shithub: mc

ref: b643d83516f55c8628759aa654669b6eeb4f18ca
dir: /bio.myr/

View raw version
use std

pkg bio =
	type mode = int
	const Biord	: mode = 1
	const Biowr	: mode = 2
	const Biorw	: mode = 1 | 2

	type biofile = struct
		/* backing fd */
		fd	: std.fd
		mode	: mode

		/* read buffer */
		rbuf	: byte[:]
		rstart	: std.size
		rend	: std.size

		/* write buffer */
		wbuf	: byte[:]
		wend	: std.size

	/* creation */
	const mkbiofile	: (fd : std.fd, mode : mode	-> biofile#)
	const open	: (path : byte[:], mode : mode	-> biofile#)
	const create	: (path : byte[:], mode : mode, perm : int	-> biofile#)
	const close	: (f : biofile# -> bool)

	/* basic i/o. Returns sub-buffer when applicable. */
	const write	: (f : biofile#, src : byte[:]	-> std.size)
	const read	: (f : biofile#, dst : byte[:]	-> byte[:])
	const flush	: (f : biofile# -> bool)

	/* single unit operations */
	const putb	: (f : biofile#, b : byte	-> std.size)
	const putc	: (f : biofile#, c : char	-> std.size)
	const getb	: (f : biofile# -> byte)
	const getc	: (f : biofile# -> char)

	/* typed binary reads */
	generic getbe	: (f : biofile# -> @a::(tctest,tcnum,tcint))
	generic getle	: (f : biofile# -> @a::(tctest,tcnum,tcint))

	/* peeking */
	const peekb	: (f : biofile# -> byte)
	const peekc	: (f : biofile# -> char)

	/* delimited read; returns freshly allocated buffer. */
	const readln	: (f : biofile#	-> byte[:])
	const readto	: (f : biofile#, delim : char	-> byte[:])
	const readtob	: (f : biofile#, delim : byte	-> byte[:])

	/* formatted i/o */
	const print	: (f : biofile#, fmt : byte[:], args : ... -> std.size)

const Bufsz = 16*1024 /* 16k */
const Small = 512

const mkbiofile = {fd, mode
	var f

	f = std.alloc()

	f.fd = fd
	f.mode = mode
	if mode & Biord
		f.rbuf = std.slalloc(Bufsz)
		f.rstart = 0
		f.rend = 0
	if mode & Biowr
		f.wbuf = std.slalloc(Bufsz)
		f.wend = 0
	-> f

const open = {path, mode 
	-> create(path, mode, 0o777)

const create = {path, mode, perm
	var openmode

	if mode == Biord
		openmode = std.Ordonly
	elif mode == Biowr
		openmode = std.Owronly
	elif mode == Biorw
		openmode = std.Ordwr
	openmode |= std.Ocreat

	-> mkbiofile(, openmode, perm castto(int64)), mode)

const close = {f
	if f.mode & Biord

	if f.mode & Biowr
	-> std.close(f.fd) == 0

const write = {f, src
	std.assert(f.mode & Biowr != 0, "File is not in write mode")
	Tack small writes onto the buffer end. Big ones
	flush the buffer and then go right to kernel.
	if src.len < (f.wbuf.len - f.wend)
		std.slcp(f.wbuf[f.wend:f.wend+src.len], src)
		f.wend += src.len
		-> src.len
		-> writebuf(f.fd, src)

const read = {f, dst
	var n
	var d
	var count

	std.assert(f.mode & Biord != 0, "File is not in read mode")
	 * small reads should try to fill, so we don't have to make a
	 * syscall for every read
	if dst.len < Small
		fill(f, f.rbuf.len - f.rend)
	/* Read as much as we can from the buffer */
	count = std.min(dst.len, f.rend - f.rstart)
	std.slcp(dst[:count], f.rbuf[f.rstart:f.rstart+count])
	f.rstart += count

	/* if we drained the buffer, reset it */
	if f.rstart == f.rend
		f.rstart = 0
		f.rend = 0

	/* Read the rest directly from the fd */
	d = dst[count:]
	while dst.len > 0
		n =, d)
		if n <= 0
			goto readdone
		count += n
		d = d[n:]
	-> dst[:count]

const flush = {f
	var ret

	ret = (writebuf(f.fd, f.wbuf[:f.wend]) == f.wend)
	f.wend = 0
	-> ret

const putb = {f, b
	ensurewrite(f, 1)
	f.wbuf[f.wend++] = b
	-> 1

const putc = {f, c
	var sz
	sz = std.charlen(c)
	ensurewrite(f, sz)
	std.encode(f.wbuf[f.wend:], c)
	f.wend += sz
	-> sz

const getb = {f
	if ensureread(f, 1)
		-> f.rbuf[f.rstart++]
	-> -1

const getc = {f
	var c

	if ensureread(f, std.Maxcharlen)
		c = std.decode(f.rbuf)
		f.rstart += std.charlen(c)
		-> c
	-> -1

generic getbe = {f -> @a::(tcnum,tcint,tctest)
	var ret
	var i

	ret = 0
	for i = 0; i < sizeof(@a); i++
		ret <<= 8
		ret |= (getb(f) castto(@a::(tcnum,tcint,tctest)))
	-> ret

generic getle = {f -> @a::(tcnum,tcint,tctest)
	var ret
	var i

	ret = 0
	for i = 0; i < sizeof(@a); i++
		ret = ret | ((getb(f) << 8*i) castto(@a::(tcnum,tcint,tctest)))
	-> ret

const peekb = {f
	ensureread(f, 1)
	-> f.rbuf[f.rstart]

const peekc = {f
	ensureread(f, std.Maxcharlen)
	-> std.decode(f.rbuf)

const readto = {f, c
	var buf : byte[4]
	var srch
	var ret : byte[:]
	var i

	srch = buf[:std.encode(buf[:], c)]
	if srch.len == 0
		-> [][:]

	ret = [][:]
	while true
		if !ensureread(f, srch.len)
			-> readappend(f, ret, f.rend - f.rstart)
		for i = f.rstart; i < f.rend; i++
			if f.rbuf[i] == srch[0] && std.sleq(f.rbuf[i + 1:i + srch.len - 1], srch[1:])
				-> readappend(f, ret, i - f.rstart)
		ret = readappend(f, ret, i - f.rstart)
	-> ret

const readtob = {f, b
	var ret
	var i

	ret = [][:]
	while true
		if !ensureread(f, 1)
			-> readappend(f, ret, f.rend - f.rstart)
		for i = f.rstart; i < f.rend; i++
			if f.rbuf[i] == b
				-> readappend(f, ret, f.rend - i)
		ret = readappend(f, ret, i - f.rstart)

const readln = {f
	-> readto(f, '\n')

appends n bytes from the read buffer onto the heap-allocated slice
const readappend = {f, buf, n
	var ret

	std.assert(f.rstart + n < f.rend, "Reading too much from buffer")
	ret = std.sljoin(ret, f.rbuf[f.rstart:f.rstart + n])
	f.rstart += n
	-> ret

/* makes sure we can bufferedly write at least n bytes */
const ensurewrite = {f, n
	std.assert(n < f.wbuf.len, "ensured write capacity > buffer size")
	if n > f.wbuf.len - f.wend

makes sure we have at least n bytes buffered. returns true if we succeed
in buffering n bytes, false if we fail.
const ensureread = {f, n
	var held
	var cap

	std.assert(n < f.rbuf.len, "ensured read capacity > buffer size")
	held = f.rend - f.rstart
	if n > held
		/* if we need to shift the slice down to the start, do it */
		cap = f.rbuf.len - f.rend
		if n > (cap + held)
			std.slcp(f.rbuf[:cap], f.rbuf[f.rstart:f.rend])
		-> fill(f, n) > n
		-> true

/* blats a buffer to an fd */
const writebuf = {fd, src
	var n
	var count

	count = 0
	while src.len
		n = std.write(fd, src)
		if n <= 0
			goto writedone
		count += n
		src = src[n:]
	-> count

Reads as many bytes as possible from the file into
the read buffer.
const fill = {f, n
	var n
	var count

	count = 0
	while count < n
		n =, f.rbuf[f.rend:])
		if n <= 0
			goto filldone
		count += n
		f.rend += n
	-> count