shithub: mc

ref: c895d869daf0531f5fb1df182ebc92898d0bae99
dir: /build.myr/

View raw version
use std
use sys

use "config.use"
use "deps.use"
use "opts.use"
use "parse.use"
use "types.use"
use "util.use"
use "subdir.use"

pkg bld =
	const buildall	: (p : parser# -> bool)
	const test	: (p : parser# -> bool)
	const build	: (p : parser#, target : byte[:] -> bool)
	const buildbin	: (bin : byte[:], inputs : byte[:][:], ldscript : byte[:], rt : byte[:], incs : byte[:][:] -> void)
	const buildlib	: (lib : byte[:], inputs : byte[:][:], incs : byte[:][:] -> void)

const buildall = {p
	for t in p.targs
		match t
		| `Bin [.name=bin, .inputs=leaves, .ldscript=lds, .runtime=rt, .incpath=incpath]:
			buildbin(bin, leaves, lds, rt, incpath)
		| `Lib [.name=lib, .inputs=leaves, .incpath=incpath]:
			buildlib(lib, leaves, incpath)
		| `Sub subs:
			subdirs(p, subs, `std.None)
		| `Man m:
			/* nothing needed */
	-> true

const test = {p
	std.fatal(1, "testing not yet supported\n")
	-> false

const build = {p, targ
	var built

	built = false
	for t in p.targs
		match t
		| `Bin [.name=bin, .inputs=leaves, .ldscript=lds, .runtime=rt, .incpath=incpath]:
			if std.sleq(bin, targ)
				buildbin(bin, leaves, lds, rt, incpath)
				built = true
		| `Lib [.name=lib, .inputs=leaves, .incpath=incpath]:
			if std.sleq(lib, targ)
				buildlib(lib, leaves, incpath)
				built = true
		| `Sub subs:
			subdirs(p, subs, `std.Some targ)
		| `Man m:
			/* nothing needed */
	if !built
		std.fatal(1, "%s: no such target\n", targ)
	-> built

const buildbin = {bin, inputs, ldscript, rt, incs
	var dg

	if !myrdeps(&dg, bin, inputs, false)
		std.fatal(1, "Could not load dependencies for %s\n", bin)
	if !std.hthas(dg.deps, bin)
		std.fatal(1, "no target declared for %s\n", bin)
	if builddep(&dg, bin, incs)
		linkbin(&dg, bin, inputs, ldscript, rt, incs)

const buildlib = {lib, inputs, incs
	var archive
	var u, l
	var dg

	archive = std.fmt("lib%s.a", lib)
	if !myrdeps(&dg, lib, inputs, true)
		std.fatal(1, "Could not load dependencies for %s\n", lib)
	if !std.hthas(dg.deps, lib)
		std.fatal(1, "no target declared for %s\n", lib)
	u = builddep(&dg, lib, incs)
	l = builddep(&dg, archive, incs)
	if  u || l
		mergeuse(&dg, lib, inputs, incs)
		archivelib(&dg, lib, inputs, incs)

const builddep = {dg, out, incs
	var stale

	stale = false
	/* short circuit walking the dep tree if we've already built this. */
	if std.htgetv(dg.updated, out, false)
		-> false
	match std.htget(dg.deps, out)
	| `std.Some deps:
		for d in deps
			if builddep(dg, d, incs)
				stale = true
			if !isfresh(d, out)
				stale = true
	| `std.None:

	match std.htget(dg.sources, out)
	| `std.Some src:
		if stale
			compile(src, incs)
		std.htput(dg.updated, out, true)
	| `std.None:
	-> stale

const compile = {src, incs
	var o
	var cmd

	if std.hassuffix(src, ".myr")
		cmd = [][:]
		cmd = std.slpush(cmd, "6m")
		for inc in incs 
			cmd = std.slpush(cmd, "-I")
			cmd = std.slpush(cmd, inc)
		if opt_genasm
			cmd = std.slpush(cmd, "-S")
		cmd = std.slpush(cmd, src)
		run(cmd, "")
	elif std.hassuffix(src, ".s")
		o = srcswapsuffix(src, ".o")
		run(["as", src, "-o", o][:], "")
		std.fatal(1, "Unknown file type for %s\n", src)

const linkbin = {dg, bin, srcfiles, ldscript, rt, incs
	var cmd

	cmd = [][:]

	/* ld -o bin */
	cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup("ld"))
	cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup("-o"))
	cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup(bin))

	/* [-T script] */
	if ldscript.len > 0
		cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup("-T"))
		cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup(ldscript))

	if rt.len != 0
		cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup(rt))
		cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup(opt_runtime))

	/* input.o list.o... */
	for f in srcfiles
		cmd = std.slpush(cmd, srcswapsuffix(f, ".o"))

	/* -l lib... */
	cmd = addlibs(cmd, dg.libs)

	/* -L incpath... */
	for inc in incs
		cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.fmt("-L%s", inc))
	cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.fmt("-L%s%s", opt_instroot, "/lib/myr"))

	/* special for OSX: it warns if we don't add this */
	if std.sleq(opt_sys, "osx")
		cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup("-macosx_version_min"))
		cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup("10.6"))

	run(cmd, "")

const archivelib = {dg, lib, files, incs
	var cmd
	var obj

	cmd = [][:]
	cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup(opt_ar))
	cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup("-rcs"))
	cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.fmt("lib%s.a", lib))
	for f in files
		obj = srcswapsuffix(f, ".o")
		cmd = std.slpush(cmd, obj)
	run(cmd, "")

const mergeuse = {dg, lib, files, incs
	var cmd

	cmd = [][:]
	cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup(opt_muse))
	cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup("-mo"))
	cmd = std.slpush(cmd, std.sldup(lib))
	for f in files
		if std.hassuffix(f, ".myr")
			cmd = std.slpush(cmd, srcswapsuffix(f, ".use"))
		elif !std.hassuffix(f, ".s")
			std.fatal(1, "unknown file type for %s\n", f)
	run(cmd, "")

const addlibs = {cmd, libgraph
	var looped : std.htab(byte[:], bool)#
	var marked : std.htab(byte[:], bool)#
	var libs
	var head

	libs = std.htkeys(libgraph)
	looped = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq)
	marked = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq)
	head = cmd.len
	for lib in libs
		cmd = visit(cmd, head, libgraph, lib, looped, marked)
	-> cmd

const visit = {cmd, head, g, lib, looped, marked -> byte[:][:]
	if std.hthas(looped, lib)
		std.fatal(1, "cycle in library graph involving \"%s\"\n", lib)
	elif std.hthas(marked, lib)
		-> cmd

	std.htput(looped, lib, true)
	for dep in std.htgetv(g, lib, [][:])
		cmd = visit(cmd, head, g, dep, looped, marked)
	std.htdel(looped, lib)
	std.htput(marked, lib, true)
	-> std.slput(cmd, head, std.fmt("-l%s", lib))

const isfresh = {src, dst
	var srcsb, dstsb

	if sys.stat(src, &srcsb) != 0
		std.fatal(1, "could not stat %s\n", src)
	if sys.stat(dst, &dstsb) != 0
		-> false
	OSX only has single second resolution on modification
	times. Since most builds happen within one second of each
	other, if we treat equal times as outdated, we do a lot of
	spurious rebuilding.

	So, we treat times where both secs and nsecs are equal as
	up to date.
	if srcsb.mtime.sec != dstsb.mtime.sec
		-> srcsb.mtime.sec < dstsb.mtime.sec
		-> srcsb.mtime.nsec <= dstsb.mtime.nsec