ref: 959b473779673322fbef51385a1cf730e73c7aac
dir: /6/gengas.c/
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include "util.h" #include "parse.h" #include "mi.h" #include "asm.h" #include "../config.h" #define Tdindirect 0x80 static char * insnfmt[] = { #define Insn(val, gasfmt, p9fmt, use, def) gasfmt, #include "insns.def" #undef Insn }; static char * regnames[] = { #define Reg(r, gasname, p9name, mode) gasname, #include "regs.def" #undef Reg }; static char *modenames[] = { [ModeB] = "b", [ModeW] = "w", [ModeL] = "l", [ModeQ] = "q", [ModeF] = "s", [ModeD] = "d" }; static void locprint(FILE *fd, Loc *l, char spec); void printmem(FILE *fd, Loc *l, char spec) { if (l->type == Locmem) { if (l->mem.constdisp) fprintf(fd, "%ld", l->mem.constdisp); } else { if (l->mem.lbldisp) fprintf(fd, "%s", l->mem.lbldisp); } if (l->mem.base) { fprintf(fd, "("); locprint(fd, l->mem.base, 'r'); if (l->mem.idx) { fprintf(fd, ","); locprint(fd, l->mem.idx, 'r'); } if (l->mem.scale > 1) fprintf(fd, ",%d", l->mem.scale); if (l->mem.base) fprintf(fd, ")"); } else if (l->type != Locmeml) { die("Only locmeml can have unspecified base reg"); } } static void locprint(FILE *fd, Loc *l, char spec) { assert(l->mode); switch (l->type) { case Loclitl: assert(spec == 'i' || spec == 'x' || spec == 'u'); fprintf(fd, "$%s", l->lbl); break; case Loclbl: assert(spec == 'm' || spec == 'v' || spec == 'x'); fprintf(fd, "%s", l->lbl); break; case Locreg: assert((spec == 'r' && isintmode(l->mode)) || (spec == 'f' && isfloatmode(l->mode)) || spec == 'v' || spec == 'x' || spec == 'u'); if (l->reg.colour == Rnone) fprintf(fd, "%%P.%zd%s", l->, modenames[l->mode]); else fprintf(fd, "%s", regnames[l->reg.colour]); break; case Locmem: case Locmeml: assert(spec == 'm' || spec == 'v' || spec == 'x'); printmem(fd, l, spec); break; case Loclit: assert(spec == 'i' || spec == 'x' || spec == 'u'); fprintf(fd, "$%ld", l->lit); break; case Locnone: die("Bad location in locprint()"); break; } } static int issubreg(Loc *a, Loc *b) { return rclass(a) == rclass(b) && a->mode != b->mode; } void iprintf(FILE *fd, Insn *insn) { char *p; int i; int idx; /* x64 has a quirk; it has no movzlq because mov zero extends. Thi * means that we need to do a movl when we really want a movzlq. Since * we don't know the name of the reg to use, we need to sub it in when * writing... */ switch (insn->op) { case Imovzx: if (insn->args[0]->mode == ModeL && insn->args[1]->mode == ModeQ) { if (insn->args[1]->reg.colour) { insn->op = Imov; insn->args[1] = coreg(insn->args[1]->reg.colour, ModeL); } } /* moving a reg to itself is dumb. */ if (insn->args[0]->reg.colour == insn->args[1]->reg.colour) return; break; case Imovs: if (insn->args[0]->reg.colour == Rnone || insn->args[1]->reg.colour == Rnone) break; /* moving a reg to itself is dumb. */ if (insn->args[0]->reg.colour == insn->args[1]->reg.colour) return; break; case Imov: assert(!isfloatmode(insn->args[0]->mode)); if (insn->args[0]->type != Locreg || insn->args[1]->type != Locreg) break; if (insn->args[0]->reg.colour == Rnone || insn->args[1]->reg.colour == Rnone) break; /* if one reg is a subreg of another, we can just use the right * mode to move between them. */ if (issubreg(insn->args[0], insn->args[1])) insn->args[0] = coreg(insn->args[0]->reg.colour, insn->args[1]->mode); /* moving a reg to itself is dumb. */ if (insn->args[0]->reg.colour == insn->args[1]->reg.colour) return; break; default: break; } p = insnfmt[insn->op]; i = 0; for (; *p; p++) { if (*p != '%') { fputc(*p, fd); continue; } /* %-formating */ p++; idx = i; again : switch (*p) { case '\0': goto done; /* skip the final p++ */ case 'r': /* int register */ case 'f': /* float register */ case 'm': /* memory */ case 'i': /* imm */ case 'v': /* reg/mem */ case 'u': /* reg/imm */ case 'x': /* reg/mem/imm */ locprint(fd, insn->args[idx], *p); i++; break; case 't': fputs(modenames[insn->args[idx]->mode], fd); break; default: /* the asm description uses 1-based indexing, so that 0 * can be used as a sentinel. */ if (!isdigit(*p)) die("Invalid %%-specifier '%c'", *p); idx = strtol(p, &p, 10) - 1; goto again; break; } } done : return; } static void writebytes(FILE *fd, char *p, size_t sz) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { if (i % 60 == 0) fprintf(fd, "\t.ascii \""); if (p[i] == '"' || p[i] == '\\') fprintf(fd, "\\"); if (isprint(p[i])) fprintf(fd, "%c", p[i]); else fprintf(fd, "\\%03o", (uint8_t)p[i] & 0xff); /* line wrapping for readability */ if (i % 60 == 59 || i == sz - 1) fprintf(fd, "\"\n"); } } void genstrings(FILE *fd, Htab *strtab) { void **k; Str *s; size_t i, nk; k = htkeys(strtab, &nk); for (i = 0; i < nk; i++) { s = k[i]; fprintf(fd, "%s:\n", (char*)htget(strtab, k[i])); writebytes(fd, s->buf, s->len); } } static void writeasm(FILE *fd, Isel *s, Func *fn) { size_t i, j; switch (asmsyntax) { case Gnugaself: fprintf(fd, ".section .text.%s,\"ax\",@progbits\n", fn->name); fprintf(fd, ".type %s, @function\n", fn->name); break; case Gnugasmacho: fprintf(fd, ".section __TEXT,__text,regular\n"); break; default: die("unknown target"); break; } if (fn->isexport) fprintf(fd, ".globl %s\n", fn->name); fprintf(fd, "%s:\n", fn->name); for (j = 0; j < s->cfg->nbb; j++) { if (!s->bb[j]) continue; for (i = 0; i < s->bb[j]->nlbls; i++) fprintf(fd, "%s:\n", s->bb[j]->lbls[i]); for (i = 0; i < s->bb[j]->ni; i++) iprintf(fd, s->bb[j]->il[i]); } } static void encodemin(FILE *fd, uvlong val) { size_t i, shift; uint8_t b; if (val < 128) { fprintf(fd, "\t.byte %llu\n", val); return; } for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) if (val < 1ULL << (7*i)) break; shift = 8 - i; b = ~0ull << (shift + 1); b |= val & ~(~0ull << shift); fprintf(fd, "\t.byte %u\n", b); val >>= shift; while (val != 0) { fprintf(fd, "\t.byte %u\n", (uint)val & 0xff); val >>= 8; } } static void emitonce(FILE *fd, Blob *b) { if (asmsyntax == Gnugaself) { fprintf(fd, ".section .text.%s%s,\"aG\",%s%s,comdat\n", Symprefix, b->lbl, Symprefix, b->lbl); } else if (asmsyntax == Gnugasmacho) { if (b->isglobl) fprintf(fd, ".weak_def_can_be_hidden %s%s\n", Symprefix, b->lbl); } else { die("Unknown asm flavor"); } } static void writeblob(FILE *fd, Blob *b) { size_t i; if (!b) return; if (b->lbl) { if (b->iscomdat) emitonce(fd, b); if (b->isglobl) fprintf(fd, ".globl %s%s\n", Symprefix, b->lbl); fprintf(fd, "%s%s:\n", Symprefix, b->lbl); } switch (b->type) { case Btimin: encodemin(fd, b->ival); break; case Bti8: fprintf(fd, "\t.byte %llu\n", b->ival); break; case Bti16: fprintf(fd, "\t.short %llu\n", b->ival); break; case Bti32: fprintf(fd, "\t.long %llu\n", b->ival); break; case Bti64: fprintf(fd, "\t.quad %llu\n", b->ival); break; case Btbytes: writebytes(fd, b->bytes.buf, b->bytes.len); break; case Btpad: fprintf(fd, "\t.fill %llu,1,0\n", b->npad); break; case Btref: fprintf(fd, "\t.quad %s + %zd\n", b->ref.str, b->; break; case Btseq: for (i = 0; i < b->seq.nsub; i++) writeblob(fd, b->seq.sub[i]); break; } if (b->lbl && b->iscomdat) fprintf(fd, ".text\n"); } /* genfunc requires all nodes in 'nl' to map cleanly to operations that are * natively supported, as promised in the output of reduce(). No 64-bit * operations on x32, no structures, and so on. */ static void genfunc(FILE *fd, Func *fn, Htab *globls, Htab *strtab) { Isel is = {0,}; char cwd[1024]; resetregs(); getcwd(cwd, sizeof cwd); is.reglocs = mkht(varhash, vareq); = fn->name; is.stkoff = fn->stkoff; is.envoff = fn->envoff; is.globls = globls; is.ret = fn->ret; is.cfg = fn->cfg; is.cwd = strdup(cwd); if (fn->hasenv) is.envp = locreg(ModeQ); selfunc(&is, fn, globls, strtab); if (debugopt['i']) writeasm(stdout, &is, fn); writeasm(fd, &is, fn); } static void gentype(FILE *fd, Type *ty) { Blob *b; ty = tydedup(ty); if (ty->type == Tyvar || ty->isemitted) return; ty->isemitted = 1; b = tydescblob(ty); if (b->isglobl) b->iscomdat = 1; if (asmsyntax == Gnugaself) fprintf(fd, ".section .data.%s,\"aw\",@progbits\n", b->lbl); writeblob(fd, b); blobfree(b); } static void gentypes(FILE *fd) { Type *ty; size_t i; for (i = Ntypes; i < ntypes; i++) { if (!types[i]->isreflect) continue; ty = tydedup(types[i]); if (ty->isemitted || ty->isimport) continue; gentype(fd, ty); } fprintf(fd, "\n"); } void genblob(FILE *fd, Node *blob, Htab *globls, Htab *strtab) { char *lbl; Blob *b; /* lits and such also get wrapped in decls */ assert(blob->type == Ndecl); lbl = htget(globls, blob); if (blob->decl.vis != Visintern) fprintf(fd, ".globl %s\n", lbl); if (asmsyntax == Gnugaself) fprintf(fd, ".section .data.%s,\"aw\",@progbits\n", lbl); if (blob->decl.init) { fprintf(fd, ".align %zd\n", tyalign(decltype(blob))); fprintf(fd, "%s:\n", lbl); b = litblob(globls, strtab, blob->decl.init); writeblob(fd, b); blobfree(b); } else { fprintf(fd, ".comm %s,%zd,5\n", lbl, size(blob)); } } void gengas(Node *file, FILE *fd) { Htab *globls, *strtab; Node *n, **blob; Func **fn; char dir[1024], *path; size_t nfn, nblob; size_t i; /* ensure that all physical registers have a loc created before any * other locs, so that locmap[Physreg] maps to the Loc for the physreg * in question */ for (i = 0; i < Nreg; i++) locphysreg(i); fn = NULL; nfn = 0; blob = NULL; nblob = 0; globls = mkht(varhash, vareq); initconsts(globls); /* We need to define all global variables before use */ fillglobls(file->file.globls, globls); pushstab(file->file.globls); for (i = 0; i < file->file.nstmts; i++) { n = file->file.stmts[i]; switch (n->type) { case Nuse: /* nothing to do */ case Nimpl: break; case Ndecl: n = flattenfn(n); simpglobl(n, globls, &fn, &nfn, &blob, &nblob); break; default: die("Bad node %s in toplevel", nodestr[n->type]); break; } } popstab(); if (!getcwd(dir, sizeof dir)) die("could not get cwd: %s\n", strerror(errno)); for (i = 0; i < file->file.nfiles; i++) { path = file->file.files[i]; fprintf(fd, ".file %zd \"%s/%s\"\n", i + 1, dir, path); } strtab = mkht(strlithash, strliteq); fprintf(fd, ".data\n"); for (i = 0; i < nblob; i++) genblob(fd, blob[i], globls, strtab); fprintf(fd, "\n"); fprintf(fd, ".text\n"); for (i = 0; i < nfn; i++) genfunc(fd, fn[i], globls, strtab); gentypes(fd); fprintf(fd, "\n"); genstrings(fd, strtab); fprintf(fd, "\n"); fclose(fd); } void dbglocprint(FILE *fd, Loc *l, char spec) { locprint(fd, l, spec); } void dbgiprintf(FILE *fd, Insn *i) { iprintf(fd, i); }