shithub: mc

ref: be27d7ef34e73a0289e786456c8aa60aec55e646
dir: /doc/api/libstd/dns.txt/

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        title: DNS
        description:    libstd: DNS


     pkg std =
            type rectype = union
                    `DnsA	/* host address */
                    `DnsNS	/* authoritative name server */
                    `DnsCNAME	/* canonical name for an alias */
                    `DnsSOA	/* marks the start of a zone of authority */
                    `DnsWKS	/* well known service description */
                    `DnsPTR	/* domain name pointer */
                    `DnsHINFO	/* host information */
                    `DnsMINFO	/* mailbox or mail list information */
                    `DnsMX	/* mail exchange */
                    `DnsTXT	/* text strings */
                    `DnsAAAA	/* ipv6 host address */

            type resolveerr = union

            type hostinfo = struct
                    fam	: sys.sockfam
                    stype	: sys.socktype
                    ttl	: uint32
                    addr	: netaddr

            const resolve	: (host : byte[:]	-> result(hostinfo[:], resolveerr))
            const resolvemx	: (host : byte[:]	-> result(hostinfo[:], resolveerr))
            const resolverec	: (host : byte[:], t : rectype	-> result(hostinfo[:], resolveerr))

Data Types

    type rectype = union
            `DnsA	/* host address */
            `DnsNS	/* authoritative name server */
            `DnsCNAME	/* canonical name for an alias */
            `DnsSOA	/* marks the start of a zone of authority */
            `DnsWKS	/* well known service description */
            `DnsPTR	/* domain name pointer */
            `DnsHINFO	/* host information */
            `DnsMINFO	/* mailbox or mail list information */
            `DnsMX	/* mail exchange */
            `DnsTXT	/* text strings */
            `DnsAAAA	/* ipv6 host address */

This union contains all of the record types that we claim to know how to
resolve. At the moment, few of them have been tested sufficiently (only A
records can reasonably be said to be exercised).

    type resolveerr = union

This union contains the errors that we can encounter when trying to resolve a

    type hostinfo = struct
            fam	: sys.sockfam
            stype	: sys.socktype
            ttl	: uint32
            addr	: netaddr

DNS Resolution

    const resolve	: (host : byte[:]	-> result(hostinfo[:], resolveerr))

Resolves the A or AAAA record for the host `host` using DNS. This function
does caching, expiring based on the TTL. Returns all of the host info entries sent
back by DNS or found in the cache on success, or a resolve error on failure.

    const resolvemx	: (host : byte[:]	-> result(hostinfo[:], resolveerr))

Resolves the MX record for the host `host` using DNS. This function does
caching, expiring based on the TTL. Returns all of the host info entries sent
back by DNS or found in the cache on success, or a resolve error on failure.

    const resolverec	: (host : byte[:], t : rectype	-> result(hostinfo[:], resolveerr))

Resolves a record from DNS. This function's interface is slightly broken, as
it will never work for TXT or CNAME records.