ref: 9df78d333d4fcc74754e16ddf06c2fba58c9858a
dir: /mbld/deps.myr/
use std use regex use bio use "config.use" use "opts.use" use "types.use" use "util.use" pkg bld = const myrdeps : (b : build#, mt : myrtarg#, islib : bool, isclean : bool, addsrc : bool, dg : depgraph# -> bool) /* a bit ugly: initialized from main() */ var usepat : regex.regex# ;; var usepat : regex.regex# type dep = union `Local byte[:] `Lib byte[:] ;; const myrdeps = {b, mt, islib, isclean, addsrc, dg var objs, uses, srcs, incs var out, useout, depstk var i dg.deps = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq) dg.libs = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq) dg.input = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq) dg.sources = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq) dg.updated = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq) dg.seen = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq) dg.done = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq) /* direct dependencies of binary */ if islib out = std.fmt("lib%s.a", useout = std.sldup( else out = std.sldup( useout = "" ;; srcs = mt.inputs incs = mt.incpath objs = swapall(srcs, config.Objsuffix) uses = swapall(srcs, ".use") for i = 0; i < srcs.len; i++ std.htput(dg.input, objs[i], srcs[i]) std.htput(dg.sources, srcs[i], true) pushdep(dg, srcs[i], objs[i]) if std.hassuffix(srcs[i], ".myr") std.htput(dg.input, uses[i], srcs[i]) pushdep(dg, srcs[i], uses[i]) ;; ;; for i = 0; i < srcs.len; i++ pushdep(dg, objs[i], out) if islib && std.hassuffix(srcs[i], ".myr") pushdep(dg, uses[i], useout) ;; ;; for i = 0; i < srcs.len; i++ depstk = [][:] srcdeps(b, dg, srcs[i], objs[i], uses[i], incs, &depstk, isclean, addsrc) std.slfree(depstk) ;; dumpgraph(dg) -> true } const swapall = {srcs, suff var sl sl = [][:] for s in srcs sl = std.slpush(sl, srcswapsuffix(s, suff)) ;; -> sl } const dumpgraph = {dg var keys if !opt_debug -> ;; keys = std.htkeys(dg.deps) std.put("digraph dg {\n") for k in keys for v in std.htgetv(dg.deps, k, ["WTFUNKNOWN!"][:]) std.put("\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n", k, v) ;; ;; std.put("}\n") } const srcdeps = {b, g, path, obj, usefile, incs, depstk, isclean, addsrc var deps if std.hthas(g.done, path) -> ;; depstk# = std.slpush(depstk#, path) if std.htgetv(g.seen, path, false) std.fput(1, "dependency loop involving %s:\n", path) for d in depstk# std.fput(1, "\t%s\n", d) ;; std.exit(1) ;; deps = getdeps(b, path) std.htput(g.seen, path, true) for d in deps match d | `Lib lib: /* If we're cleaning, we don't care about libraries; at best, this does nothing. At worst, this will cause failure if the library is a local library that gets cleand. */ if !isclean scrapelibs(g, lib, incs) ;; | `Local l: if !std.hassuffix(l, ".use") std.fatal(1, "local dependency \"%s\" of \"%s\" should end with .use\n", l, path) ;; if obj.len != 0 pushdep(g, l, obj) ;; if usefile.len != 0 pushdep(g, l, usefile) ;; addusedep(b, g, path, l, incs, depstk, isclean, addsrc) ;; ;; depstk# = std.slgrow(depstk#, depstk#.len - 1) std.htput(g.seen, path, false) std.htput(g.done, path, true) } const addusedep = {b, g, f, usefile, incs, depstk, isclean, addsrc var src if std.hthas(g.done, usefile) if opt_debug std.put("already loaded deps for %s\n", usefile) ;; -> ;; match std.htget(g.input, usefile) | `std.Some path: src = std.sldup(path) | `std.None: src = swapsuffix(usefile, ".use", ".myr") if addsrc std.htput(g.sources, src, true) elif !std.hthas(g.input, usefile) std.fatal(1, "%s: source file %s not listed in bldfile\n", f, src) ;; ;; pushdep(g, src, usefile) std.htput(g.input, usefile, src) srcdeps(b, g, src, "", usefile, incs, depstk, isclean, addsrc) std.htput(g.done, usefile, true) } const getdeps = {b, path var f var deps : dep[:] deps = [][:] if !std.fexists(path) match std.htget(b.gensrc, path) | `std.Some gt: run(gt.cmd) | `std.None: std.fatal(1, "no input file %s\n", path) ;; ;; match, bio.Rd) | `std.Some fd: f = fd | `std.None: std.fatal(1, "could not open %s\n", path) ;; while true match bio.readln(f) | `std.Some ln: deps = depname(deps, ln) std.slfree(ln) | `std.None: bio.close(f) -> deps ;; ;; } const scrapelibs = {dg, lib, incs var deps, d var f var done if std.hthas(dg.libs, lib) -> ;; deps = [][:] f = openlib(lib, incs) match bio.getc(f) | `std.Some 'U': /* nothing */ | `std.Some _: std.fatal(1, "library %s: corrupt or invalid usefile\n", lib) | `std.None: std.fatal(1, "library %s: could not read usefile\n", lib) ;; match bio.getbe32(f) | `std.Some 1: /* nothing: version matches. */ | `std.Some 0: std.fput(1, "library %s: warning: old usefile version\n", lib) | `std.Some _: std.fatal(1, "library %s: usefile version unknown\n", lib) | `std.None: std.fatal(1, "library %s: corrutpt or invalid usefile\n", lib) ;; std.slfree(rdstr(f)) done = false while !done match bio.getc(f) | `std.Some 'L': d = rdstr(f) deps = std.slpush(deps, d) | `std.Some _: done = true | `std.None: done = true ;; ;; bio.close(f) std.htput(dg.libs, lib, deps) for dep in deps scrapelibs(dg, dep, incs) ;; } const openlib = {lib, incs var path for p in incs path = std.pathjoin([p, lib][:]) match, bio.Rd) | `std.Some file: -> file | `std.None: /* nothing */ ;; ;; path = std.pathjoin([opt_instroot, "/lib/myr", lib][:]) match, bio.Rd) | `std.Some file: -> file | `std.None: /* nothing */ ;; std.fatal(1, "could not find library %s.\n", lib) } const depname = {deps, ln /* the regex pattern does some contortions to either grab an unquoted path and put it into uses[4], or a quoted path, and put it (minus the quotes) into uses[2] */ match regex.exec(usepat, ln) | `std.Some uses: if uses[2].len > 0 deps = std.slpush(deps, `Local std.sldup(uses[2])) else deps = std.slpush(deps, `Lib std.sldup(uses[4])) ;; | `std.None: /* nothing to do */ ;; -> deps } /* pushes a dep into the dependency list */ const pushdep = {dg, src, dst var sl if opt_debug std.put("%s <= %s\n", dst, src) ;; std.assert(dst.len < 200, "BUG!") sl = std.htgetv(dg.deps, dst, [][:]) sl = std.slpush(sl, src) std.htput(dg.deps, dst, sl) } const rdstr = {f var len var sl match bio.getbe32(f) | `std.Some l: len = l sl = std.slalloc(len) | `std.None: std.die("string length not readable") ;;, sl) -> sl }