ref: 930e65474d00875474af8b2a1ca3aaae9d46cace
dir: /lib/iter/perm.myr/
use std pkg iter = type permiter(@a) = struct cmp : (a : @a, b : @a -> std.order) seq : @a[:] first : bool ;; impl iterable permiter(@a) -> @a[:] generic byperm : (a : @a[:], cmp : (a : @a, b : @a -> std.order) -> permiter(@a)) ;; generic byperm = {a, cmp /* start off by backwards-sorting a */ std.sort(a, cmp) -> [.cmp = cmp, .seq = std.sort(a, cmp), .first = true] } /* Generates all permutations of a sequence in place, mutating the sequence passed in the iterator. */ impl iterable permiter(@a) -> @a[:] = __iternext__ = {itp, valp var j : std.size = seq.len - 1 var i : std.size = seq.len - 1 var seq : @a[:] = itp.seq valp# = itp.seq if itp.first itp.first = false -> true ;; /* To generate the next permutation, we need to increase the sequence by as little as possible. That means that we start by finding the longest monotonically decreasing trailing sequence. */ j = seq.len - 1 while true if j == 0 -> false ;; j-- match itp.cmp(seq[j], seq[j + 1]) | `std.Before: break | _: ;; ;; /* Find highest i s.t. seq[j] < seq[i]. This is the index that will maintain the order of the suffix, while increasing the value of the element in the 'pivot'. */ i = seq.len - 1 while true /* By the previous loop, we know that seq[j] < seg[j + 1], thus, in this loop, we always have j + 1 <= i, and the array accesses are always in bounds. */ match itp.cmp(seq[j], seq[i]) | `std.Before: break | _: i-- ;; ;; /* Then, swap seq[i] and seq[j] and reverse the sequence. Because the suffix was in decreasing order, reversing it means that our sequence is now in increasing order: ie, our most significant place has the smallest value. */ std.swap(&seq[i], &seq[j]) i = 1 while j + i < seq.len - i std.swap(&seq[j + i], &seq[seq.len - i]) i++ ;; -> true } __iterfin__ = {itp, valp } ;;