shithub: mc

ref: 7ef09f3db883c42d01e3b1d80f0d2da6ceff9913
dir: /lib/regex/interp.myr/

View raw version
use std

use "types"

pkg regex =
	/* regex execution */
	const exec	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> std.option(byte[:][:]))
	const search	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> std.option(byte[:][:]))

	/* regex execution returning indexes */
	const iexec	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> std.option((std.size, std.size)[:]))
	const isearch	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> std.option((std.size, std.size)[:]))

	/* substitution */
	const sub	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:], subst : byte[:][:] -> std.option(byte[:]))
	const sbsub	: (sb : std.strbuf#, re : regex#, str : byte[:], subst : byte[:][:] -> bool)
	const suball	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:], subst : byte[:][:] -> byte[:])
	const sbsuball	: (sb : std.strbuf#, re : regex#, str : byte[:], subst : byte[:][:] -> void)

	const matchfree	: (pat : byte[:][:] -> void)

/* Ugly: for performance. std.option() should be used instead when unions get faster. */
const Zthr = (0 : rethread#)

const exec = {re, str
	var thr, m

	thr = run(re, str, 0, true)
	m = getmatches(re, thr)
	-> m

const iexec = {re, str
	var thr, m

	thr = run(re, str, 0, true)
	m = getidxmatches(re, thr)
	-> m

const search = {re, str
	var thr
	var m

	m = `std.None
	for var i = 0; i < str.len; i++
		thr = run(re, str[i:], 0, false)
		m = getmatches(re, thr)
		match m
		| `std.Some _:	break
		| `std.None:	/* nothing */
	->  m

const isearch = {re, str
	var thr
	var m

	m = `std.None
	for var i = 0; i < str.len; i++
		thr = run(re, str[i:], 0, false)
		m = getidxmatches(re, thr)
		match m
		| `std.Some _:	break
		| `std.None:	/* nothing */
	->  m

const sub = {re, str, subst
	var sb

	sb = std.mksb()
	if !sbsub(sb, re, str, subst)
		-> `std.None
		-> `std.Some std.sbfin(sb)

const sbsub = {sb, re, str, subst
	var thr, m

	/* we always have m[0] as the full match */
	if re.nmatch != subst.len + 1
		-> false

	thr = run(re, str, 0, true)
	if thr == Zthr
		m = false
		m = dosubst(sb, re, thr, str, subst)
	-> m

const suball = {re, str, subst
	var sb

	sb = std.mksb()
	sbsuball(sb, re, str, subst)
	-> std.sbfin(sb)

const sbsuball = {sb, re, str, subst
	var thr, len, s, i

	/* we always have m[0] as the full match */
	if re.nmatch != subst.len + 1
		-> void

	i = 0
	while i < str.len
		thr = run(re, str[i:], 0, false)
		if thr == Zthr
			std.sbputb(sb, str[i])
			len = thr.mend[0]
			s = str[i:len + i]
			dosubst(sb, re, thr, s, subst)
			i += len

const dosubst = {sb, re, thr, str, subst
	var off

	off = 0
	for var i = 1; i < re.nmatch; i++
		if thr.mstart[i] != -1 && thr.mend[i] != -1
			std.sbputs(sb, str[off:thr.mstart[i]])
			std.sbputs(sb, subst[i - 1])
			off = thr.mend[i]
	std.sbputs(sb, str[off:])
	thrfree(re, thr)
	-> true

const cleanup = {re
	var thr, next

	for thr = re.runq; thr != Zthr; thr = next
		next =
		thrfree(re, thr)
	for thr = re.expired; thr != Zthr; thr = next
		next =
		thrfree(re, thr)
	re.runq = Zthr
	re.expired = Zthr
	re.nexttid = 0
	re.nthr = 0

const matchfree = {m

const getmatches = {re, thr
	var ret

	if thr == Zthr
		-> `std.None
	ret = std.slalloc(re.nmatch)
	for var i = 0; i < re.nmatch; i++
		if thr.mstart[i] != -1 && thr.mend[i] != -1
			ret[i] = re.str[thr.mstart[i]:thr.mend[i]]
			ret[i] = [][:]
	thrfree(re, thr)
	-> `std.Some ret

const getidxmatches = {re, thr
	var ret

	if thr == Zthr
		-> `std.None
	ret = std.slalloc(re.nmatch)
	for var i = 0; i < re.nmatch; i++
		if thr.mstart[i] != -1 && thr.mend[i] != -1
			ret[i] = (thr.mstart[i], thr.mend[i])
			ret[i] = (-1, -1)
	thrfree(re, thr)
	-> `std.Some ret

/* returns a matching thread, or Zthr if no threads matched */
const run = {re, str, idx, wholestr
	var bestmatch
	var consumed
	var states
	var thr
	var ip

	re.str = str
	re.strp = 0

	bestmatch = Zthr
	states = std.mkbs()
	re.runq = mkthread(re, 0)
	if re.debug
		/* The last run could have left things here, since we need this info after the run */
		for bs : re.traces
		re.traces = [][:]
		std.slpush(&re.traces, std.mkbs())
	re.runq.mstart = std.slalloc(re.nmatch)
	re.runq.mend = std.slalloc(re.nmatch)
	for var i = 0; i < re.nmatch; i++
		re.runq.mstart[i] = -1
		re.runq.mend[i] = -1
	while re.nthr > 0
		while re.runq != Zthr
			/* set up the next thread */
			thr = re.runq
			re.runq =

			trace(re, thr, "\nrunning tid={}, ip={}, s[{}]={}\n", \
				thr.tid, thr.ip, re.strp, std.decode(re.str[re.strp:]))
			ip = thr.ip
			consumed = step(re, thr, -1)
			while !consumed
				consumed = step(re, thr, ip)

			if std.bshas(states, thr.ip)
				die(re, thr, "there can be only one")

			if thr.dead
				thrfree(re, thr)
			elif thr.matched
				trace(re, thr, "new bestmatch\n")
				if bestmatch != Zthr
					thrfree(re, bestmatch)

				if re.strp == re.str.len
					bestmatch = thr
					goto done
				elif !wholestr
					bestmatch = thr
			elif !thr.matched
				std.bsput(states, thr.ip)
				if re.expired == Zthr
					re.expired = thr
				if re.expiredtail != Zthr = thr
				re.expiredtail = thr = Zthr

		trace(re, Zthr, "switch\n")
		re.runq = re.expired
		re.expired = Zthr
		re.expiredtail = Zthr
	-> bestmatch

 Steps forward one instruction. Returns true if a byte of input was
 consumed, false otherwise.
const step = {re, thr, curip
	var str
	var mstart
	var mend

	str = re.str
	match re.prog[thr.ip]
	/* Char matching. Consume exactly one byte from the string. */
	| `Ibyte b:
		trace(re, thr, "\t{}:\tByte {} ({})\n", thr.ip, b, (b : char))
		if !within(re, str)
			die(re, thr, "end of string")
		elif b != str[re.strp]
			die(re, thr, "not right char")
			hit(re, thr)
			trace(re, thr, "\t\tmatched {} with {}\n", b, str[re.strp])
	| `Irange (start, end):
		trace(re, thr, "\t{}:\tRange ({}, {}) /* {} - {} */\n", thr.ip, start, end, (start : char), (end : char))
		if !within(re, str) || start > str[re.strp] || end < str[re.strp]
			die(re, thr, "bad range")
			hit(re, thr)
	  Non-consuming. All of these return false, and expect step to be
	  called again until exactly one byte is consumed from the string.
	| `Ibol:
		trace(re, thr, "\t{}:\tBol\n", thr.ip)
		if re.strp == 0 || str[re.strp - 1] == ('\n' : byte)
			hit(re, thr)
			-> false
			die(re, thr, "not beginning of line")
	| `Ieol:
		trace(re, thr, "\t{}:\tEol\n", thr.ip)
		if re.strp == str.len || str[re.strp] == ('\n' : byte)
			hit(re, thr)
			-> false
			die(re, thr, "not end of line")
	/* check for word characters */
	| `Ibow:
		trace(re, thr, "\t{}:\tBow\n", thr.ip)
		if iswordchar(str[re.strp:]) && (re.strp == 0 || !iswordchar(prevchar(str, re.strp)))
			hit(re, thr)
			-> false
			die(re, thr, "not beginning of word")
	| `Ieow:
		trace(re, thr, "\t{}:\tEow\n", thr.ip)
		if re.strp == str.len && iswordchar(prevchar(str, re.strp))
			hit(re, thr)
			-> false
		elif re.strp > 0 && !iswordchar(str[re.strp:]) && iswordchar(prevchar(str, re.strp))
			hit(re, thr)
			-> false
			die(re, thr, "not end of word")
	| `Ilbra m:
		trace(re, thr, "\t{}:\tLbra {}\n", thr.ip, m)
		trace(re, thr, "\t\tmatch start = {}\n", re.strp)
		thr.mstart[m] = re.strp
		hit(re, thr)
		-> false
	| `Irbra m:
		trace(re, thr, "\t{}:\tRbra {}\n", thr.ip, m)
		thr.mend[m] = re.strp
		hit(re, thr)
		-> false
	| `Ifork (lip, rip):
		trace(re, thr, "\t{}:\tFork ({}, {})\n", thr.ip, lip, rip)
		mstart = std.sldup(thr.mstart)
		mend = std.sldup(thr.mend)
		hit(re, thr)
		fork(re, rip, curip, mstart, mend)
		if re.debug
			std.slpush(&re.traces, std.bsdup(re.traces[thr.tid]))
		thr.ip = lip
		-> false
	| `Ijmp ip:
		trace(re, thr, "\t{}:\tJmp {}\n", thr.ip, ip)
		hit(re, thr)
		thr.ip = ip
		-> false
	| `Imatch id:
		trace(re, thr, "\t{}:\tMatch\n", thr.ip)
		re.lastthr = thr.tid
		finish(re, thr)
		-> true
	-> true

const fork = {re, ip, curip, mstart, mend
	var thr

	if ip == curip /* loop detection */
		-> void
	thr = mkthread(re, ip) = re.runq
	thr.mstart = mstart
	thr.mend = mend
	re.runq = thr

const die = {re, thr, msg
 	  we can have die called on a thread
	  multiple times, eg, if it has a bad
	  range *and* end in a state that another
	  thread is in. We should only decrement
	  the number of threads for that once.
	trace(re, thr, "\t\tdie {}: {}\n", thr.tid, msg)
        if !thr.dead
	re.lastip = thr.ip
	re.lastthr = thr.tid
	thr.dead = true

const finish = {re, thr
	trace(re, thr, "finish {}\n", thr.tid)
	thr.matched = true

const mkthread = {re, ip
	var thr : rethread#

	thr = std.alloc() = Zthr

	thr.ip = ip
	thr.tid = re.nexttid++
	thr.dead = false
	thr.matched = false

	thr.mstart = [][:]
	thr.mend = [][:]


	-> thr

const thrfree = {re, thr
	trace(re, thr, "\t\tcleanup {}\n", thr.tid)

const within = {re, str 
	-> re.strp < str.len

const trace : (re : regex#, thr : rethread#, msg : byte[:], args : ... -> void) = {re, thr, msg, args
	var ap

	if re.trace && thr != Zthr
		ap = std.vastart(&args)
		std.putv(msg, &ap)
		std.put("\t{}\n", re.pat)
		for var i = 0; i < re.pcidx[thr.ip] - 1; i++
			std.put(" ")

const hit = {re, thr
        if re.debug
                std.bsput(re.traces[thr.tid], thr.ip)

/* must be called with i >= 1 */
const prevchar = {s, i
	std.assert(i != 0, "prevchar must be called with i >= 1\n")
	while i != 0 && s[i] >= 0x80
	-> s[i:]

const iswordchar = {s
	var c

	c = std.decode(s)
	-> std.isalpha(c) || std.isdigit(c) || c == '_'