ref: 95034f67da8b6e6dca03868002ea2c56bad49b7c
dir: /support/vim/indent/myr.vim/
" Vim Indentation file " Language: Myrddin " Maintainer: Ori Bernstein if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif function! Quoted(lnum, col) let stk = synstack(a:lnum, a:col) for id in stk let a = synIDattr(id, "name") if a == "myrComment" || a == "myrString" || a == "myrChar" return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction function! s:CountMatches(line, lnum, pats) let matches = 0 for p in a:pats let idx = 0 while idx >= 0 let idx = match(a:line, p, idx) if idx >= 0 let ic = Quoted(a:lnum, idx+1) if !ic let matches = matches + 1 endif let idx = idx + strlen(p) endif endwhile endfor return matches endfunction function! s:LineMatch(line, pats) for p in a:pats let pat = '^\s*'.p.'\s*$' if match(a:line, pat, 0) >= 0 return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction function! GetMyrIndent(ln) let ln = a:ln if ln == 1 let ind = 0 else let i = 1 let prevln = '' while prevln =~ '^\s*$' let prevln = getline(ln - i) let ind = indent(ln - i) let i = i + 1 endwhile let i = i - 1 let curln = getline(ln) let inpat = ['\<if\>', '\<elif\>', '\<else\>', \ '\<while\>','\<for\>', '\<match\>', \ '\<struct\>', '\<union\>', \ '{', '\[', '(', '^\s*|.*:', '=\s*$'] let outpat = ['}', ']', ')', ';;'] let outalone = ['\<else\>', '\<elif\>.*', ';;', '|.*', \ '].*', ').*', '}.*'] let width = &tabstop let n_in = s:CountMatches(prevln, ln - i, inpat) let n_out = s:CountMatches(prevln, ln - i, outpat) " indent escaped line endings if prevln =~ '\\\s*$' && getline(ln - i - 1) !~ '\\\s*$' let n_in = n_in + 1 endif " if we break the set of indented line endings, outdent if getline(ln - i - 1) =~ '\\\s*$' && getline(ln - i) !~ '\\\s*$' let n_out = n_out + 1 endif " we already outdented if we had an outalone if s:LineMatch(prevln, outalone) != 0 let n_out = 0 endif let n_out = n_out + s:LineMatch(curln, outalone) let change = 0 if n_in - n_out > 0 let change = 1 elseif n_in - n_out < 0 let change = -1 endif let ind = ind + change * &tabstop endif return ind endfunction setlocal indentkeys+=,;\|],=elif setlocal indentexpr=GetMyrIndent(v:lnum) let b:did_indent = 1