ref: 67595efd14972ad90214089671d8946b5ccdcc13
dir: /parse/type.c/
#include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "parse.h" typedef struct Typename Typename; struct Typename { Ty ty; char *name; }; Type **tytab = NULL; Type **types = NULL; size_t ntypes; Trait **traittab; size_t ntraittab; /* Built in type constraints */ static Trait *traits[Ntypes + 1][4]; Type *mktype(Srcloc loc, Ty ty) { Type *t; int i; /* the first 'n' types will be identity mapped: tytab[Tyint], eg, * will map to an instantitaion of Tyint. * * This is accomplished at program startup by calling mktype() on * each builtin type in order. As we do this, we put the type into * the table as ususal, which gives us an identity mapping. */ if (ty <= Tyvalist && ty < ntypes) return types[ty]; t = zalloc(sizeof(Type)); t->type = ty; t->tid = ntypes++; t->loc = loc; tytab = xrealloc(tytab, ntypes*sizeof(Type*)); tytab[t->tid] = NULL; types = xrealloc(types, ntypes*sizeof(Type*)); types[t->tid] = t; if (ty <= Tyvalist) /* the last builtin atomic type */ t->vis = Visbuiltin; for(i = 0; traits[ty][i]; i++) settrait(t, traits[ty][i]); return t; } /* * Shallowly duplicates a type, so we can frob * its internals later */ Type *tydup(Type *t) { Type *r; r = mktype(t->loc, t->type); r->resolved = 0; /* re-resolving doesn't hurt */ r->fixed = 0; /* re-resolving doesn't hurt */ r->traits = bsdup(t->traits); r->traitlist = memdup(t->traitlist, t->ntraitlist * sizeof(Node*)); r->ntraitlist = t->ntraitlist; r->arg = memdup(t->arg, t->narg * sizeof(Type*)); r->narg = t->narg; r->inst = memdup(t->arg, t->narg * sizeof(Type*)); r->ninst = t->ninst; r->sub = memdup(t->sub, t->nsub * sizeof(Type*)); r->nsub = t->nsub; r->nmemb = t->nmemb; switch (t->type) { case Tyname: r->name = t->name; break; case Tyunres: r->name = t->name; break; case Tyarray: r->asize = t->asize; break; case Typaram: r->pname = strdup(t->pname); break; case Tystruct: r->sdecls = memdup(t->sdecls, t->nmemb*sizeof(Node*)); break; case Tyunion: r->udecls = memdup(t->udecls, t->nmemb*sizeof(Node*)); break; default: break; } return r; } /* * Creates a Tyvar with the same * constrants as the 'like' type */ Type *mktylike(Srcloc loc, Ty like) { Type *t; int i; t = mktyvar(loc); for (i = 0; traits[like][i]; i++) settrait(t, traits[like][i]); return t; } /* steals memb, funcs */ Trait *mktrait(Srcloc loc, Node *name, Type *param, Node **memb, size_t nmemb, Node **funcs, size_t nfuncs, int isproto) { Trait *t; t = zalloc(sizeof(Trait)); t->uid = ntraittab++; t->loc = loc; if (t->uid < Ntraits) t->vis = Visbuiltin; t->vis = Visintern; t->name = name; t->param = param; t->memb = memb; t->nmemb = nmemb; t->funcs = funcs; t->nfuncs = nfuncs; t->isproto = isproto; traittab = xrealloc(traittab, ntraittab*sizeof(Trait*)); traittab[t->uid] = t; return t; } Type *mktyvar(Srcloc loc) { Type *t; t = mktype(loc, Tyvar); return t; } Type *mktyparam(Srcloc loc, char *name) { Type *t; t = mktype(loc, Typaram); t->pname = strdup(name); return t; } Type *mktyunres(Srcloc loc, Node *name, Type **arg, size_t narg) { Type *t; /* resolve it in the type inference stage */ t = mktype(loc, Tyunres); t->name = name; t->arg = arg; t->narg = narg; return t; } Type *mktyname(Srcloc loc, Node *name, Type **param, size_t nparam, Type *base) { Type *t; t = mktype(loc, Tyname); t->name = name; t->nsub = 1; t->traits = bsdup(base->traits); t->sub = xalloc(sizeof(Type*)); t->sub[0] = base; t->param = param; t->nparam = nparam; return t; } Type *mktyarray(Srcloc loc, Type *base, Node *sz) { Type *t; t = mktype(loc, Tyarray); t->nsub = 1; t->nmemb = 1; /* the size is a "member" */ t->sub = xalloc(sizeof(Type*)); t->sub[0] = base; t->asize = sz; return t; } Type *mktyslice(Srcloc loc, Type *base) { Type *t; t = mktype(loc, Tyslice); t->nsub = 1; t->sub = xalloc(sizeof(Type*)); t->sub[0] = base; return t; } Type *mktyidxhack(Srcloc loc, Type *base) { Type *t; t = mktype(loc, Tyvar); t->nsub = 1; t->sub = xalloc(sizeof(Type*)); t->sub[0] = base; return t; } Type *mktyptr(Srcloc loc, Type *base) { Type *t; t = mktype(loc, Typtr); t->nsub = 1; t->sub = xalloc(sizeof(Type*)); t->sub[0] = base; return t; } Type *mktytuple(Srcloc loc, Type **sub, size_t nsub) { Type *t; size_t i; t = mktype(loc, Tytuple); t->nsub = nsub; t->sub = xalloc(nsub*sizeof(Type)); for (i = 0; i < nsub; i++) t->sub[i] = sub[i]; return t; } Type *mktyfunc(Srcloc loc, Node **args, size_t nargs, Type *ret) { Type *t; size_t i; t = mktype(loc, Tyfunc); t->nsub = nargs + 1; t->sub = xalloc((1 + nargs)*sizeof(Type)); t->sub[0] = ret; for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) t->sub[i + 1] = nodetype(args[i]); return t; } Type *mktystruct(Srcloc loc, Node **decls, size_t ndecls) { Type *t; t = mktype(loc, Tystruct); t->nsub = 0; t->nmemb = ndecls; t->sdecls = memdup(decls, ndecls*sizeof(Node *)); return t; } Type *mktyunion(Srcloc loc, Ucon **decls, size_t ndecls) { Type *t; t = mktype(loc, Tyunion); t->nmemb = ndecls; t->udecls = decls; return t; } int istyunsigned(Type *t) { switch (tybase(t)->type) { case Tybyte: case Tyuint8: case Tyuint16: case Tyuint: case Tychar: case Tyuint32: case Tyuint64: case Tyulong: case Typtr: return 1; default: return 0; } } int istysigned(Type *t) { switch (tybase(t)->type) { case Tyint8: case Tyint16: case Tyint: case Tyint32: case Tyint64: case Tylong: return 1; default: return 0; } } int istyfloat(Type *t) { switch (tybase(t)->type) { case Tyflt32: case Tyflt64: return 1; default: return 0; } } int istyprimitive(Type *t) { return istysigned(t) || istyunsigned(t) || istyfloat(t); } int isgeneric(Type *t) { size_t i; if (t->type != Tyname && t->type != Tyunres) return 0; /* if we have no arguments passed in, and we have parameters we have a type of the form type t(@a,...) = ... */ if (!t->narg) return t->nparam > 0; else for (i = 0; i < t->narg; i++) if (hasparams(t->arg[i])) return 1; return 0; } /* * Checks if a type contains any type * parameers at all (ie, if it generic). */ int hasparamsrec(Type *t, Bitset *visited) { size_t i; switch (t->type) { case Typaram: return 1; case Tyname: case Tyunres: return isgeneric(t); case Tystruct: for (i = 0; i < t->nmemb; i++) if (hasparamsrec(t->sdecls[i]->decl.type, visited)) return 1; break; case Tyunion: for (i = 0; i < t->nmemb; i++) if (t->udecls[i]->etype && hasparamsrec(t->udecls[i]->etype, visited)) return 1; break; default: for (i = 0; i < t->nsub; i++) if (hasparams(t->sub[i])) return 1; break; } return 0; } int hasparams(Type *t) { Bitset *visited; int r; visited = mkbs(); r = hasparamsrec(t, visited); bsfree(visited); return r; } Type *tybase(Type *t) { assert(t != NULL); while (t->type == Tyname) t = t->sub[0]; return t; } static int namefmt(char *buf, size_t len, Node *n) { char *p; char *end; p = buf; end = p + len; if (n->name.ns) p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s.", n->name.ns); p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s", n->; return len - (end - p); } int settrait(Type *t, Trait *c) { if (!t->traits) t->traits = mkbs(); bsput(t->traits, c->uid); return 1; } int hastrait(Type *t, Trait *c) { return t->traits && bshas(t->traits, c->uid); } int traitfmt(char *buf, size_t len, Type *t) { size_t i; char *p; char *end; char *sep; if (!t->traits || !bscount(t->traits)) return 0; p = buf; end = p + len; p += snprintf(p, end - p, " :: "); sep = ""; for (i = 0; i < ntraittab; i++) { if (bshas(t->traits, i)) { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s%s", sep, namestr(traittab[i]->name)); sep = ","; } } return p - buf; } static int fmtstruct(char *buf, size_t len, Type *t) { size_t i; char *end, *p; char *name, *ty; p = buf; end = p + len; p += snprintf(p, end - p, "struct "); for (i = 0; i < t->nmemb; i++) { name = declname(t->sdecls[i]); ty = tystr(decltype(t->sdecls[i])); p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s:%s; ", name, ty); free(ty); } p += snprintf(p, end - p, ";;"); return p - buf; } static int fmtunion(char *buf, size_t len, Type *t) { size_t i; char *end, *p; char *name, *ty; p = buf; end = p + len; p += snprintf(p, end - p, "union "); for (i = 0; i < t->nmemb; i++) { name = namestr(t->udecls[i]->name); if (t->udecls[i]->etype) { ty = tystr(t->udecls[i]->etype); p += snprintf(p, end - p, "`%s %s; ", name, ty); free(ty); } else { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "`%s; ", name); } } p += snprintf(p, end - p, ";;"); return p - buf; } static int tybfmt(char *buf, size_t len, Type *t) { size_t i; char *p; char *end; char *sep; size_t narg; Type **arg; p = buf; end = p + len; sep = ""; if (!t) { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "tynil"); return len - (end - p); } switch (t->type) { case Tybad: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "BAD"); break; case Tyvoid: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "void"); break; case Tybool: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "bool"); break; case Tychar: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "char"); break; case Tyint8: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "int8"); break; case Tyint16: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "int16"); break; case Tyint: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "int"); break; case Tyint32: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "int32"); break; case Tyint64: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "int64"); break; case Tylong: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "long"); break; case Tybyte: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "byte"); break; case Tyuint8: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "uint8"); break; case Tyuint16: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "uint16"); break; case Tyuint: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "uint"); break; case Tyuint32: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "uint32"); break; case Tyuint64: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "uint64"); break; case Tyulong: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "ulong"); break; case Tyflt32: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "flt32"); break; case Tyflt64: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "flt64"); break; case Tyvalist: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "..."); break; case Typtr: p += tybfmt(p, end - p, t->sub[0]); p += snprintf(p, end - p, "#"); break; case Tyslice: p += tybfmt(p, end - p, t->sub[0]); p += snprintf(p, end - p, "[:]"); break; case Tyarray: p += tybfmt(p, end - p, t->sub[0]); p += snprintf(p, end - p, "[%llu]", t->asize->expr.args[0]->lit.intval); break; case Tyfunc: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "("); for (i = 1; i < t->nsub; i++) { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s", sep); p += tybfmt(p, end - p, t->sub[i]); sep = ", "; } p += snprintf(p, end - p, " -> "); p += tybfmt(p, end - p, t->sub[0]); p += snprintf(p, end - p, ")"); break; case Tytuple: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "("); for (i = 0; i < t->nsub; i++) { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s", sep); p += tybfmt(p, end - p, t->sub[i]); sep = ","; } p += snprintf(p, end - p, ")"); break; case Tyvar: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$%d", t->tid); if (t->nsub) { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "("); for (i = 0; i < t->nsub; i++) { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s", sep); p += tybfmt(p, end - p, t->sub[i]); sep = ", "; } p += snprintf(p, end - p, ")[]"); } break; case Typaram: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "@%s", t->pname); break; case Tyunres: p += namefmt(p, end - p, t->name); if (t->narg) { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "("); for (i = 0; i < t->narg; i++) { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s", sep); p += tybfmt(p, end - p, t->arg[i]); sep = ", "; } p += snprintf(p, end - p, ")"); } break; case Tyname: if (t->name->name.ns) p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s.", t->name->name.ns); p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s", namestr(t->name)); if (t->narg) { arg = t->arg; narg = t->narg; } else { arg = t->param; narg = t->nparam; } if (!narg) break; p += snprintf(p, end - p, "("); for (i = 0; i < narg; i++) { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s", sep); p += tybfmt(p, end - p, arg[i]); sep = ", "; } p += snprintf(p, end - p, ")"); break; case Tystruct: p += fmtstruct(p, end - p, t); break; case Tyunion: p += fmtunion(p, end - p, t); break; case Ntypes: die("Ntypes is not a type"); break; } /* we only show constraints on non-builtin typaram */ if (t->type == Tyvar || t->type == Typaram) p += traitfmt(p, end - p, t); return p - buf; } char *tyfmt(char *buf, size_t len, Type *t) { tybfmt(buf, len, t); return buf; } char *traitstr(Type *t) { char buf[1024]; traitfmt(buf, 1024, t); return strdup(buf); } char *tystr(Type *t) { char buf[1024]; tyfmt(buf, 1024, t); return strdup(buf); } ulong tyhash(void *ty) { size_t i; Type *t; ulong hash; t = (Type *)ty; switch (t->type) { /* Important: we want tyhash to be consistent cross-file, since it * is used in naming trait impls and such. * * We should find a better name. */ case Tyvar: hash = inthash(t->tid); break; case Typaram: hash = strhash(t->pname); break; case Tyunion: hash = inthash(t->type); break; case Tystruct: hash = inthash(t->type); break; case Tyname: hash = namehash(t->name); break; default: hash = inthash(t->type); break; } for (i = 0; i < t->narg; i++) hash ^= tyhash(t->arg[i]); return hash; } int tyeq(void *t1, void *t2) { Type *a, *b; size_t i; a = (Type *)t1; b = (Type *)t2; if (a == b) return 1; if (!a || !b) return 0; if (a->type != b->type) return 0; if (a->tid == b->tid) return 1; if (a->narg != b->narg) return 0; if (a->nsub != b->nsub) return 0; if (a->nmemb != b->nmemb) return 0; switch (a->type) { case Typaram: return streq(a->pname, b->pname); break; case Tyvar: if (a->tid != b->tid) return 0; break; case Tyunres: if (!nameeq(a->name, b->name)) return 0; case Tyunion: for (i = 0; i < a->nmemb; i++) { if (!nameeq(a->udecls[i]->name, b->udecls[i]->name)) return 0; if (!tyeq(a->udecls[i]->etype, b->udecls[i]->etype)) return 0; } break; case Tystruct: for (i = 0; i < a->nmemb; i++) { if (strcmp(declname(a->sdecls[i]), declname(b->sdecls[i])) != 0) return 0; if (!tyeq(decltype(a->sdecls[i]), decltype(b->sdecls[i]))) return 0; } break; case Tyname: if (!nameeq(a->name, b->name)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < a->narg; i++) if (!tyeq(a->arg[i], b->arg[i])) return 0; for (i = 0; i < a->nsub; i++) if (!tyeq(a->sub[i], b->sub[i])) return 0; break; case Tyarray: if (arraysz(a->asize) != arraysz(b->asize)) return 0; break; default: break; } for (i = 0; i < a->nsub; i++) if (!tyeq(a->sub[i], b->sub[i])) return 0; return 1; } size_t tyidfmt(char *buf, size_t sz, Type *ty) { size_t i; char *p, *end; p = buf; end = buf + sz; switch (ty->type) { case Ntypes: case Tybad: die("invalid type"); break; case Tyvar: die("tyvar has no idstr"); break; case Tyvoid: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "v"); break; case Tychar: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "c"); break; case Tybool: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "t"); break; case Tyint8: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "b"); break; case Tyint16: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "s"); break; case Tyint: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "i"); break; case Tyint32: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "w"); break; case Tyint64: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "q"); break; case Tylong: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "l"); break; case Tybyte: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "H"); break; case Tyuint8: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "B"); break; case Tyuint16: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "S"); break; case Tyuint: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "I"); break; case Tyuint32: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "W"); break; case Tyuint64: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "Q"); break; case Tyulong: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "L"); break; case Tyflt32: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "f"); break; case Tyflt64: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "d"); break; case Tyvalist: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "V"); break; case Typtr: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$p"); p += tyidfmt(p, end - p, ty->sub[0]); break; case Tyarray: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$a%lld", (vlong)arraysz(ty->asize)); p += tyidfmt(p, end - p, ty->sub[0]); break; case Tyslice: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$s"); p += tyidfmt(p, end - p, ty->sub[0]); break; case Tyfunc: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$f"); for (i = 0; i < ty->nsub; i++) { p += tyidfmt(p, end - p, ty->sub[i]); p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$"); } break; case Tytuple: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$e"); for (i = 0; i < ty->nsub; i++) { p += tyidfmt(p, end - p, ty->sub[i]); } p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$"); break; case Tystruct: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$t"); for (i = 0; i < ty->nmemb; i++) { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s.", declname(ty->sdecls[i])); p += tyidfmt(p, end - p, decltype(ty->sdecls[i])); p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$"); } break; case Tyunion: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$u"); for (i = 0; i < ty->nmemb; i++) { p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s$", namestr(ty->udecls[i]->name)); if (ty->udecls[i]->etype) p += tyidfmt(p, end - p, ty->udecls[i]->etype); p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$"); } break; case Typaram: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$r"); p += tyidfmt(p, end - p, ty->sub[0]); break; case Tyunres: case Tyname: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$n"); if (ty->name->name.ns) p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s", ty->name->name.ns); p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$%s", ty->name->; if (ty->arg) for (i = 0; i < ty->narg; i++) p += tyidfmt(p, end - p, ty->arg[i]); else if (ty->param) for (i = 0; i < ty->nparam; i++) p += tyidfmt(p, end - p, ty->param[i]); break; } return p - buf; } void tyinit(Stab *st) { int i; Type *ty; /* this must be done after all the types are created, otherwise we will * clobber the memoized bunch of types with the type params. */ #define Tc(c, n) \ mktrait(Zloc, mkname(Zloc, n), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0); #include "trait.def" #undef Tc /* char::(numeric,integral) */ traits[Tychar][0] = traittab[Tcnum]; traits[Tychar][1] = traittab[Tcint]; traits[Tybyte][0] = traittab[Tcnum]; traits[Tybyte][1] = traittab[Tcint]; /* <integer types>::(numeric,integral) */ for (i = Tyint8; i < Tyflt32; i++) { traits[i][0] = traittab[Tcnum]; traits[i][1] = traittab[Tcint]; } /* <floats>::(numeric,floating) */ traits[Tyflt32][0] = traittab[Tcnum]; traits[Tyflt32][1] = traittab[Tcfloat]; traits[Tyflt64][0] = traittab[Tcnum]; traits[Tyflt64][1] = traittab[Tcfloat]; /* @a*::(sliceable) */ traits[Typtr][0] = traittab[Tcslice]; /* @a[:]::(indexable,sliceable) */ traits[Tyslice][0] = traittab[Tcslice]; traits[Tyslice][1] = traittab[Tcidx]; /* @a[SZ]::(indexable,sliceable) */ traits[Tyarray][0] = traittab[Tcidx]; traits[Tyarray][1] = traittab[Tcslice]; /* Definining and registering the types has to go after we define the * constraints, otherwise they will have no constraints set on them. */ #define Ty(t, n) \ if (t != Ntypes) {\ ty = mktype(Zloc, t); \ if (n) { \ puttype(st, mkname(Zloc, n), ty); \ } \ } #include "types.def" #undef Ty }