (sz : size -> byte#) extern const __cenvp : byte## extern const __freebsd_pipe : (fds : fd[2]# -> int64) /* process management */ const exit = {status; syscall(Sysexit, a(status))} const getpid = {; -> (syscall(Sysgetpid, 1) : pid)} const kill = {pid, sig; -> syscall(Syskill, pid, sig)} const fork = {; -> (syscall(Sysfork) : pid)} const wait4 = {pid, loc, opt, usage; -> syscall(Syswait4, pid, loc, opt, usage)} const waitpid = {pid, loc, opt; -> wait4(pid, loc, opt, (0 : rusage#)) } const execv = {cmd, args var p, cargs, i /* of course we fucking have to duplicate this code everywhere, * since we want to stack allocate... */ p = alloca((args.len + 1)*sizeof(byte#)) cargs = (p : byte##)[:args.len + 1] for i = 0; i < args.len; i++ cargs[i] = cstring(args[i]) ;; cargs[args.len] = (0 : byte#) -> syscall(Sysexecve, cstring(cmd), a(p), a(__cenvp)) } const execve = {cmd, args, env var cargs, cenv, i var p /* copy the args */ p = alloca((args.len + 1)*sizeof(byte#)) cargs = (p : byte##)[:args.len] for i = 0; i < args.len; i++ cargs[i] = cstring(args[i]) ;; cargs[args.len] = (0 : byte#) /* copy the env. of course we fucking have to duplicate this code everywhere, since we want to stack allocate... */ p = alloca((env.len + 1)*sizeof(byte#)) cenv = (p : byte##)[:env.len] for i = 0; i < env.len; i++ cenv[i] = cstring(env[i]) ;; cenv[env.len] = (0 : byte#) -> syscall(Sysexecve, cstring(cmd), a(p), a(cenv)) } /* fd manipulation */ const open = {path, opts; -> (syscall(Sysopen, cstring(path), a(opts), a(0o777)) : fd)} const openmode = {path, opts, mode; -> (syscall(Sysopen, cstring(path), a(opts), a(mode)) : fd)} const close = {fd; -> syscall(Sysclose, a(fd))} const creat = {path, mode; -> (openmode(path, Ocreat | Otrunc | Owronly, mode) : fd)} const unlink = {path; -> (syscall(Sysunlink, cstring(path)) : int)} const read = {fd, buf; -> (syscall(Sysread, a(fd), (buf : byte#), a(buf.len)) : size)} const write = {fd, buf; -> (syscall(Syswrite, a(fd), (buf : byte#), a(buf.len)) : size)} const lseek = {fd, off, whence; -> syscall(Syslseek, a(fd), a(off), a(whence))} const stat = {path, sb; -> syscall(Sysstat, cstring(path), a(sb))} const lstat = {path, sb; -> syscall(Syslstat, cstring(path), a(sb))} const fstat = {fd, sb; -> syscall(Sysfstat, a(fd), a(sb))} const mkdir = {path, mode; -> (syscall(Sysmkdir, cstring(path), a(mode)) : int64)} generic ioctl = {fd, req, arg; -> (syscall(Sysioctl, a(fd), a(req), a(arg)) : int64)} const chdir = {dir; -> syscall(Syschdir, cstring(dir))} const __getcwd = {buf; -> syscall(Sys__getcwd, a(buf), a(buf.len))} const getdents = {fd, buf; -> (syscall(Sysgetdents, a(buf), a(buf.len)) : int64)} /* signals */ const sigaction = {sig, act, oact; -> (syscall(Syssigaction, a(sig), a(act), a(oact)) : int)} const sigprocmask = {sig, act, oact; -> (syscall(Syssigprocmask, a(sig), a(act), a(oact)) : int)} /* file stuff */ const pipe = {fds; -> syscall(Syspipe, fds)} const dup = {fd; -> (syscall(Sysdup, a(fd)) : fd)} const dup2 = {src, dst; -> (syscall(Sysdup2, a(src), a(dst)) : fd)} const fcntl = {fd, cmd, args; -> syscall(Sysfcntl, a(fd), a(cmd), a(args))} /* networking */ const socket = {dom, stype, proto; -> (syscall(Syssocket, a(dom), a(stype), a(proto)) : fd)} const connect = {sock, addr, len; -> (syscall(Sysconnect, a(sock), a(addr), a(len)) : int)} const accept = {sock, addr, len; -> (syscall(Sysaccept, a(sock), a(addr), a(len)) : fd)} const listen = {sock, backlog; -> (syscall(Syslisten, a(sock), a(backlog)) : int)} const bind = {sock, addr, len; -> (syscall(Sysbind, a(sock), a(addr), a(len)) : int)} const setsockopt = {sock, lev, opt, val, len; -> (syscall(Syssetsockopt, a(sock), a(lev), a(opt), a(val), a(len)) : int)} const getsockopt = {sock, lev, opt, val, len; -> (syscall(Syssetsockopt, a(sock), a(lev), a(opt), a(val), a(len)) : int)} /* memory management */ const munmap = {addr, len; -> syscall(Sysmunmap, a(addr), a(len))} const mmap = {addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off; /* the actual syscall has padding on the offset arg */ -> (syscall(Sysmmap, a(addr), a(len), a(prot), a(flags), a(fd), a(0), a(off)) : byte#) } /* time */ const clock_getres = {clk, ts; -> (syscall(Sysclock_getres, clockid(clk), a(ts)) : int32)} const clock_gettime = {clk, ts; -> (syscall(Sysclock_gettime, clockid(clk), a(ts)) : int32)} const clock_settime = {clk, ts; -> (syscall(Sysclock_settime, clockid(clk), a(ts)) : int32)} const sleep = {time var req, rem req = [.sec = time, .nsec = 0] -> nanosleep(&req, &rem) } const nanosleep = {req, rem; -> (syscall(Sysnanosleep, a(req), a(rem)) : int32)} /* system information */ const uname = {buf var mib : int[2] var ret var sys, syssz var nod, nodsz var rel, relsz var ver, versz var mach, machsz ret = 0 mib[0] = 1 /* CTL_KERN */ mib[1] = 1 /* KERN_OSTYPE */ sys = (buf.system[:] : void#) syssz = buf.system.len ret = sysctl(mib[:], sys, &syssz, (0 : void#), (0 : size#)) if ret < 0 -> ret ;; mib[0] = 1 /* CTL_KERN */ mib[1] = 10 /* KERN_HOSTNAME */ nod = (buf.node[:] : void#) nodsz = buf.node.len ret = sysctl(mib[:], nod, &nodsz, (0 : void#), (0 : size#)) if ret < 0 -> ret ;; mib[0] = 1 /* CTL_KERN */ mib[1] = 2 /* KERN_OSRELEASE */ rel = (buf.release[:] : void#) relsz = buf.release.len ret = sysctl(mib[:], rel, &relsz, (0 : void#), (0 : size#)) if ret < 0 -> ret ;; mib[0] = 1 /* CTL_KERN */ mib[1] = 27 /* KERN_OSVERSION */ ver = (buf.version[:] : void#) versz = buf.version.len ret = sysctl(mib[:], ver, &versz, (0 : void#), (0 : size#)) if ret < 0 -> ret ;; mib[0] = 6 /* CTL_HW */ mib[1] = 1 /* HW_MACHINE */ mach = (buf.machine[:] : void#) machsz = buf.machine.len ret = sysctl(mib[:], mach, &machsz, (0 : void#), (0 : size#)) if ret < 0 -> ret ;; -> 0 } const sysctl = {mib, old, oldsz, new, newsz /* all args already passed through a() or ar ptrs */ -> (syscall(Sys__sysctl, \ (mib : int#), a(mib.len), old, oldsz, new, newsz) : int) } const clockid = {clk match clk | `Clockrealtime: -> 0 | `Clockproccputime: -> 2 | `Clockmonotonic: -> 3 | `Clockthreadcputime: -> 4 | `Clockuptime: -> 5 ;; -> -1 } const waitstatus = {st if st < 0 -> `Waitfail st ;; match st & 0o177 | 0: -> `Waitexit (st >> 8) | 0x7f:-> `Waitstop (st >> 8) | sig: -> `Waitsig sig ;; }