Ignore all *.{o,a,use}.
Correctly format zero floats.
Propagate dynamic linker flags when using libs
Use the first dot as the suffix.
Make sure that our output file exists.
Bio-delim was missing dependencies.
Enable and update the bio tests.
Ugh. Pushed from 2 places.
Let's not pollute /env with crud.
Initialize vars correctly in inifile tests.
Don't strip spaces from test output.
Fix minimized integer encoding.
Finish fixing rc test runner.
We have `mbld test`. Use it, and update runtest.rc to match.
Regenerate FreeBSD bootstrap.
Regenerate OpenBSD bootstrap.
Make the tests not depend on an installed libtestr.
Add start of general string escaping library.
Allow any type to be cast to its base type.
Add in support for dumping a summary of leaks.
Fix spork, remove sporkfd.
Fix 'bysection' iteration.
Create all directories with mkdirs.
Fix mismatch between documentation and mkpath.
Our ABI relies on zero %rbp to terminate the stack.
Use the libs from the current build.
Add bld.sub for support/ directory.
Add support for leak tracing.
Make spork read stderr too.
Add std.usleep() that uses std.time.
Rename `std.Fail to `std.Err.
nanosleep should use std.time.
Use an unsigned long long for ~0
Don't eliminate all record of prepainted liveness.
Fix handling of pointers in match.
Print the function name when debug dumping RA
Remove more duplicate extern defs.
Remove double declaration of cenvp.
Don't generate loops in trees.
Error if we duplicate struct members.
Fix a bit of undefined behavior.
Allow iterating over sections in a ini file.
make bsearch use unsigned indexes (#118)
Fix mmap offset on OpenBSD (see http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=146793252011083&w=2)
Revert "don't completely fuck up trait exports."
don't completely fuck up trait exports.
Regenerate FreeBSD bootstrap
Regenerate OpenBSD bootstrap.
Make some constants more private.
Split 'smart allocations' from byte allocs.
Make escaped strings a bit friendlier.
Don't double install formats.
Improve error messages for formatting issues.
Fix case insensitive hash, and add tests.
Don't accidentally duck type unions.
Make substest implementation match documentation.
Allow implementing traits from other namespaces.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'ac/htabsimp'
add htinit to allow embedded htabs
Show failure message in output.
Simplify reluctant match types.
Break out of a test when failing.
Return true/false from chomp.
Make the build work on linux dash
Add matching that returns indexes.