ref: d073dcc756169e572f54e65f05ba6b4ffaddcde3
dir: /parse/parse.h/
#define Abiversion 23 typedef struct Srcloc Srcloc; typedef struct Tysubst Tysubst; typedef struct Traitspec Traitspec; typedef struct Tok Tok; typedef struct File File; typedef struct Node Node; typedef struct Ucon Ucon; typedef struct Stab Stab; typedef struct Tyenv Tyenv; typedef struct Type Type; typedef struct Trait Trait; typedef enum { OTmisc, OTpre, OTpost, OTbin, OTzarg, } Optype; typedef enum { #define O(op, pure, type, pretty) op, #include "ops.def" Numops, #undef O } Op; typedef enum { #define N(nt) nt, #include "nodes.def" #undef N } Ntype; typedef enum { #define L(lt) lt, #include "lits.def" #undef L } Littype; typedef enum { #define Ty(t, n, stk) t, #include "types.def" #undef Ty Ntypes } Ty; typedef enum { #define Tc(c, n) c, #include "trait.def" #undef Tc Ntraits } Tc; #define Zloc ((Srcloc){-1, 0}) struct Srcloc { int line; int file; }; typedef enum { Visintern, Visexport, Vishidden, Visbuiltin, } Vis; struct Tok { int type; Srcloc loc; char *id; /* values parsed out */ vlong intval; Ty inttype; /* for explicitly specified suffixes */ double fltval; uint32_t chrval; Str strval; }; struct Tysubst { Htab **subst; size_t nsubst; }; typedef enum { Xcnt, Xbrk, Xret, Nexits } Exit; struct Stab { Stab *super; char *name; char isfunc; /* Contents of stab. * types and values are in separate namespaces. */ Htab *dcl; Htab *env; /* the syms we close over, if we're a function */ Htab *ty; /* types */ Htab *tr; /* traits */ Htab *uc; /* union constructors */ Htab *lbl; /* labels */ Htab *impl; /* trait implementations: really a set of implemented traits. */ /* See mi/flatten.c for the following. */ Node **autotmp; /* temporaries for 'auto' expressions */ size_t nautotmp; Node *exit[Nexits]; size_t ndisposed[Nexits]; }; struct Tyenv { Tyenv *super; Htab *tab; }; struct Traitspec { Node **trait; size_t ntrait; Type *param; Type *aux; }; struct Type { Ty type; uint32_t tid; Srcloc loc; Vis vis; Traitspec **spec; size_t nspec; Type *seqaux; Type **gparam; /* Tygeneric: type parameters that match the type args */ size_t ngparam; /* Tygeneric: count of type parameters */ Type **arg; /* Tyname: type arguments instantiated */ size_t narg; /* Tyname: count of type arguments */ Type **inst; /* Tyname: instances created */ size_t ninst; /* Tyname: count of instances created */ Tyenv *env; /* the environment for bound types, may be null */ Type **sub; /* sub-types; shared by all composite types */ size_t nsub; /* For compound types */ size_t nmemb; /* for aggregate types (struct, union) */ Bitset *trneed; /* traits needed by this Tyvar/Typaram */ union { Node *name; /* Tyname: unresolved name. Tyalias: alias name */ Node *asize; /* array size */ char *pname; /* Typaram: name of type parameter */ Node **sdecls; /* Tystruct: decls in struct */ Ucon **udecls; /* Tyunion: decls in union */ }; char hasparams; /* cache for whether this type has params */ char isenum; /* Tyunion: see isenum(), it is lazily set there */ char ishidden; /* Tyname: whether this is hidden or not */ char ispkglocal; /* Tyname: whether this is package local or not */ char isimport; /* Tyname: whether tyis type was imported. */ char isreflect; /* Tyname: whether this type has reflection info */ char isemitted; /* Tyname: whether this type has been emitted */ char resolved; /* Have we resolved the subtypes? Prevents infinite recursion. */ char fixed; /* Have we fixed the subtypes? Prevents infinite recursion. */ char tagged; /* Have we tagged the type for export? */ }; struct Ucon { Srcloc loc; size_t id; /* tag id */ int synth; /* is it generated? */ Node *name; /* ucon name */ Type *utype; /* type of the union this is an element of */ Type *etype; /* type for the element */ }; struct Trait { int uid; /* unique id */ Srcloc loc; Vis vis; Node *name; /* the name of the trait */ Type *param; /* the type parameter */ Type **aux; /* auxiliary parameters */ size_t naux; Node **proto; /* type must implement these prototypes */ size_t nproto; Tyenv *env; char isproto; /* is it a prototype (for exporting purposes) */ char ishidden; /* should user code be able to use this? */ char isimport; /* have we defined it locally? */ }; struct File { size_t nfiles; /* file names for location mapping */ char **files; Node **uses; /* use files that we loaded */ size_t nuses; char **libdeps; /* library dependencies */ size_t nlibdeps; char **extlibs; /* non-myrddin libraries */ size_t nextlibs; Node **stmts; /* all top level statements */ size_t nstmts; Node **init; /* all __init__ function names of our deps. NB, this is a Nname, not an Ndecl */ size_t ninit; Node **fini; /* all __fini__ function names of our deps. NB, this is a Nname, not an Ndecl */ size_t nfini; Node **impl; /* impls defined in this file, across all namespaces */ size_t nimpl; Node *localinit;/* and the local one, if any */ Node *localfini;/* and the local one, if any */ Stab *globls; /* global symtab */ Stab *builtins; /* global symtab */ Htab *ns; /* namespaces */ }; struct Node { Srcloc loc; Ntype type; int nid; char inferred; union { struct { Op op; Type *type; Type *param; /* for specialized traits, the primary param */ int isconst; int ispat; size_t did; /* for Ovar, we want a mapping to the decl id */ size_t nargs; Node *idx; /* used when this is in an indexed initializer */ Node **args; } expr; struct { char *ns; char *name; } name; struct { int islocal; char *name; } use; struct { Littype littype; Type *type; size_t nelt; union { uvlong intval; double fltval; uint32_t chrval; Str strval; struct { char *lblval; char *lblname; }; int boolval; Node *fnval; }; } lit; struct { Node *init; Node *cond; Node *step; Node *body; Stab *scope; } loopstmt; struct { Node *elt; Node *seq; Node *body; } iterstmt; struct { Node *cond; Node *iftrue; Node *iffalse; } ifstmt; struct { Node *val; size_t nmatches; Node **matches; } matchstmt; struct { Node *pat; Node *block; } match; struct { Stab *scope; size_t nstmts; Node **stmts; } block; struct { size_t did; Node *name; Type *type; Node *init; Tyenv *env; /* bound types */ /* If we have a link to a trait, we should only look it up when specializing, but we should not create a new decl node for it. That will be done when specializing the impl. */ Trait *trait; Htab *impls; Node **gimpl; /* generic impls of this trait */ size_t ngimpl; Node **gtype; /* generic impls of this trait */ size_t ngtype; char vis; /* flags */ char isglobl; char isconst; char isgeneric; char isextern; char ispkglocal; char ishidden; char isimport; char isnoret; char isexportval; char isinit; char isfini; } decl; struct { Tyenv *env; Stab *scope; Type *type; size_t nargs; Node **args; Node *body; } func; struct { Node *traitname; Trait *trait; Type *type; Type **aux; Tyenv *env; size_t naux; Node **decls; size_t ndecls; Vis vis; char isproto; char isextern; } impl; }; }; /* globals */ extern File file; /* the current file we're compiling */ extern Srcloc curloc; extern char *filename; extern Tok *curtok; /* the last token we tokenized */ extern Type **tytab; /* type -> type map used by inference. size maintained by type creation code */ extern Type **types; extern size_t ntypes; extern Trait **traittab;/* int -> trait map */ extern size_t ntraittab; extern Node **impltab; /* int -> impl map */ extern size_t nimpltab; extern Node **decls; /* decl id -> decl map */ extern size_t nnodes; extern Node **nodes; /* node id -> node map */ extern size_t ndecls; extern Node **exportimpls; extern size_t nexportimpls; extern int allowhidden; /* property tables */ extern int opispure[]; extern char *opstr[]; extern char *oppretty[]; extern int opclass[]; extern char *nodestr[]; extern char *litstr[]; extern char *tidstr[]; /* useful key types */ int liteq(Node *a, Node *b); int litvaleq(Node *a, Node *b); ulong tyhash(void *t); int tyeq(void *a, void *b); int tystricteq(void *a, void *b); int tymatchrank(Type *pat, Type *to); ulong namehash(void *t); int nameeq(void *a, void *b); ulong nsnamehash(void *t); int nsnameeq(void *a, void *b); /* parsing etc */ void tokinit(char *file); int yylex(void); int yyparse(void); /* locations */ char *fname(Srcloc l); int lnum(Srcloc l); void fatal(Node *n, char *fmt, ...) FATAL; void lfatal(Srcloc l, char *fmt, ...) FATAL; void lfatalv(Srcloc l, char *fmt, va_list ap) FATAL; /* stab creation */ Stab *mkstab(int isfunc); void putns(Stab *scope); void puttype(Stab *st, Node *n, Type *ty); void puttrait(Stab *st, Node *n, Trait *trait); void putimpl(Stab *st, Node *impl); void updatetype(Stab *st, Node *n, Type *t); void putdcl(Stab *st, Node *dcl); void forcedcl(Stab *st, Node *dcl); void putucon(Stab *st, Ucon *uc); void putlbl(Stab *st, char *name, Node *lbl); Stab *getns(char *n); Node *getdcl(Stab *st, Node *n); Node *getclosed(Stab *st, Node *n); Node **getclosure(Stab *st, size_t *n); Type *gettype_l(Stab *st, Node *n); Type *gettype(Stab *st, Node *n); Node *getimpl(Stab *st, Node *impl); Trait *gettrait(Stab *st, Node *n); Ucon *getucon(Stab *st, Node *n); Node *getlbl(Stab *st, Srcloc loc, char *name); Stab *curstab(void); void pushstab(Stab *st); void popstab(void); void bindtype(Tyenv *env, Type *t); Type *boundtype(Type *t); Tyenv *mkenv(void); Tyenv *curenv(void); void pushenv(Tyenv *e); void popenv(Tyenv *e); /* type creation */ void tyinit(Stab *st); /* sets up built in types */ Type *mktype(Srcloc l, Ty ty); Type *tydup(Type *t); /* shallow duplicate; all subtypes/members/... kept */ Type *tydedup(Type *t); Type *mktyvar(Srcloc l); Type *mktyparam(Srcloc l, char *name); Type *mktygeneric(Srcloc l, Node *name, Type **params, size_t nparams, Type *base); Type *mktyname(Srcloc l, Node *name, Type *base); Type *mktyunres(Srcloc l, Node *name, Type **params, size_t nparams); Type *mktyarray(Srcloc l, Type *base, Node *sz); Type *mktyslice(Srcloc l, Type *base); Type *mktyptr(Srcloc l, Type *base); Type *mktytuple(Srcloc l, Type **sub, size_t nsub); Type *mktyfunc(Srcloc l, Node **args, size_t nargs, Type *ret); Type *mktystruct(Srcloc l, Node **decls, size_t ndecls); Type *mktyunion(Srcloc l, Ucon **decls, size_t ndecls); Trait *mktrait(Srcloc l, Node *name, Type *param, Type **aux, size_t naux, Node **proto, size_t nproto, int isproto); Ucon *finducon(Type *t, Node *name); int isstacktype(Type *t); int isenum(Type *t); int istysigned(Type *t); int istyint(Type *t); int istyunsigned(Type *t); int istyfloat(Type *t); int istyprimitive(Type *t); int hasparams(Type *t); /* type manipulation */ Type *tybase(Type *t); char *tyfmt(char *buf, size_t len, Type *t); char *tystr(Type *t); size_t tyidfmt(char *buf, size_t len, Type *t); int traiteq(Type *t, Trait **traits, size_t len); int traitfmt(char *buf, size_t len, Type *t); char *traitstr(Type *t); /* node creation */ void initfile(File *f, char *path); Node *mknode(Srcloc l, Ntype nt); Node *mkuse(Srcloc l, char *use, int islocal); Node *mksliceexpr(Srcloc l, Node *sl, Node *base, Node *off); Node *mkexprl(Srcloc l, Op op, Node **args, size_t nargs); Node *mkexpr(Srcloc l, int op, ...); /* NULL terminated */ Node *mkcall(Srcloc l, Node *fn, Node **args, size_t nargs); Node *mkifstmt(Srcloc l, Node *cond, Node *iftrue, Node *iffalse); Node *mkloopstmt(Srcloc l, Node *init, Node *cond, Node *incr, Node *body); Node *mkiterstmt(Srcloc l, Node *elt, Node *seq, Node *body); Node *mkmatchstmt(Srcloc l, Node *val, Node **matches, size_t nmatches); Node *mkmatch(Srcloc l, Node *pat, Node *body); Node *mkblock(Srcloc l, Stab *scope); Node *mkimplstmt(Srcloc loc, Node *name, Type *t, Type **aux, size_t naux, Node **decls, size_t ndecls); Node *mkintlit(Srcloc l, uvlong val); Node *mkboollit(Srcloc l, int val); Node *mkidxinit(Srcloc l, Node *idx, Node *init); Node *mkvoid(Srcloc loc); Node *mkbool(Srcloc l, int val); Node *mkint(Srcloc l, uvlong val); Node *mkchar(Srcloc l, uint32_t val); Node *mkstr(Srcloc l, Str str); Node *mkfloat(Srcloc l, double flt); Node *mkfunc(Srcloc l, Node **args, size_t nargs, Type *ret, Node *body); Node *mkname(Srcloc l, char *name); Node *mknsname(Srcloc l, char *ns, char *name); Node *mkdecl(Srcloc l, Node *name, Type *ty); Node *gentemp(Srcloc loc, Type *ty, Node **dcl); Node *mklbl(Srcloc l, char *lbl); Node *genlbl(Srcloc loc); char *genlblstr(char *buf, size_t sz, char *suffix); Node *mkslice(Srcloc l, Node *base, Node *off); Ucon *mkucon(Srcloc l, Node *name, Type *ut, Type *uet); /* node util functions */ uvlong arraysz(Node *sz); char *namestr(Node *name); char *lblstr(Node *n); char *declname(Node *n); Type *decltype(Node * n); Type *exprtype(Node *n); Type *nodetype(Node *n); void addstmt(Node *stmt); void setns(Node *n, char *ns); void updatens(Stab *st, char *ns); ulong varhash(void *dcl); int vareq(void *a, void *b); Op exprop(Node *n); /* specialize generics */ Tysubst *mksubst(void); void substfree(Tysubst *subst); void substput(Tysubst *subst, Type *from, Type *to); Type *substget(Tysubst *subst, Type *from); Node *specializedcl(Node *n, Type *param, Type *to, Node **name); Type *tyspecialize(Type *t, Tysubst *tymap, Htab *delayed); Node *genericname(Node *n, Type *param, Type *t); void genautocall(Node **, size_t, Node *, char *); /* usefiles */ void loaduses(void); int loaduse(char *path, FILE *f, Stab *into, Vis vis); void readuse(Node *use, Stab *into, Vis vis); void writeuse(FILE *fd); void tagexports(int hidelocal); void tagreflect(Type *t); void addextlibs(char **libs, size_t nlibs); /* expression folding */ Node *fold(Node *n, int foldvar); int getintlit(Node *lit, vlong *val); /* typechecking/inference */ void infer(void); Type *tysearch(Type *t); /* debug */ void dump(FILE *); void dumpn(Node *, FILE *); void dumpsym(Node *, FILE *); void dumpstab(Stab *, FILE *); /* option parsing */ void optinit(Optctx *ctx, char *optstr, char **optargs, size_t noptargs); int optnext(Optctx *c); int optdone(Optctx *c); /* Options to control the compilation */ extern char debugopt[128]; extern int asmonly; extern char *outfile; extern char *objdir; extern char **incpaths; extern size_t nincpaths; extern char *localincpath; extern size_t (*sizefn)(Node *n); void yyerror(const char *s);