ref: 94448201527e0c47c2924219bf1a8d0c0c2406b7
dir: /lib/crypto/aes.myr/
/* * Translated to Myrddin by Ori Bernstein * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ use std pkg crypto = type aesctx = struct nrounds : uint32 skey : uint64[30] accum : byte[16] ;; const aeskeysched : (x : aesctx#, k : byte[:] -> void) const aesencrypt : (x : aesctx#, m : byte[:], c : byte[:] -> void) const aesdecrypt : (x : aesctx#, c : byte[:], m : byte[:] -> void) ;; const Rcon = [0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1B, 0x36] const aeskeysched = {x, key var skey : uint32[60] var q : uint64[8] var nk, nkf var tmp, j, k match key.len | 16: x.nrounds = 10 | 24: x.nrounds = 12 | 32: x.nrounds = 14 | _: std.die("invalid key size in aes") ;; nk = key.len >> 2 nkf = (x.nrounds + 1) << 2 for var i = 0; i < key.len; i += 4 skey[i>>2] = std.getle32(key[i:i+4]) ;; j = 0 k = 0 tmp = skey[(key.len >> 2) - 1]; for var i = nk; i < nkf; i++ if j == 0 tmp = (tmp << 24) | (tmp >> 8) tmp = subword(tmp) ^ Rcon[k] elif nk > 6 && j == 4 tmp = subword(tmp) ;; tmp ^= skey[i-nk] skey[i] = tmp j++ if j == nk j = 0 k++ ;; ;; j = 0 for var i = 0; i < nkf; i += 4 interleavein(&q[0], &q[4], skey[i:i+4]) q[1] = q[0] q[2] = q[0] q[3] = q[0] q[5] = q[4] q[6] = q[4] q[7] = q[4] ortho(q[:]) x.skey[j + 0] = \ (q[0] & 0x1111111111111111ul) \ | (q[1] & 0x2222222222222222ul) \ | (q[2] & 0x4444444444444444ul) \ | (q[3] & 0x8888888888888888ul) x.skey[j + 1] = \ (q[4] & 0x1111111111111111ul) \ | (q[5] & 0x2222222222222222ul) \ | (q[6] & 0x4444444444444444ul) \ | (q[7] & 0x8888888888888888ul) j += 2 ;; } const aesencrypt = {x, m, c var q : uint64[8] var w : uint32[4] var expkey : uint64[240] std.assert(m.len % 16 == 0, "mismatched block size in aesencrypt") std.assert(m.len == c.len, "ciphertext length does not match plaintext length") expand(expkey[:], x.nrounds, x.skey[:]) while m.len != 0 w[0] = std.getle32(m[0:4]) w[1] = std.getle32(m[4:8]) w[2] = std.getle32(m[8:12]) w[3] = std.getle32(m[12:16]) interleavein(&q[0], &q[4], w[:]) ortho(q[:]) encrypt64(x.nrounds, expkey[:], q[:]) ortho(q[:]) interleaveout(w[:], q[0], q[4]) std.putle32(c[0:4], w[0]) std.putle32(c[4:8], w[1]) std.putle32(c[8:12], w[2]) std.putle32(c[12:16], w[3]) m = m[16:] c = c[16:] ;; } const aesdecrypt = {x, c, m var q : uint64[8] var w : uint32[4] var expkey : uint64[240] std.assert(m.len % 16 == 0, "mismatched block size in aesencrypt") std.assert(m.len == c.len, "ciphertext length does not match plaintext length") expand(expkey[:], x.nrounds, x.skey[:]) while c.len != 0 w[0] = std.getle32(c[0:4]) w[1] = std.getle32(c[4:8]) w[2] = std.getle32(c[8:12]) w[3] = std.getle32(c[12:16]) interleavein(&q[0], &q[4], w[:]) ortho(q[:]) decrypt64(x.nrounds, expkey[:], q[:]) ortho(q[:]) interleaveout(w[:], q[0], q[4]) std.putle32(m[0:4], w[0]) std.putle32(m[4:8], w[1]) std.putle32(m[8:12], w[2]) std.putle32(m[12:16], w[3]) m = m[16:] c = c[16:] ;; } const expand = {expkey, nrounds, key var x0, x1, x2, x3 var u, v, n n = (nrounds + 1) * 2 u = 0 v = 0 while u < n x0 = x1 = x2 = x3 = key[u] x0 &= 0x1111111111111111ul x1 &= 0x2222222222222222ul x2 &= 0x4444444444444444ul x3 &= 0x8888888888888888ul x1 >>= 1 x2 >>= 2 x3 >>= 3 expkey[v + 0] = (x0 << 4) - x0 expkey[v + 1] = (x1 << 4) - x1 expkey[v + 2] = (x2 << 4) - x2 expkey[v + 3] = (x3 << 4) - x3 u++ v += 4 ;; } const encrypt64 = {nrounds, skey, q var i addroundkey(q, skey) for i = 1; i < nrounds; i++ sbox(q) shiftrows(q) mixcols(q) addroundkey(q, skey[i*8:i*8+8]) ;; sbox(q) shiftrows(q) addroundkey(q, skey[8*nrounds:8*nrounds + 8]) } const decrypt64 = {nrounds, skey, q var u addroundkey(q, skey[8*nrounds:8*nrounds + 8]) for u = nrounds - 1; u > 0; u-- invshiftrows(q) invsbox(q) addroundkey(q, skey[u*8:u*8+8]) invmixcols(q) ;; invshiftrows(q) invsbox(q) addroundkey(q, skey[0:8]) } const addroundkey = {q, sk q[0] ^= sk[0] q[1] ^= sk[1] q[2] ^= sk[2] q[3] ^= sk[3] q[4] ^= sk[4] q[5] ^= sk[5] q[6] ^= sk[6] q[7] ^= sk[7] } const shiftrows = {q var x for var i = 0; i < 8; i ++ x = q[i] q[i] = (x & 0x000000000000FFFFul) \ | ((x & 0x00000000FFF00000ul) >> 4) \ | ((x & 0x00000000000F0000ul) << 12) \ | ((x & 0x0000FF0000000000ul) >> 8) \ | ((x & 0x000000FF00000000ul) << 8) \ | ((x & 0xF000000000000000ul) >> 12) \ | ((x & 0x0FFF000000000000ul) << 4) ;; } const invshiftrows = {q var x for var i = 0; i < 8; i ++ x = q[i]; q[i] = (x & 0x000000000000FFFFul) \ | ((x & 0x000000000FFF0000ul) << 4) \ | ((x & 0x00000000F0000000ul) >> 12) \ | ((x & 0x000000FF00000000ul) << 8) \ | ((x & 0x0000FF0000000000ul) >> 8) \ | ((x & 0x000F000000000000ul) << 12) \ | ((x & 0xFFF0000000000000ul) >> 4) ;; } const mixcols = {q var q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 var r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7 q0 = q[0] q1 = q[1] q2 = q[2] q3 = q[3] q4 = q[4] q5 = q[5] q6 = q[6] q7 = q[7] r0 = (q0 >> 16) | (q0 << 48) r1 = (q1 >> 16) | (q1 << 48) r2 = (q2 >> 16) | (q2 << 48) r3 = (q3 >> 16) | (q3 << 48) r4 = (q4 >> 16) | (q4 << 48) r5 = (q5 >> 16) | (q5 << 48) r6 = (q6 >> 16) | (q6 << 48) r7 = (q7 >> 16) | (q7 << 48) q[0] = q7 ^ r7 ^ r0 ^ rotr32(q0 ^ r0) q[1] = q0 ^ r0 ^ q7 ^ r7 ^ r1 ^ rotr32(q1 ^ r1) q[2] = q1 ^ r1 ^ r2 ^ rotr32(q2 ^ r2) q[3] = q2 ^ r2 ^ q7 ^ r7 ^ r3 ^ rotr32(q3 ^ r3) q[4] = q3 ^ r3 ^ q7 ^ r7 ^ r4 ^ rotr32(q4 ^ r4) q[5] = q4 ^ r4 ^ r5 ^ rotr32(q5 ^ r5) q[6] = q5 ^ r5 ^ r6 ^ rotr32(q6 ^ r6) q[7] = q6 ^ r6 ^ r7 ^ rotr32(q7 ^ r7) } const invmixcols = {q var q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 var r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7 q0 = q[0] q1 = q[1] q2 = q[2] q3 = q[3] q4 = q[4] q5 = q[5] q6 = q[6] q7 = q[7] r0 = (q0 >> 16) | (q0 << 48) r1 = (q1 >> 16) | (q1 << 48) r2 = (q2 >> 16) | (q2 << 48) r3 = (q3 >> 16) | (q3 << 48) r4 = (q4 >> 16) | (q4 << 48) r5 = (q5 >> 16) | (q5 << 48) r6 = (q6 >> 16) | (q6 << 48) r7 = (q7 >> 16) | (q7 << 48) q[0] = q5 ^ q6 ^ q7 ^ r0 ^ r5 ^ r7 ^ rotr32(q0 ^ q5 ^ q6 ^ r0 ^ r5) q[1] = q0 ^ q5 ^ r0 ^ r1 ^ r5 ^ r6 ^ r7 ^ rotr32(q1 ^ q5 ^ q7 ^ r1 ^ r5 ^ r6) q[2] = q0 ^ q1 ^ q6 ^ r1 ^ r2 ^ r6 ^ r7 ^ rotr32(q0 ^ q2 ^ q6 ^ r2 ^ r6 ^ r7) q[3] = q0 ^ q1 ^ q2 ^ q5 ^ q6 ^ r0 ^ r2 ^ r3 ^ r5 ^ rotr32(q0 ^ q1 ^ q3 ^ q5 ^ q6 ^ q7 ^ r0 ^ r3 ^ r5 ^ r7) q[4] = q1 ^ q2 ^ q3 ^ q5 ^ r1 ^ r3 ^ r4 ^ r5 ^ r6 ^ r7 ^ rotr32(q1 ^ q2 ^ q4 ^ q5 ^ q7 ^ r1 ^ r4 ^ r5 ^ r6) q[5] = q2 ^ q3 ^ q4 ^ q6 ^ r2 ^ r4 ^ r5 ^ r6 ^ r7 ^ rotr32(q2 ^ q3 ^ q5 ^ q6 ^ r2 ^ r5 ^ r6 ^ r7) q[6] = q3 ^ q4 ^ q5 ^ q7 ^ r3 ^ r5 ^ r6 ^ r7 ^ rotr32(q3 ^ q4 ^ q6 ^ q7 ^ r3 ^ r6 ^ r7) q[7] = q4 ^ q5 ^ q6 ^ r4 ^ r6 ^ r7 ^ rotr32(q4 ^ q5 ^ q7 ^ r4 ^ r7) } /* * Interleave bytes for an AES input block. If input bytes are * denoted 0123456789ABCDEF, and have been decoded with little-endian * convention (w[0] contains 0123, with '3' being most significant * w[1] contains 4567, and so on), then output word q0 will be * set to 08192A3B (again little-endian convention) and q1 will * be set to 4C5D6E7F. */ const interleavein = {q0, q1, w var x0, x1, x2, x3 x0 = (w[0] : uint64) x1 = (w[1] : uint64) x2 = (w[2] : uint64) x3 = (w[3] : uint64) x0 |= (x0 << 16) x1 |= (x1 << 16) x2 |= (x2 << 16) x3 |= (x3 << 16) x0 &= 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFul x1 &= 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFul x2 &= 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFul x3 &= 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFul x0 |= (x0 << 8) x1 |= (x1 << 8) x2 |= (x2 << 8) x3 |= (x3 << 8) x0 &= 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFul x1 &= 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFul x2 &= 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFul x3 &= 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFul q0# = x0 | (x2 << 8) q1# = x1 | (x3 << 8) } /* invert interleavein */ const interleaveout = {w, q0, q1 var x0, x1, x2, x3 x0 = q0 & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFul x1 = q1 & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFul x2 = (q0 >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFul x3 = (q1 >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFul x0 |= (x0 >> 8) x1 |= (x1 >> 8) x2 |= (x2 >> 8) x3 |= (x3 >> 8) x0 &= 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFul x1 &= 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFul x2 &= 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFul x3 &= 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFul w[0] = (x0 : uint32) | (x0 >> 16 : uint32) w[1] = (x1 : uint32) | (x1 >> 16 : uint32) w[2] = (x2 : uint32) | (x2 >> 16 : uint32) w[3] = (x3 : uint32) | (x3 >> 16 : uint32) } /* * Perform bytewise orthogonalization of eight 64-bit words. Bytes * of q0..q7 are spread over all words: for a byte x that occurs * at rank i in q[j] (byte x uses bits 8*i to 8*i+7 in q[j]), the bit * of rank k in x (0 <= k <= 7) goes to q[k] at rank 8*i+j. * * This operation is an involution. */ const ortho = {q swap(Kl2, Kh2, 1, &q[0], &q[1]) swap(Kl2, Kh2, 1, &q[2], &q[3]) swap(Kl2, Kh2, 1, &q[4], &q[5]) swap(Kl2, Kh2, 1, &q[6], &q[7]) swap(Kl4, Kh4, 2, &q[0], &q[2]) swap(Kl4, Kh4, 2, &q[1], &q[3]) swap(Kl4, Kh4, 2, &q[4], &q[6]) swap(Kl4, Kh4, 2, &q[5], &q[7]) swap(Kl8, Kh8, 4, &q[0], &q[4]) swap(Kl8, Kh8, 4, &q[1], &q[5]) swap(Kl8, Kh8, 4, &q[2], &q[6]) swap(Kl8, Kh8, 4, &q[3], &q[7]) } const subword = {x var q : uint64[8] std.slfill(q[:], 0) q[0] = (x : uint64) ortho(q[:]) sbox(q[:]) ortho(q[:]) -> (q[0] : uint32) } const Kl2 = 0x5555555555555555 const Kh2 = 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA const Kl4 = 0x3333333333333333 const Kh4 = 0xCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC const Kl8 = 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F const Kh8 = 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0 const swap = {kl, kh, s, x, y var a, b a = x# b = y# x# = (a & kl) | ((b & kl) << s); \ y# = ((a & kh) >> s) | (b & kh); \ } const sbox = {q : uint64[:] /* * Translated from BearSSL * * This S-box implementation is a straightforward translation of * the circuit described by Boyar and Peralta in "A new * combinational logic minimization technique with applications * to cryptology" ( * * Note that variables x* (input) and s* (output) are numbered * in "reverse" order (x0 is the high bit, x7 is the low bit). */ var x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 var y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9 var y10, y11, y12, y13, y14, y15, y16, y17, y18, y19 var y20, y21 var z0, z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7, z8, z9 var z10, z11, z12, z13, z14, z15, z16, z17 var t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9 var t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19 var t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29 var t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39 var t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49 var t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57, t58, t59 var t60, t61, t62, t63, t64, t65, t66, t67 var s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7 x0 = q[7] x1 = q[6] x2 = q[5] x3 = q[4] x4 = q[3] x5 = q[2] x6 = q[1] x7 = q[0] /* * Top linear transformation. */ y14 = x3 ^ x5 y13 = x0 ^ x6 y9 = x0 ^ x3 y8 = x0 ^ x5 t0 = x1 ^ x2 y1 = t0 ^ x7 y4 = y1 ^ x3 y12 = y13 ^ y14 y2 = y1 ^ x0 y5 = y1 ^ x6 y3 = y5 ^ y8 t1 = x4 ^ y12 y15 = t1 ^ x5 y20 = t1 ^ x1 y6 = y15 ^ x7 y10 = y15 ^ t0 y11 = y20 ^ y9 y7 = x7 ^ y11 y17 = y10 ^ y11 y19 = y10 ^ y8 y16 = t0 ^ y11 y21 = y13 ^ y16 y18 = x0 ^ y16 /* * Non-linear section. */ t2 = y12 & y15 t3 = y3 & y6 t4 = t3 ^ t2 t5 = y4 & x7 t6 = t5 ^ t2 t7 = y13 & y16 t8 = y5 & y1 t9 = t8 ^ t7 t10 = y2 & y7 t11 = t10 ^ t7 t12 = y9 & y11 t13 = y14 & y17 t14 = t13 ^ t12 t15 = y8 & y10 t16 = t15 ^ t12 t17 = t4 ^ t14 t18 = t6 ^ t16 t19 = t9 ^ t14 t20 = t11 ^ t16 t21 = t17 ^ y20 t22 = t18 ^ y19 t23 = t19 ^ y21 t24 = t20 ^ y18 t25 = t21 ^ t22 t26 = t21 & t23 t27 = t24 ^ t26 t28 = t25 & t27 t29 = t28 ^ t22 t30 = t23 ^ t24 t31 = t22 ^ t26 t32 = t31 & t30 t33 = t32 ^ t24 t34 = t23 ^ t33 t35 = t27 ^ t33 t36 = t24 & t35 t37 = t36 ^ t34 t38 = t27 ^ t36 t39 = t29 & t38 t40 = t25 ^ t39 t41 = t40 ^ t37 t42 = t29 ^ t33 t43 = t29 ^ t40 t44 = t33 ^ t37 t45 = t42 ^ t41 z0 = t44 & y15 z1 = t37 & y6 z2 = t33 & x7 z3 = t43 & y16 z4 = t40 & y1 z5 = t29 & y7 z6 = t42 & y11 z7 = t45 & y17 z8 = t41 & y10 z9 = t44 & y12 z10 = t37 & y3 z11 = t33 & y4 z12 = t43 & y13 z13 = t40 & y5 z14 = t29 & y2 z15 = t42 & y9 z16 = t45 & y14 z17 = t41 & y8 /* * Bottom linear transformation. */ t46 = z15 ^ z16 t47 = z10 ^ z11 t48 = z5 ^ z13 t49 = z9 ^ z10 t50 = z2 ^ z12 t51 = z2 ^ z5 t52 = z7 ^ z8 t53 = z0 ^ z3 t54 = z6 ^ z7 t55 = z16 ^ z17 t56 = z12 ^ t48 t57 = t50 ^ t53 t58 = z4 ^ t46 t59 = z3 ^ t54 t60 = t46 ^ t57 t61 = z14 ^ t57 t62 = t52 ^ t58 t63 = t49 ^ t58 t64 = z4 ^ t59 t65 = t61 ^ t62 t66 = z1 ^ t63 s0 = t59 ^ t63 s6 = t56 ^ ~t62 s7 = t48 ^ ~t60 t67 = t64 ^ t65 s3 = t53 ^ t66 s4 = t51 ^ t66 s5 = t47 ^ t65 s1 = t64 ^ ~s3 s2 = t55 ^ ~t67 q[7] = s0 q[6] = s1 q[5] = s2 q[4] = s3 q[3] = s4 q[2] = s5 q[1] = s6 q[0] = s7 } const invsbox = {q var q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 q0 = ~q[0] q1 = ~q[1] q2 = q[2] q3 = q[3] q4 = q[4] q5 = ~q[5] q6 = ~q[6] q7 = q[7] q[7] = q1 ^ q4 ^ q6 q[6] = q0 ^ q3 ^ q5 q[5] = q7 ^ q2 ^ q4 q[4] = q6 ^ q1 ^ q3 q[3] = q5 ^ q0 ^ q2 q[2] = q4 ^ q7 ^ q1 q[1] = q3 ^ q6 ^ q0 q[0] = q2 ^ q5 ^ q7 sbox(q) q0 = ~q[0] q1 = ~q[1] q2 = q[2] q3 = q[3] q4 = q[4] q5 = ~q[5] q6 = ~q[6] q7 = q[7] q[7] = q1 ^ q4 ^ q6 q[6] = q0 ^ q3 ^ q5 q[5] = q7 ^ q2 ^ q4 q[4] = q6 ^ q1 ^ q3 q[3] = q5 ^ q0 ^ q2 q[2] = q4 ^ q7 ^ q1 q[1] = q3 ^ q6 ^ q0 q[0] = q2 ^ q5 ^ q7 } const rotr32 = {x -> (x << 32) | (x >> 32) }