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dir: /doc/api/libstd/slices.txt/

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        title:  Slice Manipulation
        description:  libstd: Slice Manipulation

Slice Manipulation

    pkg std =
            generic sleq	: (a : @a[:], b : @a[:] -> bool)
            generic slcp        : (dst : @a[:], src : @a[:] -> void)
            generic slput	: (sl : @a[:], idx : size, elt : @a	-> @a[:])
            generic slpush	: (sl : @a[:], elt : @a	-> @a[:])
            generic slpop	: (sl : @a[:] -> (@a, @a[:]))
            generic sldup       : (sl : @a[:] -> @a[:])
            generic slfill	: (sl : @a[:], v : @a	-> @a[:])
            generic sljoin	: (dst : @a[:]#, src : @a[:]	-> @a[:])


    generic sleq	: (a : @a[:], b : @a[:] -> bool)

Compares if two slices are equal, elementwise. Uses the '==' operator for
each value. Returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

    generic slcp    : (dst : @a[:], src : @a[:] -> void)

Copies all the elements from `src` to `dst`. The copy made is shallow,
and done using the `=` operator. The two slices must be equal size. If they
are not equal, this will cause the program to abort.

    generic slput	: (sl : @a[:], idx : size, elt : @a	-> @a[:])

Inserts a value `elt` into the slice `sl` at index `idx`, moving all values
from `sl[idx:len]` to `sl[idx+1:len+1]`. This assumes that the slice is either
empty, or is allocated on the heap using `slalloc`.

This may move the slice, invalidating the original input argument.

    generic slpush	: (sl : @a[:], elt : @a	-> @a[:])

Inserts a value `elt` into the slice `sl` at index the end of the slice.

This may move the slice, invalidating the original input argument.

    generic slpop	: (sl : @a[:] -> (@a, @a[:]))

Removes an element from the end of the slice, returning the element and the
new, truncated slice.

This may move the slice, invalidating the original input argument.

    generic sldup   : (sl : @a[:] -> @a[:])

Duplicates a slice. This function is equivalent to calling slalloc() followed
by slcp().

    generic slfill	: (sl : @a[:], v : @a	-> @a[:])

Fills a slice with a value.

    generic sljoin	: (dst : @a[:]#, src : @a[:]	-> @a[:])

Concatenates `src` onto the end of `dst#`. Equivalent to iterating through
every element of `src` and `slpush()`ing it onto `dst`.