ref: 68168e2f7b835bd63359c3d516b458ff687dba01
dir: /lib/crypto/ct.myr/
use std pkg crypto = /* These functions require unsigned inputs in order to work correctly */ generic not : (a : @t -> @t) :: integral,numeric @t generic eq : (a : @t, b : @t -> @t) :: integral,numeric @t generic ne : (a : @t, b : @t -> @t) :: integral,numeric @t generic gt : (a : @t, b : @t -> @t) :: integral,numeric @t generic lt : (a : @t, b : @t -> @t) :: integral,numeric @t generic ge : (a : @t, b : @t -> @t) :: integral,numeric @t generic le : (a : @t, b : @t -> @t) :: integral,numeric @t generic mux : (x : @t, a : @t, b : @t ->@t) :: integral,numeric @t generic min : (a : @t, b : @t -> @t) :: integral,numeric @t generic max : (a : @t, b : @t -> @t) :: integral,numeric @t const bufeq : (a : byte[:], b : byte[:] -> bool) ;; generic not = {a : @t :: integral,numeric @t -> a ^ 1 } generic eq = {a : @t, b : @t :: integral,numeric @t const nshift = 8*sizeof(@t) - 1 var q = a ^ b -> ((q | -q) >> nshift)^1 } generic gt = {a : @t, b : @t :: integral,numeric @t /* 3 cases: - both top bits unset => check if result is -ve (top bit set) - one top bit set: => one with top bit set is > - both top bits set: => subtract, check if result is -ve */ const nshift = 8*sizeof(@t) - 1 var z = (b - a) -> (z ^ ((a ^ b) & (a ^ z))) >> nshift; } generic ge = {a, b -> lt(a, b) ^ 1 } generic lt = {a, b const nshift = 8*sizeof(@t) - 1 var z = (a - b) -> (z ^ ((b ^ a) & (b ^ a))) >> nshift; } generic le = {a, b -> gt(a, b) ^ 1 } generic ne = {a, b const nshift = 8*sizeof(@t) - 1 var q = a ^ b -> (q | -q) >> nshift } generic mux = {c, a, b -> b ^ (-c & (a ^ b)) } generic min = {a, b var x x = lt(a, b) -> mux(x, a, b) } generic max = {a, b var x x = lt(a, b) -> mux(x, b, a) } const bufeq = {a, b var r, n r = 1 n = min(a.len, b.len) for var i = 0; i < n; i++ r = mux(r, eq(a[i], b[i]), r) ;; -> (r : bool) }