ref: d58df01f3ea2de8d41e10d5387445027e59a6c4e
dir: /lib/std/test/fltbits.myr/
use std use testr use math const main = { math.fptrap(false)[ [.name = "isnan", .fn = isnan01], [.name = "bits-roundtrip-32", .fn = bitsround32], [.name = "bits-roundtrip-64", .fn = bitsround64], [.name = "flt32bits", .fn = flt32bits], [.name = "flt64bits", .fn = flt64bits], [.name = "explode-roundtrip-32", .fn = exploderound32], [.name = "explode-roundtrip-64", .fn = exploderound64], ][:]) } const isnan01 = {c testr.check(c, std.isnan(std.flt64nan()), "std.flt64nan() should give a NaN") testr.check(c, std.isnan(std.flt32nan()), "std.flt32nan() should give a NaN") /* a NaN should be {any sign bit}, then {8 or 11 exponent bits, all 1}, then {any non-zero sequence of 23 or 52 bits} */ testr.check(c, std.isnan(std.flt64frombits(0xfff0000500000000ul)), "0xfff0000500000000 should be a NaN") testr.check(c, std.isnan(std.flt64frombits(0x7ff0000500000000ul)), "0x7ff0000500000000 should be a NaN") testr.check(c, std.isnan(std.flt32frombits(0xff800090)), "0xff800090 should be a NaN") testr.check(c, std.isnan(std.flt32frombits(0x7f800090)), "0x7f800090 should be a NaN") /* if the significand bits are all 0, it's an infinity instead */ testr.check(c, !std.isnan(std.flt64frombits(0x7ff0000000000000ul)), "Infinities[1] should not be NaNs") testr.check(c, !std.isnan(std.flt64frombits(0xfff0000000000000ul)), "Infinities[2] should not be NaNs") testr.check(c, !std.isnan(std.flt32frombits(0xff800000)), "Infinities[3] should not be NaNs") testr.check(c, !std.isnan(std.flt32frombits(0x7f800000)), "Infinities[4] should not be NaNs") } const bitsround32 = {c for f : [1.0, 0.00001, 123.45, 1111111111111111.2, -1.9, -0.0001][:] var g = std.flt32frombits(std.flt32bits(f)) testr.check(c, f == g, "flt -> bits -> flt non-identity: {} != {}", f, g) ;; for u : [0x7af80000, 0x12ab9800, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x80000000, 0xc8903aa5][:] var v = std.flt32bits(std.flt32frombits(u)) testr.check(c, u == v, "bits -> flt -> bits non-identity: {} != {}", u, v) ;; var nan_f = std.flt32frombits(0xff800090) var nan_g = std.flt32frombits(std.flt32bits(nan_f)) testr.check(c, nan_f == nan_g, "flt -> bits -> flt non-identity for nan") var inf_f = std.flt32frombits(0x7f800000) var inf_g = std.flt32frombits(std.flt32bits(inf_f)) testr.check(c, inf_f == inf_g, "flt -> bits -> flt non-identity for inf") } const bitsround64 = {c for f : [1.0, 0.00001, 123.45, 1111111111111111.2, -1.9, -0.0001][:] var g = std.flt64frombits(std.flt64bits(f)) testr.check(c, f == g, "flt -> bits -> flt non-identity: {} != {}", f, g) ;; for u : [0x7ff3330a00120809, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000001, 0xffffff0000000001][:] var v = std.flt64bits(std.flt64frombits(u)) testr.check(c, u == v, "bits -> flt -> bits non-identity: {} != {}", u, v) ;; var nan_f = std.flt64frombits(0x7ff000000000a000ul) var nan_g = std.flt64frombits(std.flt64bits(nan_f)) testr.check(c, nan_f == nan_g, "flt -> bits -> flt non-identity for nan") var inf_f = std.flt64frombits(0xfff0000000000000ul) var inf_g = std.flt64frombits(std.flt64bits(inf_f)) testr.check(c, inf_f == inf_g, "flt -> bits -> flt non-identity for inf") } const flt32bits = {c for (f, u) : [ (2.0, 0x40000000), (1.0, 0x3f800000), (0.0000123, 0x374e5c19), (-993.83, 0xc478751f), (0.000000000000000000000000000000000000006054601, 0x0041edc4), ][:] var uprime = std.flt32bits(f) testr.check(c, u == uprime, "flt32bits wrong for {}: 0x{x} != 0x{x}", f, u, uprime) ;; } const flt64bits = {c for (f, u) : [ (2.0, 0x4000000000000000ul), (1.0, 0x3ff0000000000000ul), (0.0000123, 0x3ee9cb8320b15070ul), (-993.83, 0xc08f0ea3d70a3d71ul), ][:] var uprime = std.flt64bits(f) testr.check(c, u == uprime, "flt64bits wrong for {}: 0x{x} != 0x{x}", f, u, uprime) ;; } const exploderound32 = {c var vals vals = [1.0, 0.00001, 123.45, 1111111111111111.2, -1.9, -0.0001, 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000006054601, std.flt32nan()][:] for f : vals var n, e, s (n, e, s) = std.flt32explode(f) var g = std.flt32assem(n, e, s) testr.check(c, f == g, "assem o explode non-identity: {} != {}", f, g) ;; /* The exponents and significands need to be rather specific in order for flt32assem to work as expected */ for (n, e, s) : [ (false, -127, 0), (true, -127, 0), (false, -127, 0x399), (true, -127, 0x23), (false, 45, (1 << 23) | 0x23), (true, -12, (1 << 23) | 0x3a2), (true, -126, (1 << 23) | 0x3a1), (false, -127, 4320708), ][:] var m, f, t (m, f, t) = std.flt32explode(std.flt32assem(n, e, s)) testr.check(c, n == m, "explode o assem non-identity: {} != {}", (n, e, s), (m, f, t)) testr.check(c, e == f, "explode o assem non-identity: {} != {}", (n, e, s), (m, f, t)) testr.check(c, s == t, "explode o assem non-identity: {} != {}", (n, e, s), (m, f, t)) ;; } const exploderound64 = {c for f : [1.0, 0.00001, 123.45, 1111111111111e+309, -1.9, -0.0001, std.flt64nan()][:] var n, e, s (n, e, s) = std.flt64explode(f) var g = std.flt64assem(n, e, s) testr.check(c, f == g, "assem o explode non-identity: {} != {}", f, g) ;; /* The exponents and significands need to be rather specific in order for flt32assem to work as expected */ for (n, e, s) : [ (false, -1023, 0), (true, -1023, 0), (false, -1023, 0x399), (true, -1023, 0x23), (false, 45, (1 << 52) | 0xa33bc), (true, -12, (1 << 52) | 0x3), (true, -200, (1 << 52) | 0x11aabbcc), (true, 543, (1 << 52) | 0x3a1), (true, 1001, (1 << 52) | 0x99aa228), ][:] var m, f, t (m, f, t) = std.flt64explode(std.flt64assem(n, e, s)) testr.check(c, n == m, "explode o assem non-identity: {} != {}", (n, e, s), (m, f, t)) testr.check(c, e == f, "explode o assem non-identity: {} != {}", (n, e, s), (m, f, t)) testr.check(c, s == t, "explode o assem non-identity: {} != {}", (n, e, s), (m, f, t)) ;; }