ref: b9cf654b6dd5daabf8fd69854443ec04b0cfcea1
dir: /opt/match.c/
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "parse.h" #include "opt.h" typedef struct Dtree Dtree; struct Dtree { /* If the values are equal, go to 'sub'. If 'val' is null, anything matches. */ Node **val; /* values to compare against */ size_t nval; Node **load; /* values being loaded */ size_t nload; Dtree **sub; /* submatches for an equal comparison */ size_t nsub; Dtree *any; /* tree for a wildcard match. */ /* captured variables and action */ Node **cap; size_t ncap; Node *act; }; static Dtree *addpat(Dtree *t, Node *pat, Node *val, Node ***cap, size_t *ncap); static Dtree *mkdtree() { return zalloc(sizeof(Dtree)); } static Dtree *addwild(Dtree *t, Node *pat, Node *val, Node ***cap, size_t *ncap) { Node *dcl; dcl = decls[pat->expr.did]; /* FIXME: Avoid duplicate constants */ if (dcl->decl.isconst) return NULL; if (t->any) return t->any; t->any = mkdtree(); lappend(cap, ncap, pat); return t->any; } static Dtree *addunion(Dtree *t, Node *pat, Node *val, Node ***cap, size_t *ncap) { Dtree *sub; size_t i; /* if we have the value already... */ sub = NULL; for (i = 0; i < t->nval; i++) { if (nameeq(t->val[i], pat->expr.args[0])) return addpat(t->sub[i], pat->expr.args[1], NULL, cap, ncap); } sub = mkdtree(); lappend(&t->val, &t->nval, pat->expr.args[0]); lappend(&t->sub, &t->nsub, sub); if (pat->expr.nargs == 2) sub = addpat(sub, pat->expr.args[1], NULL, cap, ncap); return sub; } static Dtree *addlit(Dtree *t, Node *pat, Node *val, Node ***cap, size_t *ncap) { Dtree *sub; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < t->nval; i++) { if (liteq(t->val[i]->expr.args[0], pat->expr.args[0])) return addpat(t->sub[i], pat->expr.args[1], NULL, cap, ncap); } sub = mkdtree(); lappend(&t->val, &t->nval, pat); lappend(&t->sub, &t->nsub, sub); return sub; } static Dtree *addtup(Dtree *t, Node *pat, Node *val, Node ***cap, size_t *ncap) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < pat->expr.nargs; i++) t = addpat(t, pat->expr.args[i], NULL, cap, ncap); return t; } static Dtree *addarr(Dtree *t, Node *pat, Node *val, Node ***cap, size_t *ncap) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < pat->expr.nargs; i++) t = addpat(t, pat->expr.args[i], NULL, cap, ncap); return t; } static Dtree *addstruct(Dtree *t, Node *pat, Node *val, Node ***cap, size_t *ncap) { Node *elt; size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < pat->expr.nargs; i++) { elt = pat->expr.args[i]; for (j = 0; j < t->nval; j++) { if (!strcmp(namestr(elt->expr.idx), namestr(t->val[j]->expr.idx))) t = addpat(t, pat->expr.args[i], NULL, cap, ncap); break; } } return t; } static Dtree *addpat(Dtree *t, Node *pat, Node *val, Node ***cap, size_t *ncap) { Dtree *ret; if (pat == NULL) return t; switch (exprop(pat)) { case Ovar: ret = addwild(t, pat, val, cap, ncap); break; case Oucon: ret = addunion(t, pat, val, cap, ncap); break; case Olit: ret = addlit(t, pat, val, cap, ncap); break; case Otup: ret = addtup(t, pat, val, cap, ncap); break; case Oarr: ret = addarr(t, pat, val, cap, ncap); break; case Ostruct: ret = addstruct(t, pat, val, cap, ncap); break; default: ret = NULL; fatal(pat, "unsupported pattern %s of type %s", opstr(exprop(pat)), tystr(exprtype(pat))); break; } return ret; } static void checkcomprehensive(Dtree *dt) { } static Node *genmatch(Dtree *dt) { return NULL; } Node *gensimpmatch(Node *m) { Dtree *t, *leaf; Node **pat, **cap; size_t npat, ncap; size_t i; t = mkdtree(); pat = m->matchstmt.matches; npat = m->matchstmt.nmatches; cap = NULL; ncap = 0; for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) { leaf = addpat(t, pat[i]->match.pat, NULL, &cap, &ncap); /* TODO: NULL is returned by unsupported patterns. */ if (!leaf) return NULL; if (leaf->act) fatal(pat[i], "pattern matched by earlier case"); leaf->act = pat[i]->match.block; leaf->cap = cap; leaf->ncap = ncap; } checkcomprehensive(t); return genmatch(t); }