shithub: mc

ref: c66161595cd3e4638122777d550ab61dc100b973
dir: /parse/node.c/

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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "util.h"
#include "parse.h"

Node **nodes;
size_t nnodes;
Node **decls;
size_t ndecls;

char *
fname(Srcloc l)
	return file->file.files[l.file];

lnum(Srcloc l)
	return l.line;

 * Bah, this is going to need to know how to fold things.
 * FIXME: teach it.
arraysz(Node *sz)
	Node *n;

        if (!sz)
		return 0;
        n = fold(sz, 1);
	if (exprop(n) != Olit)
		fatal(sz, "too much indirection when finding intializer. (initialization loop?)");

	n = n->expr.args[0];
	if (n->lit.littype != Lint)
		fatal(sz, "initializer is not an integer");
	return n->lit.intval;

Node *
mknode(Srcloc loc, Ntype nt)
	Node *n;

	n = zalloc(sizeof(Node));
	n->nid = nnodes;
	n->type = nt;
	n->loc = loc;
	lappend(&nodes, &nnodes, n);
	return n;

Node *
mkfile(char *name)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(Zloc, Nfile);
	n->file.ns = mkht(strhash, streq);
	lappend(&n->file.files, &n->file.nfiles, strdup(name));
	return n;

Node *
mkuse(Srcloc loc, char *use, int islocal)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nuse);
	n-> = strdup(use);
	n->use.islocal = islocal;

	return n;

Node *
mksliceexpr(Srcloc loc, Node *sl, Node *base, Node *off)
	if (!base)
		base = mkintlit(loc, 0);
	if (!off)
		off = mkexpr(loc, Omemb, sl, mkname(loc, "len"), NULL);
	return mkexpr(loc, Oslice, sl, base, off, NULL);

Node *
mkexprl(Srcloc loc, Op op, Node **args, size_t nargs)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nexpr);
	n->expr.op = op;
	n->expr.args = args;
	n->expr.nargs = nargs;
	return n;

Node *
mkexpr(Srcloc loc, int op, ...)
	Node *n;
	va_list ap;
	Node *arg;

	n = mknode(loc, Nexpr);
	n->expr.op = op;
	va_start(ap, op);
	while ((arg = va_arg(ap, Node *)) != NULL)
		lappend(&n->expr.args, &n->expr.nargs, arg);

	return n;

Node *
mkcall(Srcloc loc, Node *fn, Node **args, size_t nargs)
	Node *n;
	size_t i;

	n = mkexpr(loc, Ocall, fn, NULL);
	for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
		lappend(&n->expr.args, &n->expr.nargs, args[i]);
	return n;

Node *
mkifstmt(Srcloc loc, Node *cond, Node *iftrue, Node *iffalse)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nifstmt);
	n->ifstmt.cond = cond;
	n->ifstmt.iftrue = iftrue;
	n->ifstmt.iffalse = iffalse;

	return n;

Node *
mkloopstmt(Srcloc loc, Node *init, Node *cond, Node *incr, Node *body)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nloopstmt);
	n->loopstmt.init = init;
	n->loopstmt.cond = cond;
	n->loopstmt.step = incr;
	n->loopstmt.body = body;
	n->loopstmt.scope = mkstab(0);

	return n;

Node *
mkiterstmt(Srcloc loc, Node *elt, Node *seq, Node *body)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Niterstmt);
	n->iterstmt.elt = elt;
	n->iterstmt.seq = seq;
	n->iterstmt.body = body;

	return n;

Node *
mkmatchstmt(Srcloc loc, Node *val, Node **matches, size_t nmatches)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nmatchstmt);
	n->matchstmt.val = val;
	n->matchstmt.matches = matches;
	n->matchstmt.nmatches = nmatches;
	return n;

Node *
mkmatch(Srcloc loc, Node *pat, Node *body)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nmatch);
	n->match.pat = pat;
	n->match.block = body;
	return n;

Node *
mkfunc(Srcloc loc, Node **args, size_t nargs, Type *ret, Node *body)
	Node *n;
	Node *f;
	size_t i;
	Stab *st;

	f = mknode(loc, Nfunc);
	f->func.args = args;
	f->func.nargs = nargs;
	f->func.body = body;
	f->func.scope = mkstab(1);
	f->func.type = mktyfunc(loc, args, nargs, ret);
	f->func.env = mkenv();

	st = body->block.scope;
	for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
		putdcl(st, args[i]);

	bindtype(f->func.env, ret);
	for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
		bindtype(f->func.env, decltype(args[i]));

	n = mknode(loc, Nlit);
	n->lit.littype = Lfunc;
	n->lit.fnval = f;
	return n;

Node *
mkblock(Srcloc loc, Stab *scope)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nblock);
	n->block.scope = scope;
	return n;

Node *
mkimplstmt(Srcloc loc, Node *name, Type *t, Type **aux, size_t naux, Node **decls, size_t ndecls)
	Node *n;
	size_t i;

	n = mknode(loc, Nimpl);
	n->impl.traitname = name;
	n->impl.type = t;
	n->impl.aux = aux;
	n->impl.naux = naux;
	n->impl.decls = decls;
	n->impl.ndecls = ndecls;
	lappend(&impltab, &nimpltab, n);
	if (name->name.ns)
		for (i = 0; i < ndecls; i++)
			setns(decls[i]->, name->name.ns);
	if (hasparams(t)) {
		n->impl.env = mkenv();
		bindtype(n->impl.env, t);
	return n;

Node *
mklbl(Srcloc loc, char *lbl)
	Node *n;

	assert(lbl != NULL);
	n = mknode(loc, Nlit);
	n->lit.littype = Llbl;
	n->lit.lblname = NULL;
	n->lit.lblval = strdup(lbl);
	return mkexpr(loc, Olit, n, NULL);

char *
genlblstr(char *buf, size_t sz, char *suffix)
	static int nextlbl;
	size_t len;

	len = snprintf(buf, 128, ".L%d%s", nextlbl++, suffix);
	assert(len <= sz);
	return buf;

Node *
genlbl(Srcloc loc)
	char buf[128];

	genlblstr(buf, 128, "");
	return mklbl(loc, buf);

Node *
mkstr(Srcloc loc, Str val)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nlit);
	n->lit.littype = Lstr;
	n->lit.strval.len = val.len;
	n->lit.strval.buf = malloc(val.len);
	memcpy(n->lit.strval.buf, val.buf, val.len);

	return n;

Node *
mkint(Srcloc loc, uvlong val)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nlit);
	n->lit.littype = Lint;
	n->lit.intval = val;

	return n;

Node *
mkintlit(Srcloc loc, uvlong val) {
	return mkexpr(loc, Olit, mkint(loc, val), NULL);

Node *
mkchar(Srcloc loc, uint32_t val)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nlit);
	n->lit.littype = Lchr;
	n->lit.chrval = val;

	return n;

Node *
mkfloat(Srcloc loc, double val)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nlit);
	n->lit.littype = Lflt;
	n->lit.fltval = val;

	return n;

Node *
mkidxinit(Srcloc loc, Node *idx, Node *init)
	init->expr.idx = idx;
	return init;

Node *
mkname(Srcloc loc, char *name)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nname);
	n-> = strdup(name);

	return n;

Node *
mknsname(Srcloc loc, char *ns, char *name)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nname);
	if (ns)
		n->name.ns = strdup(ns);
	n-> = strdup(name);

	return n;

Node *
mkdecl(Srcloc loc, Node *name, Type *ty)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Ndecl);
	n->decl.did = ndecls;
	n-> = name;
	n->decl.type = ty;
	lappend(&decls, &ndecls, n);
	if (ty && hasparams(ty)) {
		n->decl.env = mkenv();
		bindtype(n->decl.env, ty);

	return n;

Node *
gentemp(Srcloc loc, Type *ty, Node **dcl)
	char buf[128];
	static int nexttmp;
	Node *t, *r, *n;

	bprintf(buf, 128, ".t%d", nexttmp++);
	n = mkname(loc, buf);
	t = mkdecl(loc, n, ty);
	r = mkexpr(loc, Ovar, n, NULL);
	r->expr.type = t->decl.type;
	r->expr.did = t->decl.did;
	if (dcl)
		*dcl = t;
	return r;

Ucon *
mkucon(Srcloc loc, Node *name, Type *ut, Type *et)
	Ucon *uc;

	uc = zalloc(sizeof(Ucon));
	uc->loc = loc;
	uc->name = name;
	uc->utype = ut;
	uc->etype = et;
	return uc;

Node *
mkbool(Srcloc loc, int val)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nlit);
	n->lit.littype = Lbool;
	n->lit.boolval = val;

	return n;

Node *
mkboollit(Srcloc loc, int val) {
	Node *e;

	e = mkexpr(loc, Olit, mkbool(loc, val), NULL);
	e->expr.type = mktype(loc, Tybool);
	return e;

Node *
mkvoid(Srcloc loc)
	Node *n;

	n = mknode(loc, Nlit);
	n->lit.littype = Lvoid;
	return n;

char *
declname(Node *n)
	Node *name;
	assert(n->type == Ndecl);
	name = n->;
	return name->;

Type *
decltype(Node * n)
	assert(n->type == Ndecl);
	return nodetype(n);

Type *
exprtype(Node *n)
	assert(n->type == Nexpr);
	return nodetype(n);

Type *
nodetype(Node *n)
	switch (n->type) {
	case Ndecl:	return n->decl.type;	break;
	case Nexpr:	return n->expr.type;	break;
	case Nlit:	return n->lit.type;	break;
	default: die("Node %s has no type", nodestr[n->type]); break;
	return NULL;

liteq(Node *a, Node *b)
	return litvaleq(a, b) && tyeq(a->lit.type, b->lit.type);

litvaleq(Node *a, Node *b)
	assert(a->type == Nlit && b->type == Nlit);
	if (a->lit.littype != b->lit.littype)
		return 0;
	switch (a->lit.littype) {
	case Lvoid:	return 1;
	case Lchr:	return a->lit.chrval == b->lit.chrval;
	case Lbool:	return a->lit.boolval == b->lit.boolval;
	case Lint:	return a->lit.intval == b->lit.intval;
	case Lflt:	return a->lit.fltval == b->lit.fltval;
	case Lstr:
			return a->lit.strval.len == b->lit.strval.len &&
				!memcmp(a->lit.strval.buf, b->lit.strval.buf, a->lit.strval.len);
	case Lfunc:	return a->lit.fnval == b->lit.fnval;
	case Llbl:	return !strcmp(a->lit.lblval, b->lit.lblval);	break;
	return 0;

/* name hashing */
namehash(void *p)
	Node *n;

	n = p;
	return strhash(namestr(n)) ^ strhash(n->name.ns);

nameeq(void *p1, void *p2)
	Node *a, *b;
	a = p1;
	b = p2;
	if (a == b)
		return 1;

	return streq(namestr(a), namestr(b)) && streq(a->name.ns, b->name.ns);

setns(Node *n, char *ns)
	assert(!ns || !n->name.ns || !strcmp(n->name.ns, ns));
	if (!ns)
	n->name.ns = strdup(ns);

exprop(Node *e)
	assert(e->type == Nexpr);
	return e->expr.op;

char *
namestr(Node *name)
	if (!name)
		return "";
	assert(name->type == Nname);
	return name->;

char *
lblstr(Node *n)
	assert(exprop(n) == Olit);
	assert(n->expr.args[0]->type == Nlit);
	assert(n->expr.args[0]->lit.littype == Llbl);
	return n->expr.args[0]->lit.lblval;

static size_t
did(Node *n)
	if (n->type == Ndecl) {
		return n->decl.did;
	} else if (n->type == Nexpr) {
		assert(exprop(n) == Ovar);
		return n->expr.did;
	dump(n, stderr);
	die("Can't get did");
	return 0;

/* Hashes a Ovar expr or an Ndecl  */
varhash(void *dcl)
	/* large-prime hash. meh. */
	return did(dcl) * 366787;

/* Checks if the did of two vars are equal */
vareq(void *a, void *b) { return did(a) == did(b); }