shithub: mc

ref: 8643ac098d6c0bb5b3a29d58141f5c29a65357cb
dir: /parse/stab.c/

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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "parse.h"

/* Allows us to look up types/traits by name nodes */
typedef struct Tydefn Tydefn;
typedef struct Traitdefn Traitdefn;
struct Tydefn {
    Srcloc loc;
    Node *name;
    Type *type;

struct Traitdefn {
    Srcloc loc;
    Node *name;
    Trait *trait;

#define Maxstabdepth 128
static Stab *stabstk[Maxstabdepth];
int stabstkoff;

/* scope management */
Stab *curstab()
    assert(stabstkoff > 0);
    return stabstk[stabstkoff - 1];

void pushstab(Stab *st)
    assert(stabstkoff < Maxstabdepth);
    stabstk[stabstkoff++] = st;

void popstab(void)
    assert(stabstkoff > 0);

/* name hashing: we want namespaced lookups to find the
 * name even if we haven't set the namespace up, since
 * we can update it after the fact. */
static ulong nsnamehash(void *n)
    return strhash(namestr(n));

static int nsnameeq(void *a, void *b)
    return a == b || !strcmp(namestr(a), namestr(b));

static ulong implhash(void *p)
    Node *n;
    ulong h;

    n = p;
    h = nsnamehash(n->impl.traitname);
    h *= tyhash(n->impl.type);
    return h;

static int impleq(void *pa, void *pb)
    Node *a, *b;

    a = pa;
    b = pb;
    if (nsnameeq(a->impl.traitname, b->impl.traitname))
        return tyeq(a->impl.type, b->impl.type);
    return 0;

Stab *mkstab()
    Stab *st;

    st = zalloc(sizeof(Stab));
    st->ns = mkht(strhash, streq);
    st->dcl = mkht(nsnamehash, nsnameeq);
    st->ty = mkht(nsnamehash, nsnameeq);
    st->tr = mkht(nsnamehash, nsnameeq);
    st->uc = mkht(nsnamehash, nsnameeq);
    st->impl = mkht(implhash, impleq);
    return st;

 * Searches for declarations from current
 * scope, and all enclosing scopes. Does
 * not resolve namespaces -- that is the job
 * of the caller of this function.
 * If a resoved name is not global, and is
 * not in the current scope, it is recorded
 * in the scope's closure.
Node *getdcl(Stab *st, Node *n)
    Node *s;
    Stab *orig;

    orig = st;
    do {
        s = htget(st->dcl, n);
        if (s) {
            /* record that this is in the closure of this scope */
            if (!st->closure)
                st->closure = mkht(nsnamehash, nsnameeq);
            if (st != orig && !n->decl.isglobl)
                htput(st->closure, s->, s);
            return s;
        st = st->super;
    } while (st);
    return NULL;

Type *gettype_l(Stab *st, Node *n)
    Tydefn *t;

    if ((t = htget(st->ty, n)))
        return t->type;
    return NULL;

Type *gettype(Stab *st, Node *n)
    Tydefn *t;

    do {
        if ((t = htget(st->ty, n)))
            return t->type;
        st = st->super;
    } while (st);
    return NULL;

int hastype(Stab *st, Node *n)
    do {
        if (hthas(st->ty, n))
            return 1;
        st = st->super;
    } while(st);
    return 0;

Ucon *getucon(Stab *st, Node *n)
    Ucon *uc;

    do {
        if ((uc = htget(st->uc, n)))
            return uc;
        st = st->super;
    } while (st);
    return NULL;

Trait *gettrait(Stab *st, Node *n)
    Traitdefn *c;

    do {
        if ((c = htget(st->tr, n)))
            return c->trait;
        st = st->super;
    } while (st);
    return NULL;

Stab *getns_str(Stab *st, char *name)
    Stab *s;

    do {
        if (streq(st->_name, name))
            return st;
        if ((s = htget(st->ns, name)))
            return s;
        st = st->super;
    } while (st);
    return NULL;

Stab *getns(Stab *st, Node *n)
    return getns_str(st, namestr(n));

static int mergedecl(Node *old, Node *new)
    Node *e, *g;

    if (old->decl.vis == Visexport && new->decl.vis != Visexport) {
        e = old;
        g = new;
    } else if (new->decl.vis == Visexport && old->decl.vis != Visexport) {
        e = new;
        g = old;
    } else {
        return 0;
    old->decl.vis = Visexport;

    if (e->decl.init && g->decl.init)
        fatal(e, "export %s double initialized on %s:%d", declname(e), fname(g->loc), lnum(g->loc));
    if (e->decl.isgeneric != g->decl.isgeneric)
        fatal(e, "export %s declared with different genericness on %s:%d", declname(e), fname(g->loc), lnum(g->loc));
    if (e->decl.isconst != g->decl.isconst)
        fatal(e, "export %s declared with different constness on %s:%d", declname(e), fname(g->loc), lnum(g->loc));
    if (e->decl.isconst != g->decl.isconst)
        fatal(e, "export %s declared with different externness on %s:%d", declname(e), fname(g->loc), lnum(g->loc));

    if (new->>name.ns)
        setns(old->, new->>name.ns);
    if (e->decl.type->type == Tyvar)
        e->decl.type = g->decl.type;
    else if (g->decl.type->type == Tyvar)
        g->decl.type = e->decl.type;

    if (!e->decl.init)
        e->decl.init = g->decl.init;
    else if (!g->decl.init)
        g->decl.init = e->decl.init;

    /* FIXME: check compatible typing */
    old->decl.ishidden = e->decl.ishidden || g->decl.ishidden;
    old->decl.isimport = e->decl.isimport || g->decl.isimport;
    old->decl.isnoret = e->decl.isnoret || g->decl.isnoret;
    old->decl.isexportinit = e->decl.isexportinit || g->decl.isexportinit;
    old->decl.isglobl = e->decl.isglobl || g->decl.isglobl;
    old->decl.ispkglocal = e->decl.ispkglocal || g->decl.ispkglocal;
    return 1;

void putdcl(Stab *st, Node *s)
    Node *old;

    old = htget(st->dcl, s->;
    if (!old)
        forcedcl(st, s);
    else if (!mergedecl(old, s))
        fatal(old, "%s already declared on %s:%d", namestr(s->, fname(s->loc), lnum(s->loc));

void forcedcl (Stab *st, Node *s) {
    if (st->_name)
        setns(s->, st->_name);
    htput(st->dcl, s->, s);
    assert(htget(st->dcl, s-> != NULL);

void updatetype(Stab *st, Node *n, Type *t)
    Tydefn *td;

    td = htget(st->ty, n);
    if (!td)
        die("No type %s to update", namestr(n));
    td->type = t;

int mergetype(Type *old, Type *new)
    if (old->vis == Visexport && new->vis != Visexport) {
        if (!old->sub && new->sub) {
            old->sub = new->sub;
            old->nsub = new->nsub;
            return 1;
    } else if (new->vis == Visexport && old->vis != Visexport) {
        if (!new->sub && old->sub) {
            new->sub = old->sub;
            new->nsub = old->nsub;
            return 1;
    return 0;

void puttype(Stab *st, Node *n, Type *t)
    Tydefn *td;
    Type *ty;

    if (st->_name)
        setns(n, st->_name);
    if (st->_name && t && t->type == Tyname)
        setns(t->name, st->_name);

    ty = gettype(st, n);
    if (!ty) {
        if (hastype(st, n)) {
            t->vis = Visexport;
            updatetype(st, n, t);
        } else {
            td = xalloc(sizeof(Tydefn));
            td->loc = n->loc;
            td->name = n;
            td->type = t;
            htput(st->ty, td->name, td);
    } else if (!mergetype(ty, t)) {
        fatal(n, "Type %s already declared on %s:%d", tystr(ty), fname(ty->loc), lnum(ty->loc));

void putucon(Stab *st, Ucon *uc)
    Ucon *old;

    old = getucon(st, uc->name);
    if (old)
        lfatal(old->loc, "`%s already defined on %s:%d", namestr(uc->name), fname(uc->loc), lnum(uc->loc));
    htput(st->uc, uc->name, uc);

static int mergetrait(Trait *old, Trait *new)
    if (old->isproto && !new->isproto)
        *old = *new;
    else if (new->isproto && !old->isproto)
        *new = *old;
        return 0;
    return 1;

void puttrait(Stab *st, Node *n, Trait *c)
    Traitdefn *td;
    Trait *t;
    Type *ty;

    t = gettrait(st, n);
    if (t && !mergetrait(t, c))
        fatal(n, "Trait %s already defined on %s:%d", namestr(n), fname(t->loc), lnum(t->loc));
    ty = gettype(st, n);
    if (ty)
        fatal(n, "Trait %s defined as a type on %s:%d", namestr(n), fname(ty->loc), lnum(ty->loc));
    td = xalloc(sizeof(Traitdefn));
    td->loc = n->loc;
    td->name = n;
    td->trait = c;
    htput(st->tr, td->name, td);

static int mergeimpl(Node *old, Node *new)
    if (old->impl.isproto && !new->impl.isproto)
        *old = *new;
    else if (new->impl.isproto && !old->impl.isproto)
        *new = *old;
        return 0;
    return 1;

void putimpl(Stab *st, Node *n)
    Node *impl;

    impl = getimpl(st, n);
    if (impl && !mergeimpl(impl, n))
        fatal(n, "Trait %s already implemented over %s at %s:%d",
              namestr(n->impl.traitname), tystr(n->impl.type),
              fname(n->loc), lnum(n->loc));
    if (st->_name)
        setns(n->impl.traitname, st->_name);
    htput(st->impl, n, n);

Node *getimpl(Stab *st, Node *n)
    Node *imp;
    do {
        if ((imp = htget(st->impl, n)))
            return imp;
        st = st->super;
    } while (st);
    return NULL;

void putns(Stab *st, Stab *scope)
    Stab *s;

    s = getns_str(st, scope->_name);
    if (s)
        lfatal(Zloc, "Namespace %s already defined", st->_name);
    htput(st->ns, scope->_name, scope);

 * Sets the namespace of a symbol table, and
 * changes the namespace of all contained symbols
 * to match it.
void updatens(Stab *st, char *name)
    void **k;
    size_t i, nk;
    Tydefn *td;

    if (st->_name)
        die("Stab %s already has namespace; Can't set to %s", st->_name, name);
    st->_name = strdup(name);
    k = htkeys(st->dcl, &nk);
    for (i = 0; i < nk; i++)
        setns(k[i], name);
    k = htkeys(st->ty, &nk);
    for (i = 0; i < nk; i++)
        setns(k[i], name);
    for (i = 0; i < nk; i++) {
        td = htget(st->ty, k[i]);
        if (td->type && td->type->type == Tyname)
            setns(td->type->name, name);
    k = htkeys(st->ns, &nk);
    for (i = 0; i < nk; i++)
        setns(k[i], name);