Pass the basic tests. we still fail complex ones.
Fix decision trees for structs.
Remove reliance on sysselect for osx.
Make improved pattern matching work for unions.
Work towards better match statements.
Remove use of
Add case insensitive comparison functions.
Add case insensitive hash functions.
Fix the handling of '\r\n'.
Add support for some default attributes.
Prioritize asm over myr when building.
Some API tweaks to make things match the docs.
Update resolver to use union for resolve tags.
Don't install the benchmark programs
Merge updates of bootstrap scripts.
Regenerate bootstrap script.
Actually check the last error.
Regenerate bootstrap files for FreeBSD.
Regenerate bootstrap script.
We should use errno for errors, not int.
Fix up error handling for syswrap+posixy.myr
Drop buffer on flush error.
Actually return the error that occurred.
Make the interface for libbio expose errors.
Fix handling '\r\n' with libbio.
Delete leftover junk from importing libraries.
Make assert able to take format args.
Implement some asm optimized memcpy/memmove checks.
Propagate extra libraries through the system.
Allow redefinition of externs.
Update the C glue library detection.
Add 'strtok()' implementation to split on spaces.
Don't double-insert namespaces.
Fix up error formatting in libregex.
Add muse support for C linking on Linux.
Update indenting for mbld files.
Recognize current string interpolation syntax.
Fix FreeBSD port. Add missing files, and some ABI issues.
Update 9front bootstrap script.
Update Linux bootstrap script.
Add support for duplicating functions.
Add support for indenting labels in vim script.
Fix SSE instruction formats on Amd64
Remove spare argument from test.
Using absolute paths looks ugly :P
Implement casting functions to pointers.
Storing the visibility caused a regression.
Don't print an empty failure list.
Complain about missing trait impls.
Don't index directly off of %rax.
Collect test failures and show them.
Bump ABI version. Also, improve errors about it.
Make the closure test a bit more useful.
Add indirect call operator.
Separate out the concepts of code and func ptrs.
Create a new call node instead of mutating.
Factor out simplifying calls.
Remove regex test dependency on installed libs.
Make things that should be global global.
Fix up constant initialization a bit.
Unhide declarations if needed.
Capture environment for closures on creation.
Refer to captured vars through env ptr
Make global imports actually global.
Error out correctly with closures.
Put the closure at the function level.
Capture and dump function environments in parse.
Descend into complex structures to print them.
Include necessary library deps in benchmarks.
Don't try to benchmark the benchmark program.
Start moving benchmark runner code to Myrddin.
Add a function to skip whitespace in bio.myr
Add a bootstrap script for FreeBSD`
Catch a few more edge cases.
Fix floating point formatting.
Store function args into the right place.
Update Plan 9 myrddin build.
rand.myr depends on now.myr; regen build.
Update bootstrap for Linux.
Print which usefile got the ABI version mismatch.
Don't use installed libstd for bld.sub