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                    The Myrddin Programming Language
                              Aug 2012
                            Ori Bernstein


        Myrddin is designed to be a simple, low level programming
        language.  It is designed to provide the programmer with
        predictable behavior and a transparent compilation model,
        while at the same time providing the benefits of strong
        type checking, generics, type inference, and similar.
        Myrddin is not a language designed to explore the forefront
        of type theory, or compiler technology. It is not a language
        that is focused on guaranteeing perfect safety. It's focus
        is on being a practical, small, fairly well defined, and
        easy to understand language for work that needs to be close
        to the hardware.

        Myrddin is a computer language influenced strongly by C
        and ML, with ideas from Rust, Go, C++, and numerous other
        sources and resources.


    The language is composed of several classes of token. There
    are comments, identifiers, keywords, punctuation, and whitespace.
    Comments, begin with "/*" and end with "*/". They may nest.

        /* this is a comment /* with another inside */ */

    Identifiers begin with any alphabetic character or underscore,
    and continue with any number of alphanumeric characters or
    underscores. Currently the compiler places a limit of 1024
    bytes on the length of the identifier.


    Keywords are a special class of identifier that is reserved
    by the language and given a special meaning. The set of
    keywords in Myrddin are as follows:

        castto          match
        const           pkg
        default         protect
        elif            sizeof
        else            struct
        export          trait
        extern          true
        false           type
        for             union
        generic         use
        goto            var
        if              while

    At the current stage of development, not all of these keywords
    are implemented within the language.[1]

    Literals are a direct representation of a data object within the
    source of the program. There are several literals implemented
    within the Myrddin language:

        Integers literals are a sequence of digits, beginning with a
        digit and possibly separated by underscores. They are of a
        generic type, and can be used where any numeric type is
        expected. They may be prefixed with "0x" to indicate that the
        following number is a hexadecimal value, or 0b to indicate a
        binary value. Decimal values are not prefixed, and octal values
        are not supported.

            eg: 0x123_fff, 0b1111, 1234

        Float literals are also a sequence of digits beginning with a
        digit and possibly separated by underscores. They are also of a
        generic type, and may be used whenever a floating point type is
        expected. Floating point literals are always in decimal, and
        as of this writing, exponential notation is not supported[2]

            eg: 123.456

        String literals represent a byte array describing a string in
        the compile time character set. Any byte values are allowed in
        a string literal. There are a number of escape sequences
            \n          newline
            \r          carriage return
            \t          tab
            \b          backspace
            \"          double quote
            \'          single quote
            \v          vertical tab
            \\          single slash
            \0          nul character
            \xDD        single byte value, where DD are two hex digits.
        String literals begin with a ", and continue to the next
        unescaped ".

            eg: "foo\"bar"

        Character literals represent a single codepoint in the character
        set. A character starts with a single quote, contains a single
        codepoint worth of text, encoded either as an escape sequence
        or in the input character set for the compiler (generally UTF8).

            eg: 'א', '\n', '\u1234'[3]

        Boolean literals are either the keyword "true" or the keyword

            eg: true, false

        Funciton literals describe a function. They begin with a '{',
        followed by a newline-terminated argument list, followed by a
        body and closing '}'. They will be described in more detail
        later in this manual.

            eg: {a : int, b
                    -> a + b
        Sequence literals describe either an array or a structure
        literal. They begin with a '[', followed by an initializer
        sequence and closing ']'. For array literals, the initializer
        sequence is either an indexed initializer sequence[4], or an
        unindexed initializer sequence. For struct literals, the
        initializer sequence is always a named initializer sequence.

        An unindexed initializer sequence is simply a comma separated
        list of values. An indexed initializer sequence contains a
        '#number=value' comma separated sequence, which indicates the
        index of the array into which the value is inserted. A named
        initializer sequence contains a comma separated list of
        '.name=value' pairs.

            eg: [1,2,3], [#2=3, #1=2, #0=1], [.a = 42, .b="str"]

        A tuple literal is a parentheses separated list of values.
        A single element tuple contains a trailing comma.

            eg: (1,), (1,'b',"three")


    Myrddin syntax will likely have a familiar-but-strange taste
    to many people. Many of the concepts and constructions will be
    similar to those present in C, but different.

    3.1: Declarations:

        A declaration consists of a declaration class (ie, one
        of 'const', 'var', or 'generic'), followed by a declaration
        name, optionally followed by a type and assignment. One thing
        you may note is that unlike most other languages, there is no
        special function declaration syntax. Instead, a function is
        declared like any other value: By assigning its name to a
        constant or variable.

            const:      Declares a constant value, which may not be
                        modified at run time. Constants must have
                        initializers defined.
            var:        Declares a variable value. This value may be
                        assigned to, copied from, and 
            generic:    Declares a specializable value. This value
                        has the same restricitions as a const, but
                        taking its address is not defined. The type
                        parameters for a generic must be explicitly
                        named in the declaration in order for their
                        substitution to be allowed.


            Declare a constant with a value 123. The type is not defined,
            and will be inferred.

                const x = 123
            Declares a variable with no value and no type defined. The 
            value can be assigned later (and must be assigned before use),
            and the type will be inferred.

                var y

            Declares a generic with type '@a', and assigns it the value
            'blah'. Every place that 'z' is used, it will be specialized,
            and the type parameter '@a' will be substituted.

                generic z : @a = blah

            Declares a function f with and without type inference. Both
            forms are equivalent. 'f' takes two parameters, both of type
            int, and returns their sum as an int

                const f = {a, b
                    var c : int = 42
                    -> a + b + c

                const f : (a : int, b : int -> int) = {a : int, b : int -> int
                    var c : int  = 42
                    -> a + b + c

    3.2: Data Types:

        The language defines a number of built in primitive types. These
        are not keywords, and in fact live in a separate namespace from
        the variable names. Yes, this does mean that you could, if you want,
        define a variable named 'int'.

        There are no implicit conversions within the language. All types
        must be explicitly cast if you want to convert, and the casts must
        be of compatible types, as will be described later.

            3.2.1. Primitive types:

                    bool            char
                    int8            uint8
                    int16           uint16
                    int32           uint32
                    int64           uint64
                    int             uint
                    long            ulong
                    float32         float64

                These types are as you would expect. 'void' represents a
                lack of type, although for the sake of genericity, you can
                assign between void, return void, and so on. This allows
                generics to not have to somehow work around void being a
                toxic type.

                bool is a boolean type, and can only be used for assignment
                and comparison. 

                char is a 32 bit integer type, and is guaranteed to be able
                to hold exactly one codepoint. It can be assigned integer
                literals, tested against, compared, and all the other usual
                numeric types.

                The various [u]intXX types hold, as expected, signed and
                unsigned integers of the named sizes respectively.
                Similarly, floats hold floating point types with the
                indicated precision.

                    var x : int         declare x as an int
                    var y : float32     declare y as a 32 bit float

            3.2.2. Composite types:

                    slice           array

                Pointers are, as expected, values that hold the address of
                the pointed to value. They are declared by appending a '*'
                to the type. Pointer arithmetic is not allowed. They are
                declared by appending a '*' to the base type

                Arrays are a group of N values, where N is part of the type.
                Arrays of different sizes are incompatible. Arrays in
                Myrddin, unlike many other languages, are passed by value.
                They are declared by appending a '[SIZE]' to the base type.

                Slices are similar to arrays in many contemporary languages.
                They are reference types that store the length of their
                contents. They are declared by appending a '[,]' to the base
                    foo*        type: pointer to foo
                    foo[123]    type: array of 123 foo
                    foo[,]      type: slice of foo

            3.2.3. Aggregate types:

                    tuple           struct

                Tuples are the traditional product type. They are declared
                by putting the comma separated list of types within square

                Structs are aggregations of types with named members. They
                are declared by putting the word 'struct' before a block of
                declaration cores (ie, declarations without the storage type

                Unions are the traditional sum type. They consist of a tag
                (a keyword prefixed with a '`' (backtick)) indicating their
                current contents, and a type to hold. They are declared by
                placing the keyword 'union' before a list of tag-type pairs.

                    [int, int, char]            a tuple of 2 ints and a char

                    struct                      a struct containing an int named
                        a : int                 'a', and a char named 'b'.
                        b : char                

                    union                       a union containing one of
                        `Thing int              int or char. The values are not
                        `Other float32          named, but they are tagged.

            3.2.4. Magic types:

                    tyvar           typaram

                A tyname is a named type, similar to a typedef in C, however
                it genuinely creates a new type, and not an alias. There are
                no implicit conversions, but a tyname will inherit all
                constraints of its underlying type.

                A typaram is a parametric type. It is used in generics as
                a placeholder for a type that will be substituted in later.
                It is an identifier prefixed with '@'. These are only valid
                within generic contexts, and may not appear elsewhere.

                A tyvar is an internal implementation detail that currently
                leaks out during type inference, and is a major cause of
                confusing error messages. It should not be in this manual,
                except that the current incarnation of the compiler will
                make you aware of it. It looks like '@$type', and is a
                variable that holds an incompletely inferred type.

                    type mine = int             creates a tyname named
                                                'mine', equivalent to int.

                    @foo                        creates a type parameter
                                                named '@foo'.

            3.2.5. Traits:

    3.3: Control Constructs:
    3.4: Packages and Uses:
    3.5: Expressions





[1] TODO: trait, default, protect,
[2] TODO: exponential notation.
[3] TODO: \uDDDD escape sequences not yet recognized
[4] TODO: currently the only sequence literal implemented is the
          unindexed one