ref: a832e3d49570feddfe89fc31f3c08f73126fa04e
dir: /lib/bio/test/bio-endianrd.myr/
use std use bio generic try = {opt : std.option(@a::(integral,numeric))-> @a::(integral,numeric) match opt | `std.Some val: -> val | `std.None: std.fatal("read failed") ;; } const main = { var b : byte var w : uint16 var l : uint32 var q : uint64 var f /* use the expected write data as read data */ match"data/bio-endianwr-expected", bio.Rd) | `std.Ok bio: f = bio | `std.Fail m: std.fatal("Unable to open data file: {}\n", m) ;; /* byte */ /* /* FIXME: compiler bug. multiplication on byte values is currently broken. */ b = 0xaa std.assert(try(bio.getle8(f)) == b, "le byte broken\n") std.assert(try(bio.getbe8(f)) == b, "be byte broken\n") */ /* word */ w = 0xaabb std.assert(try(bio.getle16(f)) == w, "le word broken\n") std.assert(try(bio.getbe16(f)) == w, "be word broken\n") /* long */ l = 0xaabbccdd std.assert(try(bio.getle32(f)) == l, "le long broken\n") std.assert(try(bio.getbe32(f)) == l, "be long broken\n") /* quad */ q = 0x11223344aabbccdd castto(uint64) std.assert(try(bio.getle64(f)) == q, "le quad broken\n") std.assert(try(bio.getbe64(f)) == q, "be quad broken\n") /* end of file */ match bio.getle64(f) | `std.None: | `std.Some v: std.die("read past end of file\n") v = q /* shut up type inference */ ;; bio.close(f); std.put("success: all reads matched\n") }