ref: 6ea9b06b98aadfb089b71775deb5be03fec26e72
dir: /mbld/main.myr/
use std use regex use "build.use" use "clean.use" use "config.use" use "deps.use" use "install.use" use "opts.use" use "parse.use" use "test.use" use "types.use" use "util.use" use "syssel.use" const main = {args : byte[:][:] var b : var cleanfirst var dumponly var bintarg var targname var runsrc var tmp var cmd var tags cmd = std.optparse(args, &[ .argdesc = "[inputs...]", .opts = [ [.opt='c', .desc="clean before building"], [.opt='T', .desc="list all available targets"], [.opt='t', .arg="tag", .desc="build with specified systag"], [.opt='S', .desc="generate assembly when building"], [.opt='d', .desc="dump debugging information for mbld"], [.opt='I', .arg="inc", .desc="add 'inc' to your include path"], [.opt='R', .arg="runsrc", .desc="source to compile and run"], [.opt='B', .arg="base", .desc="install into 'base'"], [.opt='b', .arg="bin", .desc="compile binary named 'bin' from inputs"], [.opt='G', .arg="bin", .desc="compile and run binary 'bin' from inputs"], [.opt='l', .arg="lib", .desc="compile lib named 'lib' from inputs"], [.opt='r', .arg="rt", .desc="link against runtime 'rt' instead of default"], [.opt='C', .arg="mc", .desc="compile with 'mc' instead of the default compiler"], [.opt='M', .arg="mu", .desc="merge uses with 'mu' instead of the default muse"], ][:] ]) tags = [][:] runsrc = "" targname = "" dumponly = false cleanfirst = false bld.initopts() for opt in cmd.opts match opt | ('T', ""): dumponly = true | ('S', ""): bld.opt_genasm = true | ('c', ""): cleanfirst = true | ('I', arg): bld.opt_incpaths = std.slpush(bld.opt_incpaths, arg) | ('B', arg): bld.opt_instbase = arg | ('t', tag): tags = std.slpush(tags, tag) | ('R', arg): runsrc = arg | ('b', arg): targname = arg bintarg = true | ('l', arg): targname = arg bintarg = false | ('r', arg): if std.sleq(arg, "none") bld.opt_runtime = "" else bld.opt_runtime = arg ;; /* internal undocumented args; used by compiler suite for building with an uninstalled compiler. */ | ('d', arg): bld.opt_debug = true | ('C', arg): bld.opt_mc = arg | ('M', arg): bld.opt_muse = arg | _: std.die("unreachable\n") ;; ;; b = mkbuild(tags) if targname.len != 0 buildimm(b, targname, cmd.args, bintarg, cleanfirst) elif runsrc.len != 0 tmp = std.mktemppath("runmyr") buildimm(b, tmp, [runsrc][:], true, cleanfirst) runcmd(tmp, cmd.args) std.remove(tmp) elif dumponly findproj(b, "bld.proj") bld.load(b) for t in b.all std.put("{}\n", t) ;; else findproj(b, "bld.proj") bld.load(b) /*bld.configure()*/ /* default: buildall */ if cleanfirst bld.cleanall(b) ;; if cmd.args.len == 0 bld.buildall(b) else for c in cmd.args match c | "all": bld.buildall(b) | "gen": bld.genall(b) | "clean": bld.cleanall(b) | "install": bld.install(b) | "uninstall": bld.uninstall(b) | "test": bld.test(b) | target: bld.buildtarg(b, target) ;; ;; ;; ;; } const buildimm = {b, targ, inputs, bintarg, cleanfirst var mt : bld.myrtarg mt = [ .name=targ, .inputs=inputs, .runtime=bld.opt_runtime, .incpath=bld.opt_incpaths, .libdeps=[][:] ] if cleanfirst bld.cleanmyr(b, &mt) ;; if bintarg bld.buildbin(b, &mt, true) else bld.buildlib(b, &mt) ;; } const runcmd = {bin, args[bin][:], args)) } const mkbuild = {tags var b b = std.zalloc() b.targs = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq) b.gensrc = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq) b.built = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq) b.sysattrs = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq) bld.addsysattrs(b, tags) -> b } const findproj = {b, bldfile if !findbase(b, bldfile) || !std.chdir(b.basedir) std.fatal("could not find {}\n", bldfile) ;; bld.setdir(b, "") } const findbase = {b, file var p, bld, dir dir = std.getcwd() while !std.sleq(dir, "/") bld = std.pathcat(dir, file) if std.fexists(bld) std.put("project base {}:\n", dir) b.basedir = dir b.bldfile = bld -> true ;; p = std.pathcat(dir, "..") std.slfree(dir) dir = p ;; -> false }